1 | ---
2 | title: Radio
3 | storybookPath: forms-radio--default
4 | isExperimentalPackage: true
5 | ---
6 |
7 | Radios are used select a single value from several options — ususally in a form.
8 | If multiple choices are valid, consider using a `Checkbox` instead.
9 |
10 | ## Examples
11 |
12 | In order to toggle between options, all Radio components should have a matching
13 | `name` prop (unless you are using them inside of a `RadioGroup`).
14 |
15 | ```jsx live
16 | <Fieldset legend="Shrek Characters" gap="large">
17 | <Radio name="character_radio" value="Shrek" defaultChecked>
18 | Shrek
19 | </Radio>
20 | <Radio name="character_radio" value="Fiona">
21 | Fiona
22 | </Radio>
23 | <Radio name="character_radio" value="Donkey">
24 | Donkey
25 | </Radio>
26 | </Fieldset>
27 | ```
28 |
29 | ### Size
30 |
31 | Radio buttons are available in two sizes: `small` and `medium`.
32 |
33 | ```jsx live
34 | <Stack gap="large" dividers>
35 | <Fieldset legend="Radio variations (small)" gap="large">
36 | <Radio size="small" checked={false}>
37 | Unchecked
38 | </Radio>
39 | <Radio size="small" checked>
40 | Checked
41 | </Radio>
42 | <Radio size="small" disabled>
43 | Disabled
44 | </Radio>
45 | <Radio size="small" checked disabled>
46 | Checked + disabled
47 | </Radio>
48 | </Fieldset>
49 | <Fieldset legend="Radio variations (small)" gap="large">
50 | <Radio size="medium" checked={false}>
51 | Unchecked
52 | </Radio>
53 | <Radio size="medium" checked>
54 | Checked
55 | </Radio>
56 | <Radio size="medium" disabled>
57 | Disabled
58 | </Radio>
59 | <Radio size="medium" checked disabled>
60 | Checked + disabled
61 | </Radio>
62 | </Fieldset>
63 | </Stack>
64 | ```
65 |
66 | ## RadioGroup
67 |
68 | The `RadioGroup` can be used to control a group of `Radio` components. The
69 | `RadioGroup` handles the `value`, `tone`, `message`, and `disabled` state of
70 | it's children.
71 |
72 | ### Controlled
73 |
74 | To control a group of `Radio` components, wrap them with a `RadioGroup` and
75 | provide it with a `value` and `onChange` function.
76 |
77 | All `Radio` children _must_ be provided with a `value`.
78 |
79 | ```jsx live
80 | const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState('Shrek');
81 |
82 | return (
83 | <Fieldset legend="Shrek Characters" gap="large">
84 | <RadioGroup value={selected} onChange={setSelected} gap="large">
85 | <Radio value="Shrek">Shrek</Radio>
86 | <Radio value="Fiona">Fiona</Radio>
87 | <Radio value="Donkey">Donkey</Radio>
88 | </RadioGroup>
89 | {selected && (
90 | <Text>
91 | The selected character is <Strong>{selected}</Strong>
92 | </Text>
93 | )}
94 | </Fieldset>
95 | );
96 | ```
97 |
98 | ### Message and tone
99 |
100 | The `message` is used to communicate the status of a field, such as an error
101 | message. This will be announced on focus and can be combined with a `tone` to
102 | illustrate intent. The supported tones are: `critical`, `positive` and
103 | `neutral`.
104 |
105 | ```jsx live
106 | const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState('critical');
107 | const statuses = {
108 | critical: {
109 | message: 'Critical message',
110 | tone: 'critical',
111 | },
112 | positive: {
113 | message: 'Positive message',
114 | tone: 'positive',
115 | },
116 | neutral: {
117 | message: 'Neutral message',
118 | tone: 'neutral',
119 | },
120 | };
121 |
122 | return (
123 | <Fieldset legend="Message and Tone" gap="large">
124 | <RadioGroup
125 | message={statuses[selected]?.message}
126 | tone={statuses[selected]?.tone}
127 | value={selected}
128 | onChange={setSelected}
129 | >
130 | <Radio value="critical">Critical</Radio>
131 | <Radio value="positive">Positive</Radio>
132 | <Radio value="neutral">Neutral</Radio>
133 | </RadioGroup>
134 | </Fieldset>
135 | );
136 | ```
137 |
138 | ## RadioCard
139 |
140 | A RadioCard is an alternative to Radio. Use RadioCard where a user needs to make
141 | one selection out of several choices, and where each option requires some
142 | detailed information.
