1 | var __create = Object.create;
2 | var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
3 | var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
4 | var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
5 | var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
6 | var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
7 | var __export = (target, all) => {
8 | for (var name in all)
9 | __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
10 | };
11 | var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
12 | if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
13 | for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
14 | if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
15 | __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
16 | }
17 | return to;
18 | };
19 | var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 | isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,
25 | mod
26 | ));
27 | var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
28 |
29 |
30 | var src_exports = {};
31 | __export(src_exports, {
32 | darkTheme: () => import_react_native_theming3.darkTheme,
33 | getProjectAnnotations: () => getProjectAnnotations,
34 | prepareStories: () => prepareStories,
35 | start: () => start,
36 | theme: () => import_react_native_theming3.theme,
37 | updateView: () => updateView
38 | });
39 | module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports);
40 | var import_react_native_theming3 = require("@storybook/react-native-theming");
41 |
42 |
43 | var import_react_native4 = require("react-native");
44 | var import_manager_api2 = require("@storybook/core/manager-api");
45 | var import_preview_api2 = require("@storybook/core/preview-api");
46 | var import_csf2 = require("@storybook/csf");
47 | var import_channels2 = require("@storybook/core/channels");
48 |
49 |
50 | var import_bottom_sheet = require("@gorhom/bottom-sheet");
51 | var import_channels = require("@storybook/core/channels");
52 | var import_core_events = __toESM(require("@storybook/core/core-events"));
53 | var import_csf = require("@storybook/csf");
54 | var import_manager_api = require("@storybook/core/manager-api");
55 | var import_preview_api = require("@storybook/core/preview-api");
56 | var import_react_native_theming2 = require("@storybook/react-native-theming");
57 | var import_react_native_ui = require("@storybook/react-native-ui");
58 | var import_dedent = __toESM(require("dedent"));
59 | var import_deepmerge = __toESM(require("deepmerge"));
60 | var import_react4 = require("react");
61 | var import_react_native3 = require("react-native");
62 | var import_react_native_gesture_handler = require("react-native-gesture-handler");
63 | var import_react_native_safe_area_context = require("react-native-safe-area-context");
64 |
65 |
66 | var import_react3 = __toESM(require("react"));
67 | var import_react_native_theming = require("@storybook/react-native-theming");
68 | var import_react_native2 = require("react-native");
69 |
70 |
71 | var import_meta = {};
72 | var keyCount = 0;
73 | function atom(read, write) {
74 | const key = `atom${++keyCount}`;
75 | const config = {
76 | toString: () => key
77 | };
78 | if (typeof read === "function") {
79 | config.read = read;
80 | } else {
81 | config.init = read;
82 | config.read = function(get) {
83 | return get(this);
84 | };
85 | config.write = function(get, set, arg) {
86 | return set(
87 | this,
88 | typeof arg === "function" ? arg(get(this)) : arg
89 | );
90 | };
91 | }
92 | if (write) {
93 | config.write = write;
94 | }
95 | return config;
96 | }
97 | var hasInitialValue = (atom2) => "init" in atom2;
98 | var isActuallyWritableAtom = (atom2) => !!atom2.write;
99 | var cancelPromiseMap = new WeakMap();
100 | var registerCancelPromise = (promise, cancel) => {
101 | cancelPromiseMap.set(promise, cancel);
102 | promise.catch(() => {
103 | }).finally(() => cancelPromiseMap.delete(promise));
104 | };
105 | var cancelPromise = (promise, next) => {
106 | const cancel = cancelPromiseMap.get(promise);
107 | if (cancel) {
108 | cancelPromiseMap.delete(promise);
109 | cancel(next);
110 | }
111 | };
112 | var resolvePromise = (promise, value) => {
113 | promise.status = "fulfilled";
114 | promise.value = value;
115 | };
116 | var rejectPromise = (promise, e) => {
117 | promise.status = "rejected";
118 | promise.reason = e;
119 | };
120 | var isPromiseLike = (x) => typeof (x == null ? void 0 : x.then) === "function";
121 | var isEqualAtomValue = (a, b) => !!a && "v" in a && "v" in b && Object.is(a.v, b.v);
122 | var isEqualAtomError = (a, b) => !!a && "e" in a && "e" in b && Object.is(a.e, b.e);
123 | var hasPromiseAtomValue = (a) => !!a && "v" in a && a.v instanceof Promise;
124 | var isEqualPromiseAtomValue = (a, b) => "v" in a && "v" in b && a.v.orig && a.v.orig === b.v.orig;
125 | var returnAtomValue = (atomState) => {
126 | if ("e" in atomState) {
127 | throw atomState.e;
128 | }
129 | return atomState.v;
130 | };
131 | var createStore = () => {
132 | const atomStateMap = new WeakMap();
133 | const mountedMap = new WeakMap();
134 | const pendingMap = new Map();
135 | let storeListenersRev2;
136 | let mountedAtoms;
137 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
138 | storeListenersRev2 = new Set();
139 | mountedAtoms = new Set();
140 | }
