1 | import { ComponentType, ComponentProps } from 'react';
2 | import { Args, ComponentAnnotations, AnnotatedStoryFn, ArgsStoryFn, ArgsFromMeta, StoryAnnotations, StrictArgs, DecoratorFunction, LoaderFunction, StoryContext as StoryContext$1, ProjectAnnotations } from 'storybook/internal/types';
3 | import { R as ReactRenderer } from './types-a5624094.js';
4 |
5 | declare global {
6 | interface SymbolConstructor {
7 | readonly observable: symbol;
8 | }
9 | }
10 |
11 | /**
12 | Returns a boolean for whether the two given types are equal.
13 |
14 | @link https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/27024#issuecomment-421529650
15 | @link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68961864/how-does-the-equals-work-in-typescript/68963796#68963796
16 | */
17 | type IsEqual<T, U> =
18 | (<G>() => G extends T ? 1 : 2) extends
19 | (<G>() => G extends U ? 1 : 2)
20 | ? true
21 | : false;
22 |
23 | /**
24 | Filter out keys from an object.
25 |
26 | Returns `never` if `Exclude` is strictly equal to `Key`.
27 | Returns `never` if `Key` extends `Exclude`.
28 | Returns `Key` otherwise.
29 |
30 | @example
31 | ```
32 | type Filtered = Filter<'foo', 'foo'>;
33 | //=> never
34 | ```
35 |
36 | @example
37 | ```
38 | type Filtered = Filter<'bar', string>;
39 | //=> never
40 | ```
41 |
42 | @example
43 | ```
44 | type Filtered = Filter<'bar', 'foo'>;
45 | //=> 'bar'
46 | ```
47 |
48 | @see {Except}
49 | */
50 | type Filter<KeyType, ExcludeType> = IsEqual<KeyType, ExcludeType> extends true ? never : (KeyType extends ExcludeType ? never : KeyType);
51 |
52 | /**
53 | Create a type from an object type without certain keys.
54 |
55 | This type is a stricter version of [`Omit`](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-3-5.html#the-omit-helper-type). The `Omit` type does not restrict the omitted keys to be keys present on the given type, while `Except` does. The benefits of a stricter type are avoiding typos and allowing the compiler to pick up on rename refactors automatically.
56 |
57 | This type was proposed to the TypeScript team, which declined it, saying they prefer that libraries implement stricter versions of the built-in types ([microsoft/TypeScript#30825](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/30825#issuecomment-523668235)).
58 |
59 | @example
60 | ```
61 | import type {Except} from 'type-fest';
62 |
63 | type Foo = {
64 | a: number;
65 | b: string;
66 | c: boolean;
67 | };
68 |
69 | type FooWithoutA = Except<Foo, 'a' | 'c'>;
70 | //=> {b: string};
71 | ```
72 |
73 | @category Object
74 | */
75 | type Except<ObjectType, KeysType extends keyof ObjectType> = {
76 | [KeyType in keyof ObjectType as Filter<KeyType, KeysType>]: ObjectType[KeyType];
77 | };
78 |
79 | /**
80 | @see Simplify
81 | */
82 | interface SimplifyOptions {
83 | /**
84 | Do the simplification recursively.
85 |
86 | @default false
87 | */
88 | deep?: boolean;
89 | }
90 |
91 | // Flatten a type without worrying about the result.
92 | type Flatten<
93 | AnyType,
94 | Options extends SimplifyOptions = {},
95 | > = Options['deep'] extends true
96 | ? {[KeyType in keyof AnyType]: Simplify<AnyType[KeyType], Options>}
97 | : {[KeyType in keyof AnyType]: AnyType[KeyType]};
98 |
99 | /**
100 | Useful to flatten the type output to improve type hints shown in editors. And also to transform an interface into a type to aide with assignability.
101 |
102 | @example
103 | ```
104 | import type {Simplify} from 'type-fest';
105 |
106 | type PositionProps = {
107 | top: number;
108 | left: number;
109 | };
110 |
111 | type SizeProps = {
112 | width: number;
113 | height: number;
114 | };
115 |
116 | // In your editor, hovering over `Props` will show a flattened object with all the properties.
117 | type Props = Simplify<PositionProps & SizeProps>;
118 | ```
119 |
120 | Sometimes it is desired to pass a value as a function argument that has a different type. At first inspection it may seem assignable, and then you discover it is not because the `value`'s type definition was defined as an interface. In the following example, `fn` requires an argument of type `Record<string, unknown>`. If the value is defined as a literal, then it is assignable. And if the `value` is defined as type using the `Simplify` utility the value is assignable. But if the `value` is defined as an interface, it is not assignable because the interface is not sealed and elsewhere a non-string property could be added to the interface.
121 |
122 | If the type definition must be an interface (perhaps it was defined in a third-party npm package), then the `value` can be defined as `const value: Simplify<SomeInterface> = ...`. Then `value` will be assignable to the `fn` argument. Or the `value` can be cast as `Simplify<SomeInterface>` if you can't re-declare the `value`.
