1 | ---
2 | title: Nav Link
3 | storybookPath: navigation-navlink--default
4 | isExperimentalPackage: true
5 | ---
6 |
7 | Nav links are styled links for use in site navigation.
8 |
9 | ```jsx live
10 | <Stack as="nav" gap="small">
11 | <NavLink href="#" isSelected>
12 | <HomeIcon />
13 | Dashboard
14 | </NavLink>
15 | <NavLink href="#">
16 | <ClipboardListIcon />
17 | Applications
18 | </NavLink>
19 | <NavLink href="#">
20 | <BriefcaseIcon />
21 | Leads
22 | </NavLink>
23 | <NavLink href="#">
24 | <AcademicCapIcon />
25 | Training
26 | </NavLink>
27 | <NavLink href="#">
28 | <ChartSquareBarIcon />
29 | Analytics
30 | </NavLink>
31 | <NavLink href="#">
32 | <CogIcon />
33 | Settings
34 | </NavLink>
35 | </Stack>
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ## Children
39 |
40 | Valid children of a `NavLink` are a string, or a string plus an icon. No other
41 | combinations are allowed.
42 |
43 | ## Border Radius
44 |
45 | There are two valid border radii for a `NavLink`: `'small'` and `'full'`.
46 | Typically `'small'` should be used for vertical navigations (like a sidebar) and
47 | `'full'` should be used for horizontal navigations like in a header.
48 |
49 | ```jsx live
50 | <Stack gap="large">
51 | <Text weight="semibold">
52 | Hover or focus to see the different border radius options
53 | </Text>
54 | <Stack as="nav" gap="small">
55 | <NavLink href="#">"Small" border radius nav item</NavLink>
56 | <NavLink href="#" borderRadius="full">
57 | "Full" border radius nav item
58 | </NavLink>
59 | </Stack>
60 | </Stack>
61 | ```
62 |
63 | ## isSelected
64 |
65 | The `isSelected` prop is used to style the currently active page. It is
66 | important that it is only treated as active if the page is current as it also
67 | sets the `aria-current` attribute to `page`.
68 |
69 | ## Size
70 |
71 | `NavLink`s can be either `medium` or `large`.
72 |
73 | ```jsx live
74 | <Columns gap="small" collapseBelow="desktop">
75 | <Stack as="nav" gap="small">
76 | <NavLink href="#">Medium size nav item</NavLink>
77 | <NavLink href="#" size="large">
78 | Medium size nav item
79 | </NavLink>
80 | </Stack>
81 | <Stack as="nav" gap="small">
82 | <NavLink href="#">
83 | <HomeIcon />
84 | Large size nav item
85 | </NavLink>
86 | <NavLink href="#" size="large">
87 | <HomeIcon />
88 | Large size nav item
89 | </NavLink>
90 | </Stack>
91 | </Columns>
92 | ```
93 |
94 | ## Inline
95 |
96 | By default, the underlying element will be `display: flex` and will take up all
97 | available space. By setting the `inline` prop to `true` the `NavLink` will be
98 | `display: inline-flex` instead.
99 |
100 | ```jsx live
101 | <Stack gap="small">
102 | <Box>
103 | <NavLink href="#">NavLink without inline prop</NavLink>
104 | <NavLink href="#">NavLink without inline prop</NavLink>
105 | <NavLink href="#">NavLink without inline prop</NavLink>
106 | </Box>
107 | <Divider />
108 | <Box>
109 | <NavLink inline href="#">
110 | NavLink with inline prop
111 | </NavLink>
112 | <NavLink inline href="#">
113 | NavLink with inline prop
114 | </NavLink>
115 | <NavLink inline href="#">
116 | NavLink with inline prop
117 | </NavLink>
118 | </Box>
119 | </Stack>
120 | ```
121 |
122 | ## Props
123 |
124 | <PropsTable displayName="NavLink" />
125 |
126 | [data-attribute-map]:
127 | https://github.com/brighte-labs/spark-web/blob/e7f6f4285b4cfd876312cc89fbdd094039aa239a/packages/utils/src/internal/buildDataAttributes.ts#L1