141 | const getAtomState = (atom2) => atomStateMap.get(atom2);
142 | const setAtomState = (atom2, atomState) => {
143 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
144 | Object.freeze(atomState);
145 | }
146 | const prevAtomState = atomStateMap.get(atom2);
147 | atomStateMap.set(atom2, atomState);
148 | if (!pendingMap.has(atom2)) {
149 | pendingMap.set(atom2, prevAtomState);
150 | }
151 | if (hasPromiseAtomValue(prevAtomState)) {
152 | const next = "v" in atomState ? atomState.v instanceof Promise ? atomState.v : Promise.resolve(atomState.v) : Promise.reject(atomState.e);
153 | if (prevAtomState.v !== next) {
154 | cancelPromise(prevAtomState.v, next);
155 | }
156 | }
157 | };
158 | const updateDependencies = (atom2, nextAtomState, nextDependencies) => {
159 | const dependencies = new Map();
160 | let changed = false;
161 | nextDependencies.forEach((aState, a) => {
162 | if (!aState && a === atom2) {
163 | aState = nextAtomState;
164 | }
165 | if (aState) {
166 | dependencies.set(a, aState);
167 | if (nextAtomState.d.get(a) !== aState) {
168 | changed = true;
169 | }
170 | } else if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
171 | console.warn("[Bug] atom state not found");
172 | }
173 | });
174 | if (changed || nextAtomState.d.size !== dependencies.size) {
175 | nextAtomState.d = dependencies;
176 | }
177 | };
178 | const setAtomValue = (atom2, value, nextDependencies) => {
179 | const prevAtomState = getAtomState(atom2);
180 | const nextAtomState = {
181 | d: (prevAtomState == null ? void 0 : prevAtomState.d) || new Map(),
182 | v: value
183 | };
184 | if (nextDependencies) {
185 | updateDependencies(atom2, nextAtomState, nextDependencies);
186 | }
187 | if (isEqualAtomValue(prevAtomState, nextAtomState) && prevAtomState.d === nextAtomState.d) {
188 | return prevAtomState;
189 | }
190 | if (hasPromiseAtomValue(prevAtomState) && hasPromiseAtomValue(nextAtomState) && isEqualPromiseAtomValue(prevAtomState, nextAtomState)) {
191 | if (prevAtomState.d === nextAtomState.d) {
192 | return prevAtomState;
193 | } else {
194 | nextAtomState.v = prevAtomState.v;
195 | }
196 | }
197 | setAtomState(atom2, nextAtomState);
198 | return nextAtomState;
199 | };
200 | const setAtomValueOrPromise = (atom2, valueOrPromise, nextDependencies, abortPromise) => {
201 | if (isPromiseLike(valueOrPromise)) {
202 | let continuePromise;
203 | const updatePromiseDependencies = () => {
204 | const prevAtomState = getAtomState(atom2);
205 | if (!hasPromiseAtomValue(prevAtomState) || prevAtomState.v !== promise) {
206 | return;
207 | }
208 | const nextAtomState = setAtomValue(
209 | atom2,
210 | promise,
211 | nextDependencies
212 | );
213 | if (mountedMap.has(atom2) && prevAtomState.d !== nextAtomState.d) {
214 | mountDependencies(atom2, nextAtomState, prevAtomState.d);
215 | }
216 | };
217 | const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
218 | let settled = false;
219 | valueOrPromise.then(
220 | (v) => {
221 | if (!settled) {
222 | settled = true;
223 | resolvePromise(promise, v);
224 | resolve(v);
225 | updatePromiseDependencies();
226 | }
227 | },
228 | (e) => {
229 | if (!settled) {
230 | settled = true;
231 | rejectPromise(promise, e);
232 | reject(e);
233 | updatePromiseDependencies();
234 | }
235 | }
236 | );
237 | continuePromise = (next) => {
238 | if (!settled) {
239 | settled = true;
240 | next.then(
241 | (v) => resolvePromise(promise, v),
242 | (e) => rejectPromise(promise, e)
243 | );
244 | resolve(next);
245 | }
246 | };
247 | });
248 | promise.orig = valueOrPromise;
249 | promise.status = "pending";
250 | registerCancelPromise(promise, (next) => {
251 | if (next) {
252 | continuePromise(next);
253 | }
254 | abortPromise == null ? void 0 : abortPromise();
255 | });
256 | return setAtomValue(atom2, promise, nextDependencies);
257 | }
258 | return setAtomValue(atom2, valueOrPromise, nextDependencies);
259 | };
260 | const setAtomError = (atom2, error, nextDependencies) => {
261 | const prevAtomState = getAtomState(atom2);
262 | const nextAtomState = {
263 | d: (prevAtomState == null ? void 0 : prevAtomState.d) || new Map(),
264 | e: error
265 | };
266 | if (nextDependencies) {
267 | updateDependencies(atom2, nextAtomState, nextDependencies);
268 | }
269 | if (isEqualAtomError(prevAtomState, nextAtomState) && prevAtomState.d === nextAtomState.d) {
270 | return prevAtomState;
271 | }
272 | setAtomState(atom2, nextAtomState);
273 | return nextAtomState;
274 | };
275 | const readAtomState = (atom2, force) => {
276 | const atomState = getAtomState(atom2);
277 | if (!force && atomState) {
278 | if (mountedMap.has(atom2)) {
279 | return atomState;
280 | }
281 | if (Array.from(atomState.d).every(([a, s]) => {
282 | if (a === atom2) {
283 | return true;
284 | }
285 | const aState = readAtomState(a);
286 | return aState === s || isEqualAtomValue(aState, s);
287 | })) {
288 | return atomState;
289 | }
290 | }
291 | const nextDependencies = new Map();
292 | let isSync = true;
293 | const getter = (a) => {
294 | if (a === atom2) {
295 | const aState2 = getAtomState(a);
296 | if (aState2) {
297 | nextDependencies.set(a, aState2);
298 | return returnAtomValue(aState2);
299 | }
300 | if (hasInitialValue(a)) {
301 | nextDependencies.set(a, void 0);
302 | return a.init;
303 | }
304 | throw new Error("no atom init");
