5.09 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { r as registerInstance, c as createEvent, h, H as Host, g as getElement } from './index-8809c729.js';
2import { c as classnames } from './index-1d8e8acd.js';
3import { d as debounce } from './index-cad8203e.js';
5const indexCss = "taro-scroll-view-core{display:block;width:100%;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:auto}taro-scroll-view-core::-webkit-scrollbar{display:none}.taro-scroll-view__scroll-x{overflow-x:scroll;overflow-y:hidden}.taro-scroll-view__scroll-y{overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll}";
7function easeOutScroll(from, to, callback) {
8 if (from === to || typeof from !== 'number') {
9 return;
10 }
11 const change = to - from;
12 const dur = 500;
13 const sTime = Date.now();
14 const isLarger = to >= from;
15 function linear(t, b, c, d) {
16 return c * t / d + b;
17 }
18 function step() {
19 from = linear(Date.now() - sTime, from, change, dur);
20 if ((isLarger && from >= to) || (!isLarger && to >= from)) {
21 callback(to);
22 return;
23 }
24 callback(from);
25 requestAnimationFrame(step);
26 }
27 step();
29let ScrollView = class {
30 constructor(hostRef) {
31 registerInstance(this, hostRef);
32 this.onScroll = createEvent(this, "scroll", 3);
33 this.onScrollToUpper = createEvent(this, "scrolltoupper", 3);
34 this.onScrollToLower = createEvent(this, "scrolltolower", 3);
35 this.scrollX = false;
36 this.scrollY = false;
37 this.upperThreshold = 50;
38 this.lowerThreshold = 50;
39 this.scrollWithAnimation = false;
40 this.handleScroll = (e) => {
41 if (e instanceof CustomEvent)
42 return;
43 const { scrollLeft, scrollTop, scrollHeight, scrollWidth } = this.el;
44 this._scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
45 this._scrollTop = scrollTop;
46 this.upperAndLower();
47 this.onScroll.emit({
48 scrollLeft,
49 scrollTop,
50 scrollHeight,
51 scrollWidth
52 });
53 };
54 this.upperAndLower = debounce(() => {
55 const { offsetWidth, offsetHeight, scrollLeft, scrollTop, scrollHeight, scrollWidth } = this.el;
56 const lowerThreshold = Number(this.lowerThreshold);
57 const upperThreshold = Number(this.upperThreshold);
58 if (!isNaN(lowerThreshold) &&
59 ((this.scrollY && offsetHeight + scrollTop + lowerThreshold >= scrollHeight) ||
60 (this.scrollX && offsetWidth + scrollLeft + lowerThreshold >= scrollWidth))) {
61 this.onScrollToLower.emit({
62 direction: this.scrollX ? 'right' : (this.scrollY ? 'bottom' : '')
63 });
64 }
65 if (!isNaN(upperThreshold) &&
66 ((this.scrollY && scrollTop <= upperThreshold) ||
67 (this.scrollX && scrollLeft <= upperThreshold))) {
68 this.onScrollToUpper.emit({
69 direction: this.scrollX ? 'left' : (this.scrollY ? 'top' : '')
70 });
71 }
72 }, 200);
73 }
74 watchScrollLeft(newVal) {
75 const scrollLeft = Number(newVal);
76 if (this.scrollX &&
77 !isNaN(scrollLeft) &&
78 scrollLeft !== this._scrollLeft) {
79 if (this.scrollWithAnimation) {
80 easeOutScroll(this._scrollLeft, scrollLeft, pos => (this.el.scrollLeft = pos));
81 }
82 else {
83 this.el.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
84 }
85 this._scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
86 }
87 }
88 watchScrollTop(newVal) {
89 const scrollTop = Number(newVal);
90 if (this.scrollY &&
91 !isNaN(scrollTop) &&
92 scrollTop !== this._scrollTop) {
93 if (this.scrollWithAnimation) {
94 easeOutScroll(this._scrollTop, scrollTop, pos => (this.el.scrollTop = pos));
95 }
96 else {
97 this.el.scrollTop = scrollTop;
98 }
99 this._scrollTop = scrollTop;
100 }
101 }
102 watchScrollIntoView(newVal) {
103 var _a;
104 if (typeof newVal === 'string' && newVal) {
105 (_a = document.querySelector(`#${newVal}`)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scrollIntoView({
106 behavior: 'smooth',
107 block: 'center',
108 inline: 'start'
109 });
110 }
111 }
112 componentDidLoad() {
113 const { scrollY, scrollX, scrollWithAnimation } = this;
114 const scrollTop = Number(this.mpScrollTop);
115 const scrollLeft = Number(this.mpScrollLeft);
116 if (scrollY && !isNaN(scrollTop)) {
117 if (scrollWithAnimation) {
118 easeOutScroll(0, scrollTop, pos => (this.el.scrollTop = pos));
119 }
120 else {
121 this.el.scrollTop = scrollTop;
122 }
123 this._scrollTop = scrollTop;
124 }
125 if (scrollX && !isNaN(scrollLeft)) {
126 if (scrollWithAnimation) {
127 easeOutScroll(0, scrollLeft, pos => (this.el.scrollLeft = pos));
128 }
129 else {
130 this.el.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
131 }
132 this._scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
133 }
134 }
135 render() {
136 const { scrollX, scrollY } = this;
137 const cls = classnames({
138 'taro-scroll-view__scroll-x': scrollX,
139 'taro-scroll-view__scroll-y': scrollY
140 });
141 return (h(Host, { class: cls, onScroll: this.handleScroll }, h("slot", null)));
142 }
143 get el() { return getElement(this); }
144 static get watchers() { return {
145 "mpScrollLeft": ["watchScrollLeft"],
146 "mpScrollTop": ["watchScrollTop"],
147 "mpScrollIntoView": ["watchScrollIntoView"]
148 }; }
150ScrollView.style = indexCss;
152export { ScrollView as taro_scroll_view_core };