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9 | # StrykerJS
10 | *Professor X: For someone who hates mutants... you certainly keep some strange company.*
11 | *William Stryker: Oh, they serve their purpose... as long as they can be controlled.*
12 |
13 | ## Introduction
14 | For an introduction to mutation testing and StrykerJS features, see [stryker-mutator.io](https://stryker-mutator.io/).
15 |
16 | ## Getting started
17 |
18 | Please follow the [quickstart on the website](https://stryker-mutator.io/docs/stryker-js/getting-started/).
19 |
20 | For small js projects, you can try the following command:
21 |
22 | ```
23 | npm install --save-dev @stryker-mutator/core
24 | # Only for small projects:
25 | npx stryker run
26 | ```
27 |
28 | It will run stryker with default values:
29 |
30 | * Uses `npm test` as your test command
31 | * Searches for files to mutate in the `lib` and `src` directories
32 |
33 | ## Usage
34 |
35 | ```sh
36 | $ npx stryker <command> [options] [configFile]
37 | ```
38 |
39 | See [usage on stryker-mutator.io](https://stryker-mutator.io/docs/stryker-js/usage)
40 |
41 | ## Supported mutators
42 |
43 | See our website for the [list of currently supported mutators](https://stryker-mutator.io/docs/mutation-testing-elements/supported-mutators).
44 |
45 | ## Configuration
46 |
47 | See [configuration on stryker-mutator.io](https://stryker-mutator.io/docs/stryker-js/configuration).
48 |
49 | ## Programmatic use
50 |
51 | Stryker can also be used programmatically from nodejs. It exports 2 classes for you to use: `Stryker` and `StrykerCli`.
52 |
53 | ```ts
54 | import { Stryker, StrykerCli } from '@stryker-mutator/core';
55 | ```
56 |
57 | Both classes can be used to run Stryker. The main difference is that `Stryker` is a slightly more low-level approach, while `StrykerCli` is the straight up CLI api.
58 |
59 | In this example you can see how to use both.
60 |
61 | ```ts
62 | async function main() {
63 | // Runs Stryker as if it was called directly from the cli. Not even returns a promise, it assumes to be allowed to call `process.exit`.
64 | new StrykerCli(process.argv /* RAW argv array */ ).run();
65 |
66 | // Runs Stryker, will not assume to be allowed to exit the process.
67 | const stryker = new Stryker({ concurrency: 4 } /* Partial Stryker options object */ );
68 | const mutantResults = await stryker.runMutationTest();
69 | // mutantResults or rejected with an error.
70 | }
71 | ```
72 |
73 | Stryker is written in TypeScript, so it is recommended to use Typescript as well to get the best developer experience.