1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
19 |
20 | require("./index");
21 | var tf = require("@tensorflow/tfjs");
22 |
23 | var jasmine_util = require("@tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/jasmine_util");
24 | var yargs_1 = require("yargs");
25 | Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity;
26 |
27 | var jasmineCtor = require('jasmine');
28 |
29 | process.on('unhandledRejection', function (e) {
30 | throw e;
31 | });
32 | jasmine_util.setTestEnvs([{
33 | name: 'test-tensorflow',
34 | backendName: 'tensorflow',
35 | flags: {},
36 | isDataSync: true
37 | }]);
38 | var IGNORE_LIST = [
39 |
40 | 'version version',
41 | 'unreliable is true due to both auto gc and string tensors',
42 | 'unreliable is true due to auto gc',
43 |
44 | 'depthwiseConv2D',
45 | 'separableConv2d',
46 | 'complex64 memory',
47 |
48 | 'depthToSpace test-tensorflow {} throws when blocksize < 2',
49 |
50 | 'depthToSpace test-tensorflow {} throws when CPU backend used with data format NCHW',
51 |
52 | 'scatterND test-tensorflow {} should work for 2d',
53 | 'scatterND test-tensorflow {} should work for simple 1d',
54 | 'scatterND test-tensorflow {} should work for multiple 1d',
55 | 'scatterND test-tensorflow {} should sum the duplicated indices',
56 | 'scatterND test-tensorflow {} should work for tensorLike input',
57 |
58 | 'maxPool test-tensorflow {} x=[2,2,3] f=[1,1] s=2 p=1 dimRoundingMode=floor',
59 | 'avgPool test-tensorflow {} x=[2,2,3] f=[1,1] s=2 p=1 dimRoundingMode=floor',
60 |
61 | 'avgPool3d test-tensorflow {} x=[1,2,2,2,1] f=[2,2,2] s=1 p=1 roundingMode=floor',
62 |
63 | 'maxPool3d test-tensorflow {} x=[1,2,2,2,1] f=[2,2,2] s=1 p=1 roundingMode=floor',
64 |
65 | 'argmax test-tensorflow {} 6D, axis=0', 'diag test-tensorflow {} complex',
66 | 'diag test-tensorflow {} bool',
67 |
68 | 'conv2d test-tensorflow {} x=[2,1,2,2] f=[1,1,1,1] s=1 d=1 p=0 NCHW',
69 | 'conv2d test-tensorflow {} x=[1,2,2] f=[2,2,1,1] s=1 d=1 p=same NCHW',
70 | 'conv2d test-tensorflow {} x=[2,2,2] f=[2,2,2,1] s=1 d=1 p=same NCHW',
71 | 'conv2d test-tensorflow {} x=[2,1,2,2] f=[2,2,1,1] s=1 d=1 p=same NCHW',
72 | 'conv2d test-tensorflow {} gradient x=[1,1,3,3] f=[2,2,1,1] s=1 p=0 NCHW',
73 | 'conv2d test-tensorflow {} gradient x=[2,1,3,3] f=[2,2,1,1] s=1 p=0 NCHW',
74 | 'maxPoolWithArgmax'
75 | ];
76 | if (process.platform === 'win32') {
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 | IGNORE_LIST.push('tensorboard');
81 | IGNORE_LIST.push('tensorBoard');
82 |
83 |
84 | IGNORE_LIST.push('clip test-tensorflow {} propagates NaNs');
85 | IGNORE_LIST.push('maxPool test-tensorflow {} [x=[3,3,1] f=[2,2] s=1 ignores NaNs');
86 | }
87 | var runner = new jasmineCtor();
88 | runner.loadConfig({ spec_files: ['src/**/*_test.ts'], random: false });
89 |
90 |
91 | require("@tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/tests");
92 | if (process.env.JASMINE_SEED) {
93 | runner.seed(process.env.JASMINE_SEED);
94 | }
95 | var env = jasmine.getEnv();
96 | var grepRegex = new RegExp(yargs_1.argv.grep);
97 |
98 | env.specFilter = function (spec) {
99 |
100 | if (!grepRegex.test(spec.getFullName())) {
101 | return false;
102 | }
103 |
104 | for (var i = 0; i < IGNORE_LIST.length; ++i) {
105 | if (spec.getFullName().indexOf(IGNORE_LIST[i]) > -1) {
106 | return false;
107 | }
108 | }
109 |
110 | return true;
111 | };
112 |
113 | console.log("Running tests against TensorFlow: " + tf.backend().binding.TF_Version);
114 | runner.execute();