85.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { JsonDocs } from './stencil-public-docs';
2import type { PrerenderUrlResults } from '../internal';
3import type { ConfigFlags } from '../cli/config-flags';
4export * from './stencil-public-docs';
6 * https://stenciljs.com/docs/config/
7 */
8export interface StencilConfig {
9 /**
10 * By default, Stencil will attempt to optimize small scripts by inlining them in HTML. Setting
11 * this flag to `false` will prevent this optimization and keep all scripts separate from HTML.
12 */
13 allowInlineScripts?: boolean;
14 /**
15 * By setting `autoprefixCss` to `true`, Stencil will use the appropriate config to automatically
16 * prefix css. For example, developers can write modern and standard css properties, such as
17 * "transform", and Stencil will automatically add in the prefixed version, such as "-webkit-transform".
18 * As of Stencil v2, autoprefixing CSS is no longer the default.
19 * Defaults to `false`
20 */
21 autoprefixCss?: boolean | any;
22 /**
23 * By default, Stencil will statically analyze the application and generate a component graph of
24 * how all the components are interconnected.
25 *
26 * From the component graph it is able to best decide how components should be grouped
27 * depending on their usage with one another within the app.
28 * By doing so it's able to bundle components together in order to reduce network requests.
29 * However, bundles can be manually generated using the bundles config.
30 *
31 * The bundles config is an array of objects that represent how components are grouped together
32 * in lazy-loaded bundles.
33 * This config is rarely needed as Stencil handles this automatically behind the scenes.
34 */
35 bundles?: ConfigBundle[];
36 /**
37 * Stencil will cache build results in order to speed up rebuilds.
38 * To disable this feature, set enableCache to false.
39 */
40 enableCache?: boolean;
41 /**
42 * Stencil is traditionally used to compile many components into an app,
43 * and each component comes with its own compartmentalized styles.
44 * However, it's still common to have styles which should be "global" across all components and the website.
45 * A global CSS file is often useful to set CSS Variables.
46 *
47 * Additionally, the globalStyle config can be used to precompile styles with Sass, PostCss, etc.
48 * Below is an example folder structure containing a webapp's global sass file, named app.css.
49 */
50 globalStyle?: string;
51 /**
52 * When the hashFileNames config is set to true, and it is a production build,
53 * the hashedFileNameLength config is used to determine how many characters the file name's hash should be.
54 */
55 hashedFileNameLength?: number;
56 /**
57 * During production builds, the content of each generated file is hashed to represent the content,
58 * and the hashed value is used as the filename. If the content isn't updated between builds,
59 * then it receives the same filename. When the content is updated, then the filename is different.
60 *
61 * By doing this, deployed apps can "forever-cache" the build directory and take full advantage of
62 * content delivery networks (CDNs) and heavily caching files for faster apps.
63 */
64 hashFileNames?: boolean;
65 /**
66 * The namespace config is a string representing a namespace for the app.
67 * For apps that are not meant to be a library of reusable components,
68 * the default of App is just fine. However, if the app is meant to be consumed
69 * as a third-party library, such as Ionic, a unique namespace is required.
70 */
71 namespace?: string;
72 /**
73 * Stencil is able to take an app's source and compile it to numerous targets,
74 * such as an app to be deployed on an http server, or as a third-party library
75 * to be distributed on npm. By default, Stencil apps have an output target type of www.
76 *
77 * The outputTargets config is an array of objects, with types of www and dist.
78 */
79 outputTargets?: OutputTarget[];
80 /**
81 * The plugins config can be used to add your own rollup plugins.
82 * By default, Stencil does not come with Sass or PostCss support.
83 * However, either can be added using the plugin array.
84 */
85 plugins?: any[];
86 /**
87 * Generate js source map files for all bundles
88 */
89 sourceMap?: boolean;
90 /**
91 * The srcDir config specifies the directory which should contain the source typescript files
92 * for each component. The standard for Stencil apps is to use src, which is the default.
93 */
94 srcDir?: string;
95 /**
96 * Passes custom configuration down to the "@rollup/plugin-commonjs" that Stencil uses under the hood.
97 * For further information: https://stenciljs.com/docs/module-bundling
98 */
99 commonjs?: BundlingConfig;
100 /**
101 * Passes custom configuration down to the "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve" that Stencil uses under the hood.
102 * For further information: https://stenciljs.com/docs/module-bundling
103 */
104 nodeResolve?: NodeResolveConfig;
105 /**
106 * Passes custom configuration down to rollup itself, not all rollup options can be overridden.
107 */
108 rollupConfig?: RollupConfig;
109 /**
110 * Sets if the ES5 build should be generated or not. Stencil generates a modern build without ES5,
111 * whereas this setting to `true` will also create es5 builds for both dev and prod modes. Setting
112 * `buildEs5` to `prod` will only build ES5 in prod mode. Basically if the app does not need to run
113 * on legacy browsers (IE11 and Edge 18 and below), it's safe to not build ES5, which will also speed
114 * up build times. Defaults to `false`.
115 */
116 buildEs5?: boolean | 'prod';
117 /**
118 * Sets if the JS browser files are minified or not. Stencil uses `terser` under the hood.
119 * Defaults to `false` in dev mode and `true` in production mode.
120 */
121 minifyJs?: boolean;
122 /**
123 * Sets if the CSS is minified or not.
124 * Defaults to `false` in dev mode and `true` in production mode.
125 */
126 minifyCss?: boolean;
127 /**
128 * Forces Stencil to run in `dev` mode if the value is `true` and `production` mode
129 * if it's `false`.
130 *
131 * Defaults to `false` (ie. production) unless the `--dev` flag is used in the CLI.
132 */
133 devMode?: boolean;
134 /**
135 * Object to provide a custom logger. By default a `logger` is already provided for the
136 * platform the compiler is running on, such as NodeJS or a browser.
137 */
138 logger?: Logger;
139 /**
140 * Config to add extra runtime for DOM features that require more polyfills. Note
141 * that not all DOM APIs are fully polyfilled when using the slot polyfill. These
142 * are opt-in since not all users will require the additional runtime.
143 */
144 extras?: ConfigExtras;
145 /**
146 * The hydrated flag identifies if a component and all of its child components
147 * have finished hydrating. This helps prevent any flash of unstyled content (FOUC)
148 * as various components are asynchronously downloaded and rendered. By default it
149 * will add the `hydrated` CSS class to the element. The `hydratedFlag` config can be used
150 * to change the name of the CSS class, change it to an attribute, or change which
151 * type of CSS properties and values are assigned before and after hydrating. This config
152 * can also be used to not include the hydrated flag at all by setting it to `null`.
153 */
154 hydratedFlag?: HydratedFlag;
155 /**
156 * Ionic prefers to hide all components prior to hydration with a style tag appended
157 * to the head of the document containing some `visibility: hidden;` css rules.
158 *
159 * Disabling this will remove the style tag that sets `visibility: hidden;` on all
160 * unhydrated web components. This more closely follows the HTML spec, and allows
161 * you to set your own fallback content.
162 *
163 */
164 invisiblePrehydration?: boolean;
165 /**
166 * Sets the task queue used by stencil's runtime. The task queue schedules DOM read and writes
167 * across the frames to efficiently render and reduce layout thrashing. By default,
168 * `async` is used. It's recommended to also try each setting to decide which works
169 * best for your use-case. In all cases, if your app has many CPU intensive tasks causing the
170 * main thread to periodically lock-up, it's always recommended to try
171 * [Web Workers](https://stenciljs.com/docs/web-workers) for those tasks.
172 *
173 * - `async`: DOM read and writes are scheduled in the next frame to prevent layout thrashing.
174 * During intensive CPU tasks it will not reschedule rendering to happen in the next frame.
175 * `async` is ideal for most apps, and if the app has many intensive tasks causing the main
176 * thread to lock-up, it's recommended to try [Web Workers](https://stenciljs.com/docs/web-workers)
177 * rather than the congestion async queue.
178 *
179 * - `congestionAsync`: DOM reads and writes are scheduled in the next frame to prevent layout
180 * thrashing. When the app is heavily tasked and the queue becomes congested it will then
181 * split the work across multiple frames to prevent blocking the main thread. However, it can
182 * also introduce unnecessary reflows in some cases, especially during startup. `congestionAsync`
183 * is ideal for apps running animations while also simultaneously executing intensive tasks
184 * which may lock-up the main thread.
185 *
186 * - `immediate`: Makes writeTask() and readTask() callbacks to be executed synchronously. Tasks
187 * are not scheduled to run in the next frame, but do note there is at least one microtask.
188 * The `immediate` setting is ideal for apps that do not provide long running and smooth
189 * animations. Like the async setting, if the app has intensive tasks causing the main thread
190 * to lock-up, it's recommended to try [Web Workers](https://stenciljs.com/docs/web-workers).
191 */
192 taskQueue?: 'async' | 'immediate' | 'congestionAsync';
193 /**
194 * Provide a object of key/values accessible within the app, using the `Env` object.
195 */
196 env?: {
197 [prop: string]: string | undefined;
198 };
199 globalScript?: string;
200 srcIndexHtml?: string;
201 watch?: boolean;
202 testing?: TestingConfig;
203 maxConcurrentWorkers?: number;
204 preamble?: string;
205 rollupPlugins?: {
206 before?: any[];
207 after?: any[];
208 };
209 entryComponentsHint?: string[];
210 buildDist?: boolean;
211 buildLogFilePath?: string;
212 cacheDir?: string;
213 devInspector?: boolean;
214 devServer?: StencilDevServerConfig;
215 enableCacheStats?: boolean;
216 sys?: CompilerSystem;
217 tsconfig?: string;
218 validateTypes?: boolean;
219 /**
220 * An array of RegExp patterns that are matched against all source files before adding
221 * to the watch list in watch mode. If the file path matches any of the patterns, when it
222 * is updated, it will not trigger a re-run of tests.
223 */
224 watchIgnoredRegex?: RegExp | RegExp[];
225 excludeUnusedDependencies?: boolean;
226 stencilCoreResolvedId?: string;
228export interface ConfigExtras {
229 /**
230 * By default, the slot polyfill does not update `appendChild()` so that it appends
231 * new child nodes into the correct child slot like how shadow dom works. This is an opt-in
232 * polyfill for those who need it when using `element.appendChild(node)` and expecting the
233 * child to be appended in the same location shadow dom would. This is not required for
234 * IE11 or Edge 18, but can be enabled if the app is using `appendChild()`. Defaults to `false`.
235 */
236 appendChildSlotFix?: boolean;
237 /**
238 * By default, the runtime does not polyfill `cloneNode()` when cloning a component
239 * that uses the slot polyfill. This is an opt-in polyfill for those who need it.
240 * This is not required for IE11 or Edge 18, but can be enabled if the app is using
241 * `cloneNode()` and unexpected node are being cloned due to the slot polyfill
242 * simulating shadow dom. Defaults to `false`.
