27.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2// *****************************************************************************
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5// This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
6// terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
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9// This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
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16// *****************************************************************************
17Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
18exports.KeysOrKeyCodes = exports.Key = exports.SpecialCases = exports.KeyModifier = exports.KeyCode = exports.KeySequence = void 0;
19const os_1 = require("./os");
20var KeySequence;
21(function (KeySequence) {
22 function equals(a, b) {
23 if (a.length !== b.length) {
24 return false;
25 }
26 for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
27 if (!a[i].equals(b[i])) {
28 return false;
29 }
30 }
31 return true;
32 }
33 KeySequence.equals = equals;
34 let CompareResult;
35 (function (CompareResult) {
36 CompareResult[CompareResult["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE";
37 CompareResult[CompareResult["PARTIAL"] = 1] = "PARTIAL";
38 CompareResult[CompareResult["SHADOW"] = 2] = "SHADOW";
39 CompareResult[CompareResult["FULL"] = 3] = "FULL";
40 })(CompareResult = KeySequence.CompareResult || (KeySequence.CompareResult = {}));
41 /* Compares two KeySequences, returns:
42 * FULL if the KeySequences are the same.
43 * PARTIAL if the KeySequence a part of b.
44 * SHADOW if the KeySequence b part of a.
45 * NONE if the KeySequences are not the same at all.
46 */
47 function compare(a, b) {
48 let first = a;
49 let second = b;
50 let shadow = false;
51 if (b.length < a.length) {
52 first = b;
53 second = a;
54 shadow = true;
55 }
56 for (let i = 0; i < first.length; i++) {
57 if (first[i].equals(second[i]) === false) {
58 return KeySequence.CompareResult.NONE;
59 }
60 }
61 if (first.length < second.length) {
62 if (shadow === false) {
63 return KeySequence.CompareResult.PARTIAL;
64 }
65 else {
66 return KeySequence.CompareResult.SHADOW;
67 }
68 }
69 return KeySequence.CompareResult.FULL;
70 }
71 KeySequence.compare = compare;
72 function parse(keybinding) {
73 const keyCodes = [];
74 const rawKeyCodes = keybinding.trim().split(/\s+/g);
75 for (const rawKeyCode of rawKeyCodes) {
76 const keyCode = KeyCode.parse(rawKeyCode);
77 if (keyCode !== undefined) {
78 keyCodes.push(keyCode);
79 }
80 }
81 return keyCodes;
82 }
83 KeySequence.parse = parse;
84})(KeySequence = exports.KeySequence || (exports.KeySequence = {}));
86 * Representation of a pressed key combined with key modifiers.
87 */
88class KeyCode {
89 constructor(schema) {
90 const key = schema.key;
91 if (key) {
92 if (key.code && key.keyCode && key.easyString) {
93 this.key = key;
94 }
95 else if (key.code) {
96 this.key = Key.getKey(key.code);
97 }
98 else if (key.keyCode) {
99 this.key = Key.getKey(key.keyCode);
100 }
101 }
102 this.ctrl = !!schema.ctrl;
103 this.shift = !!schema.shift;
104 this.alt = !!schema.alt;
105 this.meta = !!schema.meta;
106 this.character = schema.character;
107 }
108 /**
109 * Return true if this KeyCode only contains modifiers.
110 */
111 isModifierOnly() {
112 return this.key === undefined;
113 }
114 /**
115 * Return true if the given KeyCode is equal to this one.
116 */
117 equals(other) {
118 if (this.key && (!other.key || this.key.code !== other.key.code) || !this.key && other.key) {
119 return false;
120 }
121 return this.ctrl === other.ctrl && this.alt === other.alt && this.shift === other.shift && this.meta === other.meta;
122 }
123 /*
124 * Return a keybinding string compatible with the `Keybinding.keybinding` property.
