42.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { createBrowserHistory, createHashHistory, Action, parsePath } from 'history';
2import { Current, eventCenter, createPageConfig, hooks, stringify, requestAnimationFrame } from '@tarojs/runtime';
3import MobileDetect from 'mobile-detect';
4import queryString from 'query-string';
5import { initTabBarApis } from '@tarojs/taro';
6import UniversalRouter from 'universal-router';
8/*! *****************************************************************************
9Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
11Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
12purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
21***************************************************************************** */
23function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
24 function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
25 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
26 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
27 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
28 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
29 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
30 });
33// export const removeLeadingSlash = (str = '') => str.replace(/^\.?\//, '')
34// export const removeTrailingSearch = (str = '') => str.replace(/\?[\s\S]*$/, '')
35const addLeadingSlash = (url = '') => (url.charAt(0) === '/' ? url : '/' + url);
36const hasBasename = (path = '', prefix = '') => new RegExp('^' + prefix + '(\\/|\\?|#|$)', 'i').test(path) || path === prefix;
37const stripBasename = (path = '', prefix = '') => hasBasename(path, prefix) ? path.substring(prefix.length) : path;
38const stripTrailing = (str = '') => str.replace(/[?#][\s\S]*$/, '');
39class RoutesAlias {
40 constructor() {
41 this.conf = [];
42 this.getConfig = (url = '') => {
43 const customRoute = this.conf.filter((arr) => {
44 return arr.includes(url);
45 });
46 return customRoute[0];
47 };
48 this.getOrigin = (url = '') => {
49 var _a;
50 return ((_a = this.getConfig(url)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]) || url;
51 };
52 this.getAlias = (url = '') => {
53 var _a;
54 return ((_a = this.getConfig(url)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[1]) || url;
55 };
56 this.getAll = (url = '') => {
57 return this.conf
58 .filter((arr) => arr.includes(url))
59 .reduceRight((p, a) => {
60 p.unshift(a[1]);
61 return p;
62 }, []);
63 };
64 }
65 set(customRoutes = {}) {
66 for (let key in customRoutes) {
67 const path = customRoutes[key];
68 key = addLeadingSlash(key);
69 if (typeof path === 'string') {
70 this.conf.push([key, addLeadingSlash(path)]);
71 }
72 else if ((path === null || path === void 0 ? void 0 : path.length) > 0) {
73 this.conf.push(...path.map(p => [key, addLeadingSlash(p)]));
74 }
75 }
76 }
78const routesAlias = new RoutesAlias();
80class RouterConfig {
81 static set config(e) {
82 this.__config = e;
83 }
84 static get config() {
85 return this.__config;
86 }
87 static get pages() {
88 return this.config.pages || [];
89 }
90 static get router() {
91 return this.config.router || {};
92 }
93 static get mode() {
94 return this.router.mode || 'hash';
95 }
96 static get customRoutes() { return this.router.customRoutes || {}; }
97 static isPage(url = '') {
98 return this.pages.findIndex(e => addLeadingSlash(e) === url) !== -1;
99 }
102let history;
103let basename = '/';
104class MpaHistory {
105 constructor() {
106 this.back = window.history.back;
107 this.forward = window.history.forward;
108 this.pushState = this.eventState('pushState');
109 this.replaceState = this.eventState('replaceState');
110 }
111 get location() {
112 return {
113 pathname: window.location.pathname,
114 search: window.location.search,
115 hash: window.location.hash,
116 key: `${window.history.length}`,
117 state: window.history.state
118 };
119 }
120 createHref(_to) {
121 throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
122 }
123 parseUrl(to) {
124 let url = to.pathname || '';
125 if (RouterConfig.isPage(url)) {
126 url += '.html';
127 }
128 if (to.search) {
129 url += `?${to.search}`;
130 }
131 if (to.hash) {
132 url += `#${to.hash}`;
133 }
134 return url;
135 }
136 push(to, _state = {}) {
137 window.location.pathname = this.parseUrl(to);
138 // this.pushState(_state, '', this.parseUrl(to))
139 }
140 replace(to, _state = {}) {
141 window.location.replace(this.parseUrl(to));
142 // this.replaceState(_state, '', this.parseUrl(to))
143 }
144 go(delta) {
145 window.history.go(delta);
146 }
147 listen(listener) {
148 function callback(e) {
149 if (e.action === 'pushState') {
