1 | ---
2 | title: Text List
3 | storybookPath: data-display-textlist--default
4 | isExperimentalPackage: false
5 | ---
6 |
7 | List semantics are handled automatically, including the use of ordered lists
8 | where appropriate.
9 |
10 | ```jsx live
11 | <Columns gap="large">
12 | <TextList>
13 | <Text>Bullet</Text>
14 | <Text>Bullet</Text>
15 | <Text>Bullet</Text>
16 | </TextList>
17 | <TextList type="number">
18 | <Text>Number</Text>
19 | <Text>Number</Text>
20 | <Text>Number</Text>
21 | </TextList>
22 | <TextList icon={<CheckCircleIcon size="xxsmall" />}>
23 | <Text>Icon</Text>
24 | <Text>Icon</Text>
25 | <Text>Icon</Text>
26 | </TextList>
27 | </Columns>
28 | ```
29 |
30 | ## Examples
31 |
32 | ### Color, size and gap
33 |
34 | Lists support the same sizes and colors as [Text](/package/text), and the same
35 | gap as [Stack](/package/stack).
36 |
37 | ```jsx live
38 | <Columns gap="large">
39 | <TextList tone="muted" size="large" gap="large">
40 | <Text>Large</Text>
41 | <Text>Large</Text>
42 | <Text>Large</Text>
43 | </TextList>
44 | <TextList tone="muted" size="standard" gap="medium">
45 | <Text>Standard</Text>
46 | <Text>Standard</Text>
47 | <Text>Standard</Text>
48 | </TextList>
49 | <TextList tone="muted" size="small" gap="small">
50 | <Text>Small</Text>
51 | <Text>Small</Text>
52 | <Text>Small</Text>
53 | </TextList>
54 | </Columns>
55 | ```
56 |
57 | ### Rich content
58 |
59 | Use the [Stack](/package/stack) as a list item to display multiple lines of
60 | text.
61 |
62 | ```jsx live
63 | <TextList gap="large">
64 | <Stack gap="medium">
65 | <Text weight="semibold">This is a paragraph.</Text>
66 | <Text>This is another paragraph.</Text>
67 | </Stack>
68 | <Stack gap="medium">
69 | <Text weight="semibold">This is a paragraph.</Text>
70 | <Text>This is another paragraph.</Text>
71 | </Stack>
72 | </TextList>
73 | ```
74 |
75 | ### Nested lists
76 |
77 | Lists of varying types can be nested within each other.
78 |
79 | ```jsx live
80 | <TextList gap="large" type="number">
81 | <Stack gap="medium">
82 | <Text>Number list</Text>
83 | <TextList>
84 | <Text>Bullet list</Text>
85 | <Text>Bullet list</Text>
86 | <Text>Bullet list</Text>
87 | </TextList>
88 | </Stack>
89 | <Stack gap="medium">
90 | <Text>Number list</Text>
91 | <TextList>
92 | <Text>Bullet list</Text>
93 | <Text>Bullet list</Text>
94 | <Text>Bullet list</Text>
95 | </TextList>
96 | </Stack>
97 | </TextList>
98 | ```
99 |
100 | ## Props
101 |
102 | <PropsTable displayName="TextList" />
103 |
104 | The `TextList` component also passes extra props into the component's nested
105 | [`Stack`](/package/stack) component.
106 |
107 | [data-attribute-map]:
108 | https://github.com/brighte-labs/spark-web/blob/e7f6f4285b4cfd876312cc89fbdd094039aa239a/packages/utils/src/internal/buildDataAttributes.ts#L1
109 | [stack-props]: /package/stack
110 | [text-props]: /package/text