33.2 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright 2020 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 * =============================================================================
16 */
17export { abs } from './abs';
18export { acos } from './acos';
19export { acosh } from './acosh';
20export { add } from './add';
21export { addN } from './add_n';
22export { all } from './all';
23export { any } from './any';
24export { argMax } from './arg_max';
25export { argMin } from './arg_min';
26export { asin } from './asin';
27export { asinh } from './asinh';
28export { atan } from './atan';
29export { atan2 } from './atan2';
30export { atanh } from './atanh';
31export { avgPool } from './avg_pool';
32export { avgPool3d } from './avg_pool_3d';
33export { basicLSTMCell } from './basic_lstm_cell';
34export { batchToSpaceND } from './batch_to_space_nd';
35export { batchNorm } from './batchnorm';
36export { batchNorm2d } from './batchnorm2d';
37export { batchNorm3d } from './batchnorm3d';
38export { batchNorm4d } from './batchnorm4d';
39export { bincount } from './bincount';
40export { broadcastTo } from './broadcast_to';
41export { buffer } from './buffer';
42export { cast } from './cast';
43export { ceil } from './ceil';
44export { clipByValue } from './clip_by_value';
45export { clone } from './clone';
46export { complex } from './complex';
47export { concat } from './concat';
48export { concat1d } from './concat_1d';
49export { concat2d } from './concat_2d';
50export { concat3d } from './concat_3d';
51export { concat4d } from './concat_4d';
52export { conv1d } from './conv1d';
53export { conv2d } from './conv2d';
54export { conv2dTranspose } from './conv2d_transpose';
55export { conv3d } from './conv3d';
56export { conv3dTranspose } from './conv3d_transpose';
57export { cos } from './cos';
58export { cosh } from './cosh';
59export { cumsum } from './cumsum';
60export { denseBincount } from './dense_bincount';
61export { depthToSpace } from './depth_to_space';
62export { depthwiseConv2d } from './depthwise_conv2d';
63export { diag } from './diag';
64export { dilation2d } from './dilation2d';
65export { div } from './div';
66export { divNoNan } from './div_no_nan';
67export { dot } from './dot';
68export { einsum } from './einsum';
69export { elu } from './elu';
70export { equal } from './equal';
71export { erf } from './erf';
72export { exp } from './exp';
73export { expandDims } from './expand_dims';
74export { expm1 } from './expm1';
75export { eye } from './eye';
76export { fill } from './fill';
77export { floor } from './floor';
78export { floorDiv } from './floorDiv';
79export { gather } from './gather';
80export { greater } from './greater';
81export { greaterEqual } from './greater_equal';
82export { imag } from './imag';
83export { isFinite } from './is_finite';
84export { isInf } from './is_inf';
85export { isNaN } from './is_nan';
86export { leakyRelu } from './leaky_relu';
87export { less } from './less';
88export { lessEqual } from './less_equal';
89export { linspace } from './linspace';
90export { localResponseNormalization } from './local_response_normalization';
91export { log } from './log';
92export { log1p } from './log1p';
93export { logSigmoid } from './log_sigmoid';
94export { logSoftmax } from './log_softmax';
95export { logSumExp } from './log_sum_exp';
96export { logicalAnd } from './logical_and';
97export { logicalNot } from './logical_not';
98export { logicalOr } from './logical_or';
99export { logicalXor } from './logical_xor';
100export { matMul } from './mat_mul';
101export { max } from './max';
102export { maxPool } from './max_pool';
103export { maxPool3d } from './max_pool_3d';
104export { maxPoolWithArgmax } from './max_pool_with_argmax';
105export { maximum } from './maximum';
106export { mean } from './mean';
107export { meshgrid } from './meshgrid';
108export { min } from './min';
109export { minimum } from './minimum';
110export { mirrorPad } from './mirror_pad';
111export { mod } from './mod';
112export { moments } from './moments';
113export { mul } from './mul';
114export { LSTMCellFunc, multiRNNCell } from './multi_rnn_cell';
115export { multinomial } from './multinomial';
116export { neg } from './neg';
117export { notEqual } from './not_equal';
118export { oneHot } from './one_hot';
119export { ones } from './ones';
120export { onesLike } from './ones_like';
121export { outerProduct } from './outer_product';
122export { pad } from './pad';
123export { pad1d } from './pad1d';
124export { pad2d } from './pad2d';
125export { pad3d } from './pad3d';
126export { pad4d } from './pad4d';
127export { pool } from './pool';
128export { pow } from './pow';
129export { prelu } from './prelu';
130export { print } from './print';
131export { prod } from './prod';
132export { rand } from './rand';
133export { randomGamma } from './random_gamma';
134export { randomNormal } from './random_normal';
135export { randomUniform } from './random_uniform';
136export { range } from './range';
137export { real } from './real';
138export { reciprocal } from './reciprocal';
139export { relu } from './relu';
140export { relu6 } from './relu6';
141export { reshape } from './reshape';
142export { reverse } from './reverse';
143export { reverse1d } from './reverse_1d';
144export { reverse2d } from './reverse_2d';
145export { reverse3d } from './reverse_3d';
146export { reverse4d } from './reverse_4d';
147export { round } from './round';
148export { rsqrt } from './rsqrt';
149export { scalar } from './scalar';
150export { selu } from './selu';
151export { separableConv2d } from './separable_conv2d';
152export { setdiff1dAsync } from './setdiff1d_async';
153export { sigmoid } from './sigmoid';
154export { sign } from './sign';
155export { sin } from './sin';
156export { sinh } from './sinh';
157export { slice } from './slice';
158export { slice1d } from './slice1d';
159export { slice2d } from './slice2d';
160export { slice3d } from './slice3d';
161export { slice4d } from './slice4d';
162export { softmax } from './softmax';
163export { softplus } from './softplus';
164export { spaceToBatchND } from './space_to_batch_nd';
165export { fft } from './spectral/fft';
166export { ifft } from './spectral/ifft';
167export { irfft } from './spectral/irfft';
168export { rfft } from './spectral/rfft';
169export { split } from './split';
170export { sqrt } from './sqrt';
171export { square } from './square';
172export { squaredDifference } from './squared_difference';
173export { squeeze } from './squeeze';
174export { stack } from './stack';
175export { step } from './step';
176export { stridedSlice } from './strided_slice';
177export { sub } from './sub';
178export { sum } from './sum';
179export { tan } from './tan';
180export { tanh } from './tanh';