150 listener({ action: Action.Push, location: this.location });
151 }
152 else if (e.action === 'replaceState') {
153 listener({ action: Action.Replace, location: this.location });
154 }
155 else {
156 // NOTE: 这里包括 back、forward、go 三种可能,并非是 POP 事件
157 listener({ action: Action.Pop, location: this.location });
158 }
159 }
160 window.addEventListener('popstate', callback);
161 return () => {
162 window.removeEventListener('popstate', callback);
163 };
164 }
165 block(_blocker) {
166 throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
167 }
168 eventState(action) {
169 return (data, unused, url) => {
170 const wrapper = window.history[action](data, unused, url);
171 const evt = new Event(action);
172 evt.action = action;
173 evt.state = data;
174 evt.unused = unused;
175 evt.url = url;
176 window.dispatchEvent(evt);
177 return wrapper;
178 };
179 }
181function setHistoryMode(mode, base = '/') {
182 const options = {
183 window
184 };
185 basename = base;
186 if (mode === 'browser') {
187 history = createBrowserHistory(options);
188 }
189 else if (mode === 'multi') {
190 history = new MpaHistory();
191 }
192 else {
193 // default is hash
194 history = createHashHistory(options);
195 }
197function prependBasename(url = '') {
198 return basename.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/' + url.replace(/^\//, '');
201class Stacks {
202 constructor() {
203 this.stacks = [];
204 this.backDelta = 0;
205 }
206 set delta(delta) {
207 if (delta > 0) {
208 this.backDelta = delta;
209 }
210 else if (this.backDelta > 0) {
211 --this.backDelta;
212 }
213 else {
214 this.backDelta = 0;
215 }
216 }
217 get delta() {
218 return this.backDelta;
219 }
220 get length() {
221 return this.stacks.length;
222 }
223 get last() {
224 return this.stacks[this.length - 1];
225 }
226 get() {
227 return this.stacks;
228 }
229 getItem(index) {
230 return this.stacks[index];
231 }
232 getLastIndex(pathname, stateWith = 1) {
233 const list = [...this.stacks].reverse();
234 return list.findIndex((page, i) => { var _a; return i >= stateWith && ((_a = page.path) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.replace(/\?.*/g, '')) === pathname; });
235 }
236 getDelta(pathname) {
237 if (this.backDelta >= 1) {
238 return this.backDelta;
239 }
240 const index = this.getLastIndex(pathname);
241 // NOTE: 此处为了修复浏览器后退多级页面,在大量重复路由状况下可能出现判断错误的情况 (增强判断能力只能考虑在 query 中新增参数来判断,暂时搁置)
242 return index > 0 ? index : 1;
243 }
244 getPrevIndex(pathname, stateWith = 1) {
245 const lastIndex = this.getLastIndex(pathname, stateWith);
246 if (lastIndex < 0) {
247 return -1;
248 }
249 return this.length - 1 - lastIndex;
250 }
251 pop() {
252 return this.stacks.pop();
253 }
254 push(page) {
255 return this.stacks.push(page);
256 }
258const stacks = new Stacks();
260function processNavigateUrl(option) {
261 var _a;
262 const pathPieces = parsePath(option.url);
263 // 处理相对路径
264 if ((_a = pathPieces.pathname) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.includes('./')) {
265 const parts = routesAlias.getOrigin(history.location.pathname).split('/');
266 parts.pop();
267 pathPieces.pathname.split('/').forEach((item) => {
268 if (item === '.') {
269 return;
270 }
271 item === '..' ? parts.pop() : parts.push(item);
272 });
273 pathPieces.pathname = parts.join('/');
274 }
275 // 处理自定义路由
276 pathPieces.pathname = routesAlias.getAlias(addLeadingSlash(pathPieces.pathname));
277 // 处理 basename
278 pathPieces.pathname = prependBasename(pathPieces.pathname);
279 // hack fix history v5 bug: https://github.com/remix-run/history/issues/814
280 if (!pathPieces.search)
281 pathPieces.search = '';
282 return pathPieces;
284function navigate(option, method) {
285 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
286 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
287 const { success, complete, fail } = option;
288 const unListen = history.listen(() => {
289 const res = { errMsg: `${method}:ok` };
290 success === null || success === void 0 ? void 0 : success(res);
291 complete === null || complete === void 0 ? void 0 : complete(res);
292 resolve(res);
293 unListen();
294 });
295 try {
296 if ('url' in option) {
297 const pathPieces = processNavigateUrl(option);
298 const state = { timestamp: Date.now() };
299 if (method === 'navigateTo') {
300 history.push(pathPieces, state);
301 }
302 else if (method === 'redirectTo' || method === 'switchTab') {
303 history.replace(pathPieces, state);
304 }
305 else if (method === 'reLaunch') {
306 stacks.delta = stacks.length;
307 history.replace(pathPieces, state);
308 }
309 }
310 else if (method === 'navigateBack') {
311 stacks.delta = option.delta;
312 history.go(-option.delta);
