24.1 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright 2018 Google LLC
4 *
5 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
6 * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
7 * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
8 * =============================================================================
9 */
10/// <amd-module name="@tensorflow/tfjs-layers/dist/models" />
11import { io, Optimizer, Scalar, serialization, Tensor } from '@tensorflow/tfjs-core';
12import { History } from './base_callbacks';
13import { Dataset } from './engine/dataset_stub';
14import { Layer } from './engine/topology';
15import { LayersModel, ModelCompileArgs, ModelEvaluateArgs } from './engine/training';
16import { ModelEvaluateDatasetArgs, ModelFitDatasetArgs } from './engine/training_dataset';
17import { ModelFitArgs } from './engine/training_tensors';
18import { Shape } from './keras_format/common';
19import { PyJsonDict } from './keras_format/types';
20import { Kwargs } from './types';
22 * Parses a JSON model configuration file and returns a model instance.
23 *
24 * ```js
25 * // This example shows how to serialize a model using `toJSON()` and
26 * // deserialize it as another model using `tf.models.modelFromJSON()`.
27 * // Note: this example serializes and deserializes only the topology
28 * // of the model; the weights of the loaded model will be different
29 * // from those of the the original model, due to random weight
30 * // initialization.
31 * // To load the topology and weights of a model, use `tf.loadLayersModel()`.
32 * const model1 = tf.sequential();
33 * model1.add(tf.layers.repeatVector({inputShape: [2], n: 4}));
34 * // Serialize `model1` as a JSON object.
35 * const model1JSON = model1.toJSON(null, false);
36 * model1.summary();
37 *
38 * const model2 = await tf.models.modelFromJSON(model1JSON);
39 * model2.summary();
40 * ```
41 *
42 * @param modelAndWeightsConfig JSON object or string encoding a model and
43 * weights configuration. It can also be only the topology JSON of the
44 * model, in which case the weights will not be loaded.
45 * @param custom_objects Optional dictionary mapping names
46 * (strings) to custom classes or functions to be
47 * considered during deserialization.
48 * @returns A TensorFlow.js Layers `tf.LayersModel` instance (uncompiled).
49 */
50export declare function modelFromJSON(modelAndWeightsConfig: ModelAndWeightsConfig | PyJsonDict, customObjects?: serialization.ConfigDict): Promise<LayersModel>;
52 * Options for loading a saved mode in TensorFlow.js format.
53 */
54export interface ModelAndWeightsConfig {
55 /**
56 * A JSON object or JSON string containing the model config.
57 *
58 * This can be either of the following two formats:
59 * - A model archiecture-only config, i.e., a format consistent with the
60 * return value of`keras.Model.to_json()`.
61 * - A full model config, containing not only model architecture, but also
62 * training options and state, i.e., a format consistent with the return
63 * value of `keras.models.save_model()`.
64 */
65 modelTopology: PyJsonDict;
66 /**
67 * A weights manifest in TensorFlow.js format.
68 */
69 weightsManifest?: io.WeightsManifestConfig;
70 /**
71 * Path to prepend to the paths in `weightManifest` before fetching.
72 *
73 * The path may optionally end in a slash ('/').
74 */
75 pathPrefix?: string;
77export interface ModelPredictArgs {
78 /**
79 * Optional. Batch size (Integer). If unspecified, it will default to 32.
80 */
81 batchSize?: number;
82 /**
83 * Optional. Verbosity mode. Defaults to false.
84 */
85 verbose?: boolean;
88 * Load a model composed of Layer objects, including its topology and optionally
89 * weights. See the Tutorial named "How to import a Keras Model" for usage
90 * examples.
91 *
92 * This method is applicable to:
93 *
94 * 1. Models created with the `tf.layers.*`, `tf.sequential`, and
95 * `tf.model` APIs of TensorFlow.js and later saved with the
96 * `tf.LayersModel.save` method.
97 * 2. Models converted from Keras or TensorFlow tf.keras using the
98 * [tensorflowjs_converter](https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs/tree/master/tfjs-converter).