305 | }
306 | const aState = readAtomState(a);
307 | nextDependencies.set(a, aState);
308 | return returnAtomValue(aState);
309 | };
310 | let controller;
311 | let setSelf;
312 | const options = {
313 | get signal() {
314 | if (!controller) {
315 | controller = new AbortController();
316 | }
317 | return controller.signal;
318 | },
319 | get setSelf() {
320 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production" && !isActuallyWritableAtom(atom2)) {
321 | console.warn("setSelf function cannot be used with read-only atom");
322 | }
323 | if (!setSelf && isActuallyWritableAtom(atom2)) {
324 | setSelf = (...args) => {
325 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production" && isSync) {
326 | console.warn("setSelf function cannot be called in sync");
327 | }
328 | if (!isSync) {
329 | return writeAtom(atom2, ...args);
330 | }
331 | };
332 | }
333 | return setSelf;
334 | }
335 | };
336 | try {
337 | const valueOrPromise = atom2.read(getter, options);
338 | return setAtomValueOrPromise(
339 | atom2,
340 | valueOrPromise,
341 | nextDependencies,
342 | () => controller == null ? void 0 : controller.abort()
343 | );
344 | } catch (error) {
345 | return setAtomError(atom2, error, nextDependencies);
346 | } finally {
347 | isSync = false;
348 | }
349 | };
350 | const readAtom = (atom2) => returnAtomValue(readAtomState(atom2));
351 | const addAtom = (atom2) => {
352 | let mounted = mountedMap.get(atom2);
353 | if (!mounted) {
354 | mounted = mountAtom(atom2);
355 | }
356 | return mounted;
357 | };
358 | const canUnmountAtom = (atom2, mounted) => !mounted.l.size && (!mounted.t.size || mounted.t.size === 1 && mounted.t.has(atom2));
359 | const delAtom = (atom2) => {
360 | const mounted = mountedMap.get(atom2);
361 | if (mounted && canUnmountAtom(atom2, mounted)) {
362 | unmountAtom(atom2);
363 | }
364 | };
365 | const recomputeDependents = (atom2) => {
366 | const dependencyMap = new Map();
367 | const dirtyMap = new WeakMap();
368 | const getDependents = (a) => {
369 | var _a;
370 | const dependents = new Set((_a = mountedMap.get(a)) == null ? void 0 : _a.t);
371 | pendingMap.forEach((_, pendingAtom) => {
372 | var _a2;
373 | if ((_a2 = getAtomState(pendingAtom)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.d.has(a)) {
374 | dependents.add(pendingAtom);
375 | }
376 | });
377 | return dependents;
378 | };
379 | const loop1 = (a) => {
380 | getDependents(a).forEach((dependent) => {
381 | if (dependent !== a) {
382 | dependencyMap.set(
383 | dependent,
384 | (dependencyMap.get(dependent) || new Set()).add(a)
385 | );
386 | dirtyMap.set(dependent, (dirtyMap.get(dependent) || 0) + 1);
387 | loop1(dependent);
388 | }
389 | });
390 | };
391 | loop1(atom2);
392 | const loop2 = (a) => {
393 | getDependents(a).forEach((dependent) => {
394 | var _a;
395 | if (dependent !== a) {
396 | let dirtyCount = dirtyMap.get(dependent);
397 | if (dirtyCount) {
398 | dirtyMap.set(dependent, --dirtyCount);
399 | }
400 | if (!dirtyCount) {
401 | let isChanged = !!((_a = dependencyMap.get(dependent)) == null ? void 0 : _a.size);
402 | if (isChanged) {
403 | const prevAtomState = getAtomState(dependent);
404 | const nextAtomState = readAtomState(dependent, true);
405 | isChanged = !isEqualAtomValue(prevAtomState, nextAtomState);
406 | }
407 | if (!isChanged) {
408 | dependencyMap.forEach((s) => s.delete(dependent));
409 | }
410 | }
411 | loop2(dependent);
412 | }
413 | });
414 | };
415 | loop2(atom2);
416 | };
417 | const writeAtomState = (atom2, ...args) => {
418 | let isSync = true;
419 | const getter = (a) => returnAtomValue(readAtomState(a));
420 | const setter = (a, ...args2) => {
421 | let r;
422 | if (a === atom2) {
423 | if (!hasInitialValue(a)) {
424 | throw new Error("atom not writable");
425 | }
426 | const prevAtomState = getAtomState(a);
427 | const nextAtomState = setAtomValueOrPromise(a, args2[0]);
428 | if (!isEqualAtomValue(prevAtomState, nextAtomState)) {
429 | recomputeDependents(a);
430 | }
431 | } else {
432 | r = writeAtomState(a, ...args2);
433 | }
434 | if (!isSync) {
435 | const flushed = flushPending();
436 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
437 | storeListenersRev2.forEach(
438 | (l) => l({ type: "async-write", flushed })
439 | );
440 | }
441 | }
442 | return r;
443 | };
444 | const result = atom2.write(getter, setter, ...args);
445 | isSync = false;
446 | return result;
447 | };
448 | const writeAtom = (atom2, ...args) => {
449 | const result = writeAtomState(atom2, ...args);
450 | const flushed = flushPending();
451 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
452 | storeListenersRev2.forEach(
453 | (l) => l({ type: "write", flushed })
454 | );
455 | }
456 | return result;
457 | };
458 | const mountAtom = (atom2, initialDependent, onMountQueue) => {
459 | var _a;
460 | const queue = onMountQueue || [];
461 | (_a = getAtomState(atom2)) == null ? void 0 : _a.d.forEach((_, a) => {
462 | const aMounted = mountedMap.get(a);
463 | if (aMounted) {
464 | aMounted.t.add(atom2);
465 | } else {
466 | if (a !== atom2) {
467 | mountAtom(a, atom2, queue);
468 | }
469 | }
470 | });
471 | readAtomState(atom2);
472 | const mounted = {
473 | t: new Set(initialDependent && [initialDependent]),
474 | l: new Set()
475 | };
476 | mountedMap.set(atom2, mounted);