313 }
314 }
315 catch (error) {
316 const res = { errMsg: `${method}:fail ${error.message || error}` };
317 fail === null || fail === void 0 ? void 0 : fail(res);
318 complete === null || complete === void 0 ? void 0 : complete(res);
319 reject(res);
320 }
321 });
322 });
324function navigateTo(option) {
325 return navigate(option, 'navigateTo');
327function redirectTo(option) {
328 return navigate(option, 'redirectTo');
330function navigateBack(option = { delta: 1 }) {
331 if (!option.delta || option.delta < 1) {
332 option.delta = 1;
333 }
334 return navigate(option, 'navigateBack');
336function switchTab(option) {
337 return navigate(option, 'switchTab');
339function reLaunch(option) {
340 return navigate(option, 'reLaunch');
342function getCurrentPages() {
343 if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && RouterConfig.mode === 'multi') {
344 console.warn('多页面路由模式不支持使用 getCurrentPages 方法!');
345 }
346 const pages = stacks.get();
347 return pages.map(e => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e), { route: e.path || '' })));
350let md;
351let preTitle = document.title;
352let isLoadDdEntry = false;
353function getMobileDetect() {
354 if (!md) {
355 md = new MobileDetect(navigator.userAgent);
356 }
357 return md;
359function setTitle(title) {
360 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
361 if (preTitle === title)
362 return title;
363 document.title = title;
364 preTitle = title;
365 if (process.env.SUPPORT_DINGTALK_NAVIGATE !== 'disabled' && isDingTalk()) {
366 if (!isLoadDdEntry) {
367 isLoadDdEntry = true;
368 require('dingtalk-jsapi/platform');
369 }
370 const setDingTitle = require('dingtalk-jsapi/api/biz/navigation/setTitle').default;
371 setDingTitle({ title });
372 }
373 return title;
374 });
376function isDingTalk() {
377 const md = getMobileDetect();
378 return md.match(/DingTalk/ig);
381let pageResizeFn;
382function bindPageResize(page) {
383 pageResizeFn && window.removeEventListener('resize', pageResizeFn);
384 pageResizeFn = function () {
385 page.onResize && page.onResize({
386 size: {
387 windowHeight: window.innerHeight,
388 windowWidth: window.innerWidth
389 }
390 });
391 };
392 window.addEventListener('resize', pageResizeFn, false);
395const pageScrollFn = {};
396let pageDOM = window;
397function bindPageScroll(page, pageEl, distance = 50) {
398 var _a;
399 const pagePath = (page ? page === null || page === void 0 ? void 0 : page.path : (_a = Current.router) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.path);
400 pageScrollFn[pagePath] && pageEl.removeEventListener('scroll', pageScrollFn[pagePath]);
401 pageDOM = pageEl;
402 let isReachBottom = false;
403 pageScrollFn[pagePath] = function () {
404 var _a;
405 (_a = page.onPageScroll) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(page, {
406 scrollTop: pageDOM instanceof Window ? window.scrollY : pageDOM.scrollTop
407 });
408 if (isReachBottom && getOffset() > distance) {
409 isReachBottom = false;
410 }
411 if (page.onReachBottom &&
412 !isReachBottom &&
413 getOffset() < distance) {
414 isReachBottom = true;
415 page.onReachBottom();
416 }
417 };
418 pageDOM.addEventListener('scroll', pageScrollFn[pagePath], false);
420function getOffset() {
421 if (pageDOM instanceof Window) {
422 return document.documentElement.scrollHeight - window.scrollY - window.innerHeight;
423 }
424 else {
425 return pageDOM.scrollHeight - pageDOM.scrollTop - pageDOM.clientHeight;
426 }
429// @ts-nocheck
430function initTabbar(config) {
431 if (config.tabBar == null) {
432 return;
433 }
434 // TODO: custom-tab-bar
435 const tabbar = document.createElement('taro-tabbar');
436 const homePage = config.entryPagePath || (config.pages ? config.pages[0] : '');
437 tabbar.conf = config.tabBar;
438 tabbar.conf.homePage = history.location.pathname === '/' ? homePage : history.location.pathname;
439 const routerConfig = config.router;
440 tabbar.conf.mode = routerConfig && routerConfig.mode ? routerConfig.mode : 'hash';
441 if (routerConfig.customRoutes) {
442 tabbar.conf.custom = true;
443 tabbar.conf.customRoutes = routerConfig.customRoutes;
444 }
445 else {
446 tabbar.conf.custom = false;
447 tabbar.conf.customRoutes = {};
448 }
449 if (typeof routerConfig.basename !== 'undefined') {
450 tabbar.conf.basename = routerConfig.basename;
451 }
452 const container = document.getElementById('container');
453 container === null || container === void 0 ? void 0 : container.appendChild(tabbar);
454 initTabBarApis(config);
457/* eslint-disable dot-notation */
458class MultiPageHandler {
459 constructor(config) {
460 this.config = config;
461 this.mount();
462 }
