1 | <center>
2 | <img src="../docs/media/docspage-hero.png" width="100%" />
3 | </center>
4 |
5 | <h1>Storybook Docs for React</h1>
6 |
7 | > migration guide: This page documents the method to configure storybook introduced recently in 5.3.0, consult the [migration guide](https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md) if you want to migrate to this format of configuring storybook.
8 |
9 | Storybook Docs transforms your Storybook stories into world-class component documentation. Storybook Docs for React supports [DocsPage](../docs/docspage.md) for auto-generated docs, and [MDX](../docs/mdx.md) for rich long-form docs.
10 |
11 | To learn more about Storybook Docs, read the [general documentation](../README.md). To learn the React specifics, read on!
12 |
13 | - [Installation](#installation)
14 | - [DocsPage](#docspage)
15 | - [Props tables](#props-tables)
16 | - [MDX](#mdx)
17 | - [Inline stories](#inline-stories)
18 | - [TypeScript props with `react-docgen`](#typescript-props-with-react-docgen)
19 | - [More resources](#more-resources)
20 |
21 | ## Installation
22 |
23 | First add the package. Make sure that the versions for your `@storybook/*` packages match:
24 |
25 | ```sh
26 | yarn add -D @storybook/addon-docs@next
27 | ```
28 |
29 | Then add the following to your `.storybook/main.js` list of `addons`:
30 |
31 | ```js
32 | module.exports = {
33 | // other settings
34 | addons: ['@storybook/addon-docs'];
35 | }
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ## DocsPage
39 |
40 | When you [install docs](#installation) you should get basic [DocsPage](../docs/docspage.md) documentation automagically for all your stories, available in the `Docs` tab of the Storybook UI.
41 |
42 | ## Props tables
43 |
44 | Storybook Docs automatically generates [Props tables](../docs/props-tables.md) for your components based on either `PropTypes` or `TypeScript` types. To show the props table for your component, be sure to fill in the `component` field in your story metadata:
45 |
46 | ```ts
47 | import { Button } from './Button';
48 |
49 | export default {
50 | title: 'Button',
51 | component: Button,
52 | };
53 | ```
54 |
55 | If you haven't upgraded from `storiesOf`, you can use a parameter to do the same thing:
56 |
57 | ```ts
58 | import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
59 | import { Button } from './Button';
60 |
61 | storiesOf('InfoButton', module)
62 | .addParameters({ component: Button })
63 | .add( ... );
64 | ```
65 |
66 | ## MDX
67 |
68 | [MDX](../docs/mdx.md) is a convenient way to document your components in Markdown and embed documentation components, such as stories and props tables, inline.
69 |
70 | Then update your `.storybook/main.js` to make sure you load MDX files:
71 |
72 | ```js
73 | module.exports = {
74 | stories: ['../src/stories/**/*.stories.@(js|mdx)'],
75 | };
76 | ```
77 |
78 | Finally, you can create MDX files like this:
79 |
80 | ```md
81 | import { Meta, Story, ArgsTable } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
82 | import { Button } from './Button';
83 |
84 | <Meta title='Button' component={Button} />
85 |
86 | # Button
87 |
88 | Some **markdown** description, or whatever you want.
89 |
90 | <Story name='basic' height='400px'>
91 | <Button>Label</Button>
92 | </Story>
93 |
94 | ## ArgsTable
95 |
96 | <ArgsTable of={Button} />
97 | ```
98 |
99 | ## Inline stories
100 |
101 | Storybook Docs renders all React stories inline on the page by default. If you want to render stories in an `iframe` so that they are better isolated. To do this, update `.storybook/preview.js`:
102 |
103 | ```js
104 | export const parameters = {
105 | docs: {
106 | inlineStories: false,
107 | },
108 | };
109 | ```
110 |
111 | ## TypeScript props with `react-docgen`
112 |
113 | If you're using TypeScript, there are two different options for generating props: `react-docgen-typescript` (default) or `react-docgen`.