243 */
244 cloneNodeFix?: boolean;
245 /**
246 * Include the CSS Custom Property polyfill/shim for legacy browsers. ESM builds will
247 * not include the css vars shim. Defaults to `false`
248 */
249 cssVarsShim?: boolean;
250 /**
251 * Dynamic `import()` shim. This is only needed for Edge 18 and below, and Firefox 67
252 * and below. Defaults to `false`.
253 */
254 dynamicImportShim?: boolean;
255 /**
256 * Experimental flag. Projects that use a Stencil library built using the `dist` output target may have trouble lazily
257 * loading components when using a bundler such as Vite or Parcel. Setting this flag to `true` will change how Stencil
258 * lazily loads components in a way that works with additional bundlers. Setting this flag to `true` will increase
259 * the size of the compiled output. Defaults to `false`.
260 */
261 experimentalImportInjection?: boolean;
262 /**
263 * Dispatches component lifecycle events. Mainly used for testing. Defaults to `false`.
264 */
265 lifecycleDOMEvents?: boolean;
266 /**
267 * Safari 10 supports ES modules with `<script type="module">`, however, it did not implement
268 * `<script nomodule>`. When set to `true`, the runtime will patch support for Safari 10
269 * due to its lack of `nomodule` support.
270 * Defaults to `false`.
271 */
272 safari10?: boolean;
273 /**
274 * It is possible to assign data to the actual `<script>` element's `data-opts` property,
275 * which then gets passed to Stencil's initial bootstrap. This feature is only required
276 * for very special cases and rarely needed. Defaults to `false`.
277 */
278 scriptDataOpts?: boolean;
279 /**
280 * Experimental flag to align the behavior of invoking `textContent` on a scoped component to act more like a
281 * component that uses the shadow DOM. Defaults to `false`
282 */
283 scopedSlotTextContentFix?: boolean;
284 /**
285 * If enabled `true`, the runtime will check if the shadow dom shim is required. However,
286 * if it's determined that shadow dom is already natively supported by the browser then
287 * it does not request the shim. When set to `false` it will avoid all shadow dom tests.
288 * Defaults to `false`.
289 */
290 shadowDomShim?: boolean;
291 /**
292 * When a component is first attached to the DOM, this setting will wait a single tick before
293 * rendering. This works around an Angular issue, where Angular attaches the elements before
294 * settings their initial state, leading to double renders and unnecessary event dispatches.
295 * Defaults to `false`.
296 */
297 initializeNextTick?: boolean;
298 /**
299 * For browsers that do not support shadow dom (IE11 and Edge 18 and below), slot is polyfilled
300 * to simulate the same behavior. However, the host element's `childNodes` and `children`
301 * getters are not patched to only show the child nodes and elements of the default slot.
302 * Defaults to `false`.
303 */
304 slotChildNodesFix?: boolean;
305 /**
306 * Enables the tagNameTransform option of `defineCustomElements()`, so the component tagName
307 * can be customized at runtime. Defaults to `false`.
308 */
309 tagNameTransform?: boolean;
311export interface Config extends StencilConfig {
312 buildAppCore?: boolean;
313 buildDocs?: boolean;
314 configPath?: string;
315 writeLog?: boolean;
316 devServer?: DevServerConfig;
317 flags?: ConfigFlags;
318 fsNamespace?: string;
319 logLevel?: LogLevel;
320 rootDir?: string;
321 packageJsonFilePath?: string;
322 suppressLogs?: boolean;
323 profile?: boolean;
324 tsCompilerOptions?: any;
325 _isValidated?: boolean;
326 _isTesting?: boolean;
329 * A 'loose' type useful for wrapping an incomplete / possible malformed
330 * object as we work on getting it comply with a particular Interface T.
331 *
332 * Example:
333 *
334 * ```ts
335 * interface Foo {
336 * bar: string
337 * }
338 *
339 * function validateFoo(foo: Loose<Foo>): Foo {
340 * let validatedFoo = {
341 * ...foo,
342 * bar: foo.bar || DEFAULT_BAR
343 * }
344 *
345 * return validatedFoo
346 * }
347 * ```
348 *
349 * Use this when you need to take user input or something from some other part
350 * of the world that we don't control and transform it into something
351 * conforming to a given interface. For best results, pair with a validation
352 * function as shown in the example.
353 */
354declare type Loose<T extends Object> = Record<string, any> & Partial<T>;
356 * A Loose version of the Config interface. This is intended to let us load a partial config
357 * and have type information carry though as we construct an object which is a valid `Config`.
358 */
359export declare type UnvalidatedConfig = Loose<Config>;
361 * Helper type to strip optional markers from keys in a type, while preserving other type information for the key.
362 * This type takes a union of keys, K, in type T to allow for the type T to be gradually updated.
363 *
364 * ```typescript
365 * type Foo { bar?: number, baz?: string }
366 * type ReqFieldFoo = RequireFields<Foo, 'bar'>; // { bar: number, baz?: string }
367 * ```
368 */
369declare type RequireFields<T, K extends keyof T> = T & {
370 [P in K]-?: T[P];
373 * Fields in {@link Config} to make required for {@link ValidatedConfig}
374 */
375declare type StrictConfigFields = 'flags' | 'logger' | 'outputTargets' | 'rootDir' | 'sys' | 'testing';
377 * A version of {@link Config} that makes certain fields required. This type represents a valid configuration entity.
378 * When a configuration is received by the user, it is a bag of unverified data. In order to make stricter guarantees
379 * about the data from a type-safety perspective, this type is intended to be used throughout the codebase once
380 * validations have occurred at runtime.
381 */
382export declare type ValidatedConfig = RequireFields<Config, StrictConfigFields>;
383export interface HydratedFlag {
384 /**
385 * Defaults to `hydrated`.
386 */
387 name?: string;
388 /**
389 * Can be either `class` or `attribute`. Defaults to `class`.
390 */
391 selector?: 'class' | 'attribute';
392 /**
393 * The CSS property used to show and hide components. Defaults to use the CSS `visibility`
394 * property. Other commonly used CSS properties would be `display` with the `initialValue`
395 * setting as `none`, or `opacity` with the `initialValue` as `0`. Defaults to `visibility`
396 * and the default `initialValue` is `hidden`.
397 */
398 property?: string;
399 /**
400 * This is the CSS value to give all components before it has been hydrated.
401 * Defaults to `hidden`.
402 */
403 initialValue?: string;
404 /**
405 * This is the CSS value to assign once a component has finished hydrating.
406 * This is the CSS value that'll allow the component to show. Defaults to `inherit`.
407 */
408 hydratedValue?: string;
410export interface StencilDevServerConfig {
411 /**
412 * IP address used by the dev server. The default is ``, which points to all IPv4 addresses
413 * on the local machine, such as `localhost`.
414 */
415 address?: string;
416 /**
417 * Base path to be used by the server. Defaults to the root pathname.
418 */
419 basePath?: string;
420 /**
422 * During development, node modules can be independently requested and bundled, making for
423 * faster build times. This is only available using the Stencil Dev Server throughout
424 * development. Production builds and builds with the `es5` flag will override
425 * this setting to `false`. Default is `false`.
426 */
427 experimentalDevModules?: boolean;
428 /**
429 * If the dev server should respond with gzip compressed content. Defaults to `true`.
430 */
431 gzip?: boolean;
432 /**
433 * When set, the dev server will run via https using the SSL certificate and key you provide
434 * (use `fs` if you want to read them from files).
435 */
436 https?: Credentials;
437 /**
438 * The URL the dev server should first open to. Defaults to `/`.
439 */
440 initialLoadUrl?: string;
441 /**
442 * When `true`, every request to the server will be logged within the terminal.
443 * Defaults to `false`.
444 */
445 logRequests?: boolean;
446 /**
447 * By default, when dev server is started the local dev URL is opened in your default browser.
448 * However, to prevent this URL to be opened change this value to `false`. Defaults to `true`.
449 */
450 openBrowser?: boolean;
451 /**
452 * Sets the server's port. Defaults to `3333`.
453 */
454 port?: number;
455 /**
456 * When files are watched and updated, by default the dev server will use `hmr` (Hot Module Replacement)
457 * to update the page without a full page refresh. To have the page do a full refresh use `pageReload`.
458 * To disable any reloading, use `null`. Defaults to `hmr`.
459 */
460 reloadStrategy?: PageReloadStrategy;
461 /**
462 * Local path to a NodeJs file with a dev server request listener as the default export.
463 * The user's request listener is given the first chance to handle every request the dev server
464 * receives, and can choose to handle it or instead pass it on to the default dev server
465 * by calling `next()`.
466 *
467 * Below is an example of a NodeJs file the `requestListenerPath` config is using.
468 * The request and response arguments are the same as Node's `http` module and `RequestListener`
469 * callback. https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_createserver_options_requestlistener
470 *
471 * ```js
472 * module.exports = function (req, res, next) {
473 * if (req.url === '/ping') {
474 * // custom response overriding the dev server
475 * res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
476 * res.writeHead(200);
477 * res.end('pong');
478 * } else {
479 * // pass request on to the default dev server
480 * next();
481 * }
482 * };
483 * ```
484 */
485 requestListenerPath?: string;
486 /**
487 * The root directory to serve the files from.
488 */
489 root?: string;
490 /**
491 * If the dev server should Server-Side Render (SSR) each page, meaning it'll dynamically generate
492 * server-side rendered html on each page load. The `--ssr` flag will most commonly be used with
493 * the`--dev --watch --serve` flags during development. Note that this is for development purposes
494 * only, and the built-in dev server should not be used for production. Defaults to `false`.
495 */
496 ssr?: boolean;
497 /**
498 * If the dev server fails to start up within the given timeout (in milliseconds), the startup will
499 * be canceled. Set to zero to disable the timeout. Defaults to `15000`.
500 */
501 startupTimeout?: number;
502 /**
503 * Whether to use the dev server's websocket client or not. Defaults to `true`.
504 */
505 websocket?: boolean;
506 /**
507 * If the dev server should fork a worker for the server process or not. A singled-threaded dev server
508 * is slower, however it is useful for debugging http requests and responses. Defaults to `true`.
509 */
510 worker?: boolean;
512export interface DevServerConfig extends StencilDevServerConfig {
513 browserUrl?: string;
514 devServerDir?: string;
515 excludeHmr?: string[];
516 historyApiFallback?: HistoryApiFallback;
517 openBrowser?: boolean;
518 prerenderConfig?: string;
519 protocol?: 'http' | 'https';
520 srcIndexHtml?: string;
522export interface HistoryApiFallback {
523 index?: string;
524 disableDotRule?: boolean;
526export interface DevServerEditor {
527 id: string;
528 name?: string;
529 supported?: boolean;
530 priority?: number;
532export declare type TaskCommand = 'build' | 'docs' | 'generate' | 'g' | 'help' | 'info' | 'prerender' | 'serve' | 'telemetry' | 'test' | 'version';
533export declare type PageReloadStrategy = 'hmr' | 'pageReload' | null;
535 * The prerender config is used when prerendering a `www` output target.