125 */
126 toString() {
127 const result = [];
128 if (this.meta) {
129 result.push(SpecialCases.META);
130 }
131 if (this.shift) {
132 result.push(Key.SHIFT_LEFT.easyString);
133 }
134 if (this.alt) {
135 result.push(Key.ALT_LEFT.easyString);
136 }
137 if (this.ctrl) {
138 result.push(Key.CONTROL_LEFT.easyString);
139 }
140 if (this.key) {
141 result.push(this.key.easyString);
142 }
143 return result.join('+');
144 }
145 /**
146 * Create a KeyCode from one of several input types.
147 */
148 static createKeyCode(input, eventDispatch = 'code') {
149 if (typeof input === 'string') {
150 const parts = input.split('+');
151 if (!KeyCode.isModifierString(parts[0])) {
152 return KeyCode.createKeyCode({
153 first: Key.getKey(parts[0]),
154 modifiers: parts.slice(1)
155 });
156 }
157 return KeyCode.createKeyCode({ modifiers: parts });
158 }
159 else if (KeyCode.isKeyboardEvent(input)) {
160 const key = KeyCode.toKey(input, eventDispatch);
161 return new KeyCode({
162 key: Key.isModifier(key.code) ? undefined : key,
163 meta: os_1.isOSX && input.metaKey,
164 shift: input.shiftKey,
165 alt: input.altKey,
166 ctrl: input.ctrlKey,
167 character: KeyCode.toCharacter(input)
168 });
169 }
170 else if (input.first || input.modifiers) {
171 const keystroke = input;
172 const schema = {
173 key: keystroke.first
174 };
175 if (keystroke.modifiers) {
176 if (os_1.isOSX) {
177 schema.meta = keystroke.modifiers.some(mod => mod === KeyModifier.CtrlCmd);
178 schema.ctrl = keystroke.modifiers.some(mod => mod === KeyModifier.MacCtrl);
179 }
180 else {
181 schema.meta = false;
182 schema.ctrl = keystroke.modifiers.some(mod => mod === KeyModifier.CtrlCmd);
183 }
184 schema.shift = keystroke.modifiers.some(mod => mod === KeyModifier.Shift);
185 schema.alt = keystroke.modifiers.some(mod => mod === KeyModifier.Alt);
186 }
187 return new KeyCode(schema);
188 }
189 else {
190 return new KeyCode(input);
191 }
192 }
193 /* Reset the key hashmap, this is for testing purposes. */
194 static resetKeyBindings() {
195 KeyCode.keybindings = {};
196 }
197 /**
198 * Parses a string and returns a KeyCode object.
199 * @param keybinding String representation of a keybinding
200 */
201 static parse(keybinding) {
202 if (KeyCode.keybindings[keybinding]) {
203 return KeyCode.keybindings[keybinding];
204 }
205 const schema = {};
206 const keys = [];
207 let currentKey = '';
208 for (const character of keybinding.trim().toLowerCase()) {
209 if (currentKey && (character === '-' || character === '+')) {
210 keys.push(currentKey);
211 currentKey = '';
212 }
213 else if (character !== '+') {
214 currentKey += character;
215 }
216 }
217 if (currentKey) {
218 keys.push(currentKey);
219 }
220 /* If duplicates i.e ctrl+ctrl+a or alt+alt+b or b+alt+b it is invalid */
221 if (keys.length !== new Set(keys).size) {
222 throw new Error(`Can't parse keybinding ${keybinding} Duplicate modifiers`);
223 }
224 for (let keyString of keys) {
225 if (SPECIAL_ALIASES[keyString] !== undefined) {
226 keyString = SPECIAL_ALIASES[keyString];
227 }
228 const key = EASY_TO_KEY[keyString];
229 /* meta only works on macOS */
230 if (keyString === SpecialCases.META) {
231 if (os_1.isOSX) {
232 schema.meta = true;
233 }
234 else {
235 throw new Error(`Can't parse keybinding ${keybinding} meta is for OSX only`);
236 }
237 /* ctrlcmd for M1 keybindings that work on both macOS and other platforms */
238 }
239 else if (keyString === SpecialCases.CTRLCMD) {
240 if (os_1.isOSX) {
241 schema.meta = true;
242 }
243 else {
244 schema.ctrl = true;
245 }
246 }
247 else if (Key.isKey(key)) {
248 if (Key.isModifier(key.code)) {
