1 | [Read Me](README.md) |
2 | [Using the Components](USAGE.md) |
3 | [<sgnw-components />](SGNW-COMPONENTS.md) |
4 | [<fsw-components />](FSW-COMPONENTS.md) |
5 | [Change Log](CHANGELOG.md)
6 |
7 | ---
8 |
9 | # Using the Sutton SignWriting Web Components
10 |
11 | ## Script tag
12 |
13 | Put tags similar to this in HEAD
14 |
15 | <script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@sutton-signwriting/sgnw-components@1.1.0/dist/sgnw-components/sgnw-components.esm.js"></script>
16 | <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@sutton-signwriting/sgnw-components@1.1.0/dist/sgnw-components/sgnw-components.css"/>
17 |
18 | Then use the elements anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc
19 |
20 | ---
21 |
22 | ## ES Modules
23 |
24 | Put script tag in HEAD
25 |
26 | <script type="module">
27 | import { defineCustomElements } from 'https://unpkg.com/@sutton-signwriting/sgnw-components@1.1.0/loader/index.es2017.mjs';
28 | defineCustomElements();
29 | </script>
30 |
31 | Then use the elements anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc
32 |
33 | ---
34 |
35 | ## Node modules
36 | - Run `npm install @sutton-signwriting/sgnw-components --save`
37 | - Put a script tag similar to this `<script src='node_modules/@sutton-signwriting/sgnw-components/dist/sgnw-components.js'></script>` in the head of your index.html
38 | - Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc
39 |
40 | ---
41 |
42 | ## In a stencil-starter app
43 | - Run `npm install @sutton-signwriting/sgnw-components --save`
44 | - Add an import to the npm packages `import '@sutton-signwriting/sgnw-components';`
45 | - Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc
46 |
47 | ---
48 |
49 | ## Sutton SignWriting Web Components
50 |
51 | **<sgnw-components />** use [SignWriting in Unicode (SWU)](https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-slevinski-formal-signwriting-09.html#name-signwriting-in-unicode-swu) characters.
52 |
53 | - [sgnw-symbol](SGNW-COMPONENTS.md#sgnw-symbol)
54 | - [sgnw-sign](SGNW-COMPONENTS.md#sgnw-sign)
55 | - [sgnw-vp](SGNW-COMPONENTS.md#sgnw-vp)
56 | - [sgnw-button](SGNW-COMPONENTS.md#sgnw-button)
57 | - [sgnw-palette-symbol](SGNW-COMPONENTS.md#sgnw-palette-symbol)
58 | - [sgnw-palette](SGNW-COMPONENTS.md#sgnw-palette)
59 | - [sgnw-signbox](SGNW-COMPONENTS.md#sgnw-signbox)
60 |
61 | ---
62 |
63 | ## Formal SignWriting Web Components
64 |
65 | **<fsw-components />** use [Formal SignWriting in ASCII (FSW)](https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-slevinski-formal-signwriting-09.html#name-formal-signwriting-in-ascii) characters.
66 |
67 | - [fsw-symbol](FSW-COMPONENTS.md#fsw-symbol)
68 | - [fsw-sign](FSW-COMPONENTS.md#fsw-sign)
69 | - [fsw-vp](FSW-COMPONENTS.md#fsw-vp)
70 | - [fsw-button](FSW-COMPONENTS.md#fsw-button)
71 | - [fsw-palette-symbol](FSW-COMPONENTS.md#fsw-palette-symbol)
72 | - [fsw-palette](FSW-COMPONENTS.md#fsw-palette)
73 | - [fsw-signbox](FSW-COMPONENTS.md#fsw-signbox)
74 |
75 | ---