536 * Within `stencil.config.ts`, set the path to the prerendering
537 * config file path using the `prerenderConfig` property, such as:
538 *
539 * ```tsx
540 * import { Config } from '@stencil/core';
541 * export const config: Config = {
542 * outputTargets: [
543 * {
544 * type: 'www',
545 * baseUrl: 'https://stenciljs.com/',
546 * prerenderConfig: './prerender.config.ts',
547 * }
548 * ]
549 * };
550 * ```
551 *
552 * The `prerender.config.ts` should export a `config` object using
553 * the `PrerenderConfig` interface.
554 *
555 * ```tsx
556 * import { PrerenderConfig } from '@stencil/core';
557 * export const config: PrerenderConfig = {
558 * ...
559 * };
560 * ```
561 *
562 * For more info: https://stenciljs.com/docs/static-site-generation
563 */
564export interface PrerenderConfig {
565 /**
566 * Run after each `document` is hydrated, but before it is serialized
567 * into an HTML string. Hook is passed the `document` and its `URL`.
568 */
569 afterHydrate?(document: Document, url: URL, results: PrerenderUrlResults): any | Promise<any>;
570 /**
571 * Run before each `document` is hydrated. Hook is passed the `document` it's `URL`.
572 */
573 beforeHydrate?(document: Document, url: URL): any | Promise<any>;
574 /**
575 * Runs after the template Document object has serialize into an
576 * HTML formatted string. Returns an HTML string to be used as the
577 * base template for all prerendered pages.
578 */
579 afterSerializeTemplate?(html: string): string | Promise<string>;
580 /**
581 * Runs before the template Document object is serialize into an
582 * HTML formatted string. Returns the Document to be serialized which
583 * will become the base template html for all prerendered pages.
584 */
585 beforeSerializeTemplate?(document: Document): Document | Promise<Document>;
586 /**
587 * A hook to be used to generate the canonical `<link>` tag
588 * which goes in the `<head>` of every prerendered page. Returning `null`
589 * will not add a canonical url tag to the page.
590 */
591 canonicalUrl?(url: URL): string | null;
592 /**
593 * While prerendering, crawl same-origin URLs found within `<a href>` elements.
594 * Defaults to `true`.
595 */
596 crawlUrls?: boolean;
597 /**
598 * URLs to start the prerendering from. By default the root URL of `/` is used.
599 */
600 entryUrls?: string[];
601 /**
602 * Return `true` the given `<a>` element should be crawled or not.
603 */
604 filterAnchor?(attrs: {
605 [attrName: string]: string;
606 }, base?: URL): boolean;
607 /**
608 * Return `true` if the given URL should be prerendered or not.
609 */
610 filterUrl?(url: URL, base: URL): boolean;
611 /**
612 * Returns the file path which the prerendered HTML content
613 * should be written to.
614 */
615 filePath?(url: URL, filePath: string): string;
616 /**
617 * Returns the hydrate options to use for each individual prerendered page.
618 */
619 hydrateOptions?(url: URL): PrerenderHydrateOptions;
620 /**
621 * Returns the template file's content. The template is the base
622 * HTML used for all prerendered pages.
623 */
624 loadTemplate?(filePath: string): string | Promise<string>;
625 /**
626 * Used to normalize the page's URL from a given a string and the current
627 * page's base URL. Largely used when reading an anchor's `href` attribute
628 * value and normalizing it into a `URL`.
629 */
630 normalizeUrl?(href: string, base: URL): URL;
631 robotsTxt?(opts: RobotsTxtOpts): string | RobotsTxtResults;
632 sitemapXml?(opts: SitemapXmpOpts): string | SitemapXmpResults;
633 /**
634 * Static Site Generated (SSG). Does not include Stencil's clientside
635 * JavaScript, custom elements or preload modules.
636 */
637 staticSite?: boolean;
638 /**
639 * If the prerenndered URLs should have a trailing "/"" or not. Defaults to `false`.
640 */
641 trailingSlash?: boolean;
643export interface HydrateDocumentOptions {
644 /**
645 * Build ID that will be added to `<html data-stencil-build="BUILD_ID">`. By default
646 * a random ID will be generated
647 */
648 buildId?: string;
649 /**
650 * Sets the `href` attribute on the `<link rel="canonical">`
651 * tag within the `<head>`. If the value is not defined it will
652 * ensure a canonical link tag is no included in the `<head>`.
653 */
654 canonicalUrl?: string;
655 /**
656 * Include the HTML comments and attributes used by the clientside
657 * JavaScript to read the structure of the HTML and rebuild each
658 * component. Defaults to `true`.
659 */
660 clientHydrateAnnotations?: boolean;
661 /**
662 * Constrain `setTimeout()` to 1ms, but still async. Also
663 * only allows `setInterval()` to fire once, also constrained to 1ms.
664 * Defaults to `true`.
665 */
666 constrainTimeouts?: boolean;
667 /**
668 * Sets `document.cookie`
669 */
670 cookie?: string;
671 /**
672 * Sets the `dir` attribute on the top level `<html>`.
673 */
674 direction?: string;
675 /**
676 * Component tag names listed here will not be prerendered, nor will
677 * hydrated on the clientside. Components listed here will be ignored
678 * as custom elements and treated no differently than a `<div>`.
679 */
680 excludeComponents?: string[];
681 /**
682 * Sets the `lang` attribute on the top level `<html>`.
683 */
684 language?: string;
685 /**
686 * Maximum number of components to hydrate on one page. Defaults to `300`.
687 */
688 maxHydrateCount?: number;
689 /**
690 * Sets `document.referrer`
691 */
692 referrer?: string;
693 /**
694 * Removes every `<script>` element found in the `document`. Defaults to `false`.
695 */
696 removeScripts?: boolean;
697 /**
698 * Removes CSS not used by elements within the `document`. Defaults to `true`.
699 */
700 removeUnusedStyles?: boolean;
701 /**
702 * The url the runtime uses for the resources, such as the assets directory.
703 */
704 resourcesUrl?: string;
705 /**
706 * Prints out runtime console logs to the NodeJS process. Defaults to `false`.
707 */
708 runtimeLogging?: boolean;
709 /**
710 * Component tags listed here will only be prerendered or serverside-rendered
711 * and will not be clientside hydrated. This is useful for components that
712 * are not dynamic and do not need to be defined as a custom element within the
713 * browser. For example, a header or footer component would be a good example that
714 * may not require any clientside JavaScript.
715 */
716 staticComponents?: string[];
717 /**
718 * The amount of milliseconds to wait for a page to finish rendering until
719 * a timeout error is thrown. Defaults to `15000`.
720 */
721 timeout?: number;
722 /**
723 * Sets `document.title`.
724 */
725 title?: string;
726 /**
727 * Sets `location.href`
728 */
729 url?: string;
730 /**
731 * Sets `navigator.userAgent`
732 */
733 userAgent?: string;
735export interface SerializeDocumentOptions extends HydrateDocumentOptions {
736 /**
737 * Runs after the `document` has been hydrated.
738 */
739 afterHydrate?(document: any): any | Promise<any>;
740 /**
741 * Sets an approximate line width the HTML should attempt to stay within.
742 * Note that this is "approximate", in that HTML may often not be able
743 * to be split at an exact line width. Additionally, new lines created
744 * is where HTML naturally already has whitespace, such as before an
745 * attribute or spaces between words. Defaults to `100`.
746 */
747 approximateLineWidth?: number;
748 /**
749 * Runs before the `document` has been hydrated.
750 */
751 beforeHydrate?(document: any): any | Promise<any>;
752 /**
753 * Format the HTML in a nicely indented format.
754 * Defaults to `false`.
755 */
756 prettyHtml?: boolean;
757 /**
758 * Remove quotes from attribute values when possible.
759 * Defaults to `true`.
760 */
761 removeAttributeQuotes?: boolean;
762 /**
763 * Remove the `=""` from standardized `boolean` attributes,
764 * such as `hidden` or `checked`. Defaults to `true`.
765 */
766 removeBooleanAttributeQuotes?: boolean;
767 /**
768 * Remove these standardized attributes when their value is empty:
769 * `class`, `dir`, `id`, `lang`, and `name`, `title`. Defaults to `true`.
770 */
771 removeEmptyAttributes?: boolean;
772 /**
773 * Remove HTML comments. Defaults to `true`.
774 */
775 removeHtmlComments?: boolean;
777export interface HydrateFactoryOptions extends SerializeDocumentOptions {
778 serializeToHtml: boolean;
779 destroyWindow: boolean;
780 destroyDocument: boolean;
782export interface PrerenderHydrateOptions extends SerializeDocumentOptions {
783 /**
784 * Adds `<link rel="modulepreload">` for modules that will eventually be requested.
785 * Defaults to `true`.
786 */
787 addModulePreloads?: boolean;
788 /**
789 * Hash the content of assets, such as images, fonts and css files,
790 * and add the hashed value as `v` querystring. For example,
791 * `/assets/image.png?v=abcd1234`. This allows for assets to be
792 * heavily cached by setting the server's response header with
793 * `Cache-Control: max-age=31536000, immutable`.
794 */
795 hashAssets?: 'querystring';
796 /**
797 * External stylesheets from `<link rel="stylesheet">` are instead inlined
798 * into `<style>` elements. Defaults to `false`.
799 */
800 inlineExternalStyleSheets?: boolean;
801 /**
802 * Minify CSS content within `<style>` elements. Defaults to `true`.
803 */
804 minifyStyleElements?: boolean;
805 /**
806 * Minify JavaScript content within `<script>` elements. Defaults to `true`.
807 */
808 minifyScriptElements?: boolean;
809 /**
810 * Entire `document` should be static. This is useful for specific pages that
811 * should be static, rather than the entire site. If the whole site should be static,
812 * use the `staticSite` property on the prerender config instead. If only certain
813 * components should be static then use `staticComponents` instead.
814 */
815 staticDocument?: boolean;
817export interface RobotsTxtOpts {
818 urls: string[];
819 sitemapUrl: string;
820 baseUrl: string;
821 dir: string;
823export interface RobotsTxtResults {
824 content: string;
825 filePath: string;
826 url: string;
828export interface SitemapXmpOpts {
829 urls: string[];
830 baseUrl: string;
831 dir: string;
833export interface SitemapXmpResults {
834 content: string;
835 filePath: string;
836 url: string;
839 * Common system used by the compiler. All file reads, writes, access, etc. will all use
840 * this system. Additionally, throughout each build, the compiler will use an internal
841 * in-memory file system as to prevent unnecessary fs reads and writes. At the end of each
842 * build all actions the in-memory fs performed will be written to disk using this system.
