1 | # Changelog
2 |
3 | All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
4 |
5 | The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
6 | and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
7 |
8 | > - **Added** for new features.
9 | > - **Changed** for changes in existing functionality.
10 | > - **Deprecated** for soon-to-be removed features.
11 | > - **Removed** for now removed features.
12 | > - **Fixed** for any bug fixes.
13 | > - **Security** in case of vulnerabilities.
14 |
15 | ## Unreleased
16 |
17 | - Add ability to create adaptors which provide access to external data sources #134
18 | - Add access to the Electricity Maps API free tier #134
19 | - Allow access to individual models and their internal functions #195
20 |
21 |
22 | ## Released
23 |
24 | ### [0.16.3] - 2024-11-30
25 |
26 | #### Fixed
27 |
28 | - Include all gridIntensity values when running the perVisitTrace or perByteTrace functions. #237
29 |
30 | ### [0.16.2] - 2024-11-12
31 |
32 | #### _Added_
33 |
34 | - Add JSDoc comments to data generation scripts and outputs #230
35 | - Added basic error handling to data fetch in emissions script #221
36 |
37 | #### Fixed
38 |
39 | - Bump url2green version #238
40 |
41 | #### Changed
42 |
43 | - Automated monthly update of annual average grid intensity data.
44 |
45 | ### [0.16.1] - 2024-09-10
46 |
47 | #### Changed
48 |
49 | - _[Experimental]_ Add minimum capability to publish CO2.js to JSR.
50 | - Automated monthly update of annual average grid intensity data.
51 |
52 | ### [0.16.0] - 2024-07-01
53 |
54 | #### _Added_
55 |
56 | - Add the Sustainable Web Design Rating system #205
57 | - Add the updated Sustainable Web Design Model version 4 #119
58 |
59 | #### Changed
60 |
61 | - Automated monthly update of annual average grid intensity data.
62 |
63 | ### [0.15.0] - 2024-05-03
64 |
65 | #### Changed
66 |
67 | - Add access to more verbose data response from Greencheck API
68 |
69 | #### Removed
70 |
71 | - Removed Page X-ray specific functions:
72 | - `perDomain`
73 | - `perPage`
74 | - `perContentType`
75 | - `dirtiestResources`
76 | - `perParty`
77 |
78 | ### [0.14.4] - 2024-03-08
79 |
80 | #### Changed
81 |
82 | - Automated monthly update of annual average grid intensity data.
83 |
84 | #### Deprecated
85 |
86 | - Removing Page X-ray specific functions:
87 | - `perDomain`
88 | - `perPage`
89 | - `perContentType`
90 | - `dirtiestResources`
91 | - `perParty`
92 |
93 | ### [0.14.3] - 2024-02-21
94 |
95 | #### Changed
96 |
97 | - Automated monthly update of annual average grid intensity data.
98 |
99 | ### [0.14.2] - 2024-01-29
100 |
101 | - Adds user agent header for requests to Green Web Foundation APIs
102 |
103 | ### [0.14.1] - 2024-01-09
104 |
105 | #### Changed
106 |
107 | - Removed `index.d.ts` in favour of importing type definitions from `@types/tgwf__co2`.
108 | - Reduce package size by excluding files from publish NPM package.
109 | - Automated monthly update of annual average grid intensity data.
110 |
111 | ### [0.13.10] - 2023-12-16
112 |
113 | #### Changed
114 |
115 | - Automated monthly update of annual average grid intensity data.
116 |
117 | ### [0.13.9] - 2023-11-07
118 |
119 | #### Fixed
120 |
121 | - Fix to return expected results when variables with 0 value are passed into function
122 |
123 | #### Changed
124 |
125 | - Automated monthly update of annual average grid intensity data.
126 |
127 | ### [0.13.8] - 2023-10-09
128 |
129 | #### Fixed
130 |
131 | - Properly use value of 0 for system segments and variables in the perByteTrace and perVisitTrace functions.
132 |
133 | #### Changed
134 |
135 | - Automated monthly update of annual average grid intensity data.
136 |
137 | ### [0.13.7] - 2023-09-13
138 |
139 | #### Changed
140 |
141 | - Automated monthly update of annual average grid intensity data.
142 |
143 | ### [0.13.6] - 2023-08-08
144 |
145 | #### Changed
146 |
147 | - Automated monthly update of annual average grid intensity data.
148 | - Create FUNDING.yml to allow sponsor contribution to this project.
149 | - Store segment flag on CO2 instance, not models.
150 |
151 | ### [0.13.5] - 2023-07-5
152 |
153 | #### Changed
154 |
155 | - Automated monthly update of annual average grid intensity data.
