700 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import { JestRunResult } from '../jest-run-result.js';
2import { JestWrapper } from '../utils/jest-wrapper.js';
3import { RunSettings, JestTestAdapter } from './jest-test-adapter.js';
5 * The adapter used for 22 < Jest < 25.
6 * It has a lot of `any` typings here, since the installed typings are not in sync.
7 */
8export declare class JestLessThan25TestAdapter implements JestTestAdapter {
9 private readonly jestWrapper;
10 static readonly inject: readonly ["jestWrapper"];
11 constructor(jestWrapper: JestWrapper);
12 run({ jestConfig, fileNamesUnderTest, testNamePattern, testLocationInResults }: RunSettings): Promise<JestRunResult>;
14//# sourceMappingURL=jest-less-than-25-adapter.d.ts.map
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