5.46 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// TypeScript Version: 3.8
3import {
4 queries,
5 Queries,
6 BoundFunction,
7 prettyFormat,
8} from '@testing-library/dom'
9import {Renderer} from 'react-dom'
10import {act as reactAct} from 'react-dom/test-utils'
12export * from '@testing-library/dom'
14export type RenderResult<
15 Q extends Queries = typeof queries,
16 Container extends Element | DocumentFragment = HTMLElement,
17 BaseElement extends Element | DocumentFragment = Container,
18> = {
19 container: Container
20 baseElement: BaseElement
21 debug: (
22 baseElement?:
23 | Element
24 | DocumentFragment
25 | Array<Element | DocumentFragment>,
26 maxLength?: number,
27 options?: prettyFormat.OptionsReceived,
28 ) => void
29 rerender: (ui: React.ReactElement) => void
30 unmount: () => void
31 asFragment: () => DocumentFragment
32} & {[P in keyof Q]: BoundFunction<Q[P]>}
34export interface RenderOptions<
35 Q extends Queries = typeof queries,
36 Container extends Element | DocumentFragment = HTMLElement,
37 BaseElement extends Element | DocumentFragment = Container,
38> {
39 /**
40 * By default, React Testing Library will create a div and append that div to the document.body. Your React component will be rendered in the created div. If you provide your own HTMLElement container via this option,
41 * it will not be appended to the document.body automatically.
42 *
43 * For example: If you are unit testing a `<tbody>` element, it cannot be a child of a div. In this case, you can
44 * specify a table as the render container.
45 *
46 * @see https://testing-library.com/docs/react-testing-library/api/#container
47 */
48 container?: Container
49 /**
50 * Defaults to the container if the container is specified. Otherwise `document.body` is used for the default. This is used as
51 * the base element for the queries as well as what is printed when you use `debug()`.
52 *
53 * @see https://testing-library.com/docs/react-testing-library/api/#baseelement
54 */
55 baseElement?: BaseElement
56 /**
57 * If `hydrate` is set to `true`, then it will render with `ReactDOM.hydrate`. This may be useful if you are using server-side
58 * rendering and use ReactDOM.hydrate to mount your components.
59 *
60 * @see https://testing-library.com/docs/react-testing-library/api/#hydrate)
61 */
62 hydrate?: boolean
63 /**
64 * Set to `true` if you want to force synchronous `ReactDOM.render`.
65 * Otherwise `render` will default to concurrent React if available.
66 */
67 legacyRoot?: boolean
68 /**
69 * Queries to bind. Overrides the default set from DOM Testing Library unless merged.
70 *
71 * @see https://testing-library.com/docs/react-testing-library/api/#queries
72 */
73 queries?: Q
74 /**
75 * Pass a React Component as the wrapper option to have it rendered around the inner element. This is most useful for creating
76 * reusable custom render functions for common data providers. See setup for examples.
77 *
78 * @see https://testing-library.com/docs/react-testing-library/api/#wrapper
79 */
80 wrapper?: React.JSXElementConstructor<{children: React.ReactElement}>
83type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>
86 * Render into a container which is appended to document.body. It should be used with cleanup.
87 */
88export function render<
89 Q extends Queries = typeof queries,
90 Container extends Element | DocumentFragment = HTMLElement,
91 BaseElement extends Element | DocumentFragment = Container,
93 ui: React.ReactElement,
94 options: RenderOptions<Q, Container, BaseElement>,
95): RenderResult<Q, Container, BaseElement>
96export function render(
97 ui: React.ReactElement,
98 options?: Omit<RenderOptions, 'queries'>,
99): RenderResult
101export interface RenderHookResult<Result, Props> {
102 /**
103 * Triggers a re-render. The props will be passed to your renderHook callback.
104 */
105 rerender: (props?: Props) => void
106 /**
107 * This is a stable reference to the latest value returned by your renderHook
108 * callback
109 */
110 result: {
111 /**
112 * The value returned by your renderHook callback
113 */
114 current: Result
115 }
116 /**
117 * Unmounts the test component. This is useful for when you need to test
118 * any cleanup your useEffects have.
119 */
120 unmount: () => void
123export interface RenderHookOptions<
124 Props,
125 Q extends Queries = typeof queries,
126 Container extends Element | DocumentFragment = HTMLElement,
127 BaseElement extends Element | DocumentFragment = Container,
128> extends RenderOptions<Q, Container, BaseElement> {
129 /**
130 * The argument passed to the renderHook callback. Can be useful if you plan
131 * to use the rerender utility to change the values passed to your hook.
132 */
133 initialProps?: Props
137 * Allows you to render a hook within a test React component without having to
138 * create that component yourself.
139 */
140export function renderHook<
141 Result,
142 Props,
143 Q extends Queries = typeof queries,
144 Container extends Element | DocumentFragment = HTMLElement,
145 BaseElement extends Element | DocumentFragment = Container,
147 render: (initialProps: Props) => Result,
148 options?: RenderHookOptions<Props, Q, Container, BaseElement>,
149): RenderHookResult<Result, Props>
152 * Unmounts React trees that were mounted with render.
153 */
154export function cleanup(): void
157 * Simply calls ReactDOMTestUtils.act(cb)
158 * If that's not available (older version of react) then it
159 * simply calls the given callback immediately
160 */
161export const act: typeof reactAct extends undefined
162 ? (callback: () => void) => void
163 : typeof reactAct
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