1 | import './chunk-BYXBJQAS.js';
2 | import { __toESM, require_picocolors } from './chunk-3VVDG2YT.js';
3 | import { dedent } from 'ts-dedent';
4 |
5 | var import_picocolors=__toESM(require_picocolors(),1);var blocker={id:"storyStoreV7removal",async check({mainConfig}){let features=mainConfig?.features;return features===void 0?!1:!!Object.hasOwn(features,"storyStoreV7")},log(){return dedent`
6 | StoryStoreV7 feature must be removed from your Storybook configuration.
7 | This feature was removed in Storybook 8.0.0.
8 | Please see the migration guide for more information:
9 | ${import_picocolors.default.yellow("https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#storystorev6-and-storiesof-is-deprecated")}
10 |
11 | In your Storybook configuration we found storyStoreV7 feature defined. For instance:
12 |
13 | export default = {
14 | features: {
15 | ${import_picocolors.default.cyan("storyStoreV7: false")}, <--- ${import_picocolors.default.bold("remove this line")}
16 | },
17 | };
18 |
19 | You need to remove the storyStoreV7 property.
20 | `}};
21 |
22 | export { blocker };