1 | import { ITransaction } from './i-transaction.js';
2 | import { StompConfig } from './stomp-config.js';
3 | import { StompHeaders } from './stomp-headers.js';
4 | import { StompSubscription } from './stomp-subscription.js';
5 | import { ActivationState, closeEventCallbackType, debugFnType, frameCallbackType, IPublishParams, IStompSocket, messageCallbackType, wsErrorCallbackType } from './types.js';
6 | import { Versions } from './versions.js';
7 | /**
8 | * STOMP Client Class.
9 | *
10 | * Part of `@stomp/stompjs`.
11 | */
12 | export declare class Client {
13 | /**
14 | * The URL for the STOMP broker to connect to.
15 | * Typically like `"ws://broker.329broker.com:15674/ws"` or `"wss://broker.329broker.com:15674/ws"`.
16 | *
17 | * Only one of this or [Client#webSocketFactory]{@link Client#webSocketFactory} need to be set.
18 | * If both are set, [Client#webSocketFactory]{@link Client#webSocketFactory} will be used.
19 | *
20 | * If your environment does not support WebSockets natively, please refer to
21 | * [Polyfills]{@link https://stomp-js.github.io/guide/stompjs/rx-stomp/ng2-stompjs/pollyfils-for-stompjs-v5.html}.
22 | */
23 | brokerURL: string | undefined;
24 | /**
25 | * STOMP versions to attempt during STOMP handshake. By default, versions `1.2`, `1.1`, and `1.0` are attempted.
26 | *
27 | * Example:
28 | * ```javascript
29 | * // Try only versions 1.1 and 1.0
30 | * client.stompVersions = new Versions(['1.1', '1.0'])
31 | * ```
32 | */
33 | stompVersions: Versions;
34 | /**
35 | * This function should return a WebSocket or a similar (e.g. SockJS) object.
36 | * If your environment does not support WebSockets natively, please refer to
37 | * [Polyfills]{@link https://stomp-js.github.io/guide/stompjs/rx-stomp/ng2-stompjs/pollyfils-for-stompjs-v5.html}.
38 | * If your STOMP Broker supports WebSockets, prefer setting [Client#brokerURL]{@link Client#brokerURL}.
39 | *
40 | * If both this and [Client#brokerURL]{@link Client#brokerURL} are set, this will be used.
41 | *
42 | * Example:
43 | * ```javascript
44 | * // use a WebSocket
45 | * client.webSocketFactory= function () {
46 | * return new WebSocket("wss://broker.329broker.com:15674/ws");
47 | * };
48 | *
49 | * // Typical usage with SockJS
50 | * client.webSocketFactory= function () {
51 | * return new SockJS("http://broker.329broker.com/stomp");
52 | * };
53 | * ```
54 | */
55 | webSocketFactory: (() => IStompSocket) | undefined;
56 | /**
57 | * Will retry if Stomp connection is not established in specified milliseconds.
58 | * Default 0, which switches off automatic reconnection.
59 | */
60 | connectionTimeout: number;
61 | private _connectionWatcher;
62 | /**
63 | * automatically reconnect with delay in milliseconds, set to 0 to disable.
64 | */
65 | reconnectDelay: number;
66 | /**
67 | * Incoming heartbeat interval in milliseconds. Set to 0 to disable.
68 | */
69 | heartbeatIncoming: number;
70 | /**
71 | * Outgoing heartbeat interval in milliseconds. Set to 0 to disable.
72 | */
73 | heartbeatOutgoing: number;
74 | /**
75 | * This switches on a non-standard behavior while sending WebSocket packets.
76 | * It splits larger (text) packets into chunks of [maxWebSocketChunkSize]{@link Client#maxWebSocketChunkSize}.
77 | * Only Java Spring brokers seem to support this mode.
78 | *
79 | * WebSockets, by itself, split large (text) packets,
80 | * so it is not needed with a truly compliant STOMP/WebSocket broker.
81 | * Setting it for such a broker will cause large messages to fail.
82 | *
83 | * `false` by default.
84 | *
85 | * Binary frames are never split.
86 | */
87 | splitLargeFrames: boolean;
88 | /**
89 | * See [splitLargeFrames]{@link Client#splitLargeFrames}.
