1 | ---
2 | title: Icon
3 | isExperimentalPackage: false
4 | ---
5 |
6 | Spark uses the “outline” variants of the wonderful open-source
7 | [Heroicons](https://heroicons.com/) library.
8 |
9 | ## Examples
10 |
11 | ### Size
12 |
13 | Define the icon size.
14 |
15 | ```jsx live
16 | <Inline gap="large" alignY="center">
17 | <LightBulbIcon size="xsmall" />
18 | <LightBulbIcon size="small" />
19 | <LightBulbIcon size="medium" />
20 | <LightBulbIcon size="large" />
21 | </Inline>
22 | ```
23 |
24 | ### Tone
25 |
26 | Define the icon tone.
27 |
28 | ```jsx live
29 | <Row gap="large" dividers>
30 | <Inline gap="large">
31 | <LightBulbIcon tone="neutral" />
32 | <LightBulbIcon tone="muted" />
33 | </Inline>
34 | <Inline gap="large">
35 | <LightBulbIcon tone="info" />
36 | <LightBulbIcon tone="positive" />
37 | <LightBulbIcon tone="caution" />
38 | <LightBulbIcon tone="critical" />
39 | <LightBulbIcon tone="accent" />
40 | </Inline>
41 | </Row>
42 | ```
43 |
44 | ### Contrast
45 |
46 | To ensure icons have sufficient contrast, when on a dark background the
47 | foreground tones “neutral” and “muted” will be inverted.
48 |
49 | ```jsx live
50 | <Inline gap="large">
51 | <Box background="neutral" padding="small" borderRadius="small">
52 | <LightBulbIcon tone="neutral" />
53 | </Box>
54 | <Box background="neutral" padding="small" borderRadius="small">
55 | <LightBulbIcon tone="muted" />
56 | </Box>
57 | </Inline>
58 | ```
59 |
60 | ## Props
61 |
62 | <PropsTable displayName="LightBulbIcon" />
63 |
64 | [data-attribute-map]:
65 | https://github.com/brighte-labs/spark-web/blob/e7f6f4285b4cfd876312cc89fbdd094039aa239a/packages/utils/src/internal/buildDataAttributes.ts#L1
66 | [size-type]:
67 | https://github.com/brighte-labs/spark-web/blob/11e73659ff4a01a48a8761821bff34c6ec28568b/packages/icon/src/createIcon.tsx#L9
68 | [foreground-tone]:
69 | https://github.com/brighte-labs/spark-web/blob/6c1909208460cb421e62f516106e774e4b0ddc35/packages/text/src/useForegroundTone.ts#L5