181export { tensor } from './tensor';
182export { tensor1d } from './tensor1d';
183export { tensor2d } from './tensor2d';
184export { tensor3d } from './tensor3d';
185export { tensor4d } from './tensor4d';
186export { tensor5d } from './tensor5d';
187export { tensor6d } from './tensor6d';
188export { tile } from './tile';
189export { topk } from './topk';
190export { truncatedNormal } from './truncated_normal';
191export { unique } from './unique';
192export { unsortedSegmentSum } from './unsorted_segment_sum';
193export { unstack } from './unstack';
194export { variable } from './variable';
195export { where } from './where';
196export { whereAsync } from './where_async';
197export { zeros } from './zeros';
198export { zerosLike } from './zeros_like';
199export * from './boolean_mask';
200export * from './transpose';
201export * from './norm';
202export * from './moving_average';
203export * from './scatter_nd';
204export * from './sparse_to_dense';
205export * from './gather_nd';
206export * from './dropout';
207export * from './signal_ops_util';
208export * from './in_top_k';
209export { op, OP_SCOPE_SUFFIX } from './operation';
210declare const spectral: {
211 fft: (input: import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>;
212 ifft: (input: import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>;
213 rfft: (input: import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>, fftLength?: number) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>;
214 irfft: (input: import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>;
216import * as fused from './fused_ops';
217declare const signal: {
218 hammingWindow: (windowLength: number) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>;
219 hannWindow: (windowLength: number) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>;
220 frame: (signal: import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, frameLength: number, frameStep: number, padEnd?: boolean, padValue?: number) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>;
221 stft: (signal: import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, frameLength: number, frameStep: number, fftLength?: number, windowFn?: (length: number) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>;
223declare const image: {
224 flipLeftRight: (image: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R4>) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R4>;
225 resizeNearestNeighbor: <T extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R3> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R4>>(images: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, size: [number, number], alignCorners?: boolean, halfPixelCenters?: boolean) => T;
226 resizeBilinear: <T extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R3> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R4>>(images: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, size: [number, number], alignCorners?: boolean, halfPixelCenters?: boolean) => T;
227 rotateWithOffset: (image: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R4>, radians: number, fillValue?: number | [number, number, number], center?: number | [number, number]) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R4>;
228 cropAndResize: (image: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R4>, boxes: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R2>, boxInd: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, cropSize: [number, number], method?: "nearest" | "bilinear", extrapolationValue?: number) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R4>;
229 nonMaxSuppression: (boxes: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R2>, scores: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, maxOutputSize: number, iouThreshold?: number, scoreThreshold?: number) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>;
230 nonMaxSuppressionAsync: (boxes: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R2>, scores: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, maxOutputSize: number, iouThreshold?: number, scoreThreshold?: number) => Promise<import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>>;
231 nonMaxSuppressionWithScore: (boxes: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R2>, scores: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, maxOutputSize: number, iouThreshold?: number, scoreThreshold?: number, softNmsSigma?: number) => import("..").NamedTensorMap;
232 nonMaxSuppressionWithScoreAsync: (boxes: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R2>, scores: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, maxOutputSize: number, iouThreshold?: number, scoreThreshold?: number, softNmsSigma?: number) => Promise<import("..").NamedTensorMap>;
233 nonMaxSuppressionPadded: (boxes: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R2>, scores: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, maxOutputSize: number, iouThreshold?: number, scoreThreshold?: number, padToMaxOutputSize?: boolean) => import("..").NamedTensorMap;
234 nonMaxSuppressionPaddedAsync: (boxes: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R2>, scores: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, maxOutputSize: number, iouThreshold?: number, scoreThreshold?: number, padToMaxOutputSize?: boolean) => Promise<import("..").NamedTensorMap>;
235 threshold: (image: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R3>, method?: string, inverted?: boolean, threshValue?: number) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R3>;
236 transform: (image: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R4>, transforms: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R2>, interpolation?: "nearest" | "bilinear", fillMode?: "reflect" | "nearest" | "constant" | "wrap", fillValue?: number, outputShape?: [number, number]) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R4>;
238declare const linalg: {
239 bandPart: <T extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>>(a: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, numLower: number, numUpper: number) => T;
240 gramSchmidt: (xs: import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R2> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>[]) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R2> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>[];
241 qr: (x: import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>, fullMatrices?: boolean) => [import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>, import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>];
243declare const losses: {