99 *
100 * This mode is *not* applicable to TensorFlow `SavedModel`s or their converted
101 * forms. For those models, use `tf.loadGraphModel`.
102 *
103 * Example 1. Load a model from an HTTP server.
104 *
105 * ```js
106 * const model = await tf.loadLayersModel(
107 * 'https://storage.googleapis.com/tfjs-models/tfjs/iris_v1/model.json');
108 * model.summary();
109 * ```
110 *
111 * Example 2: Save `model`'s topology and weights to browser [local
112 * storage](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/localStorage);
113 * then load it back.
114 *
115 * ```js
116 * const model = tf.sequential(
117 * {layers: [tf.layers.dense({units: 1, inputShape: [3]})]});
118 * console.log('Prediction from original model:');
119 * model.predict(tf.ones([1, 3])).print();
120 *
121 * const saveResults = await model.save('localstorage://my-model-1');
122 *
123 * const loadedModel = await tf.loadLayersModel('localstorage://my-model-1');
124 * console.log('Prediction from loaded model:');
125 * loadedModel.predict(tf.ones([1, 3])).print();
126 * ```
127 *
128 * Example 3. Saving `model`'s topology and weights to browser
129 * [IndexedDB](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IndexedDB_API);
130 * then load it back.
131 *
132 * ```js
133 * const model = tf.sequential(
134 * {layers: [tf.layers.dense({units: 1, inputShape: [3]})]});
135 * console.log('Prediction from original model:');
136 * model.predict(tf.ones([1, 3])).print();
137 *
138 * const saveResults = await model.save('indexeddb://my-model-1');
139 *
140 * const loadedModel = await tf.loadLayersModel('indexeddb://my-model-1');
141 * console.log('Prediction from loaded model:');
142 * loadedModel.predict(tf.ones([1, 3])).print();
143 * ```
144 *
145 * Example 4. Load a model from user-selected files from HTML
146 * [file input
147 * elements](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file).
148 *
149 * ```js
150 * // Note: this code snippet will not work without the HTML elements in the
151 * // page
152 * const jsonUpload = document.getElementById('json-upload');
153 * const weightsUpload = document.getElementById('weights-upload');
154 *
155 * const model = await tf.loadLayersModel(
156 * tf.io.browserFiles([jsonUpload.files[0], weightsUpload.files[0]]));
157 * ```
158 *
159 * @param pathOrIOHandler Can be either of the two formats
160 * 1. A string path to the `ModelAndWeightsConfig` JSON describing
161 * the model in the canonical TensorFlow.js format. For file://
162 * (tfjs-node-only), http:// and https:// schemas, the path can be
163 * either absolute or relative. The content of the JSON file is assumed to
164 * be a JSON object with the following fields and values:
165 * - 'modelTopology': A JSON object that can be either of:
166 * 1. a model architecture JSON consistent with the format of the return
167 * value of `keras.Model.to_json()`
168 * 2. a full model JSON in the format of `keras.models.save_model()`.
169 * - 'weightsManifest': A TensorFlow.js weights manifest.
170 * See the Python converter function `save_model()` for more details.
171 * It is also assumed that model weights can be accessed from relative
172 * paths described by the `paths` fields in weights manifest.
173 * 2. A `tf.io.IOHandler` object that loads model artifacts with its `load`
174 * method.
175 * @param options Optional configuration arguments for the model loading,
176 * including:
177 * - `strict`: Require that the provided weights exactly match those required
178 * by the layers. Default true. Passing false means that both extra
179 * weights and missing weights will be silently ignored.
180 * - `onProgress`: A progress callback of the form:
181 * `(fraction: number) => void`. This callback can be used to monitor the
182 * model-loading process.
183 * @returns A `Promise` of `tf.LayersModel`, with the topology and weights
184 * loaded.