123 |
124 | @example
125 | ```
126 | import type {Simplify} from 'type-fest';
127 |
128 | interface SomeInterface {
129 | foo: number;
130 | bar?: string;
131 | baz: number | undefined;
132 | }
133 |
134 | type SomeType = {
135 | foo: number;
136 | bar?: string;
137 | baz: number | undefined;
138 | };
139 |
140 | const literal = {foo: 123, bar: 'hello', baz: 456};
141 | const someType: SomeType = literal;
142 | const someInterface: SomeInterface = literal;
143 |
144 | function fn(object: Record<string, unknown>): void {}
145 |
146 | fn(literal); // Good: literal object type is sealed
147 | fn(someType); // Good: type is sealed
148 | fn(someInterface); // Error: Index signature for type 'string' is missing in type 'someInterface'. Because `interface` can be re-opened
149 | fn(someInterface as Simplify<SomeInterface>); // Good: transform an `interface` into a `type`
150 | ```
151 |
152 | @link https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/15300
153 |
154 | @category Object
155 | */
156 | type Simplify<
157 | AnyType,
158 | Options extends SimplifyOptions = {},
159 | > = Flatten<AnyType> extends AnyType
160 | ? Flatten<AnyType, Options>
161 | : AnyType;
162 |
163 | /**
164 | Create a type that makes the given keys optional. The remaining keys are kept as is. The sister of the `SetRequired` type.
165 |
166 | Use-case: You want to define a single model where the only thing that changes is whether or not some of the keys are optional.
167 |
168 | @example
169 | ```
170 | import type {SetOptional} from 'type-fest';
171 |
172 | type Foo = {
173 | a: number;
174 | b?: string;
175 | c: boolean;
176 | }
177 |
178 | type SomeOptional = SetOptional<Foo, 'b' | 'c'>;
179 | // type SomeOptional = {
180 | // a: number;
181 | // b?: string; // Was already optional and still is.
182 | // c?: boolean; // Is now optional.
183 | // }
184 | ```
185 |
186 | @category Object
187 | */
188 | type SetOptional<BaseType, Keys extends keyof BaseType> =
189 | Simplify<
190 | // Pick just the keys that are readonly from the base type.
191 | Except<BaseType, Keys> &
192 | // Pick the keys that should be mutable from the base type and make them mutable.
193 | Partial<Pick<BaseType, Keys>>
194 | >;
195 |
196 | /**
197 | * Metadata to configure the stories for a component.
198 | *
199 | * @see [Default export](https://storybook.js.org/docs/api/csf#default-export)
200 | */
201 | type Meta<TCmpOrArgs = Args> = [TCmpOrArgs] extends [ComponentType<any>] ? ComponentAnnotations<ReactRenderer, ComponentProps<TCmpOrArgs>> : ComponentAnnotations<ReactRenderer, TCmpOrArgs>;
202 | /**
203 | * Story function that represents a CSFv2 component example.
204 | *
205 | * @see [Named Story exports](https://storybook.js.org/docs/api/csf#named-story-exports)
206 | */
207 | type StoryFn<TCmpOrArgs = Args> = [TCmpOrArgs] extends [ComponentType<any>] ? AnnotatedStoryFn<ReactRenderer, ComponentProps<TCmpOrArgs>> : AnnotatedStoryFn<ReactRenderer, TCmpOrArgs>;
208 | /**
209 | * Story object that represents a CSFv3 component example.
210 | *
211 | * @see [Named Story exports](https://storybook.js.org/docs/api/csf#named-story-exports)
212 | */
213 | type StoryObj<TMetaOrCmpOrArgs = Args> = [TMetaOrCmpOrArgs] extends [
214 | {
215 | render?: ArgsStoryFn<ReactRenderer, any>;
216 | component?: infer Component;
217 | args?: infer DefaultArgs;
218 | }
219 | ] ? Simplify<(Component extends ComponentType<any> ? ComponentProps<Component> : unknown) & ArgsFromMeta<ReactRenderer, TMetaOrCmpOrArgs>> extends infer TArgs ? StoryAnnotations<ReactRenderer, AddMocks<TArgs, DefaultArgs>, SetOptional<TArgs, keyof TArgs & keyof DefaultArgs>> : never : TMetaOrCmpOrArgs extends ComponentType<any> ? StoryAnnotations<ReactRenderer, ComponentProps<TMetaOrCmpOrArgs>> : StoryAnnotations<ReactRenderer, TMetaOrCmpOrArgs>;
220 | type AddMocks<TArgs, DefaultArgs> = Simplify<{
221 | [T in keyof TArgs]: T extends keyof DefaultArgs ? DefaultArgs[T] extends (...args: any) => any & {
222 | mock: {};
223 | } ? DefaultArgs[T] : TArgs[T] : TArgs[T];
224 | }>;
225 | type Decorator<TArgs = StrictArgs> = DecoratorFunction<ReactRenderer, TArgs>;
226 | type Loader<TArgs = StrictArgs> = LoaderFunction<ReactRenderer, TArgs>;
227 | type StoryContext<TArgs = StrictArgs> = StoryContext$1<ReactRenderer, TArgs>;
228 | type Preview = ProjectAnnotations<ReactRenderer>;
229 |
230 | export { Decorator as D, Loader as L, Meta as M, Preview as P, StoryFn as S, StoryObj as a, StoryContext as b };