477 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
478 | mountedAtoms.add(atom2);
479 | }
480 | if (isActuallyWritableAtom(atom2) && atom2.onMount) {
481 | const { onMount } = atom2;
482 | queue.push(() => {
483 | const onUnmount = onMount((...args) => writeAtom(atom2, ...args));
484 | if (onUnmount) {
485 | mounted.u = onUnmount;
486 | }
487 | });
488 | }
489 | if (!onMountQueue) {
490 | queue.forEach((f) => f());
491 | }
492 | return mounted;
493 | };
494 | const unmountAtom = (atom2) => {
495 | var _a;
496 | const onUnmount = (_a = mountedMap.get(atom2)) == null ? void 0 : _a.u;
497 | if (onUnmount) {
498 | onUnmount();
499 | }
500 | mountedMap.delete(atom2);
501 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
502 | mountedAtoms.delete(atom2);
503 | }
504 | const atomState = getAtomState(atom2);
505 | if (atomState) {
506 | if (hasPromiseAtomValue(atomState)) {
507 | cancelPromise(atomState.v);
508 | }
509 | atomState.d.forEach((_, a) => {
510 | if (a !== atom2) {
511 | const mounted = mountedMap.get(a);
512 | if (mounted) {
513 | mounted.t.delete(atom2);
514 | if (canUnmountAtom(a, mounted)) {
515 | unmountAtom(a);
516 | }
517 | }
518 | }
519 | });
520 | } else if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
521 | console.warn("[Bug] could not find atom state to unmount", atom2);
522 | }
523 | };
524 | const mountDependencies = (atom2, atomState, prevDependencies) => {
525 | const depSet = new Set(atomState.d.keys());
526 | const maybeUnmountAtomSet = new Set();
527 | prevDependencies == null ? void 0 : prevDependencies.forEach((_, a) => {
528 | if (depSet.has(a)) {
529 | depSet.delete(a);
530 | return;
531 | }
532 | maybeUnmountAtomSet.add(a);
533 | const mounted = mountedMap.get(a);
534 | if (mounted) {
535 | mounted.t.delete(atom2);
536 | }
537 | });
538 | depSet.forEach((a) => {
539 | const mounted = mountedMap.get(a);
540 | if (mounted) {
541 | mounted.t.add(atom2);
542 | } else if (mountedMap.has(atom2)) {
543 | mountAtom(a, atom2);
544 | }
545 | });
546 | maybeUnmountAtomSet.forEach((a) => {
547 | const mounted = mountedMap.get(a);
548 | if (mounted && canUnmountAtom(a, mounted)) {
549 | unmountAtom(a);
550 | }
551 | });
552 | };
553 | const flushPending = () => {
554 | let flushed;
555 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
556 | flushed = new Set();
557 | }
558 | while (pendingMap.size) {
559 | const pending = Array.from(pendingMap);
560 | pendingMap.clear();
561 | pending.forEach(([atom2, prevAtomState]) => {
562 | const atomState = getAtomState(atom2);
563 | if (atomState) {
564 | const mounted = mountedMap.get(atom2);
565 | if (mounted && atomState.d !== (prevAtomState == null ? void 0 : prevAtomState.d)) {
566 | mountDependencies(atom2, atomState, prevAtomState == null ? void 0 : prevAtomState.d);
567 | }
568 | if (mounted && !
569 |
570 | (!hasPromiseAtomValue(prevAtomState) && (isEqualAtomValue(prevAtomState, atomState) || isEqualAtomError(prevAtomState, atomState)))) {
571 | mounted.l.forEach((listener) => listener());
572 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
573 | flushed.add(atom2);
574 | }
575 | }
576 | } else if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
577 | console.warn("[Bug] no atom state to flush");
578 | }
579 | });
580 | }
581 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
582 | return flushed;
583 | }
584 | };
585 | const subscribeAtom = (atom2, listener) => {
586 | const mounted = addAtom(atom2);
587 | const flushed = flushPending();
588 | const listeners = mounted.l;
589 | listeners.add(listener);
590 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
591 | storeListenersRev2.forEach(
592 | (l) => l({ type: "sub", flushed })
593 | );
594 | }
595 | return () => {
596 | listeners.delete(listener);
597 | delAtom(atom2);
598 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
599 | storeListenersRev2.forEach((l) => l({ type: "unsub" }));
600 | }
601 | };
602 | };
603 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
604 | return {
605 | get: readAtom,
606 | set: writeAtom,
607 | sub: subscribeAtom,
608 | // store dev methods (these are tentative and subject to change without notice)
609 | dev_subscribe_store: (l, rev) => {
610 | if (rev !== 2) {
611 | throw new Error("The current StoreListener revision is 2.");
612 | }
613 | storeListenersRev2.add(l);
614 | return () => {
615 | storeListenersRev2.delete(l);
616 | };
617 | },
618 | dev_get_mounted_atoms: () => mountedAtoms.values(),
619 | dev_get_atom_state: (a) => atomStateMap.get(a),
620 | dev_get_mounted: (a) => mountedMap.get(a),
621 | dev_restore_atoms: (values) => {
622 | for (const [atom2, valueOrPromise] of values) {
623 | if (hasInitialValue(atom2)) {
624 | setAtomValueOrPromise(atom2, valueOrPromise);
625 | recomputeDependents(atom2);
626 | }
627 | }
628 | const flushed = flushPending();
629 | storeListenersRev2.forEach(
630 | (l) => l({ type: "restore", flushed })
631 | );
632 | }
633 | };
634 | }
635 | return {
636 | get: readAtom,
637 | set: writeAtom,
638 | sub: subscribeAtom
639 | };
640 | };
641 | var defaultStore;
642 | if ((import_meta.env ? import_meta.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production") {
643 | if (typeof globalThis.__NUMBER_OF_JOTAI_INSTANCES__ === "number") {
644 | ++globalThis.__NUMBER_OF_JOTAI_INSTANCES__;
645 | } else {
