1 | import _objectSpread from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectSpread2';
2 | import _objectWithoutProperties from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties';
3 | import { TextInput } from '@spark-web/text-input';
4 | import { useState, useCallback, forwardRef } from 'react';
5 | import _slicedToArray from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray';
6 | import numeral from 'numeral';
7 | import { jsx } from 'react/jsx-runtime';
8 |
9 |
10 | var isValid = function isValid(text) {
11 | var valid = /^\s*\$?-?[\d,]+(\.\d+)?\s*$/;
12 | return valid.test(text) && !isNaN(parse(text));
13 | };
14 |
15 |
16 | var normalise = function normalise(text) {
17 | return text.trim().replace(/^\$/, '').replace(/,/g, '');
18 | };
19 |
20 |
21 | var parse = function parse(text) {
22 | return parseFloat(normalise(text));
23 | };
24 |
25 |
26 | var padLeadingDecimal = function padLeadingDecimal(text) {
27 | if (text.startsWith('.')) {
28 | return "0".concat(text);
29 | } else if (text.startsWith('-.')) {
30 | return "-0".concat(text.substring(1));
31 | }
32 | return text;
33 | };
34 |
35 |
36 | var useFormat = function useFormat(fractionDigits) {
37 | return useCallback(function (val) {
38 | if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
39 | return '';
40 | }
41 | if (typeof val === 'string' && !isValid(val)) {
42 | return val;
43 | }
44 | var pattern = fractionDigits ? "0,0.".concat('0'.repeat(fractionDigits)) : '0,0.[00000000]';
45 | return numeral(val).format(pattern);
46 | }, [fractionDigits]);
47 | };
48 | var useFloatInput = function useFloatInput(_ref) {
49 | var fractionDigits = _ref.fractionDigits,
50 | consumerBlur = _ref.onBlur,
51 | consumerFocus = _ref.onFocus,
52 | controlledOnChange = _ref.onChange,
53 | controlledValue = _ref.value;
54 | if (Number.isNaN(controlledValue)) {
55 | throw new Error('NaN cannot be provided to numeric inputs.');
56 | }
57 | var format = useFormat(fractionDigits);
58 | var isControlled = controlledValue !== undefined && controlledOnChange !== undefined;
59 | var _useState = useState(function () {
60 | return format(controlledValue);
61 | }),
62 | _useState2 = _slicedToArray(_useState, 2),
63 | internalValue = _useState2[0],
64 | setInternalValue = _useState2[1];
65 | var uncontrolledHandlers = {
66 | onChange: useCallback(function (e) {
67 | var paddedText = padLeadingDecimal(e.currentTarget.value);
68 | setInternalValue(normalise(paddedText));
69 | }, []),
70 | onBlur: useFocusHandler(consumerBlur, function () {
71 | setInternalValue(format(internalValue));
72 | }),
73 | onFocus: useFocusHandler(consumerFocus, function () {
74 | setInternalValue(function (currentValue) {
75 | return normalise(currentValue);
76 | });
77 | }),
78 | value: internalValue
79 | };
80 | var controlledHandlers = {
81 | onChange: useCallback(function (e) {
82 | if (!isControlled) return;
83 | var paddedText = padLeadingDecimal(e.currentTarget.value);
84 | if (!e.currentTarget.value) {
85 | controlledOnChange('');
86 | } else if (isValid(paddedText)) {
87 | controlledOnChange(parse(paddedText));
88 | } else {
89 | controlledOnChange(normalise(paddedText));
90 | }
91 | setInternalValue(normalise(paddedText));
92 | }, [controlledOnChange, isControlled]),
93 | onBlur: useFocusHandler(consumerBlur, function () {
94 | if (!isControlled) return;
95 | if (typeof controlledValue === 'number' && fractionDigits) {
96 | controlledOnChange(parse(controlledValue.toFixed(fractionDigits)));
97 | } else {
98 | controlledOnChange(controlledValue !== null && controlledValue !== void 0 ? controlledValue : '');
99 | }
100 | setInternalValue(format(internalValue));
101 | }),
102 | onFocus: useFocusHandler(consumerFocus, function () {
103 | setInternalValue(function (currentValue) {
104 | return normalise(currentValue);
105 | });
106 | }),
107 | value: internalValue
108 | };
109 | return isControlled ? controlledHandlers : uncontrolledHandlers;
110 | };
111 | var useFocusHandler = function useFocusHandler(consumerHandler, ourHandler) {
112 | return useCallback(function (event) {
113 | if (typeof consumerHandler === 'function') {
114 | consumerHandler(event);
115 | }
116 | if (!(event !== null && event !== void 0 && event.defaultPrevented)) {
117 | ourHandler(event);
118 | }
119 | }, [consumerHandler, ourHandler]);
120 | };
121 |
122 | var _excluded = ["fractionDigits", "onBlur", "onFocus", "onChange", "value", "data", "placeholder", "children"];
123 | var FloatInput = forwardRef(function (_ref, forwardedRef) {
124 | var fractionDigits = _ref.fractionDigits,
125 | onBlur = _ref.onBlur,
126 | onFocus = _ref.onFocus,
127 | onChange = _ref.onChange,
128 | value = _ref.value,
129 | data = _ref.data,
130 | placeholder = _ref.placeholder,
131 | children = _ref.children,
132 | inputProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);
133 | var inputs = {
134 | fractionDigits: fractionDigits,
135 | onBlur: onBlur,
136 | onFocus: onFocus
137 | };
138 | if (onChange !== undefined && value !== undefined) {
139 | inputs = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, inputs), {}, {
140 | onChange: onChange,
141 | value: value
142 | });
143 | }
144 | var _useFloatInput = useFloatInput(inputs),
145 | floatOnBlur = _useFloatInput.onBlur,
146 | floatOnChange = _useFloatInput.onChange,
147 | floatOnFocus = _useFloatInput.onFocus,
148 | floatValue = _useFloatInput.value;
149 | return jsx(TextInput, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, inputProps), {}, {
150 | ref: forwardedRef,
151 | data: data,
152 | placeholder: placeholder,
153 | type: "text",
154 | inputMode: "decimal",
155 | onBlur: floatOnBlur,
156 | onChange: floatOnChange,
157 | onFocus: floatOnFocus,
158 | value: floatValue,
159 | children: children
160 | }));
161 | });
162 | FloatInput.displayName = 'FloatInput';
163 |
164 | export { FloatInput };