463 get appId() { return this.config.appId || 'app'; }
464 get router() { return this.config.router || {}; }
465 get routerMode() { return this.router.mode || 'hash'; }
466 get customRoutes() { return this.router.customRoutes || {}; }
467 get tabBarList() { var _a; return ((_a = this.config.tabBar) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.list) || []; }
468 get PullDownRefresh() { return this.config.PullDownRefresh; }
469 set pathname(p) { this.router.pathname = p; }
470 get pathname() { return this.router.pathname; }
471 get basename() { return this.router.basename || ''; }
472 get pageConfig() { return this.config.route; }
473 get isTabBar() {
474 var _a;
475 const routePath = addLeadingSlash(stripBasename(this.pathname, this.basename));
476 const pagePath = ((_a = Object.entries(this.customRoutes).find(([, target]) => {
477 if (typeof target === 'string') {
478 return target === routePath;
479 }
480 else if ((target === null || target === void 0 ? void 0 : target.length) > 0) {
481 return target.includes(routePath);
482 }
483 return false;
484 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]) || routePath;
485 return !!pagePath && this.tabBarList.some(t => t.pagePath === pagePath);
486 }
487 get search() { return location.search.substr(1); }
488 getQuery(search = '', options = {}) {
489 search = search ? `${search}&${this.search}` : this.search;
490 const query = search
491 ? queryString.parse(search)
492 : {};
493 return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, query), options);
494 }
495 mount() {
496 setHistoryMode(this.routerMode, this.router.basename);
497 const appId = this.appId;
498 let app = document.getElementById(appId);
499 if (!app) {
500 app = document.createElement('div');
501 app.id = appId;
502 }
503 app.classList.add('taro_router');
504 if (this.tabBarList.length > 1) {
505 const container = document.createElement('div');
506 container.classList.add('taro-tabbar__container');
507 container.id = 'container';
508 const panel = document.createElement('div');
509 panel.classList.add('taro-tabbar__panel');
510 panel.appendChild(app);
511 container.appendChild(panel);
512 document.body.appendChild(container);
513 initTabbar(this.config);
514 }
515 else {
516 document.body.appendChild(app);
517 }
518 }
519 onReady(page, onLoad = true) {
520 var _a;
521 const pageEl = this.getPageContainer(page);
522 if (pageEl && !(pageEl === null || pageEl === void 0 ? void 0 : pageEl['__isReady'])) {
523 const el = pageEl.firstElementChild;
524 (_a = el === null || el === void 0 ? void 0 : el['componentOnReady']) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(el);
525 onLoad && (pageEl['__page'] = page);
526 }
527 }
528 load(page, pageConfig = {}) {
529 var _a;
530 if (!page)
531 return;
532 (_a = page.onLoad) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(page, this.getQuery('', page.options), () => {
533 var _a;
534 const pageEl = this.getPageContainer(page);
535 this.isTabBar && (pageEl === null || pageEl === void 0 ? void 0 : pageEl.classList.add('taro_tabbar_page'));
536 this.onReady(page, true);
537 (_a = page.onShow) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(page);
538 this.bindPageEvents(page, pageEl, pageConfig);
539 });
540 }
541 getPageContainer(page) {
542 var _a;
543 const path = page ? page === null || page === void 0 ? void 0 : page.path : (_a = Current.page) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.path;
544 const id = path === null || path === void 0 ? void 0 : path.replace(/([^a-z0-9\u00a0-\uffff_-])/ig, '\\$1');
545 if (page) {
546 return document.querySelector(`.taro_page#${id}`);
547 }
548 const el = (id
549 ? document.querySelector(`.taro_page#${id}`)
550 : document.querySelector('.taro_page') ||
551 document.querySelector('.taro_router'));
552 return el || window;
553 }
554 bindPageEvents(page, pageEl, config = {}) {
555 var _a;
556 if (!pageEl) {
557 pageEl = this.getPageContainer();
558 }
559 const distance = config.onReachBottomDistance || ((_a = this.config.window) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onReachBottomDistance) || 50;
560 bindPageScroll(page, pageEl, distance);
561 bindPageResize(page);
562 }
565// TODO 支持多路由 (APP 生命周期仅触发一次)
566/** Note: 关于多页面应用
567 * - 需要配置路由映射(根目录跳转、404 页面……)
568 * - app.onPageNotFound 事件不支持
569 * - 应用生命周期可能多次触发
570 * - TabBar 会多次加载
571 * - 不支持路由动画
572 */
573function createMultiRouter(app, config, framework) {
574 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
575 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
576 RouterConfig.config = config;
577 const handler = new MultiPageHandler(config);
578 const launchParam = {