90 | * This has no effect if [splitLargeFrames]{@link Client#splitLargeFrames} is `false`.
91 | */
92 | maxWebSocketChunkSize: number;
93 | /**
94 | * Usually the
95 | * [type of WebSocket frame]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket/send#Parameters}
96 | * is automatically decided by type of the payload.
97 | * Default is `false`, which should work with all compliant brokers.
98 | *
99 | * Set this flag to force binary frames.
100 | */
101 | forceBinaryWSFrames: boolean;
102 | /**
103 | * A bug in ReactNative chops a string on occurrence of a NULL.
104 | * See issue [https://github.com/stomp-js/stompjs/issues/89]{@link https://github.com/stomp-js/stompjs/issues/89}.
105 | * This makes incoming WebSocket messages invalid STOMP packets.
106 | * Setting this flag attempts to reverse the damage by appending a NULL.
107 | * If the broker splits a large message into multiple WebSocket messages,
108 | * this flag will cause data loss and abnormal termination of connection.
109 | *
110 | * This is not an ideal solution, but a stop gap until the underlying issue is fixed at ReactNative library.
111 | */
112 | appendMissingNULLonIncoming: boolean;
113 | /**
114 | * Underlying WebSocket instance, READONLY.
115 | */
116 | get webSocket(): IStompSocket | undefined;
117 | /**
118 | * Connection headers, important keys - `login`, `passcode`, `host`.
119 | * Though STOMP 1.2 standard marks these keys to be present, check your broker documentation for
120 | * details specific to your broker.
121 | */
122 | connectHeaders: StompHeaders;
123 | /**
124 | * Disconnection headers.
125 | */
126 | get disconnectHeaders(): StompHeaders;
127 | set disconnectHeaders(value: StompHeaders);
128 | private _disconnectHeaders;
129 | /**
130 | * This function will be called for any unhandled messages.
131 | * It is useful for receiving messages sent to RabbitMQ temporary queues.
132 | *
133 | * It can also get invoked with stray messages while the server is processing
134 | * a request to [Client#unsubscribe]{@link Client#unsubscribe}
135 | * from an endpoint.
136 | *
137 | * The actual {@link IMessage} will be passed as parameter to the callback.
138 | */
139 | onUnhandledMessage: messageCallbackType;
140 | /**
141 | * STOMP brokers can be requested to notify when an operation is actually completed.
142 | * Prefer using [Client#watchForReceipt]{@link Client#watchForReceipt}. See
143 | * [Client#watchForReceipt]{@link Client#watchForReceipt} for examples.
144 | *
145 | * The actual {@link IFrame} will be passed as parameter to the callback.
146 | */
147 | onUnhandledReceipt: frameCallbackType;
148 | /**
149 | * Will be invoked if {@link IFrame} of an unknown type is received from the STOMP broker.
150 | *
151 | * The actual {@link IFrame} will be passed as parameter to the callback.
152 | */
153 | onUnhandledFrame: frameCallbackType;
154 | /**
155 | * `true` if there is an active connection to STOMP Broker
156 | */
157 | get connected(): boolean;
158 | /**
159 | * Callback, invoked on before a connection to the STOMP broker.
160 | *
161 | * You can change options on the client, which will impact the immediate connecting.
162 | * It is valid to call [Client#decativate]{@link Client#deactivate} in this callback.
163 | *
164 | * As of version 5.1, this callback can be
165 | * [async](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/async_function)
166 | * (i.e., it can return a
167 | * [Promise](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise)).
168 | * In that case, connect will be called only after the Promise is resolved.
169 | * This can be used to reliably fetch credentials, access token etc. from some other service
170 | * in an asynchronous way.
171 | */
172 | beforeConnect: () => void | Promise<void>;
173 | /**
174 | * Callback, invoked on every successful connection to the STOMP broker.
175 | *
176 | * The actual {@link IFrame} will be passed as parameter to the callback.
177 | * Sometimes clients will like to use headers from this frame.
178 | */
179 | onConnect: frameCallbackType;
180 | /**
181 | * Callback, invoked on every successful disconnection from the STOMP broker. It will not be invoked if
182 | * the STOMP broker disconnected due to an error.
183 | *
184 | * The actual Receipt {@link IFrame} acknowledging the DISCONNECT will be passed as parameter to the callback.