646 | globalThis.__NUMBER_OF_JOTAI_INSTANCES__ = 1;
647 | }
648 | }
649 | var getDefaultStore = () => {
650 | if (!defaultStore) {
651 | defaultStore = createStore();
652 | }
653 | return defaultStore;
654 | };
655 |
656 |
657 | var import_react = __toESM(require("react"), 1);
658 | var import_meta2 = {};
659 | var StoreContext = (0, import_react.createContext)(void 0);
660 | var useStore = (options) => {
661 | const store = (0, import_react.useContext)(StoreContext);
662 | return (options == null ? void 0 : options.store) || store || getDefaultStore();
663 | };
664 | var isPromiseLike2 = (x) => typeof (x == null ? void 0 : x.then) === "function";
665 | var use = import_react.default.use || ((promise) => {
666 | if (promise.status === "pending") {
667 | throw promise;
668 | } else if (promise.status === "fulfilled") {
669 | return promise.value;
670 | } else if (promise.status === "rejected") {
671 | throw promise.reason;
672 | } else {
673 | promise.status = "pending";
674 | promise.then(
675 | (v) => {
676 | promise.status = "fulfilled";
677 | promise.value = v;
678 | },
679 | (e) => {
680 | promise.status = "rejected";
681 | promise.reason = e;
682 | }
683 | );
684 | throw promise;
685 | }
686 | });
687 | function useAtomValue(atom2, options) {
688 | const store = useStore(options);
689 | const [[valueFromReducer, storeFromReducer, atomFromReducer], rerender] = (0, import_react.useReducer)(
690 | (prev) => {
691 | const nextValue = store.get(atom2);
692 | if (Object.is(prev[0], nextValue) && prev[1] === store && prev[2] === atom2) {
693 | return prev;
694 | }
695 | return [nextValue, store, atom2];
696 | },
697 | void 0,
698 | () => [store.get(atom2), store, atom2]
699 | );
700 | let value = valueFromReducer;
701 | if (storeFromReducer !== store || atomFromReducer !== atom2) {
702 | rerender();
703 | value = store.get(atom2);
704 | }
705 | const delay = options == null ? void 0 : options.delay;
706 | (0, import_react.useEffect)(() => {
707 | const unsub = store.sub(atom2, () => {
708 | if (typeof delay === "number") {
709 | setTimeout(rerender, delay);
710 | return;
711 | }
712 | rerender();
713 | });
714 | rerender();
715 | return unsub;
716 | }, [store, atom2, delay]);
717 | (0, import_react.useDebugValue)(value);
718 | return isPromiseLike2(value) ? use(value) : value;
719 | }
720 | function useSetAtom(atom2, options) {
721 | const store = useStore(options);
722 | const setAtom = (0, import_react.useCallback)(
723 | (...args) => {
724 | if ((import_meta2.env ? import_meta2.env.MODE : void 0) !== "production" && !("write" in atom2)) {
725 | throw new Error("not writable atom");
726 | }
727 | return store.set(atom2, ...args);
728 | },
729 | [store, atom2]
730 | );
731 | return setAtom;
732 | }
733 |
734 |
735 | var storyContextAtom = atom(null);
736 | function useSetStoryContext() {
737 | return useSetAtom(storyContextAtom);
738 | }
739 | function useStoryContext() {
740 | return useAtomValue(storyContextAtom);
741 | }
742 |
743 |
744 | var import_react2 = __toESM(require("react"));
745 | var import_react_native = require("react-native");
746 | var import_jsx_runtime = require("react/jsx-runtime");
747 | var ErrorBoundary = class extends import_react2.default.Component {
748 | constructor(props) {
749 | super(props);
750 | this.state = { hasError: false };
751 | }
752 | static getDerivedStateFromError(_error) {
753 | return { hasError: true };
754 | }
755 | componentDidCatch(error, info) {
756 | this.props.onError(error, info.componentStack);
757 | }
758 | render() {
759 | if (this.state.hasError) {
760 | return (0, import_jsx_runtime.jsx)(
761 | import_react_native.View,
762 | {
763 | style: {
764 | margin: 16,
765 | padding: 16,
766 | borderColor: "red",
767 | borderWidth: 2,
768 | alignItems: "center",
769 | justifyContent: "center",
770 | borderRadius: 4
771 | },
772 | children: (0, import_jsx_runtime.jsx)(import_react_native.Text, { style: { fontWeight: "bold" }, children: "Something went wrong rendering your story" })
773 | }
774 | );
775 | }
776 | return this.props.children;
777 | }
778 | };
779 |
780 |
781 | var import_jsx_runtime2 = require("react/jsx-runtime");
782 | function dismissOnStartResponder() {
783 | import_react_native2.Keyboard.dismiss();
784 | return false;
785 | }
786 | var Text2 = import_react_native_theming.styled.Text(({ theme: theme3 }) => ({
787 | color: theme3?.color?.defaultText
788 | }));
789 | var StoryView = () => {
790 | const context = useStoryContext();
791 | const id = context?.id;
792 | const theme3 = (0, import_react_native_theming.useTheme)();
793 | if (context && context.unboundStoryFn) {
794 | const { unboundStoryFn: StoryComponent } = context;
795 | return (0, import_jsx_runtime2.jsx)(
796 | import_react_native2.View,
797 | {
798 | style: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: theme3.background?.content },
799 | testID: id,
800 | onStartShouldSetResponder: dismissOnStartResponder,
801 | children: (0, import_jsx_runtime2.jsx)(
802 | ErrorBoundary,
803 | {
804 | onError: () => {
805 | console.log(`Error rendering story for ${context.title} ${context.name}`);
806 | },
807 | children: StoryComponent && (0, import_jsx_runtime2.jsx)(StoryComponent, { ...context })
808 | }
809 | )
810 | },
811 | id
812 | );
813 | }