143 |
144 | ### Controlled
145 |
146 | ```jsx live
147 | const terms = [
148 | { label: '6 months', description: '$426.08/fortnight' },
149 | { label: '12 months', description: '$214.54/fortnight' },
150 | { label: '24 months', description: '$108.77/fortnight' },
151 | { label: '36 months', description: '73.52/fortnight' },
152 | { label: '48 months', description: '55.89/fortnight' },
153 | ];
154 |
155 | const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState(terms[0].label);
156 |
157 | return (
158 | <Stack gap="large">
159 | <Fieldset legend="Select a repayment term" gap="large">
160 | <RadioGroup value={selected} onChange={setSelected}>
161 | {terms.map(({ label, description }) => (
162 | <RadioCard key={label} value={label} description={description}>
163 | {label}
164 | </RadioCard>
165 | ))}
166 | </RadioGroup>
167 | </Fieldset>
168 | {selected && (
169 | <Text>
170 | You have selected <Strong>{selected}</Strong>
171 | </Text>
172 | )}
173 | </Stack>
174 | );
175 | ```
176 |
177 | ### Uncontrolled
178 |
179 | ```jsx live
180 | <Fieldset legend="Select a repayment term" gap="large">
181 | <RadioCard
182 | description="$426.08/fortnight"
183 | name="repayment_terms"
184 | defaultChecked
185 | >
186 | 6 months
187 | </RadioCard>
188 | <RadioCard description="$214.54/fortnight" name="repayment_terms">
189 | 12 months
190 | </RadioCard>
191 | <RadioCard description="$108.77/fortnight" name="repayment_terms">
192 | 24 months
193 | </RadioCard>
194 | <RadioCard description="73.52/fortnight" name="repayment_terms">
195 | 36 months
196 | </RadioCard>
197 | <RadioCard description="55.89/fortnight" name="repayment_terms">
198 | 48 months
199 | </RadioCard>
200 | </Fieldset>
201 | ```
202 |
203 | ### Without description
204 |
205 | RadioCards without a description have a lower prominence label.
206 |
207 | ```jsx live
208 | const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState('Shrek');
209 |
210 | return (
211 | <Fieldset legend="Shrek Characters" gap="large">
212 | <RadioGroup value={selected} onChange={setSelected} gap="large">
213 | <RadioCard value="Shrek">Shrek</RadioCard>
214 | <RadioCard value="Fiona">Fiona</RadioCard>
215 | <RadioCard value="Donkey">Donkey</RadioCard>
216 | </RadioGroup>
217 | {selected && (
218 | <Text>
219 | The selected character is <Strong>{selected}</Strong>
220 | </Text>
221 | )}
222 | </Fieldset>
223 | );
224 | ```
225 |
226 | ## Props
227 |
228 | ### Radio
229 |
230 | <PropsTable displayName="Radio" />
231 |
232 | The `Radio` component also extends `InputHTMLAttributes` props and are not
233 | listed here.
234 |
235 | ### RadioPrimitive
236 |
237 | <PropsTable displayName="RadioPrimitive" />
238 |
239 | [data-attribute-map]:
240 | https://github.com/brighte-labs/spark-web/blob/e7f6f4285b4cfd876312cc89fbdd094039aa239a/packages/utils/src/internal/buildDataAttributes.ts#L1
241 |
242 | The `CheckboxPrimitive` component also extends `InputHTMLAttributes` props and
243 | are not listed here.
244 |
245 | ### RadioGroup
246 |
247 | <PropsTable displayName="RadioGroup" />
248 |
249 | ### RadioCard
250 |
251 | <PropsTable displayName="RadioCard" />
252 |
253 | The `RadioCard` component also extends `InputHTMLAttributes` props and are not
254 | listed here.