5.06 kBJSONView Raw
2 "title": "Grant",
3 "@id": "schema:Grant",
4 "extends": "Thing",
5 "role": "tertiary",
6 "status": "stable",
7 "category": "other",
8 "description": "A grant, typically financial or otherwise quantifiable, of resources.",
9 "properties": {
10 "type": {
11 "@id": "schema:type",
12 "description": "The name of the type.",
13 "type": "string",
14 "enum": [
15 "Grant",
16 "MonetaryGrant"
17 ],
18 "default": "Grant",
19 "from": "Entity"
20 },
21 "id": {
22 "@id": "schema:id",
23 "description": "The identifier for this item.",
24 "type": "string",
25 "from": "Entity"
26 },
27 "meta": {
28 "@id": "stencila:meta",
29 "description": "Metadata associated with this item.",
30 "type": "object",
31 "from": "Entity"
32 },
33 "alternateNames": {
34 "@id": "schema:alternateName",
35 "description": "Alternate names (aliases) for the item.",
36 "type": "array",
37 "items": {
38 "type": "string"
39 },
40 "from": "Thing",
41 "isArray": true,
42 "isPlural": true,
43 "aliases": [
44 "alternateName"
45 ]
46 },
47 "description": {
48 "@id": "schema:description",
49 "description": "A description of the item.",
50 "$comment": "Allows for the description to be an array of nodes (e.g. an array of inline content,\nor a couple of paragraphs), or a string. The `minItems` restriction avoids a string\nbeing coerced into an array with a single string item.\n",
51 "anyOf": [
52 {
53 "type": "array",
54 "items": {
55 "$ref": "BlockContent.schema.json"
56 }
57 },
58 {
59 "type": "array",
60 "items": {
61 "$ref": "InlineContent.schema.json"
62 },
63 "minItems": 2
64 },
65 {
66 "type": "string"
67 }
68 ],
69 "from": "Thing"
70 },
71 "identifiers": {
72 "@id": "schema:identifier",
73 "description": "Any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing.",
74 "$comment": "Some identifiers have specific properties e.g the `issn` property for\nthe `Periodical` type. These should be used in preference to this\nproperty which is intended for identifiers that do not yet have a\nspecific property. Identifiers can be represented as strings, but\nusing a `PropertyValue` will usually be better because it allows\nfor `propertyID` (i.e. the type of identifier).\n",
75 "type": "array",
76 "items": {
77 "anyOf": [
78 {
79 "$ref": "PropertyValue.schema.json"
80 },
81 {
82 "type": "string"
83 }
84 ]
85 },
86 "from": "Thing",
87 "isArray": true,
88 "isPlural": true,
89 "aliases": [
90 "identifier"
91 ]
92 },
93 "images": {
94 "@id": "schema:image",
95 "description": "Images of the item.",
96 "type": "array",
97 "items": {
98 "anyOf": [
99 {
100 "$ref": "ImageObject.schema.json"
101 },
102 {
103 "type": "string",
104 "format": "uri"
105 }
106 ]
107 },
108 "from": "Thing",
109 "isArray": true,
110 "isPlural": true,
111 "aliases": [
112 "image"
113 ]
114 },
115 "name": {
116 "@id": "schema:name",
117 "description": "The name of the item.",
118 "type": "string",
119 "from": "Thing"
120 },
121 "url": {
122 "@id": "schema:url",
123 "description": "The URL of the item.",
124 "type": "string",
125 "format": "uri",
126 "from": "Thing"
127 },
128 "fundedItems": {
129 "@id": "schema:fundedItem",
130 "description": "Indicates an item funded or sponsored through a Grant.",
131 "$comment": "An array because a grant may have more than one funded item.\n",
132 "type": "array",
133 "items": {
134 "$ref": "Thing.schema.json"
135 },
136 "from": "Grant",
137 "isArray": true,
138 "isPlural": true,
139 "aliases": [
140 "fundedItem"
141 ]
142 },
143 "sponsors": {
144 "@id": "schema:sponsor",
145 "description": "A person or organization that supports a thing through a pledge, promise, or financial contribution.",
146 "$comment": "An array because a grant may have more than one sponsor.\n",
147 "type": "array",
148 "items": {
149 "anyOf": [
150 {
151 "$ref": "Person.schema.json"
152 },
153 {
154 "$ref": "Organization.schema.json"
155 }
156 ]
157 },
158 "from": "Grant",
159 "isArray": true,
160 "isPlural": true,
161 "aliases": [
162 "sponsor"
163 ]
164 }
165 },
166 "file": "Grant.schema.yaml",
167 "children": [
168 "MonetaryGrant"
169 ],
170 "descendants": [
171 "MonetaryGrant"
172 ],
173 "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
174 "$id": "https://schema.stenci.la/v1/Grant.schema.json",
175 "source": "https://github.com/stencila/schema/blob/master/schema/Grant.schema.yaml",
176 "type": "object",
177 "propertyAliases": {
178 "alternateName": "alternateNames",
179 "identifier": "identifiers",
180 "image": "images",
181 "fundedItem": "fundedItems",
182 "sponsor": "sponsors"
183 },
184 "additionalProperties": false,
185 "required": [
186 "type"
187 ]