185 | *
186 | * The way STOMP protocol is designed, the connection may close/terminate without the client
187 | * receiving the Receipt {@link IFrame} acknowledging the DISCONNECT.
188 | * You might find [Client#onWebSocketClose]{@link Client#onWebSocketClose} more appropriate to watch
189 | * STOMP broker disconnects.
190 | */
191 | onDisconnect: frameCallbackType;
192 | /**
193 | * Callback, invoked on an ERROR frame received from the STOMP Broker.
194 | * A compliant STOMP Broker will close the connection after this type of frame.
195 | * Please check broker specific documentation for exact behavior.
196 | *
197 | * The actual {@link IFrame} will be passed as parameter to the callback.
198 | */
199 | onStompError: frameCallbackType;
200 | /**
201 | * Callback, invoked when underlying WebSocket is closed.
202 | *
203 | * Actual [CloseEvent]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CloseEvent}
204 | * is passed as parameter to the callback.
205 | */
206 | onWebSocketClose: closeEventCallbackType;
207 | /**
208 | * Callback, invoked when underlying WebSocket raises an error.
209 | *
210 | * Actual [Event]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event}
211 | * is passed as parameter to the callback.
212 | */
213 | onWebSocketError: wsErrorCallbackType;
214 | /**
215 | * Set it to log the actual raw communication with the broker.
216 | * When unset, it logs headers of the parsed frames.
217 | *
218 | * Changes effect from the next broker reconnect.
219 | *
220 | * **Caution: this assumes that frames only have valid UTF8 strings.**
221 | */
222 | logRawCommunication: boolean;
223 | /**
224 | * By default, debug messages are discarded. To log to `console` following can be used:
225 | *
226 | * ```javascript
227 | * client.debug = function(str) {
228 | * console.log(str);
229 | * };
230 | * ```
231 | *
232 | * Currently this method does not support levels of log. Be aware that the
233 | * output can be quite verbose
234 | * and may contain sensitive information (like passwords, tokens etc.).
235 | */
236 | debug: debugFnType;
237 | /**
238 | * Browsers do not immediately close WebSockets when `.close` is issued.
239 | * This may cause reconnection to take a significantly long time in case
240 | * of some types of failures.
241 | * In case of incoming heartbeat failure, this experimental flag instructs
242 | * the library to discard the socket immediately
243 | * (even before it is actually closed).
244 | */
245 | discardWebsocketOnCommFailure: boolean;
246 | /**
247 | * version of STOMP protocol negotiated with the server, READONLY
248 | */
249 | get connectedVersion(): string | undefined;
250 | private _stompHandler;
251 | /**
252 | * if the client is active (connected or going to reconnect)
253 | */
254 | get active(): boolean;
255 | /**
256 | * It will be called on state change.
257 | *
258 | * When deactivating, it may go from ACTIVE to INACTIVE without entering DEACTIVATING.
259 | */
260 | onChangeState: (state: ActivationState) => void;
261 | private _changeState;
262 | /**
263 | * Activation state.
264 | *
265 | * It will usually be ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
266 | * When deactivating, it may go from ACTIVE to INACTIVE without entering DEACTIVATING.
267 | */
268 | state: ActivationState;
269 | private _reconnector;
270 | /**
271 | * Create an instance.
272 | */
273 | constructor(conf?: StompConfig);
274 | /**
275 | * Update configuration.
276 | */
277 | configure(conf: StompConfig): void;
278 | /**
279 | * Initiate the connection with the broker.
280 | * If the connection breaks, as per [Client#reconnectDelay]{@link Client#reconnectDelay},
281 | * it will keep trying to reconnect.
282 | *
283 | * Call [Client#deactivate]{@link Client#deactivate} to disconnect and stop reconnection attempts.
284 | */
285 | activate(): void;
286 | private _connect;
287 | private _createWebSocket;
288 | private _schedule_reconnect;
289 | /**
290 | * Disconnect if connected and stop auto reconnect loop.
291 | * Appropriate callbacks will be invoked if there is an underlying STOMP connection.
292 | *
293 | * This call is async. It will resolve immediately if there is no underlying active websocket,
294 | * otherwise, it will resolve after the underlying websocket is properly disposed of.
