1 | ---
2 | title: Checkbox
3 | storybookPath: forms-checkbox--default
4 | isExperimentalPackage: false
5 | ---
6 |
7 | Checkboxes are used to toggle between checked and unchecked states — usually in
8 | a form. If only one option from a list is allowed to be enable, consider using a
9 | `RadioButton` instead.
10 |
11 | ## Examples
12 |
13 | ### Controlled
14 |
15 | Checkboxes can be both controlled and uncontrolled. To control a checkbox
16 | provide the `checked` state with a value you control, as well as an `onChange`
17 | function to set the new value when the checkbox is toggled.
18 |
19 | ```jsx live
20 | const [checked, setChecked] = React.useState(false);
21 |
22 | return (
23 | <Stack gap="large">
24 | <Checkbox
25 | checked={checked}
26 | onChange={event => setChecked(event.target.checked)}
27 | >
28 | <Text>{checked ? 'Hide' : 'Show'} message</Text>
29 | </Checkbox>
30 | {checked && <Text>Toggle the checkbox to hide this message</Text>}
31 | </Stack>
32 | );
33 | ```
34 |
35 | ### Size
36 |
37 | Checkboxes are available in two sizes: `small` and `medium`.
38 |
39 | ```jsx live
40 | <Stack gap="large">
41 | <Fieldset legend="Checkbox variations (small)" gap="large">
42 | <Checkbox size="small" checked={false}>
43 | Unchecked
44 | </Checkbox>
45 | <Checkbox size="small" checked>
46 | Checked
47 | </Checkbox>
48 | <Checkbox size="small" disabled>
49 | Disabled
50 | </Checkbox>
51 | <Checkbox size="small" checked disabled>
52 | Checked + disabled
53 | </Checkbox>
54 | </Fieldset>
55 | <Divider />
56 | <Fieldset legend="Checkbox variations (medium)" gap="large">
57 | <Checkbox size="medium" checked={false}>
58 | Unchecked
59 | </Checkbox>
60 | <Checkbox size="medium" checked>
61 | Checked
62 | </Checkbox>
63 | <Checkbox size="medium" disabled>
64 | Disabled
65 | </Checkbox>
66 | <Checkbox size="medium" checked disabled>
67 | Checked + disabled
68 | </Checkbox>
69 | </Fieldset>
70 | </Stack>
71 | ```
72 |
73 | ### Message and tone
74 |
75 | The `message` is used to communicate the status of a field, such as an error
76 | message. This will be announced on focus and can be combined with a `tone` to
77 | illustrate intent. The supported tones are: `critical`, `positive` and
78 | `neutral`.
79 |
80 | ```jsx live
81 | <Fieldset legend="Message and tone" gap="large">
82 | <Checkbox message="Critical message" tone="critical">
83 | Critical
84 | </Checkbox>
85 | <Checkbox message="Positive message" tone="positive">
86 | Positive
87 | </Checkbox>
88 | <Checkbox message="Neutral message" tone="neutral">
89 | Neutral
90 | </Checkbox>
91 | </Fieldset>
92 | ```
93 |
94 | ## Props
95 |
96 | ### Checkbox
97 |
98 | <PropsTable displayName="Checkbox" />
99 |
100 | The `Checkbox` component also extends `InputHTMLAttributes` props and are not
101 | listed here.
102 |
103 | ### CheckboxPrimitive
104 |
105 | <PropsTable displayName="CheckboxPrimitive" />
106 |
107 | The `CheckboxPrimitive` component also extends `InputHTMLAttributes` props and
108 | are not listed here.
109 |
110 | [data-attribute-map]:
111 | https://github.com/brighte-labs/spark-web/blob/e7f6f4285b4cfd876312cc89fbdd094039aa239a/packages/utils/src/internal/buildDataAttributes.ts#L1