4.05 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
4var common_1 = require("../common");
5var SchemaDefinition_1 = require("./SchemaDefinition");
6var defaultValue = common_1.value.defaultValue;
7var Schema = (function () {
8 function Schema(args) {
9 var _this = this;
10 var required = defaultValue(args.required, true);
11 var strictNullChecks = defaultValue(args.strictNullChecks, true);
12 var ignoreErrors = defaultValue(args.ignoreErrors, true);
13 args = tslib_1.__assign({}, args, { required: required, strictNullChecks: strictNullChecks, ignoreErrors: ignoreErrors });
14 this.basePath = args.basePath ? common_1.fsPath.resolve(args.basePath) : undefined;
15 var toPath = function (path) {
16 path = (path || '').trim();
17 if (path) {
18 path = _this.basePath ? common_1.fsPath.join(_this.basePath, path) : path;
19 path = common_1.fsPath.resolve(path);
20 }
21 return path;
22 };
23 this.files = Array.isArray(args.files) ? args.files : [args.files];
24 this.files = this.files.map(function (path) { return toPath(path); });
25 this.files = this.files.filter(function (path) { return Boolean(path.trim()); });
26 if (this.files.length === 0) {
27 throw new Error("No files were given to the schema.");
28 }
29 this.files.forEach(function (path) {
30 if (!common_1.fs.pathExistsSync(path)) {
31 throw new Error("Failed to load schema. The file '" + path + "' does not exist.");
32 }
33 });
34 this._program = common_1.TJS.getProgramFromFiles(this.files, args, this.basePath);
35 var generator = common_1.TJS.buildGenerator(this._program, args);
36 if (!generator) {
37 throw new Error("Failed to create a build-generator for the schema.");
38 }
39 this._generator = generator;
40 }
41 Schema.compile = function (args) {
42 return new Schema(args);
43 };
44 Schema.prototype.forType = function (type, options) {
45 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
46 try {
47 var g = this._generator;
48 var def = Array.isArray(type)
49 ? g.getSchemaForSymbols(type, options.includeReffedDefinitions)
50 : g.getSchemaForSymbol(type, options.includeReffedDefinitions);
51 return new SchemaDefinition_1.SchemaDefinition({ type: type, def: def });
52 }
53 catch (error) {
54 throw new Error("Failed to generate schema for symbol '" + type + "'. " + error.message);
55 }
56 };
57 Schema.validator = function (schema) {
58 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
59 var ajv, def, _a, func;
60 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_b) {
61 switch (_b.label) {
62 case 0:
63 ajv = common_1.AJV();
64 if (!(typeof schema === 'string')) return [3, 2];
65 return [4, common_1.fs.readJson(common_1.fsPath.resolve(schema))];
66 case 1:
67 _a = _b.sent();
68 return [3, 3];
69 case 2:
70 _a = schema;
71 _b.label = 3;
72 case 3:
73 def = _a;
74 func = ajv.compile(def);
75 return [2, function (data) { return func(data); }];
76 }
77 });
78 });
79 };
80 Schema.validate = function (schema, data) {
81 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
82 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
83 switch (_a.label) {
84 case 0: return [4, Schema.validator(schema)];
85 case 1: return [2, (_a.sent())(data)];
86 }
87 });
88 });
89 };
90 return Schema;
92exports.Schema = Schema;
93//# sourceMappingURL=Schema.js.map
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