814 | return (0, import_jsx_runtime2.jsx)(import_react_native2.View, { style: { flex: 1, padding: 16, alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center" }, children: (0, import_jsx_runtime2.jsx)(Text2, { children: "Please open the sidebar and select a story to preview." }) });
815 | };
816 | var StoryView_default = import_react3.default.memo(StoryView);
817 |
818 |
819 | function getByRemoteConfig(hostname) {
820 | var remoteModuleConfig = window?.__fbBatchedBridgeConfig?.remoteModuleConfig;
821 | if (!Array.isArray(remoteModuleConfig) || hostname !== "localhost" && hostname !== "") {
822 | return { hostname, passed: false };
823 | }
824 | var constants = (remoteModuleConfig.find(getConstants) || [])[1];
825 | if (constants) {
826 | var serverHost = constants.ServerHost || hostname;
827 | return { hostname: serverHost.split(":")[0], passed: true };
828 | }
829 | return { hostname, passed: false };
830 | }
831 | function getConstants(config) {
832 | return config && (config[0] === "AndroidConstants" || config[0] === "PlatformConstants");
833 | }
834 | function getByRNRequirePolyfill(hostname) {
835 | var NativeModules;
836 | var PlatformConstants;
837 | var AndroidConstants;
838 | if (typeof window === "undefined" || !window.__DEV__ || typeof window.require !== "function" ||
839 |
840 | window.require.name === "metroRequire") {
841 | return hostname;
842 | }
843 | NativeModules = window.require("NativeModules");
844 | if (!NativeModules || !NativeModules.PlatformConstants && !NativeModules.AndroidConstants) {
845 | return hostname;
846 | }
847 | PlatformConstants = NativeModules.PlatformConstants;
848 | AndroidConstants = NativeModules.AndroidConstants;
849 | var serverHost = (PlatformConstants ? PlatformConstants.ServerHost : AndroidConstants.ServerHost) || hostname;
850 | return serverHost.split(":")[0];
851 | }
852 | function getHost(hostname) {
853 | if (typeof __fbBatchedBridge !== "object" || hostname !== "localhost" && hostname !== "") {
854 | return hostname;
855 | }
856 | var result = getByRemoteConfig(hostname);
857 | if (result.passed) {
858 | return result.hostname;
859 | }
860 | return getByRNRequirePolyfill(hostname);
861 | }
862 |
863 |
864 | var import_jsx_runtime3 = require("react/jsx-runtime");
865 | var STORAGE_KEY = "lastOpenedStory";
866 | var View3 = class {
867 | _storyIndex;
868 | _setStory = () => {
869 | };
870 | _forceRerender = () => {
871 | };
872 | _ready = false;
873 | _preview;
874 | _asyncStorageStoryId;
875 | _webUrl;
876 | _storage;
877 | _channel;
878 | _idToPrepared = {};
879 | constructor(preview, channel) {
880 | this._preview = preview;
881 | this._channel = channel;
882 | }
883 | _getInitialStory = async ({
884 | initialSelection,
885 | shouldPersistSelection = true
886 | } = {}) => {
887 | if (initialSelection) {
888 | if (typeof initialSelection === "string") {
889 | return { storySpecifier: initialSelection, viewMode: "story" };
890 | } else {
891 | return {
892 | storySpecifier: (0, import_csf.toId)(initialSelection.kind, initialSelection.name),
893 | viewMode: "story"
894 | };
895 | }
896 | }
897 | if (shouldPersistSelection) {
898 | try {
899 | let value = this._asyncStorageStoryId;
900 | if (!value && this._storage != null) {
901 | value = await this._storage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY);
902 | this._asyncStorageStoryId = value;
903 | }
904 | const exists = value && Object.keys(this._storyIndex.entries).includes(value);
905 | if (!exists)
906 | console.log("Storybook: could not find persisted story");
907 | return { storySpecifier: exists ? value : "*", viewMode: "story" };
908 | } catch (e) {
909 | console.warn("storybook-log: error reading from async storage", e);
910 | }
911 | }
912 | return { storySpecifier: "*", viewMode: "story" };
913 | };
914 | _getServerChannel = (params = {}) => {
915 | const host = getHost(params.host || "localhost");
916 | const port = `:${params.port || 7007}`;
917 | const query = params.query || "";
918 | const websocketType = params.secured ? "wss" : "ws";
919 | const url = `${websocketType}://${host}${port}/${query}`;
920 | const channel = new import_channels.Channel({
921 | transport: new import_channels.WebsocketTransport({
922 | url,
923 | onError: (e) => {
924 | console.log(`WebsocketTransport error ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
925 | }
926 | }),
927 | async: true
928 | });
929 | return channel;
930 | };
931 | createPreparedStoryMapping = async () => {
932 | await this._preview.ready().then(
933 | () => Promise.all(
934 | Object.keys(this._storyIndex.entries).map(async (storyId) => {
935 | this._idToPrepared[storyId] = await this._preview.loadStory({ storyId });
936 | })
937 | )
938 | );
939 | };
940 | getStorybookUI = (params = {}) => {
941 | const {
942 | shouldPersistSelection = true,
943 | onDeviceUI = true,
944 | enableWebsockets = false,
945 | storage
946 | } = params;
947 | this._storage = storage;
948 | const initialStory = this._getInitialStory(params);
949 | if (enableWebsockets) {
950 | const channel = this._getServerChannel(params);
951 | import_manager_api.addons.setChannel(channel);
952 | import_preview_api.addons.setChannel(channel);
953 | this._channel = channel;
954 | this._preview.channel = channel;
955 | this._preview.setupListeners();
956 | channel.emit(import_core_events.default.CHANNEL_CREATED);