114 |
115 | You can add the following lines to your `.storybook/main.js` to switch between the two (or disable docgen):
116 |
117 | ```js
118 | module.exports = {
119 | typescript: {
120 | // also valid 'react-docgen-typescript' | false
121 | reactDocgen: 'react-docgen',
122 | },
123 | };
124 | ```
125 |
126 | Neither option is perfect, so here's everything you should know if you're thinking about using `react-docgen` for TypeScript.
127 |
128 | | | `react-docgen-typescript` | `react-docgen` |
129 | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
130 | | **Features** | **Great**. The analysis produces great results which gives the best props table experience. | **OK**. React-docgen produces basic results that are fine for most use cases. |
131 | | **Performance** | **Slow**. It's doing a lot more work to produce those results, and may also have an inefficient implementation. | **Blazing fast**. Adding it to your project increases build time negligibly. |
132 | | **Bugs** | **Many**. There are a lot of corner cases that are not handled properly, and are annoying for developers. | **Few**. But there's a dealbreaker, which is lack for imported types (see below). |
133 | | **SB docs** | **Good**. Our prop tables have supported `react-docgen-typescript` results from the beginning, so it's relatively stable. | **OK**. There are some obvious improvements to fully support `react-docgen`, and they're coming soon. |
134 |
135 | **Performance** is a common question, so here are build times from a random project to quantify. Your mileage may vary:
136 |
137 | | Docgen | Build time |
138 | | ----------------------- | ---------- |
139 | | react-docgen-typescript | 33s |
140 | | react-docgen | 29s |
141 | | none | 28s |
142 |
143 | The biggest limitation of `react-docgen` is lack of support for imported types. What that means is that when a component uses a type defined in another file or package, `react-docgen` is unable to extract props information for that type.
144 |
145 | ```tsx
146 | import React, { FC } from 'react';
147 | import SomeType from './someFile';
148 |
149 | type NewType = SomeType & { foo: string };
150 | const MyComponent: FC<NewType> = ...
151 | ```
152 |
153 | So in the previous example, `SomeType` would simply be ignored! There's an [open PR for this in the `react-docgen` repo](https://github.com/reactjs/react-docgen/pull/352) which you can upvote if it affects you.
154 |
155 | Another common pitfall when switching to `react-docgen` is [lack of support for `React.FC`](https://github.com/reactjs/react-docgen/issues/387). This means that the following common pattern **DOESN'T WORK**:
156 |
157 | ```tsx
158 | import React, { FC } from 'react';
159 | interface IProps { ... };
160 | const MyComponent: FC<IProps> = ({ ... }) => ...
161 | ```
162 |
163 | Fortunately, the following workaround works:
164 |
165 | ```tsx
166 | const MyComponent: FC<IProps> = ({ ... }: IProps) => ...
167 | ```
168 |
169 | Please upvote [the issue](https://github.com/reactjs/react-docgen/issues/387) if this is affecting your productivity, or better yet, submit a fix!
170 |
171 | ## More resources
172 |
173 | Want to learn more? Here are some more articles on Storybook Docs:
174 |
175 | - References: [DocsPage](../docs/docspage.md) / [MDX](../docs/mdx.md) / [FAQ](../docs/faq.md) / [Recipes](../docs/recipes.md) / [Theming](../docs/theming.md) / [Props](../docs/props-tables.md)
176 | - Announcements: [Vision](https://medium.com/storybookjs/storybook-docs-sneak-peak-5be78445094a) / [DocsPage](https://medium.com/storybookjs/storybook-docspage-e185bc3622bf) / [MDX](https://medium.com/storybookjs/rich-docs-with-storybook-mdx-61bc145ae7bc) / [Framework support](https://medium.com/storybookjs/storybook-docs-for-new-frameworks-b1f6090ee0ea)
177 | - Example: [Storybook Design System](https://github.com/storybookjs/design-system)