19.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
3 function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
4 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
5 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
6 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
7 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
8 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
9 });
11var __rest = (this && this.__rest) || function (s, e) {
12 var t = {};
13 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
14 t[p] = s[p];
15 if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
16 for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
17 if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))
18 t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
19 }
20 return t;
22Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
23exports.getRuntimeConstants = exports.getDevtool = exports.getOutput = exports.getEntry = exports.getModule = exports.getProviderPlugin = exports.getBuildNativePlugin = exports.getMiniSplitChunksPlugin = exports.getMiniPlugin = exports.getCopyWebpackPlugin = exports.getCssoWebpackPlugin = exports.getTerserPlugin = exports.getDefinePlugin = exports.getMiniCssExtractPlugin = exports.getResolveUrlLoader = exports.getMiniTemplateLoader = exports.getFileLoader = exports.getUrlLoader = exports.getStylusLoader = exports.getLessLoader = exports.getSassLoader = exports.getPostcssLoader = exports.getCssLoader = exports.processEnvOption = exports.mergeOption = exports.makeConfig = void 0;
24const helper_1 = require("@tarojs/helper");
25const runner_utils_1 = require("@tarojs/runner-utils");
26const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
27const csso_webpack_plugin_1 = require("csso-webpack-plugin");
28const lodash_1 = require("lodash");
29const fp_1 = require("lodash/fp");
30const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin");
31const path = require("path");
32const sass = require("sass");
33const TerserPlugin = require("terser-webpack-plugin");
34const webpack = require("webpack");
35const terserOptions_1 = require("../config/terserOptions");
36const BuildNativePlugin_1 = require("../plugins/BuildNativePlugin");
37const MiniPlugin_1 = require("../plugins/MiniPlugin");
38const MiniSplitChunksPlugin_1 = require("../plugins/MiniSplitChunksPlugin");
39const postcss_conf_1 = require("./postcss.conf");
40const makeConfig = (buildConfig) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
41 const sassLoaderOption = yield (0, runner_utils_1.getSassLoaderOption)(buildConfig);
42 return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, buildConfig), { sassLoaderOption, frameworkExts: buildConfig.frameworkExts || helper_1.SCRIPT_EXT });
44exports.makeConfig = makeConfig;
45const defaultCSSCompressOption = {
46 mergeRules: false,
47 mergeIdents: false,
48 reduceIdents: false,
49 discardUnused: false,
50 minifySelectors: false
52const defaultMediaUrlLoaderOption = {
53 limit: 10240,
54 esModule: false
56const defaultFontUrlLoaderOption = {
57 limit: 10240,
58 esModule: false
60const defaultImageUrlLoaderOption = {
61 limit: 2046,
62 esModule: false
64const defaultCssModuleOption = {
65 enable: false,
66 config: {
67 namingPattern: 'global',
68 generateScopedName: '[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]'
69 }
71const defaultUrlOption = {
72 enable: true,
73 config: {
74 limit: 10240 // limit 10k base on document
