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98<h1 id="sponsors">Sponsors<a class="headerlink" href="#sponsors" title="Permanent link"></a></h1>
99<p>We support free culture!</p>
100<h2 id="our-gift">Our Gift<a class="headerlink" href="#our-gift" title="Permanent link"></a></h2>
101<p>The Sutton SignWriting script is Valerie Sutton's gift to the world.
102She first created SignWriting in 1974.
103Since then, she has continued to develop, promote, and encourage the use of SignWriting throughout the world.</p>
104<p>The Formal SignWriting encoding and infrastructure is Steve Slevinski's gift to the world.
105He joined Valerie Sutton in 2004 after several previous generations of writers and developers.
106Working together, the Sutton-Slevinski collaboration created the Sutton SignWriting standards of <a href="https://steve.signwriting.org/#standard2010">2010</a>, <a href="https://steve.signwriting.org/#standard2012">2012</a>, and <a href="https://steve.signwriting.org/#standard2017">2017</a> that we all use today.</p>
107<p>Our licenses are open and permissive, including the Open Font License, MIT, and Creative Commons.
108Use of Sutton SignWriting characters, fonts, packages, and data is open to all.
109Sutton SignWriting can be used for education, research, fun, and for profit.</p>
110<p><img alt="Sutton SignWriting History" src="../img/sutton-signwriting-history.png" /></p>
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112<h2 id="our-request">Our Request<a class="headerlink" href="#our-request" title="Permanent link"></a></h2>
113<p>Use Sutton SignWriting and enjoy.</p>
114<p>If you are able, consider financially supporting our efforts.
115If you are unable to financially support our efforts, consider asking someone you know who can.</p>
116<p>In several ways, money is a limiting factor for what we can accomplish.
117We have big dreams for the future and we'd love to bring you more options and better tools.
118Fortunately, time is on our side.
119SignWriting is inevitable.</p>
120<p>Your financial support isn't necessary for SignWriting to succeed, but your support will improve our development speed and quality.</p>
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123<p>Our main source of funding to keep the servers running and cover registration fees.</p>
124<p><a href="https://patreon.com/signwriting">https://patreon.com/signwriting</a></p>
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146<h2 id="thank-you">Thank You<a class="headerlink" href="#thank-you" title="Permanent link"></a></h2>
147<p>Thank you to all of our readers, writers, and developers.
148Future generations will be blessed because of what we do today.</p>
149<p>A special thanks to all of our financial supporters.
150You help keep the servers running and encourage future growth.
151We are honored by those who believe in our work enough to make a financial commitment.</p></div>
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