249 if (key.code === Key.CONTROL_LEFT.code || key.code === Key.CONTROL_RIGHT.code) {
250 schema.ctrl = true;
251 }
252 else if (key.code === Key.SHIFT_LEFT.code || key.code === Key.SHIFT_RIGHT.code) {
253 schema.shift = true;
254 }
255 else if (key.code === Key.ALT_LEFT.code || key.code === Key.ALT_RIGHT.code) {
256 schema.alt = true;
257 }
258 }
259 else {
260 schema.key = key;
261 }
262 }
263 else {
264 throw new Error(`Unrecognized key '${keyString}' in '${keybinding}'`);
265 }
266 }
267 KeyCode.keybindings[keybinding] = new KeyCode(schema);
268 return KeyCode.keybindings[keybinding];
269 }
271exports.KeyCode = KeyCode;
272KeyCode.keybindings = {};
273(function (KeyCode) {
274 /*
275 * Return true if the string is a modifier M1 to M4.
276 */
277 function isModifierString(key) {
278 return key === KeyModifier.CtrlCmd
279 || key === KeyModifier.Shift
280 || key === KeyModifier.Alt
281 || key === KeyModifier.MacCtrl;
282 }
283 KeyCode.isModifierString = isModifierString;
284 /**
285 * Different scopes have different execution environments. This means that they have different built-ins
286 * (different global object, different constructors, etc.). This may result in unexpected results. For instance,
287 * `[] instanceof window.frames[0].Array` will return `false`, because `Array.prototype !== window.frames[0].Array`
288 * and arrays inherit from the former.
289 * See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/instanceof
290 *
291 * Note: just add another check if the current `event.type` checking is insufficient.
292 */
293 function isKeyboardEvent(event) {
294 if (typeof KeyboardEvent === 'undefined') { // This can happen in tests
295 return false;
296 }
297 if (event instanceof KeyboardEvent) {
298 return true;
299 }
300 const { type } = event;
301 if (type) {
302 return type === 'keypress' || type === 'keydown' || type === 'keyup';
303 }
304 return false;
305 }
306 KeyCode.isKeyboardEvent = isKeyboardEvent;
307 /**
308 * Determine the pressed key of a keyboard event. This key should correspond to the physical key according
309 * to a standard US keyboard layout. International keyboard layouts are handled by `KeyboardLayoutService`.
310 *
311 * `keyIdentifier` is used to access this deprecated field:
312 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyIdentifier
313 */
314 function toKey(event, dispatch = 'code') {
315 const code = event.code;
316 if (code && dispatch === 'code') {
317 if (os_1.isOSX) {
318 // https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia/issues/4986
319 const char = event.key;
320 if (code === 'IntlBackslash' && (char === '`' || char === '~')) {
321 return Key.BACKQUOTE;
322 }
323 else if (code === 'Backquote' && (char === '§' || char === '±')) {
324 return Key.INTL_BACKSLASH;
325 }
326 }
327 // https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia/issues/7315
328 if (code.startsWith('Numpad') && event.key && event.key.length > 1) {
329 const k = Key.getKey(event.key);
330 if (k) {
331 return k;
332 }
333 }
334 const key = Key.getKey(code);
335 if (key) {
336 return key;
337 }
338 }
339 // tslint:disable-next-line: deprecation
340 const keyCode = event.keyCode;
341 if (keyCode) {
342 const key = Key.getKey(keyCode);
343 if (key) {
344 return key;
345 }
346 }
347 const keyIdentifier = event.keyIdentifier;
348 if (keyIdentifier) {
349 const key = Key.getKey(keyIdentifier);
350 if (key) {
351 return key;
352 }
353 }
354 throw new Error(`Cannot get key code from the keyboard event: ${event}.`);
355 }
356 KeyCode.toKey = toKey;
357 /**
358 * Determine the actual printable character that is generated from a pressed key.