244 absoluteDifference: <T extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>, O extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>>(labels: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, predictions: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, weights?: string | number | boolean | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank> | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string>, reduction?: import("./loss_ops_utils").Reduction) => O;
245 computeWeightedLoss: <T extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>, O extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>>(losses: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, weights?: string | number | boolean | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank> | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string>, reduction?: import("./loss_ops_utils").Reduction) => O;
246 cosineDistance: <T extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>, O extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>>(labels: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, predictions: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, axis: number, weights?: string | number | boolean | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank> | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string>, reduction?: import("./loss_ops_utils").Reduction) => O;
247 hingeLoss: <T extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>, O extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>>(labels: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, predictions: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, weights?: string | number | boolean | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank> | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string>, reduction?: import("./loss_ops_utils").Reduction) => O;
248 huberLoss: <T extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>, O extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>>(labels: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, predictions: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, weights?: string | number | boolean | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank> | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string>, delta?: number, reduction?: import("./loss_ops_utils").Reduction) => O;
249 logLoss: <T extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>, O extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>>(labels: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, predictions: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, weights?: string | number | boolean | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank> | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string>, epsilon?: number, reduction?: import("./loss_ops_utils").Reduction) => O;
250 meanSquaredError: <T extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>, O extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>>(labels: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, predictions: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, weights?: string | number | boolean | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank> | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string>, reduction?: import("./loss_ops_utils").Reduction) => O;
251 sigmoidCrossEntropy: <T extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>, O extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>>(multiClassLabels: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, logits: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, weights?: string | number | boolean | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank> | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string>, labelSmoothing?: number, reduction?: import("./loss_ops_utils").Reduction) => O;
252 softmaxCrossEntropy: <T extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>, O extends import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>>(onehotLabels: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, logits: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | T, weights?: string | number | boolean | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank> | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string>, labelSmoothing?: number, reduction?: import("./loss_ops_utils").Reduction) => O;
254declare const sparse: {
255 sparseFillEmptyRows: (indices: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R2>, values: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, denseShape: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, defaultValue: string | number | boolean | Uint8Array | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R0>) => import("..").NamedTensorMap;
256 sparseReshape: (inputIndices: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R2>, inputShape: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, newShape: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>) => import("..").NamedTensorMap;
257 sparseSegmentMean: (data: string | number | boolean | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank> | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string>, indices: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, segmentIds: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>;
258 sparseSegmentSum: (data: string | number | boolean | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank> | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string>, indices: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, segmentIds: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>;
260declare const string: {
261 stringNGrams: (data: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, dataSplits: string | number | boolean | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank> | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string>, separator: string, nGramWidths: number[], leftPad: string, rightPad: string, padWidth: number, preserveShortSequences: boolean) => import("..").NamedTensorMap;
262 stringSplit: (input: string | number | boolean | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string> | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R1>, delimiter: string | number | boolean | Uint8Array | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank.R0>, skipEmpty?: boolean) => import("..").NamedTensorMap;
263 stringToHashBucketFast: (input: string | number | boolean | import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank> | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] | import("..").RecursiveArray<number | number[] | Float32Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array> | import("..").RecursiveArray<boolean> | import("..").RecursiveArray<string>, numBuckets: number) => import("..").Tensor<import("..").Rank>;
265export { image, linalg, losses, spectral, fused, signal, sparse, string };