295 | *
296 | * It is not an error to invoke this method more than once.
297 | * Each of those would resolve on completion of deactivation.
298 | *
299 | * To reactivate, you can call [Client#activate]{@link Client#activate}.
300 | *
301 | * Experimental: pass `force: true` to immediately discard the underlying connection.
302 | * This mode will skip both the STOMP and the Websocket shutdown sequences.
303 | * In some cases, browsers take a long time in the Websocket shutdown
304 | * if the underlying connection had gone stale.
305 | * Using this mode can speed up.
306 | * When this mode is used, the actual Websocket may linger for a while
307 | * and the broker may not realize that the connection is no longer in use.
308 | *
309 | * It is possible to invoke this method initially without the `force` option
310 | * and subsequently, say after a wait, with the `force` option.
311 | */
312 | deactivate(options?: {
313 | force?: boolean;
314 | }): Promise<void>;
315 | /**
316 | * Force disconnect if there is an active connection by directly closing the underlying WebSocket.
317 | * This is different from a normal disconnect where a DISCONNECT sequence is carried out with the broker.
318 | * After forcing disconnect, automatic reconnect will be attempted.
319 | * To stop further reconnects call [Client#deactivate]{@link Client#deactivate} as well.
320 | */
321 | forceDisconnect(): void;
322 | private _disposeStompHandler;
323 | /**
324 | * Send a message to a named destination. Refer to your STOMP broker documentation for types
325 | * and naming of destinations.
326 | *
327 | * STOMP protocol specifies and suggests some headers and also allows broker-specific headers.
328 | *
329 | * `body` must be String.
330 | * You will need to covert the payload to string in case it is not string (e.g. JSON).
331 | *
332 | * To send a binary message body, use `binaryBody` parameter. It should be a
333 | * [Uint8Array](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Uint8Array).
334 | * Sometimes brokers may not support binary frames out of the box.
335 | * Please check your broker documentation.
336 | *
337 | * `content-length` header is automatically added to the STOMP Frame sent to the broker.
338 | * Set `skipContentLengthHeader` to indicate that `content-length` header should not be added.
339 | * For binary messages, `content-length` header is always added.
340 | *
341 | * Caution: The broker will, most likely, report an error and disconnect
342 | * if the message body has NULL octet(s) and `content-length` header is missing.
343 | *
344 | * ```javascript
345 | * client.publish({destination: "/queue/test", headers: {priority: 9}, body: "Hello, STOMP"});
346 | *
347 | * // Only destination is mandatory parameter
348 | * client.publish({destination: "/queue/test", body: "Hello, STOMP"});
349 | *
350 | * // Skip content-length header in the frame to the broker
351 | * client.publish({"/queue/test", body: "Hello, STOMP", skipContentLengthHeader: true});
352 | *
353 | * var binaryData = generateBinaryData(); // This need to be of type Uint8Array
354 | * // setting content-type header is not mandatory, however a good practice
355 | * client.publish({destination: '/topic/special', binaryBody: binaryData,
356 | * headers: {'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'}});
357 | * ```
358 | */
359 | publish(params: IPublishParams): void;
360 | private _checkConnection;
361 | /**
362 | * STOMP brokers may carry out operation asynchronously and allow requesting for acknowledgement.
363 | * To request an acknowledgement, a `receipt` header needs to be sent with the actual request.
364 | * The value (say receipt-id) for this header needs to be unique for each use.
365 | * Typically, a sequence, a UUID, a random number or a combination may be used.
366 | *
367 | * A complaint broker will send a RECEIPT frame when an operation has actually been completed.
368 | * The operation needs to be matched based on the value of the receipt-id.
369 | *
370 | * This method allows watching for a receipt and invoking the callback
371 | * when the corresponding receipt has been received.
372 | *
373 | * The actual {@link IFrame} will be passed as parameter to the callback.
