1 | const path = require('path');
2 | const { writeRequires, getMain, getPreviewExists } = require('./loader');
3 |
4 | let pathMock;
5 | let fileContentMock;
6 |
7 | jest.mock('fs', () => ({
8 | ...jest.requireActual('fs'),
9 | writeFileSync: (filePath, fileContent, opts) => {
10 | pathMock = filePath;
11 | fileContentMock = fileContent;
12 | },
13 | }));
14 |
15 | jest.mock('prettier', () => ({
16 | format(s, opts) {
17 | return s;
18 | },
19 | }));
20 |
21 | describe('loader', () => {
22 | describe('getMain', () => {
23 | it('should return the main js default export as an object', () => {
24 | const main = getMain({ configPath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'mocks/all-config-files') });
25 | expect(main).toEqual({
26 | stories: ['./FakeStory.stories.tsx'],
27 | addons: [
28 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-notes',
29 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-controls',
30 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-backgrounds',
31 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-actions',
32 | ],
33 | });
34 | });
35 |
36 | it('should also work with relative paths', () => {
37 |
38 | const main = getMain({ configPath: './scripts/mocks/all-config-files' });
39 | expect(main).toEqual({
40 | stories: ['./FakeStory.stories.tsx'],
41 | addons: [
42 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-notes',
43 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-controls',
44 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-backgrounds',
45 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-actions',
46 | ],
47 | });
48 | });
49 | it('should work for any supported file extension', () => {
50 | const main = getMain({ configPath: './scripts/mocks/file-extensions' });
51 | expect(main).toEqual({
52 | stories: ['./FakeStory.stories.tsx'],
53 | addons: [
54 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-notes',
55 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-controls',
56 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-backgrounds',
57 | '@storybook/addon-ondevice-actions',
58 | ],
59 | });
60 | });
61 | });
62 |
63 | describe('getPreviewExists', () => {
64 | const supportedExtensions = ['js', 'jsx', 'ts', 'tsx'];
65 | describe('when using a relative path', () => {
66 | it('should return true if the preview exists', () => {
67 | supportedExtensions.forEach((ext) => {
68 | expect(getPreviewExists({ configPath: `scripts/mocks/preview-files/${ext}` })).toBe(true);
69 | });
70 | });
71 |
72 | it('should return false if the preview does not exist', () => {
73 | expect(getPreviewExists({ configPath: './scripts/mocks/no-preview' })).toBe(false);
74 | });
75 |
76 | it('should return false if the preview does not match any of supportedExtensions values', () => {
77 | expect(getPreviewExists({ configPath: './scripts/mocks/wrong-extension-preview' })).toBe(
78 | false
79 | );
80 | });
81 | });
82 |
83 | describe('when using an absolute path', () => {
84 | it('should return true if the preview exists', () => {
85 | supportedExtensions.forEach((ext) => {
86 | expect(
87 | getPreviewExists({
88 | configPath: path.resolve(__dirname, `mocks/preview-files/${ext}`),
89 | })
90 | ).toBe(true);
91 | });
92 | });
93 |
94 | it('should return false if the preview does not exist', () => {
95 | expect(getPreviewExists({ configPath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'mocks/no-preview') })).toBe(
96 | false
97 | );
98 | });
99 |
100 | it('should return false if the preview does not match any of supportedExtensions values', () => {
101 | expect(
102 | getPreviewExists({ configPath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'mocks/wrong-extension-preview') })
103 | ).toBe(false);
104 | });
105 | });
106 | });
107 |
108 | describe('writeRequires', () => {
109 | describe('when there is a story glob', () => {
110 | it('writes the story imports', () => {
111 | writeRequires({ configPath: 'scripts/mocks/all-config-files' });
112 | expect(pathMock).toEqual(
113 | path.resolve(__dirname, 'mocks/all-config-files/storybook.requires.js')
114 | );
115 | expect(fileContentMock).toMatchSnapshot();
116 | });
117 | });
118 |
119 | describe('when there are different file extensions', () => {
120 | it('writes the story imports', () => {
121 | writeRequires({ configPath: 'scripts/mocks/file-extensions' });
122 | expect(pathMock).toEqual(
123 | path.resolve(__dirname, 'mocks/file-extensions/storybook.requires.js')
124 | );
125 | expect(fileContentMock).toMatchSnapshot();
126 | });
127 | });
128 |
129 | describe('when there is a story glob and exclude paths globs', () => {
130 | it('writes the story imports', () => {
131 | writeRequires({ configPath: 'scripts/mocks/exclude-config-files' });
132 | expect(pathMock).toEqual(
133 | path.resolve(__dirname, 'mocks/exclude-config-files/storybook.requires.js')
134 | );
135 |
136 | expect(fileContentMock).toContain('include-components/FakeStory.stories.tsx');
137 | expect(fileContentMock).not.toContain('exclude-components/FakeStory.stories.tsx');
138 |
139 | expect(fileContentMock).toMatchSnapshot();
140 | });
141 | });
142 |
143 | describe('when there is no story glob or addons', () => {
144 | it('throws an error', () => {
145 | expect(() => writeRequires({ configPath: 'scripts/mocks/blank-config' })).toThrow();
146 | });
147 | });
148 |
149 | describe('when there is no preview', () => {
150 | it('does not add preview related stuff', () => {
151 | writeRequires({ configPath: 'scripts/mocks/no-preview' });
152 | expect(pathMock).toEqual(path.resolve(__dirname, 'mocks/no-preview/storybook.requires.js'));
153 | expect(fileContentMock).toMatchSnapshot();
154 | });
155 | });
156 |
157 | describe('when the absolute option is true', () => {
158 | it('should write absolute paths to the requires file', () => {
159 | writeRequires({ configPath: 'scripts/mocks/all-config-files', absolute: true });
160 | expect(pathMock).toEqual(
161 | path.resolve(__dirname, 'mocks/all-config-files/storybook.requires.js')
162 | );
163 | expect(fileContentMock).toContain(
164 | path.resolve(__dirname, 'mocks/all-config-files/FakeStory.stories.tsx')
165 | );
166 | });
167 | });
168 |
169 | describe('when there is a configuration object', () => {
170 | it('writes the story imports', () => {
171 | writeRequires({ configPath: 'scripts/mocks/configuration-objects' });
172 | expect(pathMock).toEqual(
173 | path.resolve(__dirname, 'mocks/configuration-objects/storybook.requires.js')
174 | );
175 | expect(fileContentMock).toMatchSnapshot();
176 | });
177 | });
178 | });
179 | });