1.51 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { ComponentCompilerEvent } from '@stencil/core/internal';
3 * Creates an Angular component declaration from formatted Stencil compiler metadata.
4 *
5 * @param tagName The tag name of the component.
6 * @param inputs The inputs of the Stencil component (e.g. ['myInput']).
7 * @param outputs The outputs/events of the Stencil component. (e.g. ['myOutput']).
8 * @param methods The methods of the Stencil component. (e.g. ['myMethod']).
9 * @param includeImportCustomElements Whether to define the component as a custom element.
10 * @returns The component declaration as a string.
11 */
12export declare const createAngularComponentDefinition: (tagName: string, inputs: readonly string[], outputs: readonly string[], methods: readonly string[], includeImportCustomElements?: boolean) => string;
14 * Creates the component interface type definition.
15 * @param tagNameAsPascal The tag name as PascalCase.
16 * @param events The events to generate the interface properties for.
17 * @param componentCorePackage The component core package.
18 * @param includeImportCustomElements Whether to include the import for the custom element definition.
19 * @param customElementsDir The custom elements directory.
20 * @returns The component interface type definition as a string.
21 */
22export declare const createComponentTypeDefinition: (tagNameAsPascal: string, events: readonly ComponentCompilerEvent[], componentCorePackage: string, includeImportCustomElements?: boolean, customElementsDir?: string | undefined) => string;