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90 | <li class="main active"><a href="#subdomains">Subdomains</a></li>
91 | <li><a href="#apex-domain">Apex Domain</a></li>
92 | <li><a href="#www">www</a></li>
93 | <li><a href="#token">token</a></li>
94 | <li><a href="#cloud">cloud</a></li>
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101 | <h1 id="subdomains">Subdomains<a class="headerlink" href="#subdomains" title="Permanent link"></a></h1>
102 | <p><div>
103 | <a href="https://sutton-signwriting.io/" disabled class="btn btn-primary disabled" role="button">Apex Domain</a>
104 | <a href="https://www.sutton-signwriting.io/" class="btn btn-primary" role="button">www</a>
105 | <a href="https://token.sutton-signwriting.io/" disabled class="btn btn-primary disabled" role="button">token</a>
106 | <a href="https://cloud.sutton-signwriting.io/" disabled class="btn btn-primary disabled" role="button">cloud</a>
107 | <a href="https://archive.sutton-signwriting.io/" disabled class="btn btn-primary disabled" role="button">archive</a>
108 | <a href="https://legacy.sutton-signwriting.io/" disabled class="btn btn-primary disabled" role="button">legacy</a>
109 | </div></p>
110 | <table>
111 | <thead>
112 | <tr>
113 | <th align="left">Subdomain</th>
114 | <th align="left">Purpose</th>
115 | <th align="left">Status</th>
116 | </tr>
117 | </thead>
118 | <tbody>
119 | <tr>
120 | <td align="left"></td>
121 | <td align="left">Apex Domain</td>
122 | <td align="left">Not configured</td>
123 | </tr>
124 | <tr>
125 | <td align="left">www</td>
126 | <td align="left">Static Information</td>
127 | <td align="left">Live using github pages</td>
128 | </tr>
129 | <tr>
130 | <td align="left">token</td>
131 | <td align="left">Authentication</td>
132 | <td align="left">Under Development</td>
133 | </tr>
134 | <tr>
135 | <td align="left">cloud</td>
136 | <td align="left">Data Services</td>
137 | <td align="left">Under Development</td>
138 | </tr>
139 | <tr>
140 | <td align="left">archive</td>
141 | <td align="left">Data Archives</td>
142 | <td align="left">Under Development</td>
143 | </tr>
144 | <tr>
145 | <td align="left">legacy</td>
146 | <td align="left">Historical Source</td>
147 | <td align="left">Under Development</td>
148 | </tr>
149 | </tbody>
150 | </table>
151 | <h2 id="apex-domain">Apex Domain<a class="headerlink" href="#apex-domain" title="Permanent link"></a></h2>
152 | <p>The Apex Domain of Sutton-SignWriting.io is not available yet.
153 | The DNS entry points to the Sutton SignWriting flagship server.
154 | The server configuration needs a definition, redirect, and security certificates.</p>
155 | <ul>
156 | <li><a href="https://sutton-signwriting.io">https://sutton-signwriting.io</a> </li>
157 | </ul>
158 | <h2 id="www">www<a class="headerlink" href="#www" title="Permanent link"></a></h2>
159 | <p>The www subdomain of Sutton-SignWriting.io is live on GitHub pages.
160 | This subdomain hosts the main documentation for Sutton SignWriting along with various project sites.</p>
161 | <ul>
162 | <li><a href="https://www.sutton-signwriting.io">https://www.sutton-signwriting.io</a></li>
163 | <li><a href="https://www.sutton-signwriting.io/core">https://www.sutton-signwriting.io/core</a></li>
164 | <li><a href="https://www.sutton-signwriting.io/font-db">https://www.sutton-signwriting.io/font-db</a></li>
165 | <li><a href="https://www.sutton-signwriting.io/font-ttf">https://www.sutton-signwriting.io/font-ttf</a></li>
166 | <li><a href="https://www.sutton-signwriting.io/sgnw-components">https://www.sutton-signwriting.io/sgnw-components</a></li>
167 | <li><a href="https://www.sutton-signwriting.io/signmaker">https://www.sutton-signwriting.io/signmaker</a></li>
168 | </ul>
169 | <h2 id="token">token<a class="headerlink" href="#token" title="Permanent link"></a></h2>
170 | <p>The token subdomain is used to provision and validate Json Web Tokens for Sutton SignWriting authentication.
171 | JWT is used to validate access to routes using header authentication and URI.
172 | Use "jti" to pass via URL query parameter.</p>
173 | <ul>
174 | <li><a href="https://jwt.io">https://jwt.io</a></li>
175 | <li><a href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519">RFC 7519</a></li>
176 | </ul>
177 | <h2 id="cloud">cloud<a class="headerlink" href="#cloud" title="Permanent link"></a></h2>
178 | <p>The cloud subdomain is under active development.
179 | The cloud will collect and organize writing by country, language, and channel.</p>
180 | <p>The source code is on GitHub.</p>
181 | <ul>
182 | <li><a href="https://github.com/sutton-signwriting/cloud-maker">https://github.com/sutton-signwriting/cloud-maker</a></li>
183 | </ul>
184 | <h2 id="archive">archive<a class="headerlink" href="#archive" title="Permanent link"></a></h2>
185 | <p>The archive subdomain will be used to host large datasets by group and project.</p>
186 | <p>Project data will be divided between:</p>
187 | <ul>
188 | <li>rawdata - starting point</li>
189 | <li>sourcedata - nicely formatted TSV and JSON data</li>
190 | <li>derivatives - useful prebuilt by pipeline</li>
191 | </ul>
192 | <h2 id="legacy">legacy<a class="headerlink" href="#legacy" title="Permanent link"></a></h2>
193 | <p>The legacy subdomain will be used to host historical websites and documents.</p></div>
194 | </div>
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