359 * If the key does not correspond to a printable character, `undefined` is returned.
360 * The result may be altered by modifier keys.
361 */
362 function toCharacter(event) {
363 const key = event.key;
364 // Use the key property if it contains exactly one unicode character
365 if (key && Array.from(key).length === 1) {
366 return key;
367 }
368 const charCode = event.charCode;
369 // Use the charCode property if it does not correspond to a unicode control character
370 if (charCode && charCode > 0x1f && !(charCode >= 0x80 && charCode <= 0x9f)) {
371 return String.fromCharCode(charCode);
372 }
373 return undefined;
374 }
375 KeyCode.toCharacter = toCharacter;
376})(KeyCode = exports.KeyCode || (exports.KeyCode = {}));
377var KeyModifier;
378(function (KeyModifier) {
379 /**
380 * M1 is the COMMAND key on MacOS X, and the CTRL key on most other platforms.
381 */
382 KeyModifier["CtrlCmd"] = "M1";
383 /**
384 * M2 is the SHIFT key.
385 */
386 KeyModifier["Shift"] = "M2";
387 /**
388 * M3 is the Option key on MacOS X, and the ALT key on most other platforms.
389 */
390 KeyModifier["Alt"] = "M3";
391 /**
392 * M4 is the CTRL key on MacOS X, and is undefined on other platforms.
393 */
394 KeyModifier["MacCtrl"] = "M4";
395})(KeyModifier = exports.KeyModifier || (exports.KeyModifier = {}));
396(function (KeyModifier) {
397 /**
398 * The CTRL key, independently of the platform.
399 * _Note:_ In general `KeyModifier.CtrlCmd` should be preferred over this constant.
400 */
401 KeyModifier.CTRL = os_1.isOSX ? KeyModifier.MacCtrl : KeyModifier.CtrlCmd;
402 /**
403 * An alias for the SHIFT key (`KeyModifier.Shift`).
404 */
405 KeyModifier.SHIFT = KeyModifier.Shift;
406 /**
407 * `true` if the argument represents a modifier. Otherwise, `false`.
408 */
409 function isModifier(key) {
410 if (key) {
411 switch (key) {
412 case 'M1': // Fall through.
413 case 'M2': // Fall through.
414 case 'M3': // Fall through.
415 case 'M4': return true;
416 default: return false;
417 }
418 }
419 return false;
420 }
421 KeyModifier.isModifier = isModifier;
422})(KeyModifier = exports.KeyModifier || (exports.KeyModifier = {}));
423const CODE_TO_KEY = {};
424const KEY_CODE_TO_KEY = {};
425const EASY_TO_KEY = {}; // From 'ctrl' to Key structure
426const MODIFIERS = [];
427const SPECIAL_ALIASES = {
428 'option': 'alt',
429 'command': 'meta',
430 'cmd': 'meta',
431 'return': 'enter',
432 'esc': 'escape',
433 'mod': 'ctrl',
434 'ins': 'insert',
435 'del': 'delete',
436 'control': 'ctrl',
438var SpecialCases;
439(function (SpecialCases) {
440 SpecialCases.META = 'meta';
441 SpecialCases.CTRLCMD = 'ctrlcmd';
442})(SpecialCases = exports.SpecialCases || (exports.SpecialCases = {}));
443var Key;
444(function (Key) {
445 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
446 function isKey(arg) {
447 return typeof arg === 'object' && ('code' in arg) && ('keyCode' in arg);
448 }
449 Key.isKey = isKey;
450 function getKey(arg) {
451 if (typeof arg === 'number') {
452 return KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[arg];
453 }
454 else {
455 return CODE_TO_KEY[arg];
456 }
457 }
458 Key.getKey = getKey;
459 function isModifier(arg) {
460 if (typeof arg