1 | # Storybook for React Native
2 |
3 | > [!IMPORTANT]
4 | > This readme is for v8, for v7 docs see the [v7.6 docs](https://github.com/storybookjs/react-native/tree/v7.6.20-stable).
5 |
6 | With Storybook for React Native you can design and develop individual React Native components without running your app.
7 |
8 | If you are migrating from 7.6 to 8.3 you can find the migration guide [here](https://github.com/storybookjs/react-native/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#from-version-76x-to-83x)
9 |
10 | For more information about storybook visit: [storybook.js.org](https://storybook.js.org)
11 |
12 | > [!NOTE]
13 | > `@storybook/react-native` requires atleast 8.3.1, if you install other storybook core packages they should be `^8.3.1` or newer.
14 |
15 | ![picture of storybook](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/cf98766d-8b90-44ab-b718-94ab16e63205)
16 |
17 | ## Table of contents
18 |
19 | - 🚀 [Getting Started](#getting-started)
20 | - 📒 [Writing stories](#writing-stories)
21 | - 🔌 [Addons](#addons)
22 | - 📱 [Hide/Show Storybook](#hideshow-storybook)
23 | - ⚙️ [withStorybook wrapper](#withstorybook-wrapper)
24 | - 🔧 [getStorybookUI](#getstorybookui-options)
25 | - 🧪 [Using stories in unit tests](#using-stories-in-unit-tests)
26 | - 🤝 [Contributing](#contributing)
27 | - ✨ [Examples](#examples)
28 |
29 | ## Getting Started
30 |
31 | ### New project
32 |
33 | There is some project boilerplate with `@storybook/react-native` and `@storybook/addon-react-native-web` both already configured with a simple example.
34 |
35 | For expo you can use this [template](https://github.com/dannyhw/expo-template-storybook) with the following command
36 |
37 | ```sh
38 | # With NPM
39 | npx create-expo-app --template expo-template-storybook AwesomeStorybook
40 | ```
41 |
42 | For react native cli you can use this [template](https://github.com/dannyhw/react-native-template-storybook)
43 |
44 | ```sh
45 | npx react-native init MyApp --template react-native-template-storybook
46 | ```
47 |
48 | ### Existing project
49 |
50 | Run init to setup your project with all the dependencies and configuration files:
51 |
52 | ```sh
53 | npx storybook@latest init
54 | ```
55 |
56 | The only thing left to do is return Storybook's UI in your app entry point (such as `App.tsx`) like this:
57 |
58 | ```tsx
59 | export { default } from './.storybook';
60 | ```
61 |
62 | Then wrap your metro config with the withStorybook function as seen [below](#additional-steps-update-your-metro-config)
63 |
64 | If you want to be able to swap easily between storybook and your app, have a look at this [blog post](https://dev.to/dannyhw/how-to-swap-between-react-native-storybook-and-your-app-p3o)
65 |
66 | If you want to add everything yourself check out the the manual guide [here](https://github.com/storybookjs/react-native/blob/next/MANUAL_SETUP.md).
67 |
68 | #### Additional steps: Update your metro config
69 |
70 | We require the unstable_allowRequireContext transformer option to enable dynamic story imports based on the stories glob in `main.ts`. We can also call the storybook generate function from the metro config to automatically generate the `storybook.requires.ts` file when metro runs.
71 |
72 | **Expo**
73 |
74 | First create metro config file if you don't have it yet.
75 |
76 | ```sh
77 | npx expo customize metro.config.js
78 | ```
79 |
80 | Then wrap your config in the withStorybook function as seen below.
