25.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const t = require("babel-types");
4const babel_generator_1 = require("babel-generator");
5const code_frame_1 = require("@babel/code-frame");
6const constant_1 = require("./constant");
7const lodash_1 = require("lodash");
8const fs = require("fs");
9const path = require("path");
10const jsx_1 = require("./jsx");
11const adapter_1 = require("./adapter");
12const options_1 = require("./options");
13const template = require('babel-template');
14function replaceJSXTextWithTextComponent(path) {
15 const parent = path.findParent(p => p.isJSXElement());
16 if (parent && parent.isJSXElement() && t.isJSXIdentifier(parent.node.openingElement.name) && parent.node.openingElement.name.name !== 'Text') {
17 path.replaceWith(t.jSXElement(t.jSXOpeningElement(t.jSXIdentifier('Text'), []), t.jSXClosingElement(t.jSXIdentifier('Text')), [path.isJSXText() ? t.jSXText(path.node.value) : path.node]));
18 }
20exports.replaceJSXTextWithTextComponent = replaceJSXTextWithTextComponent;
21function isDerivedFromProps(scope, bindingName) {
22 const binding = scope.getBinding(bindingName);
23 if (binding && binding.path.isVariableDeclarator()) {
24 const init = binding.path.get('init');
25 if (init.isMemberExpression()) {
26 const { object, property } = init.node;
27 if (t.isThisExpression(object) && t.isIdentifier(property, { name: 'props' })) {
28 return true;
29 }
30 }
31 if (init.isIdentifier()) {
32 return isDerivedFromProps(scope, init.node.name);
33 }
34 }
35 return false;
37exports.isDerivedFromProps = isDerivedFromProps;
38function isDerivedFromThis(scope, bindingName) {
39 const binding = scope.getBinding(bindingName);
40 if (binding && binding.path.isVariableDeclarator()) {
41 const init = binding.path.get('init');
42 if (init.isThisExpression()) {
43 return true;
44 }
45 }
46 return false;
48exports.isDerivedFromThis = isDerivedFromThis;
49exports.incrementId = () => {
50 let id = 0;
51 return () => id++;
53// tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty
54exports.noop = function () { };
55function getSuperClassCode(path) {
56 const obj = getSuperClassPath(path);
57 if (obj) {
58 const { sourceValue, resolvePath } = obj;
59 try {
60 const code = fs.readFileSync(resolvePath + (options_1.transformOptions.isTyped ? '.tsx' : '.js'), 'utf8');
61 return {
62 code,
63 sourcePath: sourceValue
64 };
65 }
66 catch (error) {
67 return;
68 }
69 }
71exports.getSuperClassCode = getSuperClassCode;
72function getSuperClassPath(path) {
73 const superClass = path.node.superClass;
74 if (t.isIdentifier(superClass)) {
75 const binding = path.scope.getBinding(superClass.name);
76 if (binding && binding.kind === 'module') {
77 const bindingPath = binding.path.parentPath;
78 if (bindingPath.isImportDeclaration()) {
79 const source = bindingPath.node.source;
80 if (source.value === constant_1.TARO_PACKAGE_NAME) {
81 return;
82 }
83 return {
84 sourceValue: source.value,
85 resolvePath: pathResolver(source.value, options_1.transformOptions.sourcePath)
86 };
87 }
88 }
89 }
91exports.getSuperClassPath = getSuperClassPath;
92function isContainStopPropagation(path) {
93 let matched = false;
94 if (path) {
95 const visitor = {
96 Identifier(p) {
97 if (p.node.name === 'stopPropagation' &&
98 p.parentPath.parentPath.isCallExpression()) {
99 matched = true;
100 }
101 }
102 };
103 if (path.isIdentifier()) {
104 const binding = path.scope.getBinding(path.node.name);
105 if (binding) {
106 binding.path.traverse(visitor);
107 }
108 }
109 else {
110 path.traverse(visitor);
111 }
112 }
113 return matched;
115exports.isContainStopPropagation = isContainStopPropagation;
116function decodeUnicode(s) {
117 return unescape(s.replace(/\\(u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/gm, '%$1'));