843 * A NodeJS based system will use APIs such as `fs` and `crypto`, and a web-based system
844 * will use in-memory Maps and browser APIs. Either way, the compiler itself is unaware
845 * of the actual platform it's being ran on top of.
846 */
847export interface CompilerSystem {
848 name: 'node' | 'in-memory';
849 version: string;
850 events?: BuildEvents;
851 details?: SystemDetails;
852 /**
853 * Add a callback which will be ran when destroy() is called.
854 */
855 addDestory(cb: () => void): void;
856 /**
857 * Always returns a boolean, does not throw.
858 */
859 access(p: string): Promise<boolean>;
860 /**
861 * SYNC! Always returns a boolean, does not throw.
862 */
863 accessSync(p: string): boolean;
864 applyGlobalPatch?(fromDir: string): Promise<void>;
865 applyPrerenderGlobalPatch?(opts: {
866 devServerHostUrl: string;
867 window: any;
868 }): void;
869 cacheStorage?: CacheStorage;
870 checkVersion?: (logger: Logger, currentVersion: string) => Promise<() => void>;
871 copy?(copyTasks: Required<CopyTask>[], srcDir: string): Promise<CopyResults>;
872 /**
873 * Always returns a boolean if the files were copied or not. Does not throw.
874 */
875 copyFile(src: string, dst: string): Promise<boolean>;
876 /**
877 * Used to destroy any listeners, file watchers or child processes.
878 */
879 destroy(): Promise<void>;
880 /**
881 * Does not throw.
882 */
883 createDir(p: string, opts?: CompilerSystemCreateDirectoryOptions): Promise<CompilerSystemCreateDirectoryResults>;
884 /**
885 * SYNC! Does not throw.
886 */
887 createDirSync(p: string, opts?: CompilerSystemCreateDirectoryOptions): CompilerSystemCreateDirectoryResults;
888 homeDir(): string;
889 /**
890 * Used to determine if the current context of the terminal is TTY.
891 */
892 isTTY(): boolean;
893 /**
894 * Each platform as a different way to dynamically import modules.
895 */
896 dynamicImport?(p: string): Promise<any>;
897 /**
898 * Creates the worker controller for the current system.
899 */
900 createWorkerController?(maxConcurrentWorkers: number): WorkerMainController;
901 encodeToBase64(str: string): string;
902 ensureDependencies?(opts: {
903 rootDir: string;
904 logger: Logger;
905 dependencies: CompilerDependency[];
906 }): Promise<{
907 stencilPath: string;
908 diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
909 }>;
910 ensureResources?(opts: {
911 rootDir: string;
912 logger: Logger;
913 dependencies: CompilerDependency[];
914 }): Promise<void>;
915 /**
916 * process.exit()
917 */
918 exit(exitCode: number): Promise<void>;
919 /**
920 * Optionally provide a fetch() function rather than using the built-in fetch().
921 * First arg is a url string or Request object (RequestInfo).
922 * Second arg is the RequestInit. Returns the Response object
923 */
924 fetch?(input: string | any, init?: any): Promise<any>;
925 /**
926 * Generates a sha1 digest encoded as HEX
927 */
928 generateContentHash?(content: string | any, length?: number): Promise<string>;
929 /**
930 * Generates a sha1 digest encoded as HEX from a file path
931 */
932 generateFileHash?(filePath: string | any, length?: number): Promise<string>;
933 /**
934 * Get the current directory.
935 */
936 getCurrentDirectory(): string;
937 /**
938 * The compiler's executing path.
939 */
940 getCompilerExecutingPath(): string;
941 /**
942 * The dev server's executing path.
943 */
944 getDevServerExecutingPath?(): string;
945 getEnvironmentVar?(key: string): string;
946 /**
947 * Gets the absolute file path when for a dependency module.
948 */
949 getLocalModulePath(opts: {
950 rootDir: string;
951 moduleId: string;
952 path: string;
953 }): string;
954 /**
955 * Gets the full url when requesting a dependency module to fetch from a CDN.
956 */
957 getRemoteModuleUrl(opts: {
958 moduleId: string;
959 path?: string;
960 version?: string;
961 }): string;
962 /**
963 * Aync glob task. Only available in NodeJS compiler system.
964 */
965 glob?(pattern: string, options: {
966 cwd?: string;
967 nodir?: boolean;
968 [key: string]: any;
969 }): Promise<string[]>;
970 /**
971 * The number of logical processors available to run threads on the user's computer (cpus).
972 */
973 hardwareConcurrency: number;
974 /**
975 * Tests if the path is a symbolic link or not. Always resolves a boolean. Does not throw.
976 */
977 isSymbolicLink(p: string): Promise<boolean>;
978 lazyRequire?: LazyRequire;
979 nextTick(cb: () => void): void;
980 /**
981 * Normalize file system path.
982 */
983 normalizePath(p: string): string;
984 onProcessInterrupt?(cb: () => void): void;
985 parseYarnLockFile?: (content: string) => {
986 type: 'success' | 'merge' | 'conflict';
987 object: any;
988 };
989 platformPath: PlatformPath;
990 /**
991 * All return paths are full normalized paths, not just the basenames. Always returns an array, does not throw.
992 */
993 readDir(p: string): Promise<string[]>;
994 /**
995 * SYNC! All return paths are full normalized paths, not just the basenames. Always returns an array, does not throw.
996 */
997 readDirSync(p: string): string[];
998 /**
999 * Returns undefined if file is not found. Does not throw.
1000 */
1001 readFile(p: string): Promise<string>;
1002 readFile(p: string, encoding: 'utf8'): Promise<string>;
1003 readFile(p: string, encoding: 'binary'): Promise<any>;
1004 /**
1005 * SYNC! Returns undefined if file is not found. Does not throw.
1006 */
1007 readFileSync(p: string, encoding?: string): string;
1008 /**
1009 * Does not throw.
1010 */
1011 realpath(p: string): Promise<CompilerSystemRealpathResults>;
1012 /**
1013 * SYNC! Does not throw.
1014 */
1015 realpathSync(p: string): CompilerSystemRealpathResults;
1016 /**
1017 * Remove a callback which will be ran when destroy() is called.
1018 */
1019 removeDestory(cb: () => void): void;
1020 /**
1021 * Rename old path to new path. Does not throw.
1022 */
1023 rename(oldPath: string, newPath: string): Promise<CompilerSystemRenameResults>;
1024 resolveModuleId?(opts: ResolveModuleIdOptions): Promise<ResolveModuleIdResults>;
1025 resolvePath(p: string): string;
1026 /**
1027 * Does not throw.
1028 */
1029 removeDir(p: string, opts?: CompilerSystemRemoveDirectoryOptions): Promise<CompilerSystemRemoveDirectoryResults>;
1030 /**
1031 * SYNC! Does not throw.
1032 */
1033 removeDirSync(p: string, opts?: CompilerSystemRemoveDirectoryOptions): CompilerSystemRemoveDirectoryResults;
1034 /**
1035 * Does not throw.
1036 */
1037 removeFile(p: string): Promise<CompilerSystemRemoveFileResults>;
1038 /**
1039 * SYNC! Does not throw.
1040 */
1041 removeFileSync(p: string): CompilerSystemRemoveFileResults;
1042 setupCompiler?: (c: {
1043 ts: any;
1044 }) => void;
1045 /**
1046 * Always returns an object. Does not throw. Check for "error" property if there's an error.
1047 */
1048 stat(p: string): Promise<CompilerFsStats>;
1049 /**
1050 * SYNC! Always returns an object. Does not throw. Check for "error" property if there's an error.
1051 */
1052 statSync(p: string): CompilerFsStats;
1053 tmpDirSync(): string;
1054 watchDirectory?(p: string, callback: CompilerFileWatcherCallback, recursive?: boolean): CompilerFileWatcher;
1055 watchFile?(p: string, callback: CompilerFileWatcherCallback): CompilerFileWatcher;
1056 /**
1057 * How many milliseconds to wait after a change before calling watch callbacks.
1058 */
1059 watchTimeout?: number;
1060 /**
1061 * Does not throw.
1062 */
1063 writeFile(p: string, content: string): Promise<CompilerSystemWriteFileResults>;
1064 /**
1065 * SYNC! Does not throw.
