8.53 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.systemValidators = void 0;
4const validationErrors = {
5 string: {
6 STRING_TYPE_VALIDATION_FAILED: (actualParam) => `"${actualParam}" should be of type string`,
7 REGEX_VALIDATION_FAILED: (regex, actualParam) => `expected "${actualParam}" to match regex "${regex}"`,
8 CONTAINS_VALIDATION_FAILED: (shouldContain, actualParam) => `expected "${actualParam}" to contain string "${shouldContain}"`,
9 MIN_LENGTH_VALIDATION_FAILED: (length, actualParam) => `expected "${actualParam}" to be of length longer than or equal to ${length}`,
10 MAX_LENGTH_VALIDATION_FAILED: (length, actualParam) => `expected "${actualParam}" to be of length shorter than or equal to ${length}`,
11 UKNOWN_VALIDATOR: (name) => `encountered unknown string validator "${name}"`,
12 },
13 number: {
14 NUMBER_TYPE_VALIDATION_FAILED: (actualParam) => `expected "${actualParam}" to be of type number`,
15 MIN_VALIDATION_FAILED: (actualParam, min) => `expected "${actualParam}" to be larger than or equal to ${min}`,
16 MAX_VALIDATION_FAILED: (actualParam, max) => `expected "${actualParam}" to be lesser then or equal to ${max}`,
17 MULTIPLE_OF_VALIDATION_FAILED: (actualParam, multipleOf) => `expected "${actualParam}" to be a multiple of ${multipleOf}`,
18 UKNOWN_VALIDATOR: (name) => `encountered unknown number validator "${name}"`,
19 },
20 enum: {
21 ENUM_TYPE_VALIDATION_FAILED: (actualParam, options) => `expected "${actualParam}" to be one of the options: "${options.join(', ')}"`,
22 NO_OPTIONS_DEFINED: () => `expected enum to be defined with one option or more`,
23 },
24 tag: {
25 NO_SPACES_ALLOWED: (actualParam) => `expected "${actualParam}" to be a single value with no spaces`,
26 },
28exports.systemValidators = {
29 string: {
30 validate(value, validators, resolveParam, validateDefinition, validateValue) {
31 const res = value;
32 const errors = [];
33 if (validateValue && typeof value !== 'string') {
34 errors.push(validationErrors.string.STRING_TYPE_VALIDATION_FAILED(value));
35 }
36 if (validators.length > 0) {
37 validators.forEach((validatorMeta) => {
38 if (typeof validatorMeta === 'object') {
39 if (this.subValidators && this.subValidators[validatorMeta.name]) {
40 const subValidator = this.subValidators[validatorMeta.name];
41 const validationRes = subValidator(value, resolveParam(validatorMeta.args[0]));
42 if (validateValue && validationRes.errors) {
43 errors.push(...validationRes.errors);
44 }
45 }
46 else if (validateDefinition) {
47 errors.push(validationErrors.string.UKNOWN_VALIDATOR(validatorMeta.name));
48 }
49 }
50 });
51 }
52 return { res, errors: errors.length ? errors : null };
53 },
54 subValidators: {
55 regex: (value, regex) => {
56 const r = new RegExp(regex);
57 const valid = r.test(value);
58 return {
59 res: value,
60 errors: valid
61 ? null
62 : [validationErrors.string.REGEX_VALIDATION_FAILED(regex, value)],
63 };
64 },
65 contains: (value, checkedValue) => {
66 const valid = !!~value.indexOf(checkedValue);
67 return {
68 res: value,
69 errors: valid
70 ? null
71 : [validationErrors.string.CONTAINS_VALIDATION_FAILED(checkedValue, value)],
72 };
73 },
74 minLength: (value, length) => {
75 const valid = value.length >= Number(length);
76 return {
77 res: value,
78 errors: valid
79 ? null
80 : [validationErrors.string.MIN_LENGTH_VALIDATION_FAILED(length, value)],
81 };
82 },
83 maxLength: (value, length) => {
84 const valid = value.length <= Number(length);
85 return {
86 res: value,
87 errors: valid
88 ? null
89 : [validationErrors.string.MAX_LENGTH_VALIDATION_FAILED(length, value)],
90 };
91 },
92 },
93 },
94 number: {
95 validate(value, validators, resolveParam, validateDefinition, validateValue) {
96 const res = value;
97 const errors = [];
98 if (isNaN(value)) {
99 if (validateValue) {
100 errors.push(validationErrors.number.NUMBER_TYPE_VALIDATION_FAILED(value));
101 }
102 }
103 else if (validators.length > 0) {
104 validators.forEach((validatorMeta) => {
105 if (typeof validatorMeta === 'object') {
106 if (this.subValidators && this.subValidators[validatorMeta.name]) {
107 const subValidator = this.subValidators[validatorMeta.name];
108 const validationRes = subValidator(value, resolveParam(validatorMeta.args[0]));
109 if (validateValue && validationRes.errors) {
110 errors.push(...validationRes.errors);
111 }
112 }
113 else if (validateDefinition) {
114 errors.push(validationErrors.number.UKNOWN_VALIDATOR(validatorMeta.name));
115 }
116 }
117 });
118 }
119 return { res, errors: errors.length ? errors : null };
120 },
121 subValidators: {
122 min: (value, minValue) => {
123 const valid = Number(value) >= Number(minValue);
124 return {
125 res: value,
126 errors: valid
127 ? null
128 : [validationErrors.number.MIN_VALIDATION_FAILED(value, minValue)],
129 };
130 },
131 max: (value, maxValue) => {
132 const valid = Number(value) <= Number(maxValue);
133 return {
134 res: value,
135 errors: valid
136 ? null
137 : [validationErrors.number.MAX_VALIDATION_FAILED(value, maxValue)],
138 };
139 },
140 multipleOf: (value, multipleOf) => {
141 const valid = Number(value) % Number(multipleOf) === 0;
142 return {
143 res: value,
144 errors: valid
145 ? null
146 : [
147 validationErrors.number.MULTIPLE_OF_VALIDATION_FAILED(value, multipleOf),
148 ],
149 };
150 },
151 },
152 },
153 enum: {
154 validate(value, options, resolveParam, validateDefinition, validateValue) {
155 const res = value;
156 const errors = [];
157 const stringOptions = [];
158 if (options.length) {
159 const isOneOf = options.some((option) => {
160 if (typeof option === 'string') {
161 stringOptions.push(option);
162 return resolveParam(option) === value;
163 }
164 return true;
165 });
166 if (validateValue && !isOneOf) {
167 errors.push(validationErrors.enum.ENUM_TYPE_VALIDATION_FAILED(value, stringOptions));
168 }
169 }
170 else if (validateDefinition) {
171 errors.push(validationErrors.enum.NO_OPTIONS_DEFINED());
172 }
173 return { res, errors: errors.length ? errors : null };
174 },
175 },
176 tag: {
177 validate(value, _options, _resolveParam, _validateDefinition, validateValue) {
178 const errors = [];
179 if (validateValue && ~value.indexOf(' ')) {
180 errors.push(validationErrors.tag.NO_SPACES_ALLOWED(value));
181 }
182 return { res: value, errors: errors.length ? errors : null };
183 },
184 },
186//# sourceMappingURL=state-validators.js.map
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