579 path: config.pageName,
580 query: handler.getQuery(),
581 scene: 0,
582 shareTicket: '',
583 referrerInfo: {}
584 };
585 eventCenter.trigger('__taroRouterLaunch', launchParam);
586 (_a = app.onLaunch) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(app, launchParam);
587 app.onError && window.addEventListener('error', e => { var _a; return (_a = app.onError) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(app, e.message); });
588 const pathName = config.pageName;
589 const pageConfig = handler.pageConfig;
590 eventCenter.trigger('__taroRouterChange', {
591 toLocation: {
592 path: pathName
593 }
594 });
595 let element;
596 try {
597 element = yield ((_b = pageConfig.load) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(pageConfig));
598 if (element instanceof Array) {
599 element = element[0];
600 }
601 }
602 catch (error) {
603 throw new Error(error);
604 }
605 if (!element)
606 return;
607 let enablePullDownRefresh = ((_c = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.window) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.enablePullDownRefresh) || false;
608 if (pageConfig) {
609 setTitle((_d = pageConfig.navigationBarTitleText) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : document.title);
610 if (typeof pageConfig.enablePullDownRefresh === 'boolean') {
611 enablePullDownRefresh = pageConfig.enablePullDownRefresh;
612 }
613 }
614 const el = (_e = element.default) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : element;
615 const loadConfig = Object.assign({}, pageConfig);
616 delete loadConfig['path'];
617 delete loadConfig['load'];
618 const page = createPageConfig(enablePullDownRefresh ? hooks.call('createPullDownComponent', el, location.pathname, framework, config.PullDownRefresh) : el, pathName + stringify(launchParam), {}, loadConfig);
619 handler.load(page, pageConfig);
620 (_f = app.onShow) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.call(app, launchParam);
621 });
625 * 插入页面动画需要的样式
626 */
627function loadAnimateStyle(ms = 300) {
628 const css = `
629.taro_router .taro_page {
630 position: absolute;
631 left: 0;
632 top: 0;
633 width: 100%;
634 height: 100%;
635 background-color: #fff;
636 transform: translate(100%, 0);
637 transition: transform ${ms}ms;
638 z-index: 0;
641.taro_router .taro_page.taro_tabbar_page,
642.taro_router .taro_page.taro_page_show.taro_page_stationed {
643 transform: none;
646.taro_router .taro_page.taro_page_show {
647 transform: translate(0, 0);
649 const style = document.createElement('style');
650 style.innerHTML = css;
651 document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style);
654/* eslint-disable dot-notation */
655function setDisplay(el, type = '') {
656 if (el) {
657 el.style.display = type;
658 }
660class PageHandler {
661 constructor(config) {
662 this.defaultAnimation = { duration: 300, delay: 50 };
663 this.config = config;
664 this.homePage = this.getHomePage();
665 this.mount();
666 }
667 get appId() { return this.config.appId || 'app'; }
668 get router() { return this.config.router || {}; }
669 get routerMode() { return this.router.mode || 'hash'; }
670 get customRoutes() { return this.router.customRoutes || {}; }
671 get routes() { return this.config.routes || []; }
672 get tabBarList() { var _a; return ((_a = this.config.tabBar) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.list) || []; }
673 get PullDownRefresh() { return this.config.PullDownRefresh; }
674 get animation() { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this.config) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.animation) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : this.defaultAnimation; }
675 get animationDelay() {
676 var _a;
677 return (typeof this.animation === 'object'
678 ? this.animation.delay
679 : this.animation
680 ? (_a = this.defaultAnimation) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.delay
681 : 0) || 0;
682 }
683 get animationDuration() {
684 var _a;
685 return (typeof this.animation === 'object'
686 ? this.animation.duration
687 : this.animation
688 ? (_a = this.defaultAnimation) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.duration
689 : 0) || 0;
690 }
691 set pathname(p) { this.router.pathname = p; }
692 get pathname() { return this.router.pathname; }
693 get basename() { return this.router.basename || ''; }
694 get pageConfig() {
695 const routePath = addLeadingSlash(stripBasename(this.pathname, this.basename));
696 const homePage = addLeadingSlash(this.homePage);
697 return this.routes.find(r => {
698 var _a;
699 const pagePath = addLeadingSlash(r.path);