1066 */
1067 writeFileSync(p: string, content: string): CompilerSystemWriteFileResults;
1069export interface TranspileOnlyResults {
1070 diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
1071 output: string;
1072 sourceMap: any;
1074export interface ParsedPath {
1075 root: string;
1076 dir: string;
1077 base: string;
1078 ext: string;
1079 name: string;
1081export interface PlatformPath {
1082 normalize(p: string): string;
1083 join(...paths: string[]): string;
1084 resolve(...pathSegments: string[]): string;
1085 isAbsolute(p: string): boolean;
1086 relative(from: string, to: string): string;
1087 dirname(p: string): string;
1088 basename(p: string, ext?: string): string;
1089 extname(p: string): string;
1090 parse(p: string): ParsedPath;
1091 sep: string;
1092 delimiter: string;
1093 posix: any;
1094 win32: any;
1096export interface CompilerDependency {
1097 name: string;
1098 version: string;
1099 main: string;
1100 resources?: string[];
1102export interface ResolveModuleIdOptions {
1103 moduleId: string;
1104 containingFile?: string;
1105 exts?: string[];
1106 packageFilter?: (pkg: any) => void;
1108export interface ResolveModuleIdResults {
1109 moduleId: string;
1110 resolveId: string;
1111 pkgData: {
1112 name: string;
1113 version: string;
1114 [key: string]: any;
1115 };
1116 pkgDirPath: string;
1118export interface WorkerMainController {
1119 send(...args: any[]): Promise<any>;
1120 handler(name: string): (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>;
1121 destroy(): void;
1122 maxWorkers: number;
1124export interface CopyResults {
1125 diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
1126 filePaths: string[];
1127 dirPaths: string[];
1129export interface SystemDetails {
1130 cpuModel: string;
1131 freemem(): number;
1132 platform: 'darwin' | 'windows' | 'linux' | '';
1133 release: string;
1134 totalmem: number;
1136export interface BuildOnEvents {
1137 on(cb: (eventName: CompilerEventName, data: any) => void): BuildOnEventRemove;
1138 on(eventName: CompilerEventFileAdd, cb: (path: string) => void): BuildOnEventRemove;
1139 on(eventName: CompilerEventFileDelete, cb: (path: string) => void): BuildOnEventRemove;
1140 on(eventName: CompilerEventFileUpdate, cb: (path: string) => void): BuildOnEventRemove;
1141 on(eventName: CompilerEventDirAdd, cb: (path: string) => void): BuildOnEventRemove;
1142 on(eventName: CompilerEventDirDelete, cb: (path: string) => void): BuildOnEventRemove;
1143 on(eventName: CompilerEventBuildStart, cb: (buildStart: CompilerBuildStart) => void): BuildOnEventRemove;
1144 on(eventName: CompilerEventBuildFinish, cb: (buildResults: CompilerBuildResults) => void): BuildOnEventRemove;
1145 on(eventName: CompilerEventBuildLog, cb: (buildLog: BuildLog) => void): BuildOnEventRemove;
1146 on(eventName: CompilerEventBuildNoChange, cb: () => void): BuildOnEventRemove;
1148export interface BuildEmitEvents {
1149 emit(eventName: CompilerEventFileAdd, path: string): void;
1150 emit(eventName: CompilerEventFileDelete, path: string): void;
1151 emit(eventName: CompilerEventFileUpdate, path: string): void;
1152 emit(eventName: CompilerEventDirAdd, path: string): void;
1153 emit(eventName: CompilerEventDirDelete, path: string): void;
1154 emit(eventName: CompilerEventBuildStart, buildStart: CompilerBuildStart): void;
1155 emit(eventName: CompilerEventBuildFinish, buildResults: CompilerBuildResults): void;
1156 emit(eventName: CompilerEventBuildNoChange, buildNoChange: BuildNoChangeResults): void;
1157 emit(eventName: CompilerEventBuildLog, buildLog: BuildLog): void;
1158 emit(eventName: CompilerEventFsChange, fsWatchResults: FsWatchResults): void;
1160export interface FsWatchResults {
1161 dirsAdded: string[];
1162 dirsDeleted: string[];
1163 filesUpdated: string[];
1164 filesAdded: string[];
1165 filesDeleted: string[];
1167export interface BuildLog {
1168 buildId: number;
1169 messages: string[];
1170 progress: number;
1172export interface BuildNoChangeResults {
1173 buildId: number;
1174 noChange: boolean;
1176export interface CompilerBuildResults {
1177 buildId: number;
1178 componentGraph?: BuildResultsComponentGraph;
1179 diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
1180 dirsAdded: string[];
1181 dirsDeleted: string[];
1182 duration: number;
1183 filesAdded: string[];
1184 filesChanged: string[];
1185 filesDeleted: string[];
1186 filesUpdated: string[];
1187 hasError: boolean;
1188 hasSuccessfulBuild: boolean;
1189 hmr?: HotModuleReplacement;
1190 hydrateAppFilePath?: string;
1191 isRebuild: boolean;
1192 namespace: string;
1193 outputs: BuildOutput[];
1194 rootDir: string;
1195 srcDir: string;
1196 timestamp: string;
1198export interface BuildResultsComponentGraph {
1199 [scopeId: string]: string[];
1201export interface BuildOutput {
1202 type: string;
1203 files: string[];
1205export interface HotModuleReplacement {
1206 componentsUpdated?: string[];
1207 excludeHmr?: string[];
1208 externalStylesUpdated?: string[];
1209 imagesUpdated?: string[];
1210 indexHtmlUpdated?: boolean;
1211 inlineStylesUpdated?: HmrStyleUpdate[];
1212 reloadStrategy: PageReloadStrategy;
1213 scriptsAdded?: string[];
1214 scriptsDeleted?: string[];
1215 serviceWorkerUpdated?: boolean;
1216 versionId?: string;
1218export interface HmrStyleUpdate {
1219 styleId: string;
1220 styleTag: string;
1221 styleText: string;
1223export declare type BuildOnEventRemove = () => boolean;
1224export interface BuildEvents extends BuildOnEvents, BuildEmitEvents {
1225 unsubscribeAll(): void;
1227export interface CompilerBuildStart {
1228 buildId: number;
1229 timestamp: string;
1231export declare type CompilerFileWatcherCallback = (fileName: string, eventKind: CompilerFileWatcherEvent) => void;
1232export declare type CompilerFileWatcherEvent = CompilerEventFileAdd | CompilerEventFileDelete | CompilerEventFileUpdate | CompilerEventDirAdd | CompilerEventDirDelete;
1233export declare type CompilerEventName = CompilerEventFsChange | CompilerEventFileUpdate | CompilerEventFileAdd | CompilerEventFileDelete | CompilerEventDirAdd | CompilerEventDirDelete | CompilerEventBuildStart | CompilerEventBuildFinish | CompilerEventBuildNoChange | CompilerEventBuildLog;
1234export declare type CompilerEventFsChange = 'fsChange';
1235export declare type CompilerEventFileUpdate = 'fileUpdate';
1236export declare type CompilerEventFileAdd = 'fileAdd';
1237export declare type CompilerEventFileDelete = 'fileDelete';
1238export declare type CompilerEventDirAdd = 'dirAdd';
1239export declare type CompilerEventDirDelete = 'dirDelete';
1240export declare type CompilerEventBuildStart = 'buildStart';
1241export declare type CompilerEventBuildFinish = 'buildFinish';
1242export declare type CompilerEventBuildLog = 'buildLog';
1243export declare type CompilerEventBuildNoChange = 'buildNoChange';
1244export interface CompilerFileWatcher {
1245 close(): void | Promise<void>;
1247export interface CompilerFsStats {
1248 /**
1249 * If it's a directory. `false` if there was an error.
1250 */
1251 isDirectory: boolean;
1252 /**
1253 * If it's a file. `false` if there was an error.
1254 */
1255 isFile: boolean;
1256 /**
1257 * If it's a symlink. `false` if there was an error.
1258 */
1259 isSymbolicLink: boolean;
1260 /**
1261 * The size of the file in bytes. `0` for directories or if there was an error.
1262 */
1263 size: number;
1264 /**
1265 * The timestamp indicating the last time this file was modified expressed in milliseconds since the POSIX Epoch.
1266 */
1267 mtimeMs?: number;
1268 /**
1269 * Error if there was one, otherwise `null`. `stat` and `statSync` do not throw errors but always returns this interface.
1270 */
1271 error: any;
1273export interface CompilerSystemCreateDirectoryOptions {
1274 /**
1275 * Indicates whether parent directories should be created.
1276 * @default false
1277 */
1278 recursive?: boolean;
1279 /**
1280 * A file mode. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer. If not specified
1281 * @default 0o777.
1282 */
1283 mode?: number;
1285export interface CompilerSystemCreateDirectoryResults {
1286 basename: string;
1287 dirname: string;
1288 path: string;
1289 newDirs: string[];
1290 error: any;
1292export interface CompilerSystemRemoveDirectoryOptions {
1293 /**
1294 * Indicates whether child files and subdirectories should be removed.
1295 * @default false
1296 */
1297 recursive?: boolean;
1299export interface CompilerSystemRemoveDirectoryResults {
1300 basename: string;
1301 dirname: string;
1302 path: string;
1303 removedDirs: string[];
1304 removedFiles: string[];
1305 error: any;
1307export interface CompilerSystemRenameResults extends CompilerSystemRenamedPath {
1308 renamed: CompilerSystemRenamedPath[];
1309 oldDirs: string[];
1310 oldFiles: string[];
1311 newDirs: string[];
1312 newFiles: string[];
1313 error: any;
1315export interface CompilerSystemRenamedPath {
1316 oldPath: string;
1317 newPath: string;
1318 isFile: boolean;
1319 isDirectory: boolean;
1321export interface CompilerSystemRealpathResults {
1322 path: string;
1323 error: any;
1325export interface CompilerSystemRemoveFileResults {
1326 basename: string;
1327 dirname: string;
1328 path: string;
1329 error: any;
1331export interface CompilerSystemWriteFileResults {
1332 path: string;
1333 error: any;
1335export interface Credentials {
1336 key: string;
1337 cert: string;
1339export interface ConfigBundle {
1340 components: string[];
1342export interface CopyTask {
1343 src: string;
1344 dest?: string;
1345 warn?: boolean;
1346 keepDirStructure?: boolean;
1348export interface BundlingConfig {
1349 namedExports?: {
1350 [key: string]: string[];
1351 };
1353export interface NodeResolveConfig {
1354 module?: boolean;
1355 jsnext?: boolean;
1356 main?: boolean;
1357 browser?: boolean;
1358 extensions?: string[];
1359 preferBuiltins?: boolean;
1360 jail?: string;
1361 only?: Array<string | RegExp>;
1362 modulesOnly?: boolean;
1363 /**
1364 * @see https://github.com/browserify/resolve#resolveid-opts-cb
1365 */
1366 customResolveOptions?: {
1367 basedir?: string;
1368 package?: string;
1369 extensions?: string[];
1370 readFile?: Function;
1371 isFile?: Function;
1372 isDirectory?: Function;
1373 packageFilter?: Function;
1374 pathFilter?: Function;
1375 paths?: Function | string[];
1376 moduleDirectory?: string | string[];
1377 preserveSymlinks?: boolean;
1378 };
1380export interface RollupConfig {
1381 inputOptions?: RollupInputOptions;
1382 outputOptions?: RollupOutputOptions;
1384export interface RollupInputOptions {
1385 context?: string;
1386 moduleContext?: ((id: string) => string) | {
1387 [id: string]: string;
1388 };
1389 treeshake?: boolean;
1391export interface RollupOutputOptions {
1392 globals?: {
1393 [name: string]: string;
1394 } | ((name: string) => string);
1396export interface Testing {
1397 run(opts: TestingRunOptions): Promise<boolean>;
1398 destroy(): Promise<void>;
1400export interface TestingRunOptions {
1401 e2e?: boolean;
1402 screenshot?: boolean;
1403 spec?: boolean;
1404 updateScreenshot?: boolean;
1406export interface JestConfig {
1407 /**
1408 * This option tells Jest that all imported modules in your tests should be mocked automatically.
1409 * All modules used in your tests will have a replacement implementation, keeping the API surface. Default: false
1410 */
1411 automock?: boolean;
1412 /**
1413 * By default, Jest runs all tests and produces all errors into the console upon completion.
1414 * The bail config option can be used here to have Jest stop running tests after the first failure. Default: false
1415 */
1416 bail?: boolean;
1417 /**
1418 * The directory where Jest should store its cached dependency information. Jest attempts to scan your dependency tree once (up-front)
1419 * and cache it in order to ease some of the filesystem raking that needs to happen while running tests. This config option lets you
1420 * customize where Jest stores that cache data on disk. Default: "/tmp/<path>"
1421 */
1422 cacheDirectory?: string;
1423 /**
1424 * Automatically clear mock calls and instances between every test. Equivalent to calling jest.clearAllMocks()
1425 * between each test. This does not remove any mock implementation that may have been provided. Default: false
1426 */
1427 clearMocks?: boolean;
1428 /**
1429 * Indicates whether the coverage information should be collected while executing the test. Because this retrofits all
1430 * executed files with coverage collection statements, it may significantly slow down your tests. Default: false
1431 */
1432 collectCoverage?: boolean;
1433 /**
1434 * An array of glob patterns indicating a set of files for which coverage information should be collected.