957 | this._preview.ready().then(() => this._preview.onStoryIndexChanged());
958 | }
959 | import_manager_api.addons.loadAddons({
960 | store: () => ({
961 | fromId: (id) => {
962 | if (!this._ready) {
963 | throw new Error("Storybook is not ready yet");
964 | }
965 | return this._preview.getStoryContext(this._idToPrepared[id]);
966 | },
967 | getSelection: () => {
968 | return this._preview.currentSelection;
969 | },
970 | _channel: this._channel
971 | })
972 | });
973 | const self = this;
974 | return () => {
975 | const setContext = useSetStoryContext();
976 | const story = useStoryContext();
977 | const colorScheme = (0, import_react_native3.useColorScheme)();
978 | const [update, forceUpdate] = (0, import_react4.useReducer)((x) => x + 1, 0);
979 | const [ready, setReady] = (0, import_react4.useState)(false);
980 | const appliedTheme = (0, import_react4.useMemo)(
981 | () => (0, import_deepmerge.default)(colorScheme === "dark" ? import_react_native_theming2.darkTheme : import_react_native_theming2.theme, params.theme ?? {}),
982 | [colorScheme]
983 | );
984 | (0, import_react4.useEffect)(() => {
985 | this.createPreparedStoryMapping().then(() => {
986 | this._ready = true;
987 | setReady(true);
988 | initialStory.then((st) => {
989 | self._preview.selectionStore.selectionSpecifier = st;
990 | self._preview.selectSpecifiedStory();
991 | });
992 | }).catch((e) => console.error(e));
993 | self._setStory = (newStory) => {
994 | setContext(newStory);
995 | if (shouldPersistSelection && !storage) {
996 | console.warn(import_dedent.default`Please set storage in getStorybookUI like this:
997 | const StorybookUIRoot = view.getStorybookUI({
998 | storage: {
999 | getItem: AsyncStorage.getItem,
1000 | setItem: AsyncStorage.setItem,
1001 | },
1002 | });
1003 | `);
1004 | }
1005 | if (shouldPersistSelection && !!this._storage) {
1006 | this._storage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, newStory.id).catch((e) => {
1007 | console.warn("storybook-log: error writing to async storage", e);
1008 | });
1009 | }
1010 | };
1011 | self._forceRerender = () => forceUpdate();
1012 | }, []);
1013 | const storyHash = (0, import_react4.useMemo)(() => {
1014 | if (!ready) {
1015 | return {};
1016 | }
1017 | return (0, import_react_native_ui.transformStoryIndexToStoriesHash)(this._storyIndex, {
1018 | docsOptions: { docsMode: false, autodocs: false, defaultName: "" },
1019 | filters: {},
1020 | status: {},
1021 | provider: {
1022 | handleAPI: () => ({}),
1023 | getConfig: () => ({})
1024 | }
1025 | });
1026 | }, [ready, update]);
1027 | if (!ready) {
1028 | return (0, import_jsx_runtime3.jsx)(
1029 | import_react_native3.View,
1030 | {
1031 | style: {
1032 | ...import_react_native3.StyleSheet.absoluteFillObject,
1033 | alignItems: "center",
1034 | justifyContent: "center"
1035 | },
1036 | children: (0, import_jsx_runtime3.jsx)(import_react_native3.ActivityIndicator, { animating: true, size: "large" })
1037 | }
1038 | );
1039 | }
1040 | if (onDeviceUI) {
1041 | return (0, import_jsx_runtime3.jsx)(import_react_native_theming2.ThemeProvider, { theme: appliedTheme, children: (0, import_jsx_runtime3.jsx)(import_react_native_safe_area_context.SafeAreaProvider, { children: (0, import_jsx_runtime3.jsx)(import_react_native_gesture_handler.GestureHandlerRootView, { style: { flex: 1 }, children: (0, import_jsx_runtime3.jsx)(import_bottom_sheet.BottomSheetModalProvider, { children: (0, import_jsx_runtime3.jsx)(import_react_native_ui.LayoutProvider, { children: (0, import_jsx_runtime3.jsx)(import_react_native_ui.Layout, { storyHash, story, children: (0, import_jsx_runtime3.jsx)(StoryView_default, {}) }) }) }) }) }) });
1042 | } else {
1043 | return (0, import_jsx_runtime3.jsx)(StoryView_default, {});
1044 | }
1045 | };
1046 | };
1047 | };
1048 |
1049 |
1050 | var import_jsx_runtime4 = require("react/jsx-runtime");
1051 | if (import_react_native4.Platform.OS !== "web") {
1052 | try {
1053 | let params = new URLSearchParams({ test: "1" });
1054 | params.get("test");
1055 | } catch {
1056 | const { setupURLPolyfill } = require("react-native-url-polyfill");
1057 | setupURLPolyfill();
1058 | }
1059 | }
1060 | if (import_react_native4.Platform.OS === "web" && typeof globalThis.setImmediate === "undefined") {
1061 | require("setimmediate");
1062 | }
1063 | function prepareStories({
1064 | storyEntries,
1065 | options
1066 | }) {
1067 | let index = {
1068 | v: 4,
1069 | entries: {}
1070 | };
1071 | let importMap = {};
1072 | const makeTitle = (fileName, specifier, userTitle) => {
1073 | const title = (0, import_preview_api2.userOrAutoTitleFromSpecifier)(fileName, specifier, userTitle);
1074 | if (title) {
1075 | return title.replace("./", "");
1076 | } else {
1077 | console.log({
1078 | fileName,
1079 | userTitle,
1080 | storyEntries: storyEntries.map((entry) => {
1081 | return { ...entry, importPathMatcher: entry.importPathMatcher.source };
1082 | }),
1083 | title: title ?? ""
1084 | });
1085 | throw new Error("Could not generate title");
1086 | }
1087 | };
1088 | storyEntries.forEach((specifier) => {
1089 | const { req, directory: root } = specifier;
1090 | req.keys().forEach((filename) => {
1091 | try {
1092 | const fileExports = req(filename);
1093 | if (!fileExports.default)
1094 | return;
1095 | const meta = fileExports.default;