185 *
186 * @doc {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Loading'}
187 */
188export declare function loadLayersModel(pathOrIOHandler: string | io.IOHandler, options?: io.LoadOptions): Promise<LayersModel>;
190 * Load a model and optionally its weights, using an IOHandler object.
191 *
192 * @param handler The instance of `IOHandler` to be used during the model
193 * loading.
194 * @param customObjects Any optional custom objects to be used during model
195 * loading.
196 * @param strict Whether the weight loading will be done in strict mode.
197 * Default: `true`.
198 */
199export declare function loadLayersModelFromIOHandler(handler: io.IOHandler, customObjects?: serialization.ConfigDict, options?: io.LoadOptions): Promise<LayersModel>;
201 * Configuration for a Sequential model.
202 */
203export interface SequentialArgs {
204 /** Stack of layers for the model. */
205 layers?: Layer[];
206 /** The name of this model. */
207 name?: string;
210 * A model with a stack of layers, feeding linearly from one to the next.
211 *
212 * `tf.sequential` is a factory function that creates an instance of
213 * `tf.Sequential`.
214 *
215 * ```js
216 * // Define a model for linear regression.
217 * const model = tf.sequential();
218 * model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 1, inputShape: [1]}));
219 *
220 * // Prepare the model for training: Specify the loss and the optimizer.
221 * model.compile({loss: 'meanSquaredError', optimizer: 'sgd'});
222 *
223 * // Generate some synthetic data for training.
224 * const xs = tf.tensor2d([1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 1]);
225 * const ys = tf.tensor2d([1, 3, 5, 7], [4, 1]);
226 *
227 * // Train the model using the data then do inference on a data point the
228 * // model hasn't seen:
229 * await model.fit(xs, ys);
230 * model.predict(tf.tensor2d([5], [1, 1])).print();
231 * ```
232 *
233 * @doc {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}
234 */
235export declare class Sequential extends LayersModel {
236 /** @nocollapse */
237 static className: string;
238 private model;
239 constructor(args?: SequentialArgs);
240 private checkShape;
241 /**
242 * Adds a layer instance on top of the layer stack.
243 *
244 * ```js
245 * const model = tf.sequential();
246 * model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 8, inputShape: [1]}));
247 * model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 4, activation: 'relu6'}));
248 * model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 1, activation: 'relu6'}));
249 * // Note that the untrained model is random at this point.
250 * model.predict(tf.randomNormal([10, 1])).print();
251 * ```
252 * @param layer Layer instance.
253 *
254 * @exception ValueError In case the `layer` argument does not know its
255 * input shape.
256 * @exception ValueError In case the `layer` argument has multiple output
257 * tensors, or is already connected somewhere else (forbidden in
258 * `Sequential` models).
259 *
260 * @doc {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}
261 */
262 add(layer: Layer): void;
263 /**
264 * Removes the last layer in the model.
265 *
266 * @exception TypeError if there are no layers in the model.
267 */
268 pop(): void;
269 call(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], kwargs: Kwargs): Tensor | Tensor[];
270 build(inputShape?: Shape | Shape[]): void;
271 countParams(): number;
272 /**
273 * Print a text summary of the Sequential model's layers.
274 *
275 * The summary includes
276 * - Name and type of all layers that comprise the model.
277 * - Output shape(s) of the layers
278 * - Number of weight parameters of each layer
279 * - The total number of trainable and non-trainable parameters of the
280 * model.
281 *
282 * ```js
283 * const model = tf.sequential();
284 * model.add(
285 * tf.layers.dense({units: 100, inputShape: [10], activation: 'relu'}));
286 * model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 1, activation: 'sigmoid'}));
287 *
288 * model.summary();
289 * ```
290 *
291 * @param lineLength Custom line length, in number of characters.
292 * @param positions Custom widths of each of the columns, as either
293 * fractions of `lineLength` (e.g., `[0.5, 0.75, 1]`) or absolute number
294 * of characters (e.g., `[30, 50, 65]`). Each number corresponds to
295 * right-most (i.e., ending) position of a column.