81 |
82 | ```js
83 | // metro.config.js
84 | const path = require('path');
85 | const { getDefaultConfig } = require('expo/metro-config');
86 | const withStorybook = require('@storybook/react-native/metro/withStorybook');
87 |
88 | /** @type {import('expo/metro-config').MetroConfig} */
89 | const config = getDefaultConfig(__dirname);
90 |
91 | module.exports = withStorybook(config, {
92 | // Set to false to remove storybook specific options
93 | // you can also use a env variable to set this
94 | enabled: true,
95 | // Path to your storybook config
96 | configPath: path.resolve(__dirname, './.storybook'),
97 |
98 | // Optional websockets configuration
99 | // Starts a websocket server on the specified port and host on metro start
100 | // websockets: {
101 | // port: 7007,
102 | // host: 'localhost',
103 | // },
104 | });
105 | ```
106 |
107 | **React native**
108 |
109 | ```js
110 | const { getDefaultConfig, mergeConfig } = require('@react-native/metro-config');
111 | const path = require('path');
112 | const withStorybook = require('@storybook/react-native/metro/withStorybook');
113 | const defaultConfig = getDefaultConfig(__dirname);
114 |
115 | /**
116 | * Metro configuration
117 | * https://reactnative.dev/docs/metro
118 | *
119 | * @type {import('metro-config').MetroConfig}
120 | */
121 | const config = {};
122 | // set your own config here 👆
123 |
124 | const finalConfig = mergeConfig(defaultConfig, config);
125 |
126 | module.exports = withStorybook(finalConfig, {
127 | // Set to false to remove storybook specific options
128 | // you can also use a env variable to set this
129 | enabled: true,
130 | // Path to your storybook config
131 | configPath: path.resolve(__dirname, './.storybook'),
132 |
133 | // Optional websockets configuration
134 | // Starts a websocket server on the specified port and host on metro start
135 | // websockets: {
136 | // port: 7007,
137 | // host: 'localhost',
138 | // },
139 | });
140 | ```
141 |
142 | ## Writing stories
143 |
144 | In storybook we use a syntax called CSF that looks like this:
145 |
146 | ```tsx
147 | import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
148 | import { MyButton } from './Button';
149 |
150 | const meta = {
151 | component: MyButton,
152 | } satisfies Meta<typeof MyButton>;
153 |
154 | export default meta;
155 |
156 | type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>;
157 |
158 | export const Basic: Story = {
159 | args: {
160 | text: 'Hello World',
161 | color: 'purple',
162 | },
163 | };
164 | ```
165 |
166 | You should configure the path to your story files in the `main.ts` config file from the `.storybook` folder.
167 |
168 | ```ts
169 | // .storybook/main.ts
170 | import { StorybookConfig } from '@storybook/react-native';
171 |
172 | const main: StorybookConfig = {
173 | stories: ['../components/**/*.stories.?(ts|tsx|js|jsx)'],
174 | addons: [],
175 | };
176 |
177 | export default main;
178 | ```
179 |
180 | ### Decorators and Parameters
181 |
182 | For stories you can add decorators and parameters on the default export or on a specifc story.
183 |
184 | ```tsx
185 | import type { Meta } from '@storybook/react';
186 | import { Button } from './Button';
187 |
188 | const meta = {
189 | title: 'Button',
190 | component: Button,
191 | decorators: [
192 | (Story) => (
193 | <View style={{ alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', flex: 1 }}>
194 | <Story />
195 | </View>
196 | ),
197 | ],
198 | parameters: {
199 | backgrounds: {
200 | values: [
201 | { name: 'red', value: '#f00' },
202 | { name: 'green', value: '#0f0' },
203 | { name: 'blue', value: '#00f' },
204 | ],
205 | },
206 | },
207 | } satisfies Meta<typeof Button>;
208 |
209 | export default meta;
210 | ```
211 |
212 | For global decorators and parameters, you can add them to `preview.tsx` inside your `.storybook` folder.
213 |
214 | ```tsx
215 | // .storybook/preview.tsx
216 | import type { Preview } from '@storybook/react';
217 | import { withBackgrounds } from '@storybook/addon-ondevice-backgrounds';
218 |
219 | const preview: Preview = {
220 | decorators: [
221 | withBackgrounds,
222 | (Story) => (
223 | <View style={{ flex: 1, color: 'blue' }}>
224 | <Story />
225 | </View>
226 | ),
227 | ],
228 | parameters: {
229 | backgrounds: {
230 | default: 'plain',
231 | values: [
232 | { name: 'plain', value: 'white' },
233 | { name: 'warm', value: 'hotpink' },
234 | { name: 'cool', value: 'deepskyblue' },
235 | ],
236 | },
237 | },
238 | };
239 |
240 | export default preview;
241 | ```
242 |
243 | ## Addons
244 |
245 | The cli will install some basic addons for you such as controls and actions.
