1 | ---
2 | title: Spinner
3 | storybookPath: feedback-overlays-spinner--default
4 | isExperimentalPackage: true
5 | ---
6 |
7 | Spinner indicates to users that their request is in progress. In most cases
8 | [you should use the `loading` prop on a Button instead of using this component directly](/package/button#loading).
9 |
10 | ## Examples
11 |
12 | ### Tones
13 |
14 | The appearance of Spinner can be customised with the tone prop.
15 |
16 | Defaults to `primary`.
17 |
18 | ```jsx live
19 | const tones = ['secondary', 'critical', 'positive', 'neutral'];
20 |
21 | return (
22 | <Stack align="left" gap="large">
23 | <Inline gap="large">
24 | {tones.map(tone => (
25 | <Spinner key={tone} tone={tone} />
26 | ))}
27 | </Inline>
28 | </Stack>
29 | );
30 | ```
31 |
32 | ```jsx live
33 | const backgrounds = [
34 | // Light
35 | ['surface', 'positiveLight', 'infoLight', 'cautionLight', 'criticalLight'],
36 | // Dark
37 | ['muted', 'positive', 'info', 'caution', 'critical'],
38 | ];
39 |
40 | return (
41 | <Stack gap="large">
42 | {backgrounds.map((backgroundLightness, index) => (
43 | <Inline key={index} gap="large">
44 | {backgroundLightness.map(background => (
45 | <Box
46 | key={background}
47 | background={background}
48 | shadow="medium"
49 | height="medium"
50 | width="medium"
51 | display="flex"
52 | flexShrink={0}
53 | alignItems="center"
54 | justifyContent="center"
55 | >
56 | <Spinner />
57 | </Box>
58 | ))}
59 | </Inline>
60 | ))}
61 | </Stack>
62 | );
63 | ```
64 |
65 | ## Size
66 |
67 | Spinners available in two size: `xxsmall` and `xsmall`.
68 |
69 | Defaults to `xsmall`.
70 |
71 | ```jsx live
72 | <Row gap="large">
73 | <Spinner size="xxsmall" />
74 | <Spinner size="xsmall" />
75 | </Row>
76 | ```
77 |
78 | ## Props
79 |
80 | ### Spinner
81 |
82 | <PropsTable displayName="Spinner" />
83 |
84 | [data-attribute-map]:
85 | https://github.com/brighte-labs/spark-web/blob/e7f6f4285b4cfd876312cc89fbdd094039aa239a/packages/utils/src/internal/buildDataAttributes.ts#L1