156 |
157 | ### [0.13.4] - 2023-05-24
158 |
159 | #### Fixed
160 |
161 | - Fixed an error when try to use global grid intensities in IIFE. (PR #147)
162 |
163 | ### [0.13.3] - 2023-05-18
164 |
165 | #### Changed
166 |
167 | - Updated the global grid intensity constant to use the latest WORLD grid intensity value from Ember. (PR #142)
168 |
169 | ### [0.13.2] - 2023-04-21
170 |
171 | - Fix to ensure that region names that are keys in the average annual grid intensity export are capitalised.
172 |
173 | ### [0.13.1] - 2023-04-20
174 |
175 | #### Fixed
176 |
177 | - Fixed the import of average grid intensities in node. (PR #137)
178 |
179 | ### [0.13.0] - 2023-04-13
180 |
181 | #### Changed
182 |
183 | In PR #135 there were significant changes made to how average annual grid intensities are fetched and generated.
184 |
185 | - Updated average annual grid intensities to include 2022 values from Ember.
186 | - Changed the functions to generate average grid intensities to:
187 | - Fetch data directly from Ember's API.
188 | - Get the _latest_ annual average values for each country/region.
189 | - Renamed the average grid intensities export file.
190 |
191 | ### [0.12.2] - 2023-03-01
192 |
193 | #### Added
194 |
195 | - Add a module declaration for use from typescript (PR #131)
196 |
197 | #### Changed
198 |
199 | - Updated 2021 average annual grid intensity values (PR #133)
200 |
201 | ### [0.12.1] - 2023-02-02
202 |
203 | #### Fixed
204 |
205 | - Removed incorrectly imported constants in tests.
206 |
207 | ### [0.12.0] - 2023-02-02
208 |
209 | #### Added
210 |
211 | - Introduced two new functions `perByteTrace` and `perVisitTrace` which allow developers to pass an options object containing customised values for the constants used in the Sustainable Web Design model. (PR #126)
212 |
213 | #### Changed
214 |
215 | - Allowed developers now have the option to return a breakdown of carbon emissions estimates by system segment when using the Sustainable Web Design model. (PR #113)
216 |
217 | ### [0.11.4] - 2022-12-02
218 |
219 | #### Fixed
220 |
221 | - Updated the `greenCheckMulti` function to work properly in ESM. (PR #123)
222 |
223 | ### [0.11.3] - 2022-10-13
224 |
225 | #### Fixed
226 |
227 | - Corrected the Node export for the hosting raised in issue #110. (PR #118)
228 |
229 | ### [0.11.2] - 2022-10-11
230 |
231 | #### Fixed
232 |
233 | - v0.11.x updates increased library size to 17MB + when published to NPM. This has been raised in [#108](https://github.com/thegreenwebfoundation/co2.js/issues/108) and it was found data files were being included in the published package. (PR #117)
234 |
235 | ### [0.11.1] - 2022-10-07
236 |
237 | #### Changed
238 |
239 | - We have used generic filenames for data files, to avoid any confusion around the data being provided in this library. (PR #112)
240 |
241 | ### [0.11.0] - 2022-10-03
242 |
243 | #### Added
244 |
245 | - Introduced average and marginal carbon intensity data into the library. This comes from [Ember Climate](https://ember-climate.org/data/data-explorer/) (for average carbon intensity data), and [The Green Web Foundation](https://developers.thegreenwebfoundation.org/co2js/data) (marginal intensity data, originally sourced from the UNFCCC - the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). For more, [see our release guide for v0.11](https://www.thegreenwebfoundation.org/news/release-guide-co2-js-v0-11/) about the differences between the kinds of data. See [#64](https://github.com/thegreenwebfoundation/co2.js/issues/64), and [#97](https://github.com/thegreenwebfoundation/co2.js/issues/97) for more.
246 | - Added new paths to `import` and `require` the annual, country-level average and marginal carbon intensity data mentioned above like, as javascript objects, or as JSON. See [#104 for more](https://github.com/thegreenwebfoundation/co2.js/issues/104).
247 | - Added links to CO2.js in forms already available on CDNs to avoid needing to npm install it to try it out. See [#105 for more](https://github.com/thegreenwebfoundation/co2.js/issues/105).
248 | - Introduced scripts to automate the generation of grid intensity data based of Ember & UNFCCC source files.
249 | - Introduced a `release:minor` command, to automate the publishing process, to complement `release:patch`.
250 |
251 | #### Changed
252 |
253 | - Changed the default model for transfer based CO2 calculations from the _1byte_ model to the _Sustainable Web Design_ model instead. See <https://developers.thegreenwebfoundation.org/co2js/models/> for guidance on the differences and how to migrate between them. See [#94 for more](https://github.com/thegreenwebfoundation/co2.js/issues/94).
254 | - Updated our release commands to generate and format the carbon intensity data as part of the release process.