75 }
77const getLoader = (loaderName, options) => {
78 return {
79 loader: require.resolve(loaderName),
80 options: options || {}
81 };
83const listify = listOrItem => {
84 if (Array.isArray(listOrItem)) {
85 return listOrItem;
86 }
87 return [listOrItem];
89const getPlugin = (plugin, args) => {
90 return {
91 plugin,
92 args
93 };
95const mergeOption = ([...options]) => {
96 return (0, helper_1.recursiveMerge)({}, ...options);
98exports.mergeOption = mergeOption;
99const styleModuleReg = /(.*\.module).*\.(css|s[ac]ss|less|styl)\b/;
100const styleGlobalReg = /(.*\.global).*\.(css|s[ac]ss|less|styl)\b/;
101exports.processEnvOption = (0, lodash_1.partial)(fp_1.mapKeys, (key) => `process.env.${key}`);
102exports.getCssLoader = (0, fp_1.pipe)(exports.mergeOption, (0, lodash_1.partial)(getLoader, 'css-loader'));
103exports.getPostcssLoader = (0, fp_1.pipe)(exports.mergeOption, (0, lodash_1.partial)(getLoader, 'postcss-loader'));
104exports.getSassLoader = (0, fp_1.pipe)(exports.mergeOption, (0, lodash_1.partial)(getLoader, 'sass-loader'));
105exports.getLessLoader = (0, fp_1.pipe)(exports.mergeOption, (0, lodash_1.partial)(getLoader, 'less-loader'));
106exports.getStylusLoader = (0, fp_1.pipe)(exports.mergeOption, (0, lodash_1.partial)(getLoader, 'stylus-loader'));
107exports.getUrlLoader = (0, fp_1.pipe)(exports.mergeOption, (0, lodash_1.partial)(getLoader, 'url-loader'));
108exports.getFileLoader = (0, fp_1.pipe)(exports.mergeOption, (0, lodash_1.partial)(getLoader, 'file-loader'));
109exports.getMiniTemplateLoader = (0, fp_1.pipe)(exports.mergeOption, (0, lodash_1.partial)(getLoader, path.resolve(__dirname, '../loaders/miniTemplateLoader')));
110exports.getResolveUrlLoader = (0, fp_1.pipe)(exports.mergeOption, (0, lodash_1.partial)(getLoader, 'resolve-url-loader'));
111const getExtractCssLoader = () => {
112 return {
113 loader: MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader
114 };
116exports.getMiniCssExtractPlugin = (0, fp_1.pipe)(exports.mergeOption, listify, (0, lodash_1.partial)(getPlugin, MiniCssExtractPlugin));
117exports.getDefinePlugin = (0, fp_1.pipe)(exports.mergeOption, listify, (0, lodash_1.partial)(getPlugin, webpack.DefinePlugin));
118const getTerserPlugin = ([enableSourceMap, terserOptions]) => {
119 return new TerserPlugin({
120 cache: true,
121 parallel: true,
122 sourceMap: enableSourceMap,
123 terserOptions: (0, helper_1.recursiveMerge)({}, terserOptions_1.default, terserOptions)
124 });
126exports.getTerserPlugin = getTerserPlugin;
127const getCssoWebpackPlugin = ([cssoOption]) => {
128 return (0, fp_1.pipe)(listify, (0, lodash_1.partial)(getPlugin, csso_webpack_plugin_1.default))([(0, exports.mergeOption)([defaultCSSCompressOption, cssoOption]), helper_1.REG_STYLE]);
130exports.getCssoWebpackPlugin = getCssoWebpackPlugin;
131const getCopyWebpackPlugin = ({ copy, appPath }) => {
132 const args = [
133 copy.patterns.map((_a) => {
134 var { from, to } = _a, extra = __rest(_a, ["from", "to"]);
135 return Object.assign({ from, to: path.resolve(appPath, to), context: appPath }, extra);
136 }),
137 copy.options
138 ];
139 return (0, lodash_1.partial)(getPlugin, CopyWebpackPlugin)(args);
141exports.getCopyWebpackPlugin = getCopyWebpackPlugin;
142const getMiniPlugin = args => {
143 return (0, lodash_1.partial)(getPlugin, MiniPlugin_1.default)([args]);
145exports.getMiniPlugin = getMiniPlugin;
146const getMiniSplitChunksPlugin = (args) => {
