1.08 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { OnChanges, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core';
2import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
3export declare class ScaleLegendComponent implements OnChanges {
4 valueRange: number[];
5 colors: any;
6 height: number;
7 width: number;
8 horizontal: boolean;
9 gradient: string;
10 ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
11 /**
12 * Generates the string used in the gradient stylesheet properties
13 * @param colors array of colors
14 * @param splits array of splits on a scale of (0, 1)
15 */
16 gradientString(colors: string[], splits: number[]): string;
17 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<ScaleLegendComponent, never>;
18 static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<ScaleLegendComponent, "ngx-charts-scale-legend", never, { "valueRange": { "alias": "valueRange"; "required": false; }; "colors": { "alias": "colors"; "required": false; }; "height": { "alias": "height"; "required": false; }; "width": { "alias": "width"; "required": false; }; "horizontal": { "alias": "horizontal"; "required": false; }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;