296 * @param printFn Custom print function. Can be used to replace the default
297 * `console.log`. For example, you can use `x => {}` to mute the printed
298 * messages in the console.
299 *
300 * @doc {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}
301 */
302 summary(lineLength?: number, positions?: number[], printFn?: (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void): void;
303 /**
304 * Sets the weights of the model.
305 *
306 * @param weights Should be a list of Tensors with shapes and types matching
307 * the output of `model.getWeights()`.
308 */
309 setWeights(weights: Tensor[]): void;
310 /**
311 * Returns the loss value & metrics values for the model in test mode.
312 *
313 * Loss and metrics are specified during `compile()`, which needs to happen
314 * before calls to `evaluate()`.
315 *
316 * Computation is done in batches.
317 *
318 * ```js
319 * const model = tf.sequential({
320 * layers: [tf.layers.dense({units: 1, inputShape: [10]})]
321 * });
322 * model.compile({optimizer: 'sgd', loss: 'meanSquaredError'});
323 * const result = model.evaluate(tf.ones([8, 10]), tf.ones([8, 1]), {
324 * batchSize: 4,
325 * });
326 * result.print();
327 * ```
328 *
329 * @param x `tf.Tensor` of test data, or an `Array` of `tf.Tensor`s if the
330 * model has multiple inputs.
331 * @param y `tf.Tensor` of target data, or an `Array` of `tf.Tensor`s if the
332 * model has multiple outputs.
333 * @param args A `ModelEvaluateConfig`, containing optional fields.
334 *
335 * @return `Scalar` test loss (if the model has a single output and no
336 * metrics) or `Array` of `Scalar`s (if the model has multiple outputs
337 * and/or metrics). The attribute `model.metricsNames`
338 * will give you the display labels for the scalar outputs.
339 *
340 * @doc {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}
341 */
342 evaluate(x: Tensor | Tensor[], y: Tensor | Tensor[], args?: ModelEvaluateArgs): Scalar | Scalar[];
343 /**
344 * Evaluate model using a dataset object.
345 *
346 * Note: Unlike `evaluate()`, this method is asynchronous (`async`).
347 *
348 * @param dataset A dataset object. Its `iterator()` method is expected
349 * to generate a dataset iterator object, the `next()` method of which
350 * is expected to produce data batches for evaluation. The return value
351 * of the `next()` call ought to contain a boolean `done` field and a
352 * `value` field. The `value` field is expected to be an array of two
353 * `tf.Tensor`s or an array of two nested `tf.Tensor` structures. The former
354 * case is for models with exactly one input and one output (e.g.
355 * a sequential model). The latter case is for models with multiple
356 * inputs and/or multiple outputs. Of the two items in the array, the
357 * first is the input feature(s) and the second is the output target(s).
358 * @param args A configuration object for the dataset-based evaluation.
359 * @returns Loss and metric values as an Array of `Scalar` objects.
360 *
361 * @doc {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}
362 */
363 evaluateDataset(dataset: Dataset<{}>, args: ModelEvaluateDatasetArgs): Promise<Scalar | Scalar[]>;
364 /**
365 * Generates output predictions for the input samples.
366 *
367 * Computation is done in batches.
368 *
369 * Note: the "step" mode of predict() is currently not supported.
370 * This is because the TensorFlow.js core backend is imperative only.
371 *
372 * ```js
373 * const model = tf.sequential({
374 * layers: [tf.layers.dense({units: 1, inputShape: [10]})]
375 * });
376 * model.predict(tf.ones([2, 10])).print();
377 * ```
378 *
379 * @param x The input data, as a Tensor, or an `Array` of `tf.Tensor`s if
380 * the model has multiple inputs.
381 * @param conifg A `ModelPredictConfig` object containing optional fields.
382 *
383 * @return `tf.Tensor`(s) of predictions.
384 *
385 * @exception ValueError In case of mismatch between the provided input data
386 * and the model's expectations, or in case a stateful model receives a
387 * number of samples that is not a multiple of the batch size.