147 return (0, lodash_1.partial)(getPlugin, MiniSplitChunksPlugin_1.default)([args]);
149exports.getMiniSplitChunksPlugin = getMiniSplitChunksPlugin;
150const getBuildNativePlugin = args => {
151 return (0, lodash_1.partial)(getPlugin, BuildNativePlugin_1.default)([args]);
153exports.getBuildNativePlugin = getBuildNativePlugin;
154const getProviderPlugin = args => {
155 return (0, lodash_1.partial)(getPlugin, webpack.ProvidePlugin)([args]);
157exports.getProviderPlugin = getProviderPlugin;
158const getModule = (appPath, { sourceDir, designWidth, deviceRatio, buildAdapter, isBuildQuickapp,
159// constantsReplaceList,
160enableSourceMap, compile, cssLoaderOption, lessLoaderOption, sassLoaderOption, stylusLoaderOption, fontUrlLoaderOption, imageUrlLoaderOption, mediaUrlLoaderOption, postcss, fileType }) => {
161 const postcssOption = postcss || {};
162 const cssModuleOptions = (0, helper_1.recursiveMerge)({}, defaultCssModuleOption, postcssOption.cssModules);
163 const { namingPattern, generateScopedName } = cssModuleOptions.config;
164 const cssOptions = [
165 {
166 importLoaders: 1,
167 sourceMap: enableSourceMap,
168 modules: false
169 },
170 cssLoaderOption
171 ];
172 const cssOptionsWithModule = [
173 Object.assign({
174 importLoaders: 1,
175 sourceMap: enableSourceMap,
176 modules: {
177 mode: namingPattern === 'module' ? 'local' : 'global'
178 }
179 }, {
180 modules: typeof generateScopedName === 'function'
181 ? { getLocalIdent: (context, _, localName) => generateScopedName(localName, context.resourcePath) }
182 : { localIdentName: generateScopedName }
183 }),
184 cssLoaderOption
185 ];
186 const extractCssLoader = getExtractCssLoader();
187 const miniTemplateLoader = (0, exports.getMiniTemplateLoader)([{
188 buildAdapter
189 }]);
190 const cssLoader = (0, exports.getCssLoader)(cssOptions);
191 const baseSassOptions = {
192 sourceMap: true,
193 implementation: sass,
194 sassOptions: {
195 outputStyle: 'expanded',
196 fiber: false,
197 importer(url, prev, done) {
198 // 让 sass 文件里的 @import 能解析小程序原生样式文体,如 @import "a.wxss";
199 const extname = path.extname(url);
200 // fix: @import 文件可以不带scss/sass缀,如: @import "define";
201 if (extname === '.scss' || extname === '.sass' || extname === '.css' || !extname) {
202 return null;
203 }
204 else {
205 const filePath = path.resolve(path.dirname(prev), url);
206 helper_1.fs.access(filePath, helper_1.fs.constants.F_OK, (err) => {
207 if (err) {
208 console.log(err);
209 return null;
210 }
211 else {
212 helper_1.fs.readFile(filePath)
213 .then(res => {
214 done({ contents: res.toString() });
215 })
216 .catch(err => {
217 console.log(err);
218 return null;
219 });
220 }
221 });
222 }
223 }
224 }
225 };
226 const sassLoader = (0, exports.getSassLoader)([baseSassOptions, {
227 sassOptions: {
228 indentedSyntax: true
229 }
230 }, sassLoaderOption]);
231 const scssLoader = (0, exports.getSassLoader)([baseSassOptions, sassLoaderOption]);
232 const resolveUrlLoader = (0, exports.getResolveUrlLoader)([{}]);
233 const postcssLoader = (0, exports.getPostcssLoader)([
234 { sourceMap: enableSourceMap },
235 {
236 postcssOptions: {
237 plugins: (0, postcss_conf_1.getPostcssPlugins)(appPath, {
238 isBuildQuickapp,
239 designWidth,
240 deviceRatio,
241 postcssOption
242 })
243 }
244 }
245 ]);
246 const lessLoader = (0, exports.getLessLoader)([{ sourceMap: enableSourceMap }, lessLoaderOption]);
