2.88 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2const { db } = require('../db/db');
3const fsw = require('@sutton-signwriting/core/fsw');
6 * Function that normalizes an FSW sign for a center of 500,500
7 * @function fsw.signNormalize
8 * @param {string} fswSign - an FSW sign with optional style string
9 * @returns {string} normalized sign
10 * @example
11 * // using promise.then
12 * fsw.signNormalize('M525x535S2e748483x510S10011501x466S2e704510x500S10019476x475').then( norm => {
13 * console.log(norm)
14 * })
15 * @example
16 * // using async/await
17 * const norm = await fsw.signNormalize('M525x535S2e748483x510S10011501x466S2e704510x500S10019476x475')
18 */
19const signNormalize = async fswSign => {
20 const blank = '';
21 const parsed = fsw.parse.sign(fswSign);
22 if (!parsed.spatials) return blank;
24 const symbols = parsed.spatials.map((spatial) => spatial.symbol);
25 const syms = await db.query(`select symkey, width, height from symbol where symkey in ("${symbols.join('","')}")`);
26 if (!syms.length) return blank;
27 const symbolsizes = syms.reduce((obj, row) => {
28 obj[row.symkey] = row
29 return obj;
30 }, {})
31 const bbox = (symbols) => {
32 const x1 = Math.min(...symbols.map(spatial => spatial.coord[0]));
33 const y1 = Math.min(...symbols.map(spatial => spatial.coord[1]));
34 const x2 = Math.max(...symbols.map(spatial => spatial.coord[0] + parseInt(symbolsizes[spatial.symbol].width)));
35 const y2 = Math.max(...symbols.map(spatial => spatial.coord[1] + parseInt(symbolsizes[spatial.symbol].height)));
36 return {
37 x1: x1,
38 y1: y1,
39 x2: x2,
40 y2: y2
41 };
42 }
44 const hrange = fsw.ranges['hcenter'];
45 const hsyms = parsed.spatials.filter((spatial) => {
46 const dec = parseInt(spatial.symbol.slice(1, 4), 16);
47 return (hrange[0] <= dec && hrange[1] >= dec);
48 })
50 const vrange = fsw.ranges['vcenter'];
51 const vsyms = parsed.spatials.filter((spatial) => {
52 const dec = parseInt(spatial.symbol.slice(1, 4), 16);
53 return (vrange[0] <= dec && vrange[1] >= dec);
54 })
56 let abox = bbox(parsed.spatials);
57 let max = [abox.x2, abox.y2];
58 if (hsyms.length) {
59 const hbox = bbox(hsyms);
60 abox.x1 = hbox.x1;
61 abox.x2 = hbox.x2;
62 }
63 if (vsyms.length) {
64 const vbox = bbox(vsyms);
65 abox.y1 = vbox.y1;
66 abox.y2 = vbox.y2;
67 }
69 const offset = [parseInt((abox.x2 + abox.x1) / 2) - 500, parseInt((abox.y2 + abox.y1) / 2) - 500]
71 return (parsed.sequence ? 'A' + parsed.sequence.join('') : '') +
72 parsed.box + (max[0] - offset[0]) + 'x' + (max[1] - offset[1]) +
73 parsed.spatials.map(spatial => spatial.symbol + (spatial.coord[0] - offset[0]) + 'x' + (spatial.coord[1] - offset[1])).join('') +
74 (parsed.style || '');
77if (require.main === module) {
78 signNormalize(process.argv[2]).then( res => {
79 console.log(res);
80 })
81} else {
82 module.exports = { signNormalize }