388 *
389 * @doc {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}
390 */
391 predict(x: Tensor | Tensor[], args?: ModelPredictArgs): Tensor | Tensor[];
392 /**
393 * Returns predictions for a single batch of samples.
394 *
395 * @param x: Input samples, as a Tensor, or list of Tensors (if the model
396 * has multiple inputs).
397 * @return Tensor(s) of predictions
398 */
399 predictOnBatch(x: Tensor): Tensor | Tensor[];
400 /**
401 * See `LayersModel.compile`.
402 *
403 * @param args
404 */
405 compile(args: ModelCompileArgs): void;
406 get optimizer(): Optimizer;
407 set optimizer(optimizer: Optimizer);
408 /**
409 * Trains the model for a fixed number of epochs (iterations on a dataset).
410 *
411 * ```js
412 * const model = tf.sequential({
413 * layers: [tf.layers.dense({units: 1, inputShape: [10]})]
414 * });
415 * model.compile({optimizer: 'sgd', loss: 'meanSquaredError'});
416 * const history = await model.fit(tf.ones([8, 10]), tf.ones([8, 1]), {
417 * batchSize: 4,
418 * epochs: 3
419 * });
420 * console.log(history.history.loss[0]);
421 * ```
422 *
423 * @param x `tf.Tensor` of training data, or an array of `tf.Tensor`s if the
424 * model has multiple inputs. If all inputs in the model are named, you can
425 * also pass a dictionary mapping input names to `tf.Tensor`s.
426 * @param y `tf.Tensor` of target (label) data, or an array of `tf.Tensor`s if
427 * the model has multiple outputs. If all outputs in the model are named, you
428 * can also pass a dictionary mapping output names to `tf.Tensor`s.
429 * @param args A `ModelFitConfig`, containing optional fields.
430 *
431 * @return A `History` instance. Its `history` attribute contains all
432 * information collected during training.
433 *
434 * @exception ValueError In case of mismatch between the provided input data
435 * and what the model expects.
436 *
437 * @doc {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}
438 */
439 fit(x: Tensor | Tensor[] | {
440 [inputName: string]: Tensor;
441 }, y: Tensor | Tensor[] | {
442 [inputName: string]: Tensor;
443 }, args?: ModelFitArgs): Promise<History>;
444 /**
445 * Trains the model using a dataset object.
446 *
447 * ```js
448 * const xArray = [
449 * [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
450 * [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
451 * [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
452 * [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
453 * ];
454 * const yArray = [1, 1, 1, 1];
455 * // Create a dataset from the JavaScript array.
456 * const xDataset = tf.data.array(xArray);
457 * const yDataset = tf.data.array(yArray);
458 * // Zip combines the `x` and `y` Datasets into a single Dataset, the
459 * // iterator of which will return an object containing of two tensors,
460 * // corresponding to `x` and `y`. The call to `batch(4)` will bundle
461 * // four such samples into a single object, with the same keys now pointing
462 * // to tensors that hold 4 examples, organized along the batch dimension.
463 * // The call to `shuffle(4)` causes each iteration through the dataset to
464 * // happen in a different order. The size of the shuffle window is 4.
465 * const xyDataset = tf.data.zip({xs: xDataset, ys: yDataset})
466 * .batch(4)
467 * .shuffle(4);
468 * const model = tf.sequential({
469 * layers: [tf.layers.dense({units: 1, inputShape: [9]})]
470 * });
471 * model.compile({optimizer: 'sgd', loss: 'meanSquaredError'});
472 * const history = await model.fitDataset(xyDataset, {
473 * epochs: 4,
474 * callbacks: {onEpochEnd: (epoch, logs) => console.log(logs.loss)}
475 * });
476 * ```
477 *
478 * @param dataset A dataset object. Its `iterator()` method is expected to
479 * generate a dataset iterator object, the `next()` method of which is
480 * expected to produce data batches for evaluation. The return value of the
481 * `next()` call ought to contain a boolean `done` field and a `value`
482 * field.