1435 * If a file matches the specified glob pattern, coverage information will be collected for it even if no tests exist
1436 * for this file and it's never required in the test suite. Default: undefined
1437 */
1438 collectCoverageFrom?: any[];
1439 /**
1440 * The directory where Jest should output its coverage files. Default: undefined
1441 */
1442 coverageDirectory?: string;
1443 /**
1444 * An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all file paths before executing the test. If the file path matches
1445 * any of the patterns, coverage information will be skipped. These pattern strings match against the full path.
1446 * Use the <rootDir> string token to include the path to your project's root directory to prevent it from accidentally
1447 * ignoring all of your files in different environments that may have different root directories.
1448 * Example: ["<rootDir>/build/", "<rootDir>/node_modules/"]. Default: ["/node_modules/"]
1449 */
1450 coveragePathIgnorePatterns?: any[];
1451 /**
1452 * A list of reporter names that Jest uses when writing coverage reports. Any istanbul reporter can be used.
1453 * Default: ["json", "lcov", "text"]
1454 */
1455 coverageReporters?: any[];
1456 /**
1457 * This will be used to configure minimum threshold enforcement for coverage results. Thresholds can be specified as global,
1458 * as a glob, and as a directory or file path. If thresholds aren't met, jest will fail. Thresholds specified as a positive
1459 * number are taken to be the minimum percentage required. Thresholds specified as a negative number represent the maximum
1460 * number of uncovered entities allowed. Default: undefined
1461 */
1462 coverageThreshold?: any;
1463 errorOnDeprecated?: boolean;
1464 forceCoverageMatch?: any[];
1465 globals?: any;
1466 globalSetup?: string;
1467 globalTeardown?: string;
1468 /**
1469 * An array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location. Setting this option will
1470 * override the default, if you wish to still search node_modules for packages include it along with any other
1471 * options: ["node_modules", "bower_components"]. Default: ["node_modules"]
1472 */
1473 moduleDirectories?: string[];
1474 /**
1475 * An array of file extensions your modules use. If you require modules without specifying a file extension,
1476 * these are the extensions Jest will look for. Default: ['ts', 'tsx', 'js', 'json']
1477 */
1478 moduleFileExtensions?: string[];
1479 moduleNameMapper?: any;
1480 modulePaths?: any[];
1481 modulePathIgnorePatterns?: any[];
1482 notify?: boolean;
1483 notifyMode?: string;
1484 preset?: string;
1485 prettierPath?: string;
1486 projects?: any;
1487 reporters?: any;
1488 resetMocks?: boolean;
1489 resetModules?: boolean;
1490 resolver?: string;
1491 restoreMocks?: string;
1492 rootDir?: string;
1493 roots?: any[];
1494 runner?: string;
1495 /**
1496 * The paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment before each test.
1497 * Since every test runs in its own environment, these scripts will be executed in the testing environment
1498 * immediately before executing the test code itself. Default: []
1499 */
1500 setupFiles?: string[];
1501 setupFilesAfterEnv?: string[];
1502 snapshotSerializers?: any[];
1503 testEnvironment?: string;
1504 testEnvironmentOptions?: any;
1505 testMatch?: string[];
1506 testPathIgnorePatterns?: string[];
1507 testPreset?: string;
1508 testRegex?: string;
1509 testResultsProcessor?: string;
1510 testRunner?: string;
1511 testURL?: string;
1512 timers?: string;
1513 transform?: {
1514 [key: string]: string;
1515 };
1516 transformIgnorePatterns?: any[];
1517 unmockedModulePathPatterns?: any[];
1518 verbose?: boolean;
1519 watchPathIgnorePatterns?: any[];
1521export interface TestingConfig extends JestConfig {
1522 /**
1523 * The `allowableMismatchedPixels` value is used to determine an acceptable
1524 * number of pixels that can be mismatched before the image is considered
1525 * to have changes. Realistically, two screenshots representing the same
1526 * content may have a small number of pixels that are not identical due to
1527 * anti-aliasing, which is perfectly normal. If the `allowableMismatchedRatio`
1528 * is provided it will take precedence, otherwise `allowableMismatchedPixels`
1529 * will be used.
1530 */
1531 allowableMismatchedPixels?: number;
1532 /**
1533 * The `allowableMismatchedRatio` ranges from `0` to `1` and is used to
1534 * determine an acceptable ratio of pixels that can be mismatched before
1535 * the image is considered to have changes. Realistically, two screenshots
1536 * representing the same content may have a small number of pixels that
1537 * are not identical due to anti-aliasing, which is perfectly normal. The
1538 * `allowableMismatchedRatio` is the number of pixels that were mismatched,
1539 * divided by the total number of pixels in the screenshot. For example,
1540 * a ratio value of `0.06` means 6% of the pixels can be mismatched before
1541 * the image is considered to have changes. If the `allowableMismatchedRatio`
1542 * is provided it will take precedence, otherwise `allowableMismatchedPixels`
1543 * will be used.
1544 */
1545 allowableMismatchedRatio?: number;
1546 /**
1547 * Matching threshold while comparing two screenshots. Value ranges from `0` to `1`.
1548 * Smaller values make the comparison more sensitive. The `pixelmatchThreshold`
1549 * value helps to ignore anti-aliasing. Default: `0.1`
1550 */
1551 pixelmatchThreshold?: number;
1552 /**
1553 * Additional arguments to pass to the browser instance.
1554 */
1555 browserArgs?: string[];
1556 /**
1557 * Path to a Chromium or Chrome executable to run instead of the bundled Chromium.
1558 */
1559 browserExecutablePath?: string;
1560 /**
1561 * Url of remote Chrome instance to use instead of local Chrome.
1562 */
1563 browserWSEndpoint?: string;
1564 /**
1565 * Whether to run browser e2e tests in headless mode. Defaults to true.
1566 */
1567 browserHeadless?: boolean;
1568 /**
1569 * Slows down e2e browser operations by the specified amount of milliseconds.
1570 * Useful so that you can see what is going on.
1571 */
1572 browserSlowMo?: number;
1573 /**
1574 * By default, all E2E pages wait until the "load" event, this global setting can be used
1575 * to change the default `waitUntil` behavior.
1576 */
1577 browserWaitUntil?: 'load' | 'domcontentloaded' | 'networkidle0' | 'networkidle2';
1578 /**
1579 * Whether to auto-open a DevTools panel for each tab.
1580 * If this option is true, the headless option will be set false
1581 */
1582 browserDevtools?: boolean;
1583 /**
1584 * Array of browser emulations to be using during e2e tests. A full e2e
1585 * test is ran for each emulation.
1586 */
1587 emulate?: EmulateConfig[];
1588 /**
1589 * Path to the Screenshot Connector module.
1590 */
1591 screenshotConnector?: string;
1592 /**
1593 * Amount of time in milliseconds to wait before a screenshot is taken.
1594 */
1595 waitBeforeScreenshot?: number;
1597export interface EmulateConfig {
1598 /**
1599 * Predefined device descriptor name, such as "iPhone X" or "Nexus 10".
1600 * For a complete list please see: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/src/common/DeviceDescriptors.ts
1601 */
1602 device?: string;
1603 /**
1604 * User-Agent to be used. Defaults to the user-agent of the installed Puppeteer version.
1605 */
1606 userAgent?: string;
1607 viewport?: EmulateViewport;
1609export interface EmulateViewport {
1610 /**
1611 * Page width in pixels.
1612 */
1613 width: number;
1614 /**
1615 * page height in pixels.
1616 */
1617 height: number;
1618 /**
1619 * Specify device scale factor (can be thought of as dpr). Defaults to 1.
1620 */
1621 deviceScaleFactor?: number;
1622 /**
1623 * Whether the meta viewport tag is taken into account. Defaults to false.
1624 */
1625 isMobile?: boolean;
1626 /**
1627 * Specifies if viewport supports touch events. Defaults to false
1628 */
1629 hasTouch?: boolean;
1630 /**
1631 * Specifies if viewport is in landscape mode. Defaults to false.
1632 */
1633 isLandscape?: boolean;
1636 * This sets the log level hierarchy for our terminal logger, ranging from
1637 * most to least verbose.
1638 *
1639 * Ordering the levels like this lets us easily check whether we should log a
1640 * message at a given time. For instance, if the log level is set to `'warn'`,
1641 * then anything passed to the logger with level `'warn'` or `'error'` should
1642 * be logged, but we should _not_ log anything with level `'info'` or `'debug'`.
1643 *
1644 * If we have a current log level `currentLevel` and a message with level
1645 * `msgLevel` is passed to the logger, we can determine whether or not we should
1646 * log it by checking if the log level on the message is further up or at the
1647 * same level in the hierarchy than `currentLevel`, like so:
1648 *
1649 * ```ts
1650 * LOG_LEVELS.indexOf(msgLevel) >= LOG_LEVELS.indexOf(currentLevel)
1651 * ```
1652 *
1653 * NOTE: for the reasons described above, do not change the order of the entries
1654 * in this array without good reason!
1655 */
1656export declare const LOG_LEVELS: readonly ["debug", "info", "warn", "error"];
1657export declare type LogLevel = typeof LOG_LEVELS[number];
1659 * Common logger to be used by the compiler, dev-server and CLI. The CLI will use a
1660 * NodeJS based console logging and colors, and the web will use browser based
1661 * logs and colors.
1662 */
1663export interface Logger {
1664 enableColors: (useColors: boolean) => void;
1665 setLevel: (level: LogLevel) => void;
1666 getLevel: () => LogLevel;
1667 debug: (...msg: any[]) => void;
1668 info: (...msg: any[]) => void;
1669 warn: (...msg: any[]) => void;
1670 error: (...msg: any[]) => void;
1671 createTimeSpan: (startMsg: string, debug?: boolean, appendTo?: string[]) => LoggerTimeSpan;
1672 printDiagnostics: (diagnostics: Diagnostic[], cwd?: string) => void;
1673 red: (msg: string) => string;
1674 green: (msg: string) => string;
1675 yellow: (msg: string) => string;
1676 blue: (msg: string) => string;
1677 magenta: (msg: string) => string;
1678 cyan: (msg: string) => string;
1679 gray: (msg: string) => string;
1680 bold: (msg: string) => string;
1681 dim: (msg: string) => string;
1682 bgRed: (msg: string) => string;
1683 emoji: (e: string) => string;
1684 setLogFilePath?: (p: string) => void;
1685 writeLogs?: (append: boolean) => void;
1686 createLineUpdater?: () => Promise<LoggerLineUpdater>;
1688export interface LoggerLineUpdater {
1689 update(text: string): Promise<void>;
1690 stop(): Promise<void>;
1692export interface LoggerTimeSpan {
1693 duration(): number;
1694 finish(finishedMsg: string, color?: string, bold?: boolean, newLineSuffix?: boolean): number;
1696export interface OutputTargetDist extends OutputTargetBase {
1697 type: 'dist';
1698 buildDir?: string;
1699 dir?: string;
1700 collectionDir?: string | null;
1701 /**
1702 * When `true` this flag will transform aliased import paths defined in
1703 * a project's `tsconfig.json` to relative import paths in the compiled output's
1704 * `dist-collection` bundle if it is generated (i.e. `collectionDir` is set).