1096 | Object.keys(fileExports).forEach((key) => {
1097 | if (key === "default")
1098 | return;
1099 | if (!(0, import_csf2.isExportStory)(key, fileExports.default))
1100 | return;
1101 | const exportValue = fileExports[key];
1102 | if (!exportValue)
1103 | return;
1104 | const name = (0, import_csf2.storyNameFromExport)(key);
1105 | const title = makeTitle(filename, specifier, meta.title);
1106 | if (title) {
1107 | const id = (0, import_csf2.toId)(title, name);
1108 | index.entries[id] = {
1109 | type: "story",
1110 | id,
1111 | name,
1112 | title,
1113 | importPath: `${root}/${filename.substring(2)}`,
1114 |
1115 | tags: ["story"]
1116 | };
1117 | const importedStories = req(filename);
1118 | const stories = Object.entries(importedStories).reduce(
1119 | (carry, [storyKey, story]) => {
1120 | if (!(0, import_csf2.isExportStory)(storyKey, fileExports.default))
1121 | return carry;
1122 | if (story.play && !options?.playFn) {
1123 | carry[storyKey] = { ...story, play: void 0 };
1124 | } else {
1125 | carry[storyKey] = story;
1126 | }
1127 | return carry;
1128 | },
1129 | {}
1130 | );
1131 | importMap[`${root}/${filename.substring(2)}`] = stories;
1132 | } else {
1133 | console.log(`Unexpected error while loading ${filename}: could not find title`);
1134 | }
1135 | });
1136 | } catch (error) {
1137 | const errorString = error.message && error.stack ? `${error.message}
1138 | ${error.stack}` : error.toString();
1139 | console.error(`Unexpected error while loading ${filename}: ${errorString}`);
1140 | }
1141 | });
1142 | });
1143 | return { index, importMap };
1144 | }
1145 | var getProjectAnnotations = (view, annotations) => async () => (0, import_preview_api2.composeConfigs)([
1146 | {
1147 | renderToCanvas: (context) => {
1148 | view._setStory(context.storyContext);
1149 | },
1150 | render: (args, context) => {
1151 | const { id, component: Component } = context;
1152 | if (!Component) {
1153 | throw new Error(
1154 | `Unable to render story ${id} as the component annotation is missing from the default export`
1155 | );
1156 | }
1157 | return (0, import_jsx_runtime4.jsx)(Component, { ...args });
1158 | }
1159 | },
1160 | ...annotations
1161 | ]);
1162 | function start({
1163 | annotations,
1164 | storyEntries,
1165 | options
1166 | }) {
1167 | const { index, importMap } = prepareStories({ storyEntries, options });
1168 | const channel = (0, import_channels2.createBrowserChannel)({ page: "preview" });
1169 | import_manager_api2.addons.setChannel(channel);
1170 | import_preview_api2.addons.setChannel(channel);
1171 | const previewView = {
1172 | prepareForStory: () => {
1173 | return (0, import_jsx_runtime4.jsx)(import_jsx_runtime4.Fragment, {});
1174 | },
1175 | prepareForDocs: () => {
1176 | },
1177 | showErrorDisplay: (e) => {
1178 | console.log(e);
1179 | },
1180 | showDocs: () => {
1181 | },
1182 | showMain: () => {
1183 | },
1184 | showNoPreview: () => {
1185 | },
1186 | showPreparingDocs: () => {
1187 | },
1188 | showPreparingStory: () => {
1189 | },
1190 | showStory: () => {
1191 | },
1192 | showStoryDuringRender: () => {
1193 | }
1194 |
1195 | };
1196 | const selectionStore = {
1197 | selection: null,
1198 | selectionSpecifier: null,
1199 | setQueryParams: () => {
1200 | },
1201 | setSelection: (selection) => {
1202 | preview.selectionStore.selection = selection;
1203 | }
1204 | };
1205 | const getProjectAnnotationsInitial = async () => (0, import_preview_api2.composeConfigs)([
1206 | {
1207 | renderToCanvas: (context) => {
1208 | view._setStory(context.storyContext);
1209 | },
1210 | render: (args, context) => {
1211 | const { id, component: Component } = context;
1212 | if (!Component) {
1213 | throw new Error(
1214 | `Unable to render story ${id} as the component annotation is missing from the default export`
1215 | );
1216 | }
1217 | return (0, import_jsx_runtime4.jsx)(Component, { ...args });
1218 | }
1219 | },
1220 | ...annotations
1221 | ]);
1222 | const preview = new import_preview_api2.PreviewWithSelection(
1223 | async (importPath) => importMap[importPath],
1224 | getProjectAnnotationsInitial,
1225 | selectionStore,
1226 | previewView
1227 | );
1228 | const view = new View3(preview, channel);
1229 | if (global) {
1230 | global.__STORYBOOK_ADDONS_CHANNEL__ = channel;
1231 | global.__STORYBOOK_PREVIEW__ = preview;
1232 | }
1233 | view._storyIndex = index;
1234 | preview.getStoryIndexFromServer = async () => view._storyIndex;
1235 | return view;
1236 | }
1237 | function updateView(viewInstance, annotations, normalizedStories, options) {
1238 | const { importMap, index } = prepareStories({ storyEntries: normalizedStories, options });
1239 | viewInstance._preview.onStoriesChanged({
1240 | importFn: async (importPath) => importMap[importPath]
1241 | });
1242 | viewInstance._preview.onGetProjectAnnotationsChanged({
1243 | getProjectAnnotations: getProjectAnnotations(viewInstance, annotations)
1244 | });
1245 | viewInstance._storyIndex = index;
1246 | viewInstance._preview.onStoryIndexChanged().then(() => {
1247 | viewInstance.createPreparedStoryMapping().then(() => viewInstance._forceRerender());
1248 | });
1249 | }
1250 |
1251 | 0 && (module.exports = {
1252 | darkTheme,
1253 | getProjectAnnotations,
1254 | prepareStories,
1255 | start,
1256 | theme,
1257 | updateView
1258 | });