246 | Ondevice addons are addons that can render with the device ui that you see on the phone.
247 |
248 | Currently the addons available are:
249 |
250 | - [`@storybook/addon-ondevice-controls`](https://storybook.js.org/addons/@storybook/addon-ondevice-controls): adjust your components props in realtime
251 | - [`@storybook/addon-ondevice-actions`](https://storybook.js.org/addons/@storybook/addon-ondevice-actions): mock onPress calls with actions that will log information in the actions tab
252 | - [`@storybook/addon-ondevice-notes`](https://storybook.js.org/addons/@storybook/addon-ondevice-notes): Add some markdown to your stories to help document their usage
253 | - [`@storybook/addon-ondevice-backgrounds`](https://storybook.js.org/addons/@storybook/addon-ondevice-backgrounds): change the background of storybook to compare the look of your component against different backgrounds
254 |
255 | Install each one you want to use and add them to the `main.ts` addons list as follows:
256 |
257 | ```ts
258 | // .storybook/main.ts
259 | import { StorybookConfig } from '@storybook/react-native';
260 |
261 | const main: StorybookConfig = {
262 | // ... rest of config
263 | addons: [
264 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-notes',
265 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-controls',
266 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-backgrounds',
267 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-actions',
268 | ],
269 | };
270 |
271 | export default main;
272 | ```
273 |
274 | ### Using the addons in your story
275 |
276 | For details of each ondevice addon you can see the readme:
277 |
278 | - [actions](https://github.com/storybookjs/react-native/tree/next/packages/ondevice-actions#readme)
279 | - [backgrounds](https://github.com/storybookjs/react-native/tree/next/packages/ondevice-backgrounds#readme)
280 | - [controls](https://github.com/storybookjs/react-native/tree/next/packages/ondevice-controls#readme)
281 | - [notes](https://github.com/storybookjs/react-native/tree/next/packages/ondevice-notes#readme)
282 |
283 | ## Hide/Show storybook
284 |
285 | Storybook on react native is a normal React Native component that can be used or hidden anywhere in your RN application based on your own logic.
286 |
287 | You can also create a separate app just for storybook that also works as a package for your visual components.
288 | Some have opted to toggle the storybook component by using a custom option in the react native developer menu.
289 |
290 | - [Heres an approach for react native cli](https://dev.to/dannyhw/multiple-entry-points-for-react-native-storybook-4dkp)
291 | - [Heres an article about how you can do it in expo](https://dev.to/dannyhw/how-to-swap-between-react-native-storybook-and-your-app-p3o)
292 |
293 | ## withStorybook wrapper
294 |
295 | `withStorybook` is a wrapper function to extend your [Metro config](https://metrobundler.dev/docs/configuration) for Storybook. It accepts your existing Metro config and an object of options for how Storybook should be started and configured.
296 |
297 | ```js
298 | // metro.config.js
299 | const { getDefaultConfig } = require('expo/metro-config');
300 | const withStorybook = require('@storybook/react-native/metro/withStorybook');
301 |
302 | const defaultConfig = getDefaultConfig(__dirname);
303 |
304 | module.exports = withStorybook(defaultConfig, {
305 | enabled: true,
306 | // See API section below for available options
307 | });
308 | ```
309 |
310 | ### Options
311 |
312 | #### enabled
313 |
314 | Type: `boolean`, default: `true`
315 |
316 | Determines whether the options specified are applied to the Metro config. This can be useful for project setups that use Metro both with and without Storybook and need to conditionally apply the options. In this example, it is made conditional using an environment variable:
317 |
318 | ```js
319 | // metro.config.js
320 | const { getDefaultConfig } = require('expo/metro-config');
321 | const withStorybook = require('@storybook/react-native/metro/withStorybook');
322 |
323 | const defaultConfig = getDefaultConfig(__dirname);
324 |
325 | module.exports = withStorybook(defaultConfig, {
326 | enabled: process.env.WITH_STORYBOOK,
327 | // ... other options
328 | });
329 | ```
330 |
331 | #### onDisabledRemoveStorybook
332 |
333 | Type: `boolean`, default: `false`
334 |
335 | If onDisabledRemoveStorybook `true` and `enabled` is `false`, the storybook package will be removed from the build.
