1 | ---
2 | title: Button
3 | storybookPath: forms-buttons-button--default
4 | isExperimentalPackage: true
5 | ---
6 |
7 | Buttons are clickable elements that are used to trigger actions. They
8 | communicate calls to action to the user and allow users to interact with pages
9 | in a variety of ways. Button labels express what action will occur when the user
10 | interacts with it.
11 |
12 | ## Tone
13 |
14 | Button tones can be broken up into two types; decorative and semantic.
15 |
16 | For destructive actions like “delete” you should use the semantic `tone` of
17 | `critical`.
18 |
19 | For buttons that have no semantic action type (more common on marketing pages)
20 | use one of our decorative `tones`.
21 |
22 | Defaults to `primary`.
23 |
24 | ```jsx live
25 | <Stack gap="large">
26 | <Text weight="semibold">Decorative tones</Text>
27 | <Inline gap="small">
28 | <Button tone="primary">Primary</Button>
29 | <Button tone="secondary">Secondary</Button>
30 | </Inline>
31 | <Divider />
32 | <Text weight="semibold">Semantic tones</Text>
33 | <Inline gap="small">
34 | <Button tone="neutral">Neutral</Button>
35 | <Button tone="positive">Positive</Button>
36 | <Button tone="critical">Critical</Button>
37 | </Inline>
38 | </Stack>
39 | ```
40 |
41 | ## Prominence
42 |
43 | The appearance of the button can be customised with the prominence prop. Valid
44 | options are: `low` and `high`.
45 |
46 | Defaults to `high`.
47 |
48 | ```jsx live
49 | const baseButtonTones = [
50 | { label: 'Primary', tone: 'primary' },
51 | { label: 'Secondary', tone: 'secondary' },
52 | { label: 'Neutral', tone: 'neutral' },
53 | { label: 'Positive', tone: 'positive' },
54 | { label: 'Critical', tone: 'critical' },
55 | ];
56 |
57 | const extraButtonTones = [
58 | { label: 'Caution', tone: 'caution' },
59 | { label: 'Informative', tone: 'info' },
60 | ];
61 |
62 | return (
63 | <Stack gap="large" dividers>
64 | <Stack gap="large">
65 | <Text weight="semibold">High prominence</Text>
66 | <Inline gap="small">
67 | {baseButtonTones.map(({ label, tone }) => (
68 | <Button key={label} tone={tone} prominence="high">
69 | <LightBulbIcon />
70 | {label}
71 | </Button>
72 | ))}
73 | </Inline>
74 | </Stack>
75 | <Stack gap="large">
76 | <Text weight="semibold">Low prominence</Text>
77 | <Inline gap="small">
78 | {baseButtonTones.concat(extraButtonTones).map(({ label, tone }) => (
79 | <Button key={label} tone={tone} prominence="low">
80 | <LightBulbIcon />
81 | {label}
82 | </Button>
83 | ))}
84 | </Inline>
85 | </Stack>
86 | <Stack gap="large">
87 | <Text weight="semibold">None prominence</Text>
88 | <Inline gap="small">
89 | {baseButtonTones.concat(extraButtonTones).map(({ label, tone }) => (
90 | <Button key={label} tone={tone} prominence="none">
91 | <LightBulbIcon />
92 | {label}
93 | </Button>
94 | ))}
95 | </Inline>
96 | </Stack>
97 | </Stack>
98 | );
99 | ```
100 |
101 | ## Size
102 |
103 | Button's are available in two size: `medium` and `large`.
104 |
105 | Defaults to `medium`.
106 |
107 | ```jsx live
108 | <Inline gap="small">
109 | <Button size="medium">Medium</Button>
110 | <Button size="large">Large</Button>
111 | </Inline>
112 | ```
113 |
114 | ## Icons
115 |
116 | Icons can be placed next to labels to both clarify an action and call attention
117 | to a button.
118 |
119 | ```jsx live
120 | <Inline gap="small">
121 | <Button>
122 | <DownloadIcon />
123 | Download
124 | </Button>
125 | <Button tone="critical">
126 | <TrashIcon />
127 | Delete
128 | </Button>
129 | </Inline>
130 | ```
131 |
132 | ### Icon only
133 |
134 | When using buttons that contain only an icon, you must provide a `label` for
135 | users of assistive technology.
136 |
137 | ```jsx live
138 | <Inline gap="small">
139 | <Button label="Download PDF">
140 | <DownloadIcon />
141 | </Button>
142 | <Button tone="critical" label="Delete item">
143 | <TrashIcon />
144 | </Button>
145 | <Button tone="neutral" label="Dismiss">
146 | <XIcon size="xxsmall" />
147 | </Button>
148 | </Inline>
149 | ```
150 |
151 | ## Loading
152 |
153 | Buttons have an optional `loading` prop to indicate that an action is in
154 | progress. When this is true a spinner will be displayed.
155 |
156 | Note: buttons will not be interative when `loading` is true.
157 |
158 | ```jsx live
159 | const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(false);
160 | const toggle = event => setLoading(event.target.checked);
161 |
162 | return (
163 | <Stack gap="large">
164 | <Checkbox size="medium" checked={loading} onChange={toggle}>
165 | <Text>Toggle loading state</Text>
166 | </Checkbox>
167 | <Inline gap="large">
168 | <Button label="Download" loading={loading}>
169 | <DownloadIcon />
170 | </Button>
171 | <Button loading={loading}>
172 | <DownloadIcon />
173 | Download
174 | </Button>
175 | </Inline>
176 | <Inline gap="large">
177 | <Button label="Download" size="large" loading={loading}>
178 | <DownloadIcon />
179 | </Button>
180 | <Button size="large" loading={loading}>
181 | <DownloadIcon />
182 | Download
183 | </Button>
184 | </Inline>
185 | </Stack>
186 | );
187 | ```
188 |
189 | ## ButtonLink
190 |
191 | The appearance of a button, with the semantics of a link — shares `Button` API,
192 | with the exception of `href` vs `onClick` props.
193 |
194 | ```jsx live
195 | <Text>
196 | <ButtonLink href="#">Visually a link, with button semantics</ButtonLink>
197 | </Text>
198 | ```
199 |
200 | ## BaseButton
201 |
202 | Unstyled button primitive that:
203 |
204 | - Forwards the button ref
205 | - Provides a default type of `button` (so it doesn't accidently submit forms if
206 | left off)
207 | - Prevents `onClick` from firing when disabled without disabling the button
208 | - Forces focus of the underlying button when clicked (to address a bug in
209 | Safari)
210 |
211 | ## Button Props
212 |
213 | <PropsTable displayName="Button" />
214 |
215 | ## Button Link Props
216 |
217 | <PropsTable displayName="ButtonLink" />