374 | *
375 | * Example:
376 | * ```javascript
377 | * // Subscribing with acknowledgement
378 | * let receiptId = randomText();
379 | *
380 | * client.watchForReceipt(receiptId, function() {
381 | * // Will be called after server acknowledges
382 | * });
383 | *
384 | * client.subscribe(TEST.destination, onMessage, {receipt: receiptId});
385 | *
386 | *
387 | * // Publishing with acknowledgement
388 | * receiptId = randomText();
389 | *
390 | * client.watchForReceipt(receiptId, function() {
391 | * // Will be called after server acknowledges
392 | * });
393 | * client.publish({destination: TEST.destination, headers: {receipt: receiptId}, body: msg});
394 | * ```
395 | */
396 | watchForReceipt(receiptId: string, callback: frameCallbackType): void;
397 | /**
398 | * Subscribe to a STOMP Broker location. The callback will be invoked for each
399 | * received message with the {@link IMessage} as argument.
400 | *
401 | * Note: The library will generate a unique ID if there is none provided in the headers.
402 | * To use your own ID, pass it using the `headers` argument.
403 | *
404 | * ```javascript
405 | * callback = function(message) {
406 | * // called when the client receives a STOMP message from the server
407 | * if (message.body) {
408 | * alert("got message with body " + message.body)
409 | * } else {
410 | * alert("got empty message");
411 | * }
412 | * });
413 | *
414 | * var subscription = client.subscribe("/queue/test", callback);
415 | *
416 | * // Explicit subscription id
417 | * var mySubId = 'my-subscription-id-001';
418 | * var subscription = client.subscribe(destination, callback, { id: mySubId });
419 | * ```
420 | */
421 | subscribe(destination: string, callback: messageCallbackType, headers?: StompHeaders): StompSubscription;
422 | /**
423 | * It is preferable to unsubscribe from a subscription by calling
424 | * `unsubscribe()` directly on {@link StompSubscription} returned by `client.subscribe()`:
425 | *
426 | * ```javascript
427 | * var subscription = client.subscribe(destination, onmessage);
428 | * // ...
429 | * subscription.unsubscribe();
430 | * ```
431 | *
432 | * See: https://stomp.github.com/stomp-specification-1.2.html#UNSUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE Frame
433 | */
434 | unsubscribe(id: string, headers?: StompHeaders): void;
435 | /**
436 | * Start a transaction, the returned {@link ITransaction} has methods - [commit]{@link ITransaction#commit}
437 | * and [abort]{@link ITransaction#abort}.
438 | *
439 | * `transactionId` is optional, if not passed the library will generate it internally.
440 | */
441 | begin(transactionId?: string): ITransaction;
442 | /**
443 | * Commit a transaction.
444 | *
445 | * It is preferable to commit a transaction by calling [commit]{@link ITransaction#commit} directly on
446 | * {@link ITransaction} returned by [client.begin]{@link Client#begin}.
447 | *
448 | * ```javascript
449 | * var tx = client.begin(txId);
450 | * //...
451 | * tx.commit();
452 | * ```
453 | */
454 | commit(transactionId: string): void;
455 | /**
456 | * Abort a transaction.
457 | * It is preferable to abort a transaction by calling [abort]{@link ITransaction#abort} directly on
458 | * {@link ITransaction} returned by [client.begin]{@link Client#begin}.
459 | *
460 | * ```javascript
461 | * var tx = client.begin(txId);
462 | * //...
463 | * tx.abort();
464 | * ```
465 | */
466 | abort(transactionId: string): void;
467 | /**
468 | * ACK a message. It is preferable to acknowledge a message by calling [ack]{@link IMessage#ack} directly
469 | * on the {@link IMessage} handled by a subscription callback:
470 | *
471 | * ```javascript
472 | * var callback = function (message) {
473 | * // process the message
474 | * // acknowledge it
475 | * message.ack();
476 | * };
477 | * client.subscribe(destination, callback, {'ack': 'client'});
478 | * ```
479 | */
480 | ack(messageId: string, subscriptionId: string, headers?: StompHeaders): void;
481 | /**
482 | * NACK a message. It is preferable to acknowledge a message by calling [nack]{@link IMessage#nack} directly
483 | * on the {@link IMessage} handled by a subscription callback:
484 | *
485 | * ```javascript
486 | * var callback = function (message) {
487 | * // process the message
488 | * // an error occurs, nack it
489 | * message.nack();
490 | * };
491 | * client.subscribe(destination, callback, {'ack': 'client'});
492 | * ```
493 | */
494 | nack(messageId: string, subscriptionId: string, headers?: StompHeaders): void;
495 | }
496 |
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