2.88 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function (factory) {
2 if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
3 var v = factory(require, exports);
4 if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
5 } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
6 define(["require", "exports", "path", "@spicypixel/core-kit-js", "./unity-project"], factory);
7 }
8})(function (require, exports) {
9 "use strict";
11 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
12 const path = require("path");
13 const CoreKit = require("@spicypixel/core-kit-js");
14 const unity_project_1 = require("./unity-project");
15 class UnityModuleReference {
16 constructor(module, nodeModule, nodeModuleVendor, nodeModuleName) {
17 this._module = module;
18 this._nodeModule = nodeModule;
19 this._nodeModuleVendor = nodeModuleVendor;
20 this._nodeModuleName = nodeModuleName;
21 this._nodeModuleProject = new unity_project_1.default(nodeModule.packageDir);
22 }
23 get referencePath() {
24 return path.resolve(path.join(this._nodeModuleProject.assetsPath, this._nodeModuleVendor, "Modules", this._nodeModuleName));
25 }
26 get installPath() {
27 return path.resolve(path.join(this._module.project.assetsPath, this._nodeModuleVendor, "Modules", this._nodeModuleName));
28 }
29 get artifactsPath() {
30 return path.join(this._nodeModuleProject.projectPath, "Artifacts");
31 }
32 async installAsync() {
33 if (this.referencePath === this.installPath) {
34 throw new Error("Source and destination cannot be the same: " + this.referencePath);
35 }
36 await this.uninstallAsync();
37 const packageFileName = await this.getPackageFileName();
38 await this._module.project.importPackageAsync(path.join(this.artifactsPath, packageFileName));
39 }
40 async uninstallAsync() {
41 // await CoreKit.FileSystem.removePatternsAsync(this.installPath);
42 // Remove files except *.meta
43 await CoreKit.FileSystem.removePatternsAsync(["**/*", "!**/*.meta"], { cwd: this.installPath, nodir: true });
44 // Remove folders that no longer exist
45 await CoreKit.FileSystem.Directory.removeUnmatchedAsync(this.referencePath, this.installPath, { ignoreMissingSource: true, ignoreMissingDestination: true });
46 }
47 async getPackageFileName() {
48 const pkg = await CoreKit.FileSystem.File.readFileAsync(path.join(this._nodeModuleProject.projectPath, "package.json"), "utf8");
49 const tag = "v" + JSON.parse(pkg).version;
50 return this._nodeModuleVendor + "." + this._nodeModuleName + "-" + tag + ".unitypackage";
51 }
52 }
53 exports.default = UnityModuleReference;
55//# sourceMappingURL=unity-module-reference.js.map