1 | ---
2 | title: Theme
3 | isExperimentalPackage: true
4 | ---
5 |
6 | 🚧 — Under construction
7 |
8 | The theme packages exports a set of objects and utilities that are used
9 | internally to create Spark Web components as well as for consumers to be able to
10 | override
11 |
12 | ## useTheme
13 |
14 | The `useTheme` hook returns an object with our theme tokens along with a set of
15 | styling utilities.
16 |
17 | The theme will always be in the same shape, but the values can be overridden by
18 | [passing in a custom theme to the SparkProvider](/package/core).
19 |
20 | Theme tokens differ slightly from the values passed into the provider (or the
21 | defaultTokens if you don't provide a theme) as they are run through the
22 | [decorateTokens](https://github.com/brighte-labs/spark-web/blob/6fc8d1bc37e25d0cd622bc37f68a1d92eb5961b5/packages/theme/src/make-theme.ts#L101)
23 | function which add some extra values that should never change (and therefore
24 | aren't themeable) as well as using
25 | [Capsize](https://seek-oss.github.io/capsize/) to add tokens we need to trim
26 | space above capital letters and below the baseline so spacing between elements
27 | is consistent and doesn't vary depending on line-height, font-size etc.
28 |
29 | For more documentation about our tokens, please see the
30 | [tokens reference page](/reference/tokens).
31 |
32 | #### mapResponsiveProp
33 |
34 | Returns either the string value of the token provided to it, or an array which
35 | maps to [our breakpoints](/reference/tokens#breakpoint) (where index 0 refers to
36 | the mobile breakpoint, 1 is the tablet breakpoint and so on).
37 |
38 | ### Theme utils
39 |
40 | #### mapResponsiveScale
41 |
42 | Helper for mapping keys/breakpoint map to a theme scale e.g.
43 |
44 | ```jsx
45 | mapResponsiveProp('small', { small: 8, large: 16 }); // 8
46 | mapResponsiveProp(
47 | { mobile: 'small', tablet: 'large' },
48 | { small: 8, medium: 12, large: 16 }
49 | ); // [8, 16]
50 | ```
51 |
52 | #### optimizeResponsiveArray
53 |
54 | TODO
55 |
56 | #### responsiveRange
57 |
58 | Designed to be used alongside `optimizeResponsiveArray`.
59 |
60 | #### responsiveStyles
61 |
62 | TODO
63 |
64 | #### resolveResponsiveProps
65 |
66 | TODO
67 |
68 | ## defaultTokens
69 |
70 | This is the default tokens for the Brighte theme _before_ they've been
71 | decorated.
72 |
73 | ## makeBrighteTheme
74 |
75 | This function
76 |
77 | - decorates to passed in tokens
78 | - decorates them
79 | - works out if the background tokens are dark or light
80 | - adds the [theme utils](#theme-utils)
81 |
82 | Pass the result of this function into the
83 | [SparkProvider](/package/core#sparkprovider) if you want to override the default
84 | theme.