1705 *
1706 * Paths will be left in aliased format if `false` or `undefined`.
1707 *
1708 * @example
1709 * // tsconfig.json
1710 * {
1711 * paths: {
1712 * "@utils/*": ['/src/utils/*']
1713 * }
1714 * }
1715 *
1716 * // Source file
1717 * import * as dateUtils from '@utils/date-utils';
1718 * // Output file
1719 * import * as dateUtils from '../utils/date-utils';
1720 */
1721 transformAliasedImportPathsInCollection?: boolean | null;
1722 typesDir?: string;
1723 esmLoaderPath?: string;
1724 copy?: CopyTask[];
1725 polyfills?: boolean;
1726 empty?: boolean;
1728export interface OutputTargetDistCollection extends OutputTargetBase {
1729 type: 'dist-collection';
1730 empty?: boolean;
1731 dir: string;
1732 collectionDir: string;
1733 /**
1734 * When `true` this flag will transform aliased import paths defined in
1735 * a project's `tsconfig.json` to relative import paths in the compiled output.
1736 *
1737 * Paths will be left in aliased format if `false` or `undefined`.
1738 *
1739 * @example
1740 * // tsconfig.json
1741 * {
1742 * paths: {
1743 * "@utils/*": ['/src/utils/*']
1744 * }
1745 * }
1746 *
1747 * // Source file
1748 * import * as dateUtils from '@utils/date-utils';
1749 * // Output file
1750 * import * as dateUtils from '../utils/date-utils';
1751 */
1752 transformAliasedImportPaths?: boolean | null;
1754export interface OutputTargetDistTypes extends OutputTargetBase {
1755 type: 'dist-types';
1756 dir: string;
1757 typesDir: string;
1759export interface OutputTargetDistLazy extends OutputTargetBase {
1760 type: 'dist-lazy';
1761 dir?: string;
1762 esmDir?: string;
1763 esmEs5Dir?: string;
1764 systemDir?: string;
1765 cjsDir?: string;
1766 polyfills?: boolean;
1767 isBrowserBuild?: boolean;
1768 esmIndexFile?: string;
1769 cjsIndexFile?: string;
1770 systemLoaderFile?: string;
1771 legacyLoaderFile?: string;
1772 empty?: boolean;
1774export interface OutputTargetDistGlobalStyles extends OutputTargetBase {
1775 type: 'dist-global-styles';
1776 file: string;
1778export interface OutputTargetDistLazyLoader extends OutputTargetBase {
1779 type: 'dist-lazy-loader';
1780 dir: string;
1781 esmDir: string;
1782 esmEs5Dir?: string;
1783 cjsDir: string;
1784 componentDts: string;
1785 empty: boolean;
1787export interface OutputTargetHydrate extends OutputTargetBase {
1788 type: 'dist-hydrate-script';
1789 dir?: string;
1790 /**
1791 * Module IDs that should not be bundled into the script.
1792 * By default, all node builtin's, such as `fs` or `path`
1793 * will be considered "external" and not bundled.
1794 */
1795 external?: string[];
1796 empty?: boolean;
1798export interface OutputTargetCustom extends OutputTargetBase {
1799 type: 'custom';
1800 name: string;
1801 validate?: (config: Config, diagnostics: Diagnostic[]) => void;
1802 generator: (config: Config, compilerCtx: any, buildCtx: any, docs: any) => Promise<void>;
1803 copy?: CopyTask[];
1806 * Output target for generating [custom data](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-custom-data) for VS Code as a JSON
1807 * file.
1808 */
1809export interface OutputTargetDocsVscode extends OutputTargetBase {
1810 /**
1811 * Designates this output target to be used for generating VS Code custom data.
1812 * @see OutputTargetBase#type
1813 */
1814 type: 'docs-vscode';
1815 /**
1816 * The location on disk to write the JSON file.
1817 */
1818 file: string;
1819 /**
1820 * A base URL to find the source code of the component(s) described in the JSON file.
1821 */
1822 sourceCodeBaseUrl?: string;
1824export interface OutputTargetDocsReadme extends OutputTargetBase {
1825 type: 'docs-readme';
1826 dir?: string;
1827 dependencies?: boolean;
1828 footer?: string;
1829 strict?: boolean;
1831export interface OutputTargetDocsJson extends OutputTargetBase {
1832 type: 'docs-json';
1833 file: string;
1834 typesFile?: string | null;
1835 strict?: boolean;
1837export interface OutputTargetDocsCustom extends OutputTargetBase {
1838 type: 'docs-custom';
1839 generator: (docs: JsonDocs, config: Config) => void | Promise<void>;
1840 strict?: boolean;
1842export interface OutputTargetStats extends OutputTargetBase {
1843 type: 'stats';
1844 file?: string;
1846export interface OutputTargetBaseNext {
1847 type: string;
1848 dir?: string;
1850export interface OutputTargetDistCustomElements extends OutputTargetBaseNext {
1851 type: 'dist-custom-elements';
1852 empty?: boolean;
1853 externalRuntime?: boolean;
1854 copy?: CopyTask[];
1855 inlineDynamicImports?: boolean;
1856 includeGlobalScripts?: boolean;
1857 minify?: boolean;
1858 /**
1859 * Enables the auto-definition of a component and its children (recursively) in the custom elements registry. This
1860 * functionality allows consumers to bypass the explicit call to define a component, its children, its children's
1861 * children, etc. Users of this flag should be aware that enabling this functionality may increase bundle size.
1862 */
1863 autoDefineCustomElements?: boolean;
1864 /**
1865 * Enables the generation of type definition files for the output target.
1866 */
1867 generateTypeDeclarations?: boolean;
1869export interface OutputTargetDistCustomElementsBundle extends OutputTargetBaseNext {
1870 type: 'dist-custom-elements-bundle';
1871 empty?: boolean;
1872 externalRuntime?: boolean;
1873 copy?: CopyTask[];
1874 inlineDynamicImports?: boolean;
1875 includeGlobalScripts?: boolean;
1876 minify?: boolean;
1879 * The base type for output targets. All output targets should extend this base type.
1880 */
1881export interface OutputTargetBase {
1882 /**
1883 * A unique string to differentiate one output target from another
1884 */
1885 type: string;
1887export declare type OutputTargetBuild = OutputTargetDistCollection | OutputTargetDistLazy;
1888export interface OutputTargetAngular extends OutputTargetBase {
1889 type: 'angular';
1890 componentCorePackage: string;
1891 directivesProxyFile?: string;
1892 directivesArrayFile?: string;
1893 directivesUtilsFile?: string;
1894 excludeComponents?: string[];
1896export interface OutputTargetCopy extends OutputTargetBase {
1897 type: 'copy';
1898 dir: string;
1899 copy?: CopyTask[];
1900 copyAssets?: 'collection' | 'dist';
1902export interface OutputTargetWww extends OutputTargetBase {
1903 /**
1904 * Webapp output target.
1905 */
1906 type: 'www';
1907 /**
1908 * The directory to write the app's JavaScript and CSS build
1909 * files to. The default is to place this directory as a child
1910 * to the `dir` config. Default: `build`
1911 */
1912 buildDir?: string;
1913 /**
1914 * The directory to write the entire application to.
1915 * Note, the `buildDir` is where the app's JavaScript and CSS build
1916 * files are written. Default: `www`
1917 */
1918 dir?: string;
1919 /**
1920 * Empty the build directory of all files and directories on first build.
1921 * Default: `true`
1922 */
1923 empty?: boolean;
1924 /**
1925 * The default index html file of the app, commonly found at the
1926 * root of the `src` directory.
1927 * Default: `index.html`
1928 */
1929 indexHtml?: string;
1930 /**
1931 * The copy config is an array of objects that defines any files or folders that should
1932 * be copied over to the build directory.
1933 *
1934 * Each object in the array must include a src property which can be either an absolute path,
1935 * a relative path or a glob pattern. The config can also provide an optional dest property
1936 * which can be either an absolute path or a path relative to the build directory.
1937 * Also note that any files within src/assets are automatically copied to www/assets for convenience.
1938 *
1939 * In the copy config below, it will copy the entire directory from src/docs-content over to www/docs-content.
1940 */
1941 copy?: CopyTask[];
1942 /**
1943 * The base url of the app, it's required during prerendering to be the absolute path
1944 * of your app, such as: `https://my.app.com/app`.
1945 *
1946 * Default: `/`
1947 */
1948 baseUrl?: string;
1949 /**
1950 * By default, stencil will include all the polyfills required by legacy browsers in the ES5 build.
1951 * If it's `false`, stencil will not emit this polyfills anymore and it's your responsibility to provide them before
1952 * stencil initializes.
1953 */
1954 polyfills?: boolean;
1955 /**
1956 * Path to an external node module which has exports of the prerender config object.
1957 * ```
1958 * module.exports = {
1959 * afterHydrate(document, url) {
1960 * document.title = `URL: ${url.href}`;
1961 * }
1962 * }
1963 * ```
1964 */
1965 prerenderConfig?: string;
1966 /**
1967 * Service worker config for production builds. During development builds
1968 * service worker script will be injected to automatically unregister existing
1969 * service workers. When set to `false` neither a service worker registration
1970 * or unregistration will be added to the index.html.
1971 */
1972 serviceWorker?: ServiceWorkerConfig | null | false;
1973 appDir?: string;
1975export declare type OutputTarget = OutputTargetAngular | OutputTargetCopy | OutputTargetCustom | OutputTargetDist | OutputTargetDistCollection | OutputTargetDistCustomElements | OutputTargetDistCustomElementsBundle | OutputTargetDistLazy | OutputTargetDistGlobalStyles | OutputTargetDistLazyLoader | OutputTargetDocsJson | OutputTargetDocsCustom | OutputTargetDocsReadme | OutputTargetDocsVscode | OutputTargetWww | OutputTargetHydrate | OutputTargetStats | OutputTargetDistTypes;
1976export interface ServiceWorkerConfig {
1977 unregister?: boolean;
1978 swDest?: string;
1979 swSrc?: string;
1980 globPatterns?: string[];
1981 globDirectory?: string | string[];
1982 globIgnores?: string | string[];
1983 templatedUrls?: any;
1984 maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes?: number;
1985 manifestTransforms?: any;
1986 modifyUrlPrefix?: any;
1987 dontCacheBustURLsMatching?: RegExp;
1988 navigateFallback?: string;
1989 navigateFallbackWhitelist?: RegExp[];
1990 navigateFallbackBlacklist?: RegExp[];
1991 cacheId?: string;
1992 skipWaiting?: boolean;
1993 clientsClaim?: boolean;
1994 directoryIndex?: string;
1995 runtimeCaching?: any[];
1996 ignoreUrlParametersMatching?: any[];
1997 handleFetch?: boolean;
1999export interface LoadConfigInit {
2000 /**
2001 * User config object to merge into default config and
2002 * config loaded from a file path.
