1 | <h1>Source Loader</h1>
2 |
3 | Storybook `source-loader` is a webpack loader that annotates Storybook story files with their source code. It powers the [storysource](https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/tree/next/code/addons/storysource) and [docs](https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/tree/next/code/addons/docs) addons.
4 |
5 | - [Options](#options)
6 | - [parser](#parser)
7 | - [prettierConfig](#prettierconfig)
8 | - [uglyCommentsRegex](#uglycommentsregex)
9 | - [injectDecorator](#injectdecorator)
10 |
11 | ## Options
12 |
13 | The loader can be customized with the following options:
14 |
15 | ### parser
16 |
17 | The parser that will be parsing your code to AST (based on [prettier](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/tree/master/src/language-js))
18 |
19 | Allowed values:
20 |
21 | - `javascript` - default
22 | - `typescript`
23 | - `flow`
24 |
25 | Be sure to update the regex test for the webpack rule if utilizing Typescript files.
26 |
27 | Usage:
28 |
29 | ```js
30 | module.exports = function ({ config }) {
31 | config.module.rules.push({
32 | test: /\.stories\.tsx?$/,
33 | use: [
34 | {
35 | loader: require.resolve('@storybook/source-loader'),
36 | options: { parser: 'typescript' },
37 | },
38 | ],
39 | enforce: 'pre',
40 | });
41 |
42 | return config;
43 | };
44 | ```
45 |
46 | ### prettierConfig
47 |
48 | The prettier configuration that will be used to format the story source in the addon panel.
49 |
50 | Defaults:
51 |
52 | ```js
53 | {
54 | printWidth: 100,
55 | tabWidth: 2,
56 | bracketSpacing: true,
57 | trailingComma: 'es5',
58 | singleQuote: true,
59 | }
60 | ```
61 |
62 | Usage:
63 |
64 | ```js
65 | module.exports = function ({ config }) {
66 | config.module.rules.push({
67 | test: /\.stories\.jsx?$/,
68 | use: [
69 | {
70 | loader: require.resolve('@storybook/source-loader'),
71 | options: {
72 | prettierConfig: {
73 | printWidth: 100,
74 | singleQuote: false,
75 | },
76 | },
77 | },
78 | ],
79 | enforce: 'pre',
80 | });
81 |
82 | return config;
83 | };
84 | ```
85 |
86 | ### uglyCommentsRegex
87 |
88 | The array of regex that is used to remove "ugly" comments.
89 |
90 | Defaults:
91 |
92 | ```js
93 | [/^eslint-.*/, /^global.*/];
94 | ```
95 |
96 | Usage:
97 |
98 | ```js
99 | module.exports = function ({ config }) {
100 | config.module.rules.push({
101 | test: /\.stories\.jsx?$/,
102 | use: [
103 | {
104 | loader: require.resolve('@storybook/source-loader'),
105 | options: {
106 | uglyCommentsRegex: [/^eslint-.*/, /^global.*/],
107 | },
108 | },
109 | ],
110 | enforce: 'pre',
111 | });
112 |
113 | return config;
114 | };
115 | ```
116 |
117 | ### injectDecorator
118 |
119 | Tell storysource whether you need inject decorator. If false, you need to add the decorator by yourself;
120 |
121 | Defaults: true
122 |
123 | Usage:
124 |
125 | ```js
126 | module.exports = function ({ config }) {
127 | config.module.rules.push({
128 | test: /\.stories\.jsx?$/,
129 | use: [
130 | {
131 | loader: require.resolve('@storybook/source-loader'),
132 | options: { injectDecorator: false },
133 | },
134 | ],
135 | enforce: 'pre',
136 | });
137 |
138 | return config;
139 | };
140 | ```