700 return [pagePath, homePage].includes(routePath) || ((_a = routesAlias.getConfig(pagePath)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.includes(routePath));
701 });
702 }
703 get isTabBar() {
704 var _a;
705 const routePath = addLeadingSlash(stripBasename(this.pathname, this.basename));
706 const pagePath = ((_a = Object.entries(this.customRoutes).find(([, target]) => {
707 if (typeof target === 'string') {
708 return target === routePath;
709 }
710 else if ((target === null || target === void 0 ? void 0 : target.length) > 0) {
711 return target.includes(routePath);
712 }
713 return false;
714 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]) || routePath;
715 return !!pagePath && this.tabBarList.some(t => stripTrailing(t.pagePath) === pagePath);
716 }
717 getHomePage() {
718 var _a;
719 const routePath = addLeadingSlash(stripBasename(this.routes[0].path, this.basename));
720 const alias = ((_a = Object.entries(this.customRoutes).find(([key]) => key === routePath)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[1]) || routePath;
721 return this.config.entryPagePath || (typeof alias === 'string' ? alias : alias[0]) || this.basename;
722 }
723 isSamePage(page) {
724 const routePath = stripBasename(this.pathname, this.basename);
725 const pagePath = stripBasename(page === null || page === void 0 ? void 0 : page.path, this.basename);
726 return pagePath.startsWith(routePath + '?');
727 }
728 get search() {
729 let search = '?';
730 if (this.routerMode === 'hash') {
731 const idx = location.hash.indexOf('?');
732 if (idx > -1) {
733 search = location.hash.slice(idx);
734 }
735 }
736 else {
737 search = location.search;
738 }
739 return search.substr(1);
740 }
741 getQuery(stamp = 0, search = '', options = {}) {
742 search = search ? `${search}&${this.search}` : this.search;
743 const query = search
744 ? queryString.parse(search, { decode: false })
745 : {};
746 query.stamp = stamp.toString();
747 return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, query), options);
748 }
749 mount() {
750 setHistoryMode(this.routerMode, this.router.basename);
751 this.animation && loadAnimateStyle(this.animationDuration);
752 const appId = this.appId;
753 let app = document.getElementById(appId);
754 if (!app) {
755 app = document.createElement('div');
756 app.id = appId;
757 }
758 app.classList.add('taro_router');
759 if (this.tabBarList.length > 1) {
760 const container = document.createElement('div');
761 container.classList.add('taro-tabbar__container');
762 container.id = 'container';
763 const panel = document.createElement('div');
764 panel.classList.add('taro-tabbar__panel');
765 panel.appendChild(app);
766 container.appendChild(panel);
767 document.body.appendChild(container);
768 initTabbar(this.config);
769 }
770 else {
771 document.body.appendChild(app);
772 }
773 }
774 onReady(page, onLoad = true) {
775 var _a, _b;
776 const pageEl = this.getPageContainer(page);
777 if (pageEl && !(pageEl === null || pageEl === void 0 ? void 0 : pageEl['__isReady'])) {
778 const el = pageEl.firstElementChild;
779 (_b = (_a = el === null || el === void 0 ? void 0 : el['componentOnReady']) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(el)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.then(() => {
780 requestAnimationFrame(() => {
781 var _a;
782 (_a = page.onReady) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(page);
783 pageEl['__isReady'] = true;
784 });
785 });
786 onLoad && (pageEl['__page'] = page);
787 }
788 }
789 load(page, pageConfig = {}, stacksIndex = 0) {
790 var _a, _b;
791 if (!page)
792 return;
793 // NOTE: 页面栈推入太晚可能导致 getCurrentPages 无法获取到当前页面实例
794 stacks.push(page);
795 const param = this.getQuery(stacks.length, '', page.options);
796 let pageEl = this.getPageContainer(page);
797 if (pageEl) {
798 setDisplay(pageEl);
799 this.isTabBar && pageEl.classList.add('taro_tabbar_page');
800 this.addAnimation(pageEl, stacksIndex === 0);
801 (_a = page.onShow) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(page);
802 this.bindPageEvents(page, pageEl, pageConfig);
803 }
804 else {
805 (_b = page.onLoad) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(page, param, () => {
806 var _a;
807 pageEl = this.getPageContainer(page);
808 this.isTabBar && (pageEl === null || pageEl === void 0 ? void 0 : pageEl.classList.add('taro_tabbar_page'));
809 this.addAnimation(pageEl, stacksIndex === 0);
810 this.onReady(page, true);
811 (_a = page.onShow) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(page);
812 this.bindPageEvents(page, pageEl, pageConfig);
813 });
814 }
815 }
816 unload(page, delta = 1, top = false) {
817 var _a, _b, _c;
818 if (!page)
819 return;