2003 */
2004 config?: UnvalidatedConfig;
2005 /**
2006 * Absolute path to a Stencil config file. This path cannot be
2007 * relative and it does not resolve config files within a directory.
2008 */
2009 configPath?: string;
2010 logger?: Logger;
2011 sys?: CompilerSystem;
2012 /**
2013 * When set to true, if the "tsconfig.json" file is not found
2014 * it'll automatically generate and save a default tsconfig
2015 * within the root directory.
2016 */
2017 initTsConfig?: boolean;
2020 * Results from an attempt to load a config. The values on this interface
2021 * have not yet been validated and are not ready to be used for arbitrary
2022 * operations around the codebase.
2023 */
2024export interface LoadConfigResults {
2025 config: ValidatedConfig;
2026 diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
2027 tsconfig: {
2028 path: string;
2029 compilerOptions: any;
2030 files: string[];
2031 include: string[];
2032 exclude: string[];
2033 extends: string;
2034 };
2036export interface Diagnostic {
2037 level: 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'log' | 'debug';
2038 type: string;
2039 header?: string;
2040 language?: string;
2041 messageText: string;
2042 debugText?: string;
2043 code?: string;
2044 absFilePath?: string;
2045 relFilePath?: string;
2046 lineNumber?: number;
2047 columnNumber?: number;
2048 lines?: {
2049 lineIndex: number;
2050 lineNumber: number;
2051 text?: string;
2052 errorCharStart: number;
2053 errorLength?: number;
2054 }[];
2056export interface CacheStorage {
2057 get(key: string): Promise<any>;
2058 set(key: string, value: any): Promise<void>;
2060export interface WorkerOptions {
2061 maxConcurrentWorkers?: number;
2062 maxConcurrentTasksPerWorker?: number;
2063 logger?: Logger;
2065export interface RollupInterface {
2066 rollup: {
2067 (config: any): Promise<any>;
2068 };
2069 plugins: {
2070 nodeResolve(opts: any): any;
2071 replace(opts: any): any;
2072 commonjs(opts: any): any;
2073 json(): any;
2074 };
2076export interface ResolveModuleOptions {
2077 manuallyResolve?: boolean;
2078 packageJson?: boolean;
2080export interface PrerenderStartOptions {
2081 buildId?: string;
2082 hydrateAppFilePath: string;
2083 componentGraph: BuildResultsComponentGraph;
2084 srcIndexHtmlPath: string;
2086export interface PrerenderResults {
2087 buildId: string;
2088 diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
2089 urls: number;
2090 duration: number;
2091 average: number;
2094 * Input for CSS optimization functions, including the input CSS
2095 * string and a few boolean options which turn on or off various
2096 * optimizations.
2097 */
2098export interface OptimizeCssInput {
2099 input: string;
2100 filePath?: string;
2101 autoprefixer?: boolean | null | AutoprefixerOptions;
2102 minify?: boolean;
2103 sourceMap?: boolean;
2104 resolveUrl?: (url: string) => Promise<string> | string;
2107 * This is not a real interface describing the options which can
2108 * be passed to autoprefixer, for that see the docs, here:
2109 * https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer#options
2110 *
2111 * Instead, this basically just serves as a label type to track
2112 * that arguments are being passed consistently.
2113 */
2114export declare type AutoprefixerOptions = Object;
2116 * Output from CSS optimization functions, wrapping up optimized
2117 * CSS and any diagnostics produced during optimization.
2118 */
2119export interface OptimizeCssOutput {
2120 output: string;
2121 diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
2123export interface OptimizeJsInput {
2124 input: string;
2125 filePath?: string;
2126 target?: 'es5' | 'latest';
2127 pretty?: boolean;
2128 sourceMap?: boolean;
2130export interface OptimizeJsOutput {
2131 output: string;
2132 sourceMap: any;
2133 diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
2135export interface LazyRequire {
2136 ensure(fromDir: string, moduleIds: string[]): Promise<Diagnostic[]>;
2137 require(fromDir: string, moduleId: string): any;
2138 getModulePath(fromDir: string, moduleId: string): string;
2140export interface FsWatcherItem {
2141 close(): void;
2143export interface MakeDirectoryOptions {
2144 /**
2145 * Indicates whether parent folders should be created.
2146 * @default false
2147 */
2148 recursive?: boolean;
2149 /**
2150 * A file mode. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer. If not specified
2151 * @default 0o777.
2152 */
2153 mode?: number;
2155export interface FsStats {
2156 isFile(): boolean;
2157 isDirectory(): boolean;
2158 isBlockDevice(): boolean;
2159 isCharacterDevice(): boolean;
2160 isSymbolicLink(): boolean;
2161 isFIFO(): boolean;
2162 isSocket(): boolean;
2163 dev: number;
2164 ino: number;
2165 mode: number;
2166 nlink: number;
2167 uid: number;
2168 gid: number;
2169 rdev: number;
2170 size: number;
2171 blksize: number;
2172 blocks: number;
2173 atime: Date;
2174 mtime: Date;
2175 ctime: Date;
2176 birthtime: Date;
2178export interface Compiler {
2179 build(): Promise<CompilerBuildResults>;
2180 createWatcher(): Promise<CompilerWatcher>;
2181 destroy(): Promise<void>;
2182 sys: CompilerSystem;
2184export interface CompilerWatcher extends BuildOnEvents {
2185 start: () => Promise<WatcherCloseResults>;
2186 close: () => Promise<WatcherCloseResults>;
2187 request: (data: CompilerRequest) => Promise<CompilerRequestResponse>;
2189export interface CompilerRequest {
2190 path?: string;
2192export interface WatcherCloseResults {
2193 exitCode: number;
2195export interface CompilerRequestResponse {
2196 path: string;
2197 nodeModuleId: string;
2198 nodeModuleVersion: string;
2199 nodeResolvedPath: string;
2200 cachePath: string;
2201 cacheHit: boolean;
2202 content: string;
2203 status: number;
2205export interface TranspileOptions {
2206 /**
2207 * A component can be defined as a custom element by using `customelement`, or the
2208 * component class can be exported by using `module`. Default is `customelement`.
2209 */
2210 componentExport?: 'customelement' | 'module' | string | undefined;
2211 /**
2212 * Sets how and if component metadata should be assigned on the compiled
2213 * component output. The `compilerstatic` value will set the metadata to
2214 * a static `COMPILER_META` getter on the component class. This option
2215 * is useful for unit testing preprocessors. Default is `null`.
2216 */
2217 componentMetadata?: 'runtimestatic' | 'compilerstatic' | string | undefined;
2218 /**
2219 * The actual internal import path for any `@stencil/core` imports.
2220 * Default is `@stencil/core/internal/client`.
2221 */
2222 coreImportPath?: string;
2223 /**
2224 * The current working directory. Default is `/`.
2225 */
2226 currentDirectory?: string;
2227 /**
2228 * The filename of the code being compiled. Default is `module.tsx`.
2229 */
2230 file?: string;
2231 /**
2232 * Module format to use for the compiled code output, which can be either `esm` or `cjs`.
2233 * Default is `esm`.
2234 */
2235 module?: 'cjs' | 'esm' | string;
2236 /**
2237 * Sets how and if any properties, methods and events are proxied on the
2238 * component class. The `defineproperty` value sets the getters and setters
2239 * using Object.defineProperty. Default is `defineproperty`.
2240 */
2241 proxy?: 'defineproperty' | string | undefined;
2242 /**
2243 * How component styles should be associated to the component. The `static`
2244 * setting will assign the styles as a static getter on the component class.
2245 */
2246 style?: 'static' | string | undefined;
2247 /**
2248 * How style data should be added for imports. For example, the `queryparams` value
2249 * adds the component's tagname and encapsulation info as querystring parameter
2250 * to the style's import, such as `style.css?tag=my-tag&encapsulation=shadow`. This
2251 * style data can be used by bundlers to further optimize each component's css.
2252 * Set to `null` to not include the querystring parameters. Default is `queryparams`.
2253 */
2254 styleImportData?: 'queryparams' | string | undefined;
2255 /**
2256 * The JavaScript source target TypeScript should to transpile to. Values can be
2257 * `latest`, `esnext`, `es2017`, `es2015`, or `es5`. Defaults to `latest`.
2258 */
2259 target?: CompileTarget;
2260 /**
2261 * Create a source map. Using `inline` will inline the source map into the
2262 * code, otherwise the source map will be in the returned `map` property.
2263 * Default is `true`.
2264 */
2265 sourceMap?: boolean | 'inline';
2266 /**
2267 * Base directory to resolve non-relative module names. Same as the `baseUrl`
2268 * TypeScript compiler option: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/module-resolution.html#path-mapping
2269 */
2270 baseUrl?: string;
2271 /**
2272 * List of path mapping entries for module names to locations relative to the `baseUrl`.
2273 * Same as the `paths` TypeScript compiler option:
2274 * https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/module-resolution.html#path-mapping
2275 */
2276 paths?: {
2277 [key: string]: string[];
2278 };
2279 /**
2280 * Passed in Stencil Compiler System, otherwise falls back to the internal in-memory only system.
2281 */
2282 sys?: CompilerSystem;
2284export declare type CompileTarget = 'latest' | 'esnext' | 'es2020' | 'es2019' | 'es2018' | 'es2017' | 'es2015' | 'es5' | string | undefined;
2285export interface TranspileResults {
2286 code: string;
2287 data?: any[];
2288 diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
2289 imports?: {
2290 path: string;
2291 }[];
2292 inputFileExtension: string;
2293 inputFilePath: string;
2294 map: any;
2295 outputFilePath: string;
2297export interface TransformOptions {
2298 coreImportPath: string;
2299 componentExport: 'lazy' | 'module' | 'customelement' | null;
2300 componentMetadata: 'runtimestatic' | 'compilerstatic' | null;
2301 currentDirectory: string;
2302 file?: string;
2303 isolatedModules?: boolean;
2304 module?: 'cjs' | 'esm';
2305 proxy: 'defineproperty' | null;
2306 style: 'static' | null;
2307 styleImportData: 'queryparams' | null;
2308 target?: string;
2310export interface CompileScriptMinifyOptions {
2311 target?: CompileTarget;
2312 pretty?: boolean;
2314export interface DevServer extends BuildEmitEvents {
2315 address: string;
2316 basePath: string;
2317 browserUrl: string;
2318 protocol: string;
2319 port: number;
2320 root: string;
2321 close(): Promise<void>;
2323export interface CliInitOptions {
2324 args: string[];
2325 logger: Logger;
2326 sys: CompilerSystem;