247 const stylusLoader = (0, exports.getStylusLoader)([{ sourceMap: enableSourceMap }, stylusLoaderOption]);
248 const cssLoaders = [{
249 use: [
250 extractCssLoader,
251 cssLoader,
252 postcssLoader
253 ]
254 }];
255 if (cssModuleOptions.enable) {
256 const cssLoaderWithModule = (0, exports.getCssLoader)(cssOptionsWithModule);
257 let cssModuleCondition;
258 if (cssModuleOptions.config.namingPattern === 'module') {
259 /* 不排除 node_modules 内的样式 */
260 cssModuleCondition = styleModuleReg;
261 // for vue
262 cssLoaders.unshift({
263 resourceQuery: /module=/,
264 use: [
265 extractCssLoader,
266 cssLoaderWithModule,
267 postcssLoader
268 ]
269 });
270 }
271 else {
272 cssModuleCondition = {
273 and: [
274 { exclude: styleGlobalReg },
275 { exclude: [helper_1.isNodeModule] }
276 ]
277 };
278 }
279 cssLoaders.unshift({
280 include: [cssModuleCondition],
281 use: [
282 extractCssLoader,
283 cssLoaderWithModule,
284 postcssLoader
285 ]
286 });
287 }
288 const urlOptions = (0, helper_1.recursiveMerge)({}, defaultUrlOption, postcssOption.url);
289 let postcssUrlOption;
290 if (urlOptions.enable) {
291 postcssUrlOption = urlOptions.config;
292 }
293 function addCssLoader(cssLoaders, ...loader) {
294 const cssLoadersCopy = (0, lodash_1.cloneDeep)(cssLoaders);
295 cssLoadersCopy.forEach(item => {
296 if (item.use) {
297 item.use = [...item.use, ...loader];
298 }
299 });
300 return cssLoadersCopy;
301 }
302 const scriptRule = {
303 test: helper_1.REG_SCRIPTS,
304 use: {
305 babelLoader: {
306 loader: require.resolve('babel-loader')
307 }
308 }
309 };
310 if (compile.exclude && compile.exclude.length) {
311 scriptRule.exclude = [
312 ...compile.exclude,
313 filename => /css-loader/.test(filename) || (/node_modules/.test(filename) && !(/taro/.test(filename)))
314 ];
315 }
316 else if (compile.include && compile.include.length) {
317 scriptRule.include = [
318 ...compile.include,
319 sourceDir,
320 filename => /taro/.test(filename)
321 ];
322 }
323 else {
324 scriptRule.exclude = [filename => /css-loader/.test(filename) || (/node_modules/.test(filename) && !(/taro/.test(filename)))];
325 }
326 const rule = {
327 sass: {
328 test: helper_1.REG_SASS_SASS,
329 oneOf: addCssLoader(cssLoaders, resolveUrlLoader, sassLoader)
330 },
331 scss: {
332 test: helper_1.REG_SASS_SCSS,
333 oneOf: addCssLoader(cssLoaders, resolveUrlLoader, scssLoader)
334 },
335 less: {
336 test: helper_1.REG_LESS,
337 oneOf: addCssLoader(cssLoaders, lessLoader)
338 },
339 stylus: {
340 test: helper_1.REG_STYLUS,
341 oneOf: addCssLoader(cssLoaders, stylusLoader)
342 },
343 nomorlCss: {
344 test: helper_1.REG_CSS,
345 oneOf: cssLoaders
346 },
347 script: scriptRule,
348 template: {
349 test: helper_1.REG_TEMPLATE,
350 use: [(0, exports.getFileLoader)([{
351 useRelativePath: true,
352 name: `[path][name]${fileType.templ}`,
353 context: sourceDir
354 }]), miniTemplateLoader]
355 },
356 media: {
357 test: helper_1.REG_MEDIA,
358 use: {
359 urlLoader: (0, exports.getUrlLoader)([defaultMediaUrlLoaderOption, Object.assign(Object.assign({ name: '[path][name].[ext]', useRelativePath: true, context: sourceDir }, (postcssUrlOption || {})), mediaUrlLoaderOption)])
360 }
361 },
362 font: {
363 test: helper_1.REG_FONT,
364 use: {
365 urlLoader: (0, exports.getUrlLoader)([defaultFontUrlLoaderOption, Object.assign(Object.assign({ name: '[path][name].[ext]', useRelativePath: true, context: sourceDir }, (postcssUrlOption || {})), fontUrlLoaderOption)])
366 }
367 },
368 image: {
