1 | ---
2 | title: Drop Zone
3 | isExperimentalPackage: true
4 | ---
5 |
6 | The `Dropzone` component lets users upload files by clicking on, or dragging and
7 | dropping onto the "drop zone". It can also be be triggered by clicking on the
8 | label.
9 |
10 | ## Usage
11 |
12 | ### Field
13 |
14 | Each `Dropzone` must be accompanied by a [`Field`](/package/field) with a label.
15 | Effective form labeling helps inform users which selection to make.
16 |
17 | ## Examples
18 |
19 | ### Accept
20 |
21 | By providing an `accept` prop, we can make the `Dropzone` only accept certain
22 | file types.
23 |
24 | The value must be an object with a common MIME type as keys and an array of file
25 | extensions as values (similar to
26 | [showOpenFilePicker's](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window/showOpenFilePicker)
27 | types accept option).
28 |
29 | ```jsx live
30 | <Stack gap="large">
31 | <Field label="Upload image" description="Accepts common image file formats">
32 | <Dropzone accept={{ 'image/*': ['.png', '.jpg'] }} />
33 | </Field>
34 | <Field label="Upload PDF" description="Only accepts PDF files">
35 | <Dropzone accept={{ 'application/pdf': '.pdf' }} />
36 | </Field>
37 | </Stack>
38 | ```
39 |
40 | ### Show Image Thumbnails
41 |
42 | By default, once a file as been added to the Dropzone, a document icon will
43 | displayed next to the file name in the list below. If you have uploaded an
44 | image, you can use the `showImageThumbnails` to show an image preview instead.
45 |
46 | ```jsx live
47 | <Field label="Upload image" description="Drop an image here to see a preview">
48 | <Dropzone accept={{ 'image/*': ['.png', '.jpg'] }} showImageThumbnails />
49 | </Field>
50 | ```
51 |
52 | ## Props
53 |
54 | <PropsTable displayName="Dropzone" />