1 | # @stylable/core
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3 | [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@stylable/core.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/stylable/core)
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5 | `@stylable/core` is at the center of how Stylable operates. It provides the basic capabilities required for Stylable to parse stylesheets and transform their output to valid plain CSS.
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7 | ## Running Stylable
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9 | Follow these instructions in order to run Stylable in development mode, this allows you to run the package tests with hot-loading enabled.
10 | 1. Clone this repo
11 | 2. `cd stylable`
12 | 3. `yarn`
13 | 4. `cd ./packages/stylable`
14 | 5. `yarn start`
15 | 6. Open your browser to [`http://localhost:8080/tests.bundle`](http://localhost:8080/tests.bundle)
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17 | ## How it works
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19 | Stylable's workflow contains two main parts that together perform the CSS transpilation.
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21 | - `stylable-processor` - Parses each `stylesheet` separately into its own AST ([abstract syntax tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree), extracting the required data without any resolution of dependencies in other files.
22 | - `stylable-transformer` - Processes each stylesheet using the previously created data including other file dependencies. Transforms our Stylable CSS into vanilla CSS.
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24 | ## License
25 | Copyright (c) 2017 Wix.com Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a [BSD license](./LICENSE).