369 test: helper_1.REG_IMAGE,
370 use: {
371 urlLoader: (0, exports.getUrlLoader)([defaultImageUrlLoaderOption, Object.assign(Object.assign({ name: '[path][name].[ext]', useRelativePath: true, context: sourceDir }, (postcssUrlOption || {})), imageUrlLoaderOption)])
372 }
373 }
374 };
375 return { rule };
377exports.getModule = getModule;
378const getEntry = ({ sourceDir, entry, isBuildPlugin }) => {
379 if (!isBuildPlugin) {
380 return {
381 entry
382 };
383 }
384 const pluginDir = path.join(sourceDir, 'plugin');
385 if (!helper_1.fs.existsSync(pluginDir)) {
386 console.log(helper_1.chalk.red('插件目录不存在,请检查!'));
387 return;
388 }
389 const pluginConfigPath = path.join(pluginDir, 'plugin.json');
390 if (!helper_1.fs.existsSync(pluginConfigPath)) {
391 console.log(helper_1.chalk.red('缺少插件配置文件,请检查!'));
392 return;
393 }
394 const pluginConfig = helper_1.fs.readJSONSync(pluginConfigPath);
395 const entryObj = {};
396 let pluginMainEntry;
397 Object.keys(pluginConfig).forEach(key => {
398 if (key === 'main') {
399 const filePath = path.join(pluginDir, pluginConfig[key]);
400 const fileName = path.basename(filePath).replace(path.extname(filePath), '');
401 pluginMainEntry = `plugin/${fileName}`;
402 entryObj[pluginMainEntry] = [(0, helper_1.resolveMainFilePath)(filePath.replace(path.extname(filePath), ''))];
403 }
404 else if (key === 'publicComponents' || key === 'pages') {
405 Object.keys(pluginConfig[key]).forEach(subKey => {
406 const filePath = path.join(pluginDir, pluginConfig[key][subKey]);
407 entryObj[`plugin/${pluginConfig[key][subKey]}`] = [(0, helper_1.resolveMainFilePath)(filePath.replace(path.extname(filePath), ''))];
408 });
409 }
410 });
411 return {
412 entry: entryObj,
413 pluginConfig,
414 pluginMainEntry
415 };
417exports.getEntry = getEntry;
418function getOutput(appPath, [{ outputRoot, publicPath, globalObject }, customOutput]) {
419 return Object.assign({ path: path.resolve(appPath, outputRoot), publicPath, filename: '[name].js', chunkFilename: '[name].js', globalObject }, customOutput);
421exports.getOutput = getOutput;
422function getDevtool(enableSourceMap, sourceMapType = 'cheap-module-source-map') {
423 return enableSourceMap ? sourceMapType : 'none';
425exports.getDevtool = getDevtool;
426function getRuntimeConstants(runtime) {
427 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g;
428 const constants = {};
429 constants.ENABLE_INNER_HTML = (_a = runtime.enableInnerHTML) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : true;
430 constants.ENABLE_ADJACENT_HTML = (_b = runtime.enableAdjacentHTML) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false;
431 constants.ENABLE_SIZE_APIS = (_c = runtime.enableSizeAPIs) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : false;
432 constants.ENABLE_TEMPLATE_CONTENT = (_d = runtime.enableTemplateContent) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : false;
433 constants.ENABLE_CLONE_NODE = (_e = runtime.enableCloneNode) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : false;
434 constants.ENABLE_CONTAINS = (_f = runtime.enableContains) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : false;
435 constants.ENABLE_MUTATION_OBSERVER = (_g = runtime.enableMutationObserver) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : false;
436 return constants;
438exports.getRuntimeConstants = getRuntimeConstants;
439//# sourceMappingURL=chain.js.map
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