820 stacks.delta = --delta;
821 stacks.pop();
822 if (this.animation && top) {
823 if (this.unloadTimer) {
824 clearTimeout(this.unloadTimer);
825 (_b = (_a = this.lastUnloadPage) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onUnload) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
826 this.unloadTimer = null;
827 }
828 this.lastUnloadPage = page;
829 const pageEl = this.getPageContainer(page);
830 pageEl === null || pageEl === void 0 ? void 0 : pageEl.classList.remove('taro_page_stationed');
831 pageEl === null || pageEl === void 0 ? void 0 : pageEl.classList.remove('taro_page_show');
832 this.unloadTimer = setTimeout(() => {
833 var _a, _b;
834 this.unloadTimer = null;
835 (_b = (_a = this.lastUnloadPage) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onUnload) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
836 }, this.animationDuration);
837 }
838 else {
839 const pageEl = this.getPageContainer(page);
840 pageEl === null || pageEl === void 0 ? void 0 : pageEl.classList.remove('taro_page_stationed');
841 pageEl === null || pageEl === void 0 ? void 0 : pageEl.classList.remove('taro_page_show');
842 (_c = page === null || page === void 0 ? void 0 : page.onUnload) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(page);
843 }
844 if (delta >= 1)
845 this.unload(stacks.last, delta);
846 }
847 show(page, pageConfig = {}, stacksIndex = 0) {
848 var _a, _b;
849 if (!page)
850 return;
851 const param = this.getQuery(stacks.length, '', page.options);
852 let pageEl = this.getPageContainer(page);
853 if (pageEl) {
854 setDisplay(pageEl);
855 this.addAnimation(pageEl, stacksIndex === 0);
856 (_a = page.onShow) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(page);
857 this.bindPageEvents(page, pageEl, pageConfig);
858 }
859 else {
860 (_b = page.onLoad) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(page, param, () => {
861 var _a;
862 pageEl = this.getPageContainer(page);
863 this.addAnimation(pageEl, stacksIndex === 0);
864 this.onReady(page, false);
865 (_a = page.onShow) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(page);
866 this.bindPageEvents(page, pageEl, pageConfig);
867 });
868 }
869 }
870 hide(page) {
871 var _a;
872 if (!page)
873 return;
874 // NOTE: 修复多页并发问题,此处可能因为路由跳转过快,执行时页面可能还没有创建成功
875 const pageEl = this.getPageContainer(page);
876 if (pageEl) {
877 if (this.hideTimer) {
878 clearTimeout(this.hideTimer);
879 this.hideTimer = null;
880 setDisplay(this.lastHidePage, 'none');
881 }
882 this.lastHidePage = pageEl;
883 this.hideTimer = setTimeout(() => {
884 this.hideTimer = null;
885 setDisplay(this.lastHidePage, 'none');
886 }, this.animationDuration + this.animationDelay);
887 (_a = page.onHide) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(page);
888 }
889 else {
890 setTimeout(() => this.hide(page), 0);
891 }
892 }
893 addAnimation(pageEl, first = false) {
894 if (!pageEl)
895 return;
896 if (this.animation && !first) {
897 setTimeout(() => {
898 pageEl.classList.add('taro_page_show');
899 setTimeout(() => {
900 pageEl.classList.add('taro_page_stationed');
901 }, this.animationDuration);
902 }, this.animationDelay);
903 }
904 else {
905 pageEl.classList.add('taro_page_show');
906 pageEl.classList.add('taro_page_stationed');
907 }
908 }
909 getPageContainer(page) {
910 var _a;
911 const path = page ? page === null || page === void 0 ? void 0 : page.path : (_a = Current.page) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.path;
912 const id = path === null || path === void 0 ? void 0 : path.replace(/([^a-z0-9\u00a0-\uffff_-])/ig, '\\$1');
913 if (page) {
914 return document.querySelector(`.taro_page#${id}`);
915 }
916 const el = (id
917 ? document.querySelector(`.taro_page#${id}`)
918 : document.querySelector('.taro_page') ||
919 document.querySelector('.taro_router'));
920 return el || window;
921 }
922 bindPageEvents(page, pageEl, config = {}) {
923 var _a;
924 if (!pageEl) {
925 pageEl = this.getPageContainer();
926 }
927 const distance = config.onReachBottomDistance || ((_a = this.config.window) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onReachBottomDistance) || 50;
928 bindPageScroll(page, pageEl, distance);
929 bindPageResize(page);
930 }
933function createRouter(app, config, framework) {
934 var _a, _b;
935 RouterConfig.config = config;
936 const handler = new PageHandler(config);
937 routesAlias.set(handler.router.customRoutes);
938 const basename = handler.router.basename;
939 const routes = handler.routes.map(route => {
940 const routePath = addLeadingSlash(route.path);
941 const paths = routesAlias.getAll(routePath);
942 return {
943 path: paths.length < 1 ? routePath : paths,