255 |
256 | ### [0.10.4] - 2022-08-12
257 |
258 | #### Added
259 |
260 | - Introduced a `release:patch` command, to automate the publishing process. This is designed to make sure we always publish the most recent compiled code, by adding a rebuild step that can be easy to forget.
261 |
262 | ### [0.10.3] - 2022-08-12
263 |
264 | #### Added
265 |
266 | - Introduced a new `perVisit()` function for the Sustainable Web Design model, which applies [caching and return visits assumptions](https://sustainablewebdesign.org/calculating-digital-emissions/).
267 |
268 | ### [0.10.2] - 2022-08-12
269 |
270 | - Added the ability to set the model used by CO2.js to the Sustainable Web Design model, using a simple 'swd' string, instead of needing to pass in a class.
271 |
272 | ### [0.10.1] - 2022-08-01
273 |
274 | This release used a version bump as previously we had released v0.10.0 under a pre-release tag.
275 |
276 | ### [0.10.0] - 2022-06-27
277 |
278 | - Added ES import syntax as the main way for handling imports and exports of code within the module.
279 | - Changed eslint settings to use later version of ecmascript (2020)
280 | - Change the build tools to use esbulid with jest instead of babel
281 | - Added more consistent use of the debug logging library in files using the updated import syntax
282 | - Fixed the incorrect order of FIRST_TIME_VIEWING_PERCENTAGE and RETURNING_VISITOR_PERCENTAGE constants in the SWD model. This will result in **larger** values for calculations using the sustainable web design, and the default caching assumptions.
283 |
284 | ### [0.9.0] - 2022-03-28
285 |
286 | #### Added
287 |
288 | - Added newly implemented Sustainable Web Design model [thanks @dryden!]
289 | - Added new readme page for using both emissions models
290 | - Added new source of data to the Sustainable Web Design model from Ember Climate.
291 |
292 | #### Changed
293 |
294 | - Changed the CO2 class to accept either the One Byte model or the Sustainable Web Design model
295 |
296 | #### Fixed
297 |
298 | - Fixed various typos.
299 |
300 | ### [0.8.0] - 2021-11-28
301 |
302 | #### Fixed
303 |
304 | - Update further dependencies
305 | - Fix embarassing order of magnitude typo in 1byte model (thanks @mstaschik!)
306 |
307 | #### Added
308 |
309 | - Read JSON blob also as gzipped #44 (thanks @soulgalore)
310 |
311 | #### Changed
312 |
313 | - The 1byte model will give different numbers now. It's mentioned in `#fixed` but it's worth repeating.
314 |
315 | ### [0.7.0] - 2021-11-28
316 |
317 | #### Fixed
318 |
319 | - Update tests to avoid network requests #50
320 | - Update dependencies across the board
321 |
322 | #### Changed
323 |
324 | - Switch to github actions instead of travis for CI.
325 |
326 | ### [0.6.1] - 2020-03-15
327 |
328 | #### Fixed
329 |
330 | - Added the function to load JSON, on the tgwg.hosting object, for use in the sustaiable web sitespeed plugin.
331 |
332 | ### [0.6.0] - 2020-03-15
333 |
334 | #### Added
335 |
336 | - Added the hosting-JSON for running local checks against an array instead of SQLite.
337 |
338 | #### Changed
339 |
340 | - Swapped out checking against a sqlite database `hosting-json`in favour of simple array in,
341 | - Updated conventions for style - using kebab-cases over CamelCase for naming files
342 |
343 | #### Removed
344 |
345 | - Extracted sqlite usage and dependencies into a separate module, `url2green`. This means you no longer need to compile SQLite on install.
346 |
347 | ### [0.5.0] - 2020-03-03
348 |
349 | #### Changed
350 |
351 | - Updated README
352 | - Updated the emissions figured for green energy after further research on methodology with @@JamieBeevor
353 | - Incorporated class based CO2 models from @soulgalore
354 | - Credit contributors
355 |
356 | ### [0.4.7] - 2020-03-02
357 |
358 | #### Added
359 |
360 | - Added a changelog at last!
361 |
362 | ### [0.4.6] - 2020-03-01
363 |
364 | #### Added
365 |
366 | - Changelog inconsistency section in Bad Practices
367 |
368 | ### [0.4.4] - 2020-03-01
369 |
370 | #### Added
371 |
372 | Added the (currently unused) green byte model.
373 |
374 | #### Changed
375 |
376 | Update the 1byte model to use an average of devices, rather than just wifi
377 |
378 | ### [0.4.3] - 2020-03-01
379 |
380 | #### Added
381 |
382 | #### Changed
383 |
384 | Split hosting API into two separate files (one for sqlite, and one relying on the greencheck API)