1 | # Story Links Addon
2 |
3 | The Storybook Links addon can be used to create links that navigate between stories in [Storybook](https://storybook.js.org).
4 |
5 | [Framework Support](https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/api/frameworks-feature-support)
6 |
7 | ## Getting Started
8 |
9 | Install this addon by adding the `@storybook/addon-links` dependency:
10 |
11 | ```sh
12 | yarn add -D @storybook/addon-links
13 | ```
14 |
15 | within `.storybook/main.js`:
16 |
17 | ```js
18 | module.exports = {
19 | addons: ['@storybook/addon-links'],
20 | };
21 | ```
22 |
23 | Then you can import `linkTo` in your stories and use like this:
24 |
25 | ```js
26 | import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';
27 |
28 | export default {
29 | title: 'Button',
30 | };
31 |
32 | export const first = () => <button onClick={linkTo('Button', 'second')}>Go to "Second"</button>;
33 | export const second = () => <button onClick={linkTo('Button', 'first')}>Go to "First"</button>;
34 | ```
35 |
36 | Have a look at the linkTo function:
37 |
38 | ```js
39 | import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';
40 |
41 | linkTo('Toggle', 'off');
42 | linkTo(
43 | () => 'Toggle',
44 | () => 'off'
45 | );
46 | linkTo('Toggle'); // Links to the first story in the 'Toggle' kind
47 | ```
48 |
49 | With that, you can link an event in a component to any story in the Storybook.
50 |
51 | - First parameter is the story kind name (what you named with `title`).
52 | - Second (optional) parameter is the story name (what you named with `exported name`).
53 | If the second parameter is omitted, the link will point to the first story in the given kind.
54 |
55 | You can also pass a function instead for any of above parameter. That function accepts arguments emitted by the event and it should return a string:
56 |
57 | ```js
58 | import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';
59 | import LinkTo from '@storybook/addon-links/react';
60 |
61 | export default {
62 | title: 'Select',
63 | };
64 |
65 | export const index = () => (
66 | <select value="Index" onChange={linkTo('Select', (e) => e.currentTarget.value)}>
67 | <option>index</option>
68 | <option>first</option>
69 | <option>second</option>
70 | <option>third</option>
71 | </select>
72 | );
73 | export const first = () => <LinkTo story="index">Go back</LinkTo>;
74 | export const second = () => <LinkTo story="index">Go back</LinkTo>;
75 | export const third = () => <LinkTo story="index">Go back</LinkTo>;
76 | ```
77 |
78 | ## hrefTo function
79 |
80 | If you want to get an URL for a particular story, you may use `hrefTo` function. It returns a promise, which resolves to string containing a relative URL:
81 |
82 | ```js
83 | import { hrefTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';
84 | import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
85 |
86 | export default {
87 | title: 'Href',
88 | };
89 |
90 | export const log = () => {
91 | hrefTo('Href', 'log').then(action('URL of this story'));
92 |
93 | return <span>See action logger</span>;
94 | };
95 | ```
96 |
97 | ## withLinks decorator
98 |
99 | `withLinks` decorator enables a declarative way of defining story links, using data attributes.
100 | Here is an example in React, but it works with any framework:
101 |
102 | ```js
103 | import { withLinks } from '@storybook/addon-links';
104 |
105 | export default {
106 | title: 'Button',
107 | decorators: [withLinks],
108 | };
109 |
110 | export const first = () => (
111 | <button data-sb-kind="OtherKind" data-sb-story="otherStory">
112 | Go to "OtherStory"
113 | </button>
114 | );
115 | ```
116 |
117 | ## LinkTo component (React only)
118 |
119 | One possible way of using `hrefTo` is to create a component that uses native `a` element, but prevents page reloads on plain left click, so that one can still use default browser methods to open link in new tab.
120 | A React implementation of such a component can be imported from `@storybook/addon-links` package:
121 |
122 | ```js
123 | import LinkTo from '@storybook/addon-links/react';
124 |
125 | export default {
126 | title: 'Link',
127 | };
128 |
129 | export const first = () => <LinkTo story="second">Go to Second</LinkTo>;
130 | export const second = () => <LinkTo story="first">Go to First</LinkTo>;
131 | ```
132 |
133 | It accepts all the props the `a` element does, plus `story` and `kind`. It the `kind` prop is omitted, the current kind will be preserved.
134 |
135 | ```js
136 | <LinkTo
137 | kind="Toggle"
138 | story="off"
139 | target="_blank"
140 | title="link to second story"
141 | style={{ color: '#1474f3' }}
142 | >
143 | Go to Second
144 | </LinkTo>
145 | ```
146 |
147 | To implement such a component for another framework, you need to add special handling for `click` event on native `a` element. See [`RoutedLink` sources](https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/main/addons/links/src/react/components/RoutedLink.tsx) for reference.