5.65 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3const Promise = require('bluebird');
4const _ = require('lodash');
6const reporter = require("../reports/reporter");
7const servicesApi = require('../commons/testimServicesApi');
8const BaseTestPlanRunner = require('./BaseTestPlanRunner');
9const { ArgError } = require('../errors');
10const Logger = require('../commons/logger');
11const logger = Logger.getLogger('test-plan-runner');
13class TestPlanRunner extends BaseTestPlanRunner {
14 calcTestResultStatus(tests) {
15 const total = Object.keys(tests).length;
16 const passed = Object.keys(tests).reduce((count, resultId) => count + (tests[resultId].success === true ? 1 : 0), 0);
17 return total === passed;
18 }
20 runTestPlans(options, branchToUse) {
21 logger.info("start to run test plan", {
22 options: Object.assign({}, options, {token: undefined, userParamsData: undefined}),
23 branchToUse
24 });
26 function flattenTestListData(testPlansData) {
27 return _.flattenDeep(Object.keys(testPlansData).map(tpId => testPlansData[tpId])).reduce((all, testRun) => _.concat(all, testRun.beforeTests, testRun.tests, testRun.afterTests), []);
28 }
30 const testPlansResults = {};
31 const testPlansTests = {};
32 const projectId = options.project;
34 return this.prepareForTestResources(options)
35 .then(() => servicesApi.getTestPlanTestList(projectId, options.testPlan, branchToUse))
36 .then(data => {
37 const testPlans = data.testPlans;
38 const testPlansData = data.testPlansData;
39 if (!testPlans || testPlans.length === 0) {
40 return Promise.reject(new ArgError("no test plan to run " + options.testPlan));
41 }
42 if (!testPlansData || Object.keys(testPlansData).length === 0) {
43 return Promise.reject(new ArgError("no test to run in test plan " + options.testPlan));
44 }
45 return this.validateConfig(options, flattenTestListData(testPlansData))
46 .then(() => {
47 return Promise.map(testPlans, testPlan => {
48 let id = testPlan.testPlanId;
49 testPlansResults[id] = {};
51 const tpOptions = Object.assign({}, options);
52 tpOptions.baseUrl = options.baseUrl || testPlan.startUrl;
53 tpOptions.host = options.host || testPlan.host;
54 tpOptions.port = options.port || testPlan.port;
55 tpOptions.gridId = options.gridId || testPlan.gridId;
57 if (options.gridId) {
58 delete tpOptions.host;
59 delete tpOptions.port;
60 }
62 //if user pass --grid with test plan we want to use grid option instead of host and port
63 if (options.grid) {
64 delete tpOptions.host;
65 delete tpOptions.port;
66 delete tpOptions.gridId;
67 }
69 const testPlanName = tpOptions.overrideExecutionName || testPlan.name;
71 return Promise.map(testPlansData[id], testPlanTests => {
72 return this.runTestPlan(testPlanTests.beforeTests, testPlanTests.tests, testPlanTests.afterTests, tpOptions, testPlanName, branchToUse)
73 .tap(res => {
74 const isCodeMode = options.files.length > 0;
75 reporter.onTestPlanFinished(res.results, testPlan.name, this.startTime, res.executionId, false, isCodeMode, res.childTestResults);
76 testPlansResults[id][res.executionId] = res.results;
77 });
78 }).tap(() => {
79 const executions = Object.keys(testPlansResults[id]).map(exeId => {
80 return {
81 executionId: exeId,
82 status: this.calcTestResultStatus(testPlansResults[id][exeId])
83 };
84 });
85 let tests = Object.keys(testPlansResults[id]).map(exeId => testPlansResults[id][exeId]).reduce((testResult, test) => Object.assign(testResult, test), {});
86 let success = this.calcTestResultStatus(tests);
87 Object.assign(testPlansTests, tests);
88 const executionId = success ? executions[0].executionId : executions.find(exec => !exec.success).executionId;
89 return servicesApi.saveTestPlanResult(projectId, id, {
90 success: success,
91 executions: executions,
92 executionId: executionId
93 });
94 });
95 });
96 });
97 }).then(async results => {
98 const flattenResults = _(results).flattenDeep().value();
99 await reporter.onAllTestPlansFinished(flattenResults);
100 return flattenResults.map(res => res.results).reduce((total, cur) => Object.assign(total, cur), {});
101 });
102 }
105module.exports = TestPlanRunner;