944 action: route.load
945 };
946 });
947 const router = new UniversalRouter(routes, { baseUrl: basename || '' });
948 const launchParam = {
949 path: handler.homePage,
950 query: handler.getQuery(stacks.length),
951 scene: 0,
952 shareTicket: '',
953 referrerInfo: {}
954 };
955 eventCenter.trigger('__taroRouterLaunch', launchParam);
956 (_a = app.onLaunch) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(app, launchParam);
957 app.onError && window.addEventListener('error', e => { var _a; return (_a = app.onError) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(app, e.message); });
958 const render = ({ location, action }) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
959 var _c, _d, _e, _f, _g;
960 handler.pathname = decodeURI(location.pathname);
961 eventCenter.trigger('__taroRouterChange', {
962 toLocation: {
963 path: handler.pathname
964 }
965 });
966 let element, params;
967 try {
968 const result = yield router.resolve(handler.router.forcePath || handler.pathname);
969 [element, , params] = yield Promise.all(result);
970 }
971 catch (error) {
972 if (error.status === 404) {
973 (_c = app.onPageNotFound) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(app, {
974 path: handler.pathname
975 });
976 }
977 else if (/Loading hot update .* failed./.test(error.message)) {
978 // NOTE: webpack5 与 prebundle 搭配使用时,开发环境下初次启动时偶发错误,由于 HMR 加载 chunk hash 错误,导致热更新失败
979 window.location.reload();
980 }
981 else {
982 throw new Error(error);
983 }
984 }
985 if (!element)
986 return;
987 const pageConfig = handler.pageConfig;
988 let enablePullDownRefresh = ((_d = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.window) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.enablePullDownRefresh) || false;
989 if (pageConfig) {
990 document.title = (_e = pageConfig.navigationBarTitleText) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : document.title;
991 setTitle((_f = pageConfig.navigationBarTitleText) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : document.title);
992 if (typeof pageConfig.enablePullDownRefresh === 'boolean') {
993 enablePullDownRefresh = pageConfig.enablePullDownRefresh;
994 }
995 }
996 const currentPage = Current.page;
997 const pathname = handler.pathname;
998 let shouldLoad = false;
999 if (action === 'POP') {
1000 // NOTE: 浏览器事件退后多次时,该事件只会被触发一次
1001 const prevIndex = stacks.getPrevIndex(pathname);
1002 const delta = stacks.getDelta(pathname);
1003 // NOTE: Safari 内核浏览器在非应用页面返回上一页时,会触发额外的 POP 事件,此处需避免当前页面被错误卸载
1004 if (currentPage !== stacks.getItem(prevIndex)) {
1005 handler.unload(currentPage, delta, prevIndex > -1);
1006 if (prevIndex > -1) {
1007 handler.show(stacks.getItem(prevIndex), pageConfig, prevIndex);
1008 }
1009 else {
1010 shouldLoad = true;
1011 }
1012 }
1013 }
1014 else {
1015 if (handler.isTabBar) {
1016 if (handler.isSamePage(currentPage))
1017 return;
1018 const prevIndex = stacks.getPrevIndex(pathname, 0);
1019 handler.hide(currentPage);
1020 if (prevIndex > -1) {
1021 // NOTE: tabbar 页且之前出现过,直接复用
1022 return handler.show(stacks.getItem(prevIndex), pageConfig, prevIndex);
1023 }
1024 }
1025 else if (action === 'REPLACE') {
1026 const delta = stacks.getDelta(pathname);
1027 // NOTE: 页面路由记录并不会清空,只是移除掉缓存的 stack 以及页面
1028 handler.unload(currentPage, delta);
1029 }
1030 else if (action === 'PUSH') {
1031 handler.hide(currentPage);
1032 }
1033 shouldLoad = true;
1034 }
1035 if (shouldLoad || stacks.length < 1) {
1036 const el = (_g = element.default) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : element;
1037 const loadConfig = Object.assign({}, pageConfig);
1038 const stacksIndex = stacks.length;
1039 delete loadConfig['path'];
1040 delete loadConfig['load'];
1041 const page = createPageConfig(enablePullDownRefresh ? hooks.call('createPullDownComponent', el, location.pathname, framework, handler.PullDownRefresh) : el, pathname + stringify(handler.getQuery(stacksIndex)), {}, loadConfig);
1042 if (params)
1043 page.options = params;
1044 return handler.load(page, pageConfig, stacksIndex);
1045 }
1046 });
1047 const routePath = addLeadingSlash(stripBasename(history.location.pathname, handler.basename));
1048 if (routePath === '/') {
1049 history.replace(prependBasename(handler.homePage + history.location.search));
1050 }
1051 render({ location: history.location, action: Action.Push });
1052 (_b = app.onShow) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(app, launchParam);
1053 return history.listen(render);
1056export { createMultiRouter, createRouter, getCurrentPages, history, navigateBack, navigateTo, reLaunch, redirectTo, switchTab };
1057//# sourceMappingURL=index.esm.js.map