2.68 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { ApplicationRef, ComponentFactoryResolver, Injector, OnDestroy, OnInit, TemplateRef } from '@angular/core';
2import { SwalPartialTargets } from './swal-partial-targets';
3import { SwalComponent } from './swal.component';
5 * A structural directive that lets you use Angular templates inside of Sweet Alerts.
6 * There are different targetable zones in a Sweet Alert: title, content, confirmButton, cancelButton, buttonsWrapper.
7 * The default target is the content zone.
8 *
9 * Usage in your component's TypeScript code-behind (if you use another target than "content"):
10 *
11 * @Component({ ... })
12 * export class MyComponent {
13 * public constructor(public readonly swalTargets: SwalPartialTargets) {
14 * }
15 * }
16 *
17 * Usage in the template:
18 *
19 * <swal title="Fill the form" (confirm)="confirmHandler()">
20 * <!-- This form will be displayed as the alert main content
21 * Targets the alert's main content zone by default -->
22 * <form *swalPartial [formControl]="myForm">
23 * ...
24 * </form>
25 *
26 * <!-- This targets the confirm button's inner content
27 * Notice the usage of ng-container to avoid creating an useless DOM element inside the button -->
28 * <ng-container *swalPartial="swalTargets.confirmButton">
29 * Send ({{ secondsLeft }} seconds left)
30 * </ng-container>
31 * <swal>
32 */
33export declare class SwalPartialDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
34 private readonly resolver;
35 private readonly injector;
36 private readonly app;
37 private readonly templateRef;
38 private readonly swalTargets;
39 private readonly swalComponent;
40 /**
41 * Takes a "partial target" or nothing (will target main content zone by default).
42 *
43 * See the {@link SwalPartialTargets} service to see the available targets.
44 * See the class doc block for more informations.
45 */
46 swalPartial: () => HTMLElement;
47 /**
48 * Holds the component reference of the controlled SwalPartialComponent to destroy it when no longer needed.
49 */
50 private partialRef;
51 private beforeOpenSubscription;
52 private closeSubscription;
53 constructor(resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, injector: Injector, app: ApplicationRef, templateRef: TemplateRef<any>, swalTargets: SwalPartialTargets, swalComponent: SwalComponent);
54 /**
55 * Subscribes to the the Sweet Alert appearance/disappearance to create/destroy the SwalPartialComponent that will
56 * receive the consumer's template.
57 */
58 ngOnInit(): void;
59 /**
60 * Unsubscribes from the Sweet Alert appearance/disappearance.
61 */
62 ngOnDestroy(): void;