1 | ---
2 | title: Float Input
3 | storybookPath: forms-float-input--default
4 | isExperimentalPackage: true
5 | ---
6 |
7 | Float input provides a way for inputting float values.
8 |
9 | ## Usage
10 |
11 | ### Field
12 |
13 | The component must be nested within a [`Field`](/package/field). See
14 | [`Field`](/package/field) for more details.
15 |
16 | ## Examples
17 |
18 | ### Controlled
19 |
20 | A `FloatInput` can be either controlled or uncontrolled. To control a
21 | `FloatInput` provide a `value`, as well as an `onChange` function to set the new
22 | value when the select is updated.
23 |
24 | ```jsx live
25 | const [value, setValue] = React.useState(1000000.101);
26 |
27 | return (
28 | <Stack gap="large">
29 | <Field label="Example controlled">
30 | <FloatInput value={value} onChange={v => setValue(v)} />
31 | </Field>
32 | <Text>The current value is: {value}</Text>
33 | </Stack>
34 | );
35 | ```
36 |
37 | #### Validation
38 |
39 | The provided controlled value can be of type string or number. Valid numbers are
40 | represented as numbers and everything else as a string. This allows for easy
41 | passing of floats to other system, whilst also giving a way to check for invalid
42 | string values and provide an appropriate validation error.
43 |
44 | ```jsx live
45 | const [value, setValue] = React.useState('Hi there');
46 |
47 | const isInvalid = typeof value === 'string';
48 |
49 | return (
50 | <Stack gap="large">
51 | <Field
52 | label="Example controlled validation"
53 | tone={isInvalid && 'critical'}
54 | message={isInvalid && 'Please provide a valid float input'}
55 | >
56 | <FloatInput value={value} onChange={v => setValue(v)} />
57 | </Field>
58 | <Text>The current value is: {value}</Text>
59 | <Text>The value type is: {typeof value}</Text>
60 | </Stack>
61 | );
62 | ```
63 |
64 | ### Uncontrolled
65 |
66 | A `FloatInput` can also be uncontrolled, managing it's own internal state. To
67 | access the value, instead of writing an onChange handler, you would use a ref to
68 | get form values from the DOM.
69 |
70 | ```jsx live
71 | const inputRef = React.useRef(null);
72 | const [value, setValue] = React.useState('');
73 | const showValueHandler = React.useCallback(() => {
74 | setValue(inputRef.current?.value);
75 | }, [setValue]);
76 |
77 | return (
78 | <Stack gap="large">
79 | <Field label="Example uncontrolled">
80 | <FloatInput ref={inputRef} />
81 | </Field>
82 | <Button onClick={showValueHandler}>Show input value</Button>
83 | <Text>The input value is: {value}</Text>
84 | </Stack>
85 | );
86 | ```
87 |
88 | ### Format fraction digits
89 |
90 | You can also set to what fraction digit you want the displayed value in the
91 | `FloatInput` to be.
92 |
93 | ```jsx live
94 | const [value, setValue] = React.useState(10000.101);
95 |
96 | return (
97 | <Stack gap="large">
98 | <Field label="Example format fraction digits">
99 | <FloatInput
100 | fractionDigits={2}
101 | value={value}
102 | onChange={v => setValue(v)}
103 | />
104 | </Field>
105 | <Text>The current value is: {value}</Text>
106 | </Stack>
107 | );
108 | ```
109 |
110 | ### Input Adornments
111 |
112 | Similar to [TextInput](/package/text-input/), you can also add adornments to the
113 | `FloatInput` component (at the start or end).
114 |
115 | ```jsx live
116 | const [value, setValue] = React.useState(10000.101);
117 |
118 | return (
119 | <Stack gap="large">
120 | <Field label="Example format fraction digits">
121 | <FloatInput fractionDigits={2} value={value} onChange={v => setValue(v)}>
122 | <InputAdornment placement="end">
123 | <Text>kW</Text>
124 | </InputAdornment>
125 | </FloatInput>
126 | </Field>
127 | <Text>The current value is: {value}</Text>
128 | </Stack>
129 | );
130 | ```
131 |
132 | ## Props
133 |
134 | <PropsTable displayName="FloatInput" />
135 |
136 | Additional props also include [`TextInput`](/package/text-input) props which are
137 | not listed here.
138 |
139 | [adornment-children]:
140 | https://github.com/brighte-labs/spark-web/blob/d4da46200f2d6e5e9291d3c650eaaff7e53f411b/packages/text-input/src/childrenToAdornments.tsx#L12