336 | This is useful if you want to remove storybook from your production build.
337 |
338 | #### useJs
339 |
340 | Type: `boolean`, default: `false`
341 |
342 | Generates the `.storybook/storybook.requires` file in JavaScript instead of TypeScript.
343 |
344 | #### configPath
345 |
346 | Type: `string`, default: `path.resolve(process.cwd(), './.storybook')`
347 |
348 | The location of your Storybook configuration directory, which includes `main.ts` and other project-related files.
349 |
350 | ### websockets
351 |
352 | Type: `{ host: string?, port: number? }`, default: `undefined`
353 |
354 | If specified, create a WebSocket server on startup. This allows you to sync up multiple devices to show the same story and [arg](https://storybook.js.org/docs/writing-stories/args) values connected to the story in the UI.
355 |
356 | ### websockets.host
357 |
358 | Type: `string`, default: `'localhost'`
359 |
360 | The host on which to run the WebSocket, if specified.
361 |
362 | ### websockets.port
363 |
364 | Type: `number`, default: `7007`
365 |
366 | The port on which to run the WebSocket, if specified.
367 |
368 | ## getStorybookUI options
369 |
370 | You can pass these parameters to getStorybookUI call in your storybook entry point:
371 |
372 | ```
373 | {
374 | initialSelection?: string | Object (undefined)
375 | -- initialize storybook with a specific story. eg: `mybutton--largebutton` or `{ kind: 'MyButton', name: 'LargeButton' }`
376 | storage?: Object (undefined)
377 | -- {getItem: (key: string) => Promise<string | null>;setItem: (key: string, value: string) => Promise<void>;}
378 | -- Custom storage to be used instead of AsyncStorage
379 | shouldPersistSelection: Boolean (true)
380 | -- Stores last selected story in your devices storage.
381 | onDeviceUI?: boolean;
382 | -- show the ondevice ui
383 | enableWebsockets?: boolean;
384 | -- enable websockets for the storybook ui
385 | query?: string;
386 | -- query params for the websocket connection
387 | host?: string;
388 | -- host for the websocket connection
389 | port?: number;
390 | -- port for the websocket connection
391 | secured?: boolean;
392 | -- use secured websockets
393 | shouldPersistSelection?: boolean;
394 | -- store the last selected story in the device's storage
395 | theme: Partial<Theme>;
396 | -- theme for the storybook ui
397 | }
398 | ```
399 |
400 | ## Using stories in unit tests
401 |
402 | Storybook provides testing utilities that allow you to reuse your stories in external test environments, such as Jest. This way you can write unit tests easier and reuse the setup which is already done in Storybook, but in your unit tests. You can find more information about it in the [portable stories section](./PORTABLE_STORIES.md).
403 |
404 | ## Contributing
405 |
406 | We welcome contributions to Storybook!
407 |
408 | - 📥 Pull requests and 🌟 Stars are always welcome.
409 | - Read our [contributing guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started,
410 | or find us on [Discord](https://discord.gg/sMFvFsG) and look for the react-native channel.
411 |
412 | Looking for a first issue to tackle?
413 |
414 | - We tag issues with [Good First Issue](https://github.com/storybookjs/react-native/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22) when we think they are well suited for people who are new to the codebase or OSS in general.
415 | - [Talk to us](https://discord.gg/sMFvFsG), we'll find something to suits your skills and learning interest.
416 |
417 | ## Examples
418 |
419 | Here are some example projects to help you get started
420 |
421 | - A mono repo setup by @axeldelafosse https://github.com/axeldelafosse/storybook-rnw-monorepo
422 | - Expo setup https://github.com/dannyhw/expo-storybook-starter
423 | - React native cli setup https://github.com/dannyhw/react-native-storybook-starter
424 | - Adding a separate entry point and dev menu item in native files for RN CLI project: https://github.com/zubko/react-native-storybook-with-dev-menu
425 | - Want to showcase your own project? open a PR and add it to the list!