119exports.decodeUnicode = decodeUnicode;
120function isVarName(str) {
121 if (typeof str !== 'string') {
122 return false;
123 }
124 if (str.trim() !== str) {
125 return false;
126 }
127 try {
128 // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression
129 new Function(str, 'var ' + str);
130 }
131 catch (e) {
132 return false;
133 }
134 return true;
136exports.isVarName = isVarName;
137function findMethodName(expression) {
138 let methodName;
139 if (t.isIdentifier(expression) ||
140 t.isJSXIdentifier(expression)) {
141 methodName = expression.name;
142 }
143 else if (t.isStringLiteral(expression)) {
144 methodName = expression.value;
145 }
146 else if (t.isMemberExpression(expression) &&
147 t.isIdentifier(expression.property)) {
148 const { code } = babel_generator_1.default(expression);
149 const ids = code.split('.');
150 if (ids[0] === 'this' && ids[1] === 'props' && ids[2]) {
151 methodName = code.replace('this.props.', '');
152 }
153 else {
154 methodName = expression.property.name;
155 }
156 }
157 else if (t.isCallExpression(expression) &&
158 t.isMemberExpression(expression.callee) &&
159 t.isIdentifier(expression.callee.object)) {
160 methodName = expression.callee.object.name;
161 }
162 else if (t.isCallExpression(expression) &&
163 t.isMemberExpression(expression.callee) &&
164 t.isMemberExpression(expression.callee.object) &&
165 t.isIdentifier(expression.callee.property) &&
166 expression.callee.property.name === 'bind' &&
167 t.isIdentifier(expression.callee.object.property)) {
168 methodName = expression.callee.object.property.name;
169 }
170 else {
171 throw codeFrameError(expression.loc, '当 props 为事件时(props name 以 `on` 开头),只能传入一个 this 作用域下的函数。');
172 }
173 return methodName;
175exports.findMethodName = findMethodName;
176function setParentCondition(jsx, expr, array = false) {
177 const conditionExpr = jsx.findParent(p => p.isConditionalExpression());
178 const logicExpr = jsx.findParent(p => p.isLogicalExpression({ operator: '&&' }));
179 if (array) {
180 const ifAttrSet = new Set([
181 adapter_1.Adapter.if,
182 adapter_1.Adapter.else
183 ]);
184 const logicalJSX = jsx.findParent(p => p.isJSXElement() && p.node.openingElement.attributes.some(a => t.isJSXIdentifier(a.name) && ifAttrSet.has(a.name.name)));
185 if (logicalJSX) {
186 const attr = logicalJSX.node.openingElement.attributes.find(a => ifAttrSet.has(a.name.name));
187 if (attr) {
188 if (attr.name.name === adapter_1.Adapter.else) {
189 const prevElement = logicalJSX.getPrevSibling();
190 if (prevElement && prevElement.isJSXElement()) {
191 const attr = prevElement.node.openingElement.attributes.find(a => a.name.name === adapter_1.Adapter.if);
192 if (attr && t.isJSXExpressionContainer(attr.value)) {
193 expr = t.conditionalExpression(reverseBoolean(lodash_1.cloneDeep(attr.value.expression)), expr, t.arrayExpression());
194 return expr;
195 }
196 }
197 }
198 else if (t.isJSXExpressionContainer(attr.value)) {
199 expr = t.conditionalExpression(lodash_1.cloneDeep(attr.value.expression), expr, t.arrayExpression());
200 return expr;
201 }
202 }
203 }
204 }
205 if (conditionExpr && conditionExpr.isConditionalExpression()) {
206 const consequent = conditionExpr.get('consequent');
207 if (consequent === jsx || jsx.findParent(p => p === consequent)) {
208 expr = t.conditionalExpression(lodash_1.cloneDeep(conditionExpr.get('test').node), expr, array ? t.arrayExpression([]) : t.nullLiteral());
209 }
210 }
211 if (logicExpr && logicExpr.isLogicalExpression({ operator: '&&' })) {
212 const consequent = logicExpr.get('right');
213 if (consequent === jsx || jsx.findParent(p => p === consequent)) {
214 expr = t.conditionalExpression(lodash_1.cloneDeep(logicExpr.get('left').node), expr, array ? t.arrayExpression([]) : t.nullLiteral());
215 }
216 }
217 return expr;
219exports.setParentCondition = setParentCondition;
220function generateAnonymousState(scope, expression, refIds, isLogical) {
221 let variableName = `anonymousState_${scope.generateUid()}`;
222 let statementParent = expression.getStatementParent();
223 if (!statementParent) {
224 throw codeFrameError(expression.node.loc, '无法生成匿名 State,尝试先把值赋到一个变量上再把变量调换。');
225 }
226 const jsx = isLogical ? expression : expression.findParent(p => p.isJSXElement());
227 const callExpr = jsx.findParent(p => p.isCallExpression() && isArrayMapCallExpression(p));
228 const ifExpr = jsx.findParent(p => p.isIfStatement());
229 const blockStatement = jsx.findParent(p => p.isBlockStatement() && p.parentPath === ifExpr);
230 const expr = setParentCondition(jsx, lodash_1.cloneDeep(expression.node));
231 if (!callExpr) {
232 refIds.add(t.identifier(variableName));
233 statementParent.insertBefore(buildConstVariableDeclaration(variableName, expr));
234 if (blockStatement && blockStatement.isBlockStatement()) {
235 blockStatement.traverse({
236 VariableDeclarator: (path) => {
237 const { id, init } = path.node;
238 const isArrowFunctionInJSX = path.findParent(p => p.isJSXAttribute() ||
239 (p.isAssignmentExpression() && t.isMemberExpression(p.node.left) && t.isThisExpression(p.node.left.object)
240 && t.isIdentifier(p.node.left.property) && p.node.left.property.name.startsWith('')));
241 if (isArrowFunctionInJSX) {
242 return;
243 }
244 // tslint:disable-next-line: strict-type-predicates
245 if (t.isIdentifier(id) && !id.name.startsWith(constant_1.LOOP_STATE) && !id.name.startsWith('_$') && init != null) {
246 const newId = scope.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier('$' + id.name);
247 refIds.forEach((refId) => {
248 if (refId.name === variableName && !variableName.startsWith('_$')) {
249 refIds.delete(refId);
250 }
251 });
252 variableName = newId.name;
253 if (adapter_1.Adapter.type === "quickapp" /* quickapp */ && variableName.startsWith('_$')) {
254 const newVarName = variableName.slice(2);
255 scope.rename(variableName, newVarName);
256 variableName = newVarName;
257 }
258 refIds.add(t.identifier(variableName));
259 blockStatement.scope.rename(id.name, newId.name);
260 path.parentPath.replaceWith(template('ID = INIT;')({ ID: newId, INIT: init }));
261 }
262 }
263 });
264 }
265 }
266 else {
267 variableName = `${constant_1.LOOP_STATE}_${callExpr.scope.generateUid()}`;
268 const func = callExpr.node.arguments[0];
269 if (t.isArrowFunctionExpression(func)) {
270 if (!t.isBlockStatement(func.body)) {
271 func.body = t.blockStatement([
272 buildConstVariableDeclaration(variableName, expr),
273 t.returnStatement(func.body)
274 ]);
275 }
276 else {
277 if (ifExpr && ifExpr.isIfStatement() && ifExpr.findParent(p => p === callExpr)) {
278 const consequent = ifExpr.get('consequent');
279 const test = ifExpr.get('test');
280 if (consequent.isBlockStatement()) {
281 if (jsx === test || jsx.findParent(p => p === test)) {
282 func.body.body.unshift(buildConstVariableDeclaration(variableName, expr));
283 }
284 else {
285 func.body.body.unshift(t.variableDeclaration('let', [t.variableDeclarator(t.identifier(variableName), t.nullLiteral())]));
286 consequent.node.body.push(t.expressionStatement(t.assignmentExpression('=', t.identifier(variableName), expr)));
287 }
288 }
289 else {
290 throw codeFrameError(consequent.node, 'if 表达式的结果必须由一个花括号包裹');
291 }
292 }
293 else {
294 func.body.body.splice(func.body.body.length - 1, 0, buildConstVariableDeclaration(variableName, expr));
295 }
296 }
297 }
298 }
299 const id = t.identifier(variableName);
300 expression.replaceWith(id);
301 return id;
303exports.generateAnonymousState = generateAnonymousState;
304function isArrayMapCallExpression(callExpression) {
305 return callExpression &&
306 t.isCallExpression(callExpression.node) &&
307 t.isMemberExpression(callExpression.node.callee) &&
308 t.isIdentifier(callExpression.node.callee.property, { name: 'map' });
310exports.isArrayMapCallExpression = isArrayMapCallExpression;
311function buildConstVariableDeclaration(variableName, expresion) {
312 return t.variableDeclaration('const', [
313 t.variableDeclarator(t.identifier(variableName), expresion)
314 ]);
316exports.buildConstVariableDeclaration = buildConstVariableDeclaration;
317function setTemplate(name, path, templates) {
318 const parentPath = path.parentPath;
319 const jsxChildren = parentPath.findParent(p => p.isJSXElement());
320 if (name && !jsxChildren) {
321 templates.set(name, path.node);
322 }
324exports.setTemplate = setTemplate;
325function isContainFunction(p) {
326 let bool = false;
327 p.traverse({
328 CallExpression() {
329 bool = true;
330 }
331 });
332 return bool;
334exports.isContainFunction = isContainFunction;
335function slash(input) {
336 const isExtendedLengthPath = /^\\\\\?\\/.test(input);
337 const hasNonAscii = /[^\u0000-\u0080]+/.test(input);
338 const hasChinese = /[^\u4e00-\u9fa5]+/.test(input); // has Chinese characters
339 if (isExtendedLengthPath || (hasNonAscii && !hasChinese)) {
340 return input;
341 }
342 return input.replace(/\\/g, '/');
344function pathResolver(source, location) {
345 const extName = path.extname(source);
346 const promotedPath = source;
347 if (!['js', 'tsx'].includes(extName)) {
348 try {
349 const pathExist = fs.existsSync(path.resolve(path.dirname(location), source, 'index.js'));
350 const tsxPathExist = fs.existsSync(path.resolve(path.dirname(location), source, 'index.tsx'));
351 if (pathExist || tsxPathExist) {
352 let p = path.join(promotedPath, 'index');
353 if (!p.startsWith('.')) {
354 p = './' + p;
355 }
356 return slash(p);
357 }
358 return slash(promotedPath);
359 }
360 catch (error) {
361 return slash(promotedPath);
362 }
363 }
364 return slash(promotedPath.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'));
366exports.pathResolver = pathResolver;
367exports.setting = {
368 sourceCode: ''
370function codeFrameError(node, msg) {
371 let errMsg = '';
372 try {
373 errMsg = code_frame_1.codeFrameColumns(exports.setting.sourceCode, node && node.type && node.loc ? node.loc : node, {
374 highlightCode: true
375 });
376 }
377 catch (error) {
378 errMsg = 'failed to locate source';
379 }
380 return new Error(`${msg}
384exports.codeFrameError = codeFrameError;
385function createUUID() {
386 return '$' + 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
387 let r = Math.random() * 16 | 0;
388 let v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
389 return v.toString(16);
390 }).replace(/-/g, '').slice(0, 8);
392exports.createUUID = createUUID;
393let count = 0;
394function createRandomLetters(n) {
395 const countStr = (count++).toString();
396 let letters = '';
397 for (const s of countStr) {
398 letters += String.fromCharCode(97 + parseInt(s, 10));
399 }
400 const padding = n - letters.length;
401 for (let i = 0; i < padding; i++) {
402 letters += 'z';
403 }
404 return letters;
406exports.createRandomLetters = createRandomLetters;
407function isBlockIfStatement(ifStatement, blockStatement) {
408 return ifStatement && blockStatement &&
409 ifStatement.isIfStatement() &&
410 blockStatement.isBlockStatement();
412exports.isBlockIfStatement = isBlockIfStatement;
413function buildCodeFrame(code) {
414 return (loc) => code_frame_1.codeFrameColumns(code, loc);
416exports.buildCodeFrame = buildCodeFrame;
417function isNumeric(n) {
418 return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
420exports.isNumeric = isNumeric;
421function buildJSXAttr(name, value) {
422 return t.jSXAttribute(t.jSXIdentifier(name), t.jSXExpressionContainer(value));
424exports.buildJSXAttr = buildJSXAttr;
425function newJSXIfAttr(jsx, value, path) {
426 const element = jsx.openingElement;
427 if (!t.isJSXIdentifier(element.name)) {
428 return;
429 }
430 if (element.name.name === 'Block' || element.name.name === 'block' || !path) {
431 const attrs = element.attributes;
432 if (!attrs.some(a => a.name.name === adapter_1.Adapter.for)) {
433 element.attributes.push(buildJSXAttr(adapter_1.Adapter.if, value));
434 }
435 else if (path) {
436 const block = jsx_1.buildBlockElement();
437 newJSXIfAttr(block, value);
438 block.children.push(jsx);
439 path.node = block;
440 }
441 }
442 else {
443 const block = jsx_1.buildBlockElement();
444 newJSXIfAttr(block, value);
445 block.children.push(jsx);
446 path.node = block;
447 }
449exports.newJSXIfAttr = newJSXIfAttr;
450function getSlotName(name) {
451 return name.slice(6).toLowerCase();
453exports.getSlotName = getSlotName;
454function isContainJSXElement(path) {
455 let matched = false;
456 path.traverse({
457 JSXElement(p) {
458 matched = true;
459 p.stop();
460 }
461 });
462 return matched;
464exports.isContainJSXElement = isContainJSXElement;
465function hasComplexExpression(path) {
466 let matched = false;
467 if (isContainJSXElement(path)) {
468 return false;
469 }
470 if (path.isObjectExpression()) {
471 return true;
472 }
473 if (path.isTemplateLiteral() || path.isCallExpression()) {
474 return true;
475 }
476 if (path.isArrayExpression()) {
477 const { elements } = path.node;
478 if (elements.some(el => t.isObjectExpression(el) || t.isArrayExpression(el))) {
479 return true;
480 }
481 }
482 path.traverse({
483 CallExpression: (p) => {
484 matched = true;
485 p.stop();
486 },
487 TemplateLiteral(p) {
488 matched = true;
489 p.stop();
490 },
491 ObjectExpression(p) {
492 matched = true;
493 p.stop();
494 },
495 ArrayExpression(p) {
496 const { elements } = p.node;
497 if (elements.some(el => t.isObjectExpression(el))) {
498 return true;
499 }
500 },
501 TaggedTemplateExpression(p) {
502 matched = true;
503 p.stop();
504 },
505 MemberExpression(path) {
506 const jsxElement = path.findParent(p => p.isJSXExpressionContainer());
507 const object = path.get('object');
508 const property = path.get('property');
509 const parentPath = path.parentPath;
510 if (jsxElement &&
511 object.isThisExpression() &&
512 property.isIdentifier({ name: 'state' }) &&
513 parentPath.isMemberExpression() &&
514 parentPath.parentPath.isMemberExpression()) {
515 const sourceCode = parentPath.parentPath.getSource();
516 if (sourceCode.includes('[') && sourceCode.includes(']')) {
517 matched = true;
518 path.stop();
519 }
520 }
521 }
522 });
523 return matched;
525exports.hasComplexExpression = hasComplexExpression;
526function findFirstIdentifierFromMemberExpression(node, member) {
527 let id;
528 let object = node.object;
529 while (true) {
530 if (t.identifier(object) && !t.isMemberExpression(object)) {
531 id = object;
532 if (member) {
533 object = member;
534 }
535 break;
536 }
537 object = object.object;
538 }
539 return id;
541exports.findFirstIdentifierFromMemberExpression = findFirstIdentifierFromMemberExpression;
542function getArgumentName(arg) {
543 if (t.isThisExpression(arg)) {
544 return 'this';
545 }
546 else if (t.isNullLiteral(arg)) {
547 return 'null';
548 }
549 else if (t.isStringLiteral(arg) || t.isNumericLiteral(arg)) {
550 return arg.value;
551 }
552 else if (t.isIdentifier(arg)) {
553 return arg.name;
554 }
555 else {
556 return babel_generator_1.default(arg).code;
557 }
558 throw new Error(`bind 不支持传入该参数: ${arg}`);
560exports.getArgumentName = getArgumentName;
561function isAllLiteral(...args) {
562 return args.every(p => t.isLiteral(p));
564exports.isAllLiteral = isAllLiteral;
565function reverseBoolean(expression) {
566 return t.unaryExpression('!', expression);
568exports.reverseBoolean = reverseBoolean;
569function isEmptyDeclarator(node) {
570 if (t.isVariableDeclarator(node) &&
571 // tslint:disable-next-line: strict-type-predicates
572 (node.init === null ||
573 t.isNullLiteral(node.init))) {
574 return true;
575 }
576 return false;
578exports.isEmptyDeclarator = isEmptyDeclarator;
579function toLetters(num) {
580 let mod = num % 26;
581 let pow = num / 26 | 0;
582 let out = mod ? String.fromCharCode(64 + mod) : (--pow, 'Z');
583 const letter = pow ? toLetters(pow) + out : out;
584 return letter.toLowerCase();
586exports.toLetters = toLetters;
587function findIdentifierFromStatement(statement) {
588 if (t.isVariableDeclaration(statement)) {
589 const declarator = statement.declarations.find(s => t.isIdentifier(s.id));
590 if (declarator && t.isIdentifier(declarator.id)) {
591 return declarator.id.name;
592 }
593 }
594 return '__return';
596exports.findIdentifierFromStatement = findIdentifierFromStatement;
597let id = 0;
598function genCompid() {
599 return String(id++);
601exports.genCompid = genCompid;
602function findParentLoops(callee, names, loops) {
603 let indexId = null;
604 let name;
605 const [func] = callee.node.arguments;
606 if (t.isFunctionExpression(func) || t.isArrowFunctionExpression(func)) {
607 const params = func.params;
608 indexId = params[1];
609 name = names.get(callee);
610 }
611 if (indexId === null || !t.isIdentifier(indexId)) {
612 indexId = t.identifier(callee.scope.generateUid('anonIdx'));
613 func.params = [func.params[0], indexId];
614 }
615 if (!name) {
616 throw codeFrameError(callee.node, '找不到循环对应的名称');
617 }
618 loops.elements.unshift(t.objectExpression([
619 t.objectProperty(t.identifier('indexId'), indexId),
620 t.objectProperty(t.identifier('name'), t.stringLiteral(name))
621 ]));
622 const parentCallExpr = callee.findParent(p => p.isCallExpression());
623 if (parentCallExpr && parentCallExpr.isCallExpression()) {
624 const callee = parentCallExpr.node.callee;
625 if (t.isMemberExpression(callee) &&
626 t.isIdentifier(callee.property) &&
627 callee.property.name === 'map') {
628 findParentLoops(parentCallExpr, names, loops);
629 }
630 }
632exports.findParentLoops = findParentLoops;
633function setAncestorCondition(jsx, expr) {
634 const ifAttrSet = new Set([
635 adapter_1.Adapter.if,
636 adapter_1.Adapter.else
637 ]);
638 const logicalJSX = jsx.findParent(p => p.isJSXElement() && p.node.openingElement.attributes.some(a => t.isJSXIdentifier(a.name) && ifAttrSet.has(a.name.name)));
639 if (logicalJSX) {
640 const attr = logicalJSX.node.openingElement.attributes.find(a => ifAttrSet.has(a.name.name));
641 if (attr) {
642 if (attr.name.name === adapter_1.Adapter.else) {
643 const prevElement = logicalJSX.getPrevSibling();
644 if (prevElement && prevElement.isJSXElement()) {
645 const attr = prevElement.node.openingElement.attributes.find(a => a.name.name === adapter_1.Adapter.if);
646 if (attr && t.isJSXExpressionContainer(attr.value)) {
647 const condition = reverseBoolean(lodash_1.cloneDeep(attr.value.expression));
648 expr = t.logicalExpression('&&', setAncestorCondition(logicalJSX, condition), expr);
649 }
650 }
651 }
652 else if (t.isJSXExpressionContainer(attr.value)) {
653 const condition = lodash_1.cloneDeep(attr.value.expression);
654 if (t.isJSXIdentifier(condition, { name: constant_1.IS_TARO_READY })) {
655 return expr;
656 }
657 const ifStem = logicalJSX.findParent(p => p.isIfStatement());
658 expr = t.logicalExpression('&&', setAncestorCondition(logicalJSX, ifStem && ifStem.isIfStatement() ? attr.value.expression : condition), expr);
659 }
660 }
661 }
662 return expr;
664exports.setAncestorCondition = setAncestorCondition;
665//# sourceMappingURL=utils.js.map
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