483 *
484 * The `value` field is expected to be an object of with fields
485 * `xs` and `ys`, which point to the feature tensor and the target tensor,
486 * respectively. This case is for models with exactly one input and one
487 * output (e.g. a sequential model). For example:
488 * ```js
489 * {value: {xs: xsTensor, ys: ysTensor}, done: false}
490 * ```
491 *
492 * If the model has multiple inputs, the `xs` field of `value` should
493 * be an object mapping input names to their respective feature tensors.
494 * For example:
495 * ```js
496 * {
497 * value: {
498 * xs: {
499 * input_1: xsTensor1,
500 * input_2: xsTensor2
501 * },
502 * ys: ysTensor
503 * },
504 * done: false
505 * }
506 * ```
507 * If the model has multiple outputs, the `ys` field of `value` should
508 * be an object mapping output names to their respective target tensors.
509 * For example:
510 * ```js
511 * {
512 * value: {
513 * xs: xsTensor,
514 * ys: {
515 * output_1: ysTensor1,
516 * output_2: ysTensor2
517 * },
518 * },
519 * done: false
520 * }
521 * ```
522 * @param args A `ModelFitDatasetArgs`, containing optional fields.
523 *
524 * @return A `History` instance. Its `history` attribute contains all
525 * information collected during training.
526 *
527 * @doc {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes', ignoreCI: true}
528 */
529 fitDataset<T>(dataset: Dataset<T>, args: ModelFitDatasetArgs<T>): Promise<History>;
530 /**
531 * Runs a single gradient update on a single batch of data.
532 *
533 * This method differs from `fit()` and `fitDataset()` in the following
534 * regards:
535 * - It operates on exactly one batch of data.
536 * - It returns only the loss and metric values, instead of
537 * returning the batch-by-batch loss and metric values.
538 * - It doesn't support fine-grained options such as verbosity and
539 * callbacks.
540 *
541 * @param x Input data. It could be one of the following:
542 * - A `tf.Tensor`, or an Array of `tf.Tensor`s (in case the model has
543 * multiple inputs).
544 * - An Object mapping input names to corresponding `tf.Tensor` (if the
545 * model has named inputs).
546 * @param y Target data. It could be either a `tf.Tensor` or multiple
547 * `tf.Tensor`s. It should be consistent with `x`.
548 * @returns Training loss or losses (in case the model has
549 * multiple outputs), along with metrics (if any), as numbers.
550 *
551 * @doc {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}
552 */
553 trainOnBatch(x: Tensor | Tensor[] | {
554 [inputName: string]: Tensor;
555 }, y: Tensor | Tensor[] | {
556 [inputName: string]: Tensor;
557 }): Promise<number | number[]>;
558 /** @nocollapse */
559 static fromConfig<T extends serialization.Serializable>(cls: serialization.SerializableConstructor<T>, config: serialization.ConfigDict, customObjects?: serialization.ConfigDict, fastWeightInit?: boolean): T;
560 /**
561 * Setter used for force stopping of LayersModel.fit() (i.e., training).
562 *
563 * Example:
564 *
565 * ```js
566 * const model = tf.sequential();
567 * model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 1, inputShape: [10]}));
568 * model.compile({loss: 'meanSquaredError', optimizer: 'sgd'});
569 * const xs = tf.ones([8, 10]);
570 * const ys = tf.zeros([8, 1]);
571 *
572 * const history = await model.fit(xs, ys, {
573 * epochs: 10,
574 * callbacks: {
575 * onEpochEnd: async (epoch, logs) => {
576 * if (epoch === 2) {
577 * model.stopTraining = true;
578 * }
579 * }
580 * }
581 * });
582 *
583 * // There should be only 3 values in the loss array, instead of 10 values,
584 * // due to the stopping after 3 epochs.
585 * console.log(history.history.loss);
586 * ```
587 */
588 set stopTraining(stop: boolean);
589 get stopTraining(): boolean;
590 getConfig(): any;