1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.printCompiling = exports.printBuildError = exports.getServeSpinner = exports.bindProdLogger = exports.bindDevLogger = void 0;
4 | const helper_1 = require("@tarojs/helper");
5 | const fp_1 = require("lodash/fp");
6 | const ora = require("ora");
7 | const formatMessages = require("webpack-format-messages");
8 |
9 | const getServeSpinner = (() => {
10 | let spinner;
11 | return () => {
12 | if (!spinner)
13 | spinner = ora('Starting development server, please wait~');
14 | return spinner;
15 | };
16 | })();
17 | exports.getServeSpinner = getServeSpinner;
18 | const printCompiling = () => {
19 | getServeSpinner().text = 'Compiling...';
20 | getServeSpinner().start();
21 | };
22 | exports.printCompiling = printCompiling;
23 | const printBuildError = (err) => {
24 | const message = err.message;
25 | const stack = err.stack;
26 | if (stack && message.indexOf('from UglifyJs') !== -1) {
27 | try {
28 | const matched = /(.+)\[(.+):(.+),(.+)\]\[.+\]/.exec(stack);
29 | if (!matched) {
30 | throw new Error('Using errors for control flow is bad.');
31 | }
32 | const problemPath = matched[2];
33 | const line = matched[3];
34 | const column = matched[4];
35 | console.log('Failed to minify the code from this file: \n\n', helper_1.chalk.yellow(`\t${problemPath}:${line}${column !== '0' ? ':' + column : ''}`), '\n');
36 | }
37 | catch (ignored) {
38 | console.log('Failed to minify the bundle.', err);
39 | }
40 | }
41 | else {
42 | console.log((message || err) + '\n');
43 | }
44 | console.log();
45 | };
46 | exports.printBuildError = printBuildError;
47 | const printSuccess = () => {
48 | getServeSpinner().stopAndPersist({
49 | symbol: '✅ ',
50 | text: helper_1.chalk.green('Compiled successfully!\n')
51 | });
52 | };
53 | const printWarning = () => {
54 | getServeSpinner().stopAndPersist({
55 | symbol: '⚠️ ',
56 | text: helper_1.chalk.yellow('Compiled with warnings.\n')
57 | });
58 | };
59 | const printFailed = () => {
60 | getServeSpinner().stopAndPersist({
61 | symbol: '🙅 ',
62 | text: helper_1.chalk.red('Failed to compile.\n')
63 | });
64 | };
65 | const printWhenBeforeCompile = compiler => {
66 | compiler.hooks.beforeCompile.tap('taroBeforeCompile', () => {
67 | printCompiling();
68 | });
69 | return compiler;
70 | };
71 | const printWhenInvalid = compiler => {
72 | compiler.hooks.invalid.tap('taroInvalid', () => {
73 | printCompiling();
74 | });
75 | return compiler;
76 | };
77 | const printWhenFailed = compiler => {
78 | compiler.hooks.failed.tap('taroFailed', error => {
79 | printBuildError(error);
80 | });
81 | return compiler;
82 | };
83 | let isFirst = true;
84 | const printWhenFirstDone = (devUrl, compiler) => {
85 | compiler.hooks.done.tap('taroDone', () => {
86 | if (isFirst) {
87 | isFirst = false;
88 | getServeSpinner().clear();
89 | console.log();
90 | console.log(helper_1.chalk.cyan(`ℹ️ Listening at ${devUrl}`));
91 | console.log(helper_1.chalk.gray('\n监听文件修改中...\n'));
92 | }
93 | });
94 | return compiler;
95 | };
96 | const _printWhenDone = ({ verbose = false }, compiler) => {
97 | compiler.hooks.done.tap('taroDone', stats => {
98 | const { errors, warnings } = formatMessages(stats);
99 | if (!stats.hasErrors() && !stats.hasWarnings()) {
100 | printSuccess();
101 | }
102 | if (stats.hasErrors()) {
103 | printFailed();
104 | errors.forEach(e => console.log(e + '\n'));
105 | verbose && process.exit(1);
106 | return;
107 | }
108 | if (stats.hasWarnings()) {
109 | printWarning();
110 | warnings.forEach(w => console.log(w + '\n'));
111 | }
112 | verbose &&
113 | console.log(stats.toString({
114 | colors: true,
115 | modules: false,
116 | children: false,
117 | chunks: false,
118 | chunkModules: false,
119 | warnings: verbose
120 | }) + '\n');
121 | });
122 | return compiler;
123 | };
124 | const printWhenDone = (0, fp_1.partial)(_printWhenDone, [{ verbose: false }]);
125 | const printWhenDoneVerbosely = (0, fp_1.partial)(_printWhenDone, [{ verbose: true }]);
126 | const bindDevLogger = (compiler, devUrl = '') => {
127 | console.log();
128 | (0, fp_1.pipe)(printWhenBeforeCompile, (0, fp_1.partial)(printWhenFirstDone, [devUrl]), printWhenDone, printWhenFailed, printWhenInvalid)(compiler);
129 | return compiler;
130 | };
131 | exports.bindDevLogger = bindDevLogger;
132 | const bindProdLogger = compiler => {
133 | console.log();
134 | (0, fp_1.pipe)(printWhenBeforeCompile, printWhenDoneVerbosely, printWhenFailed)(compiler);
135 | return compiler;
136 | };
137 | exports.bindProdLogger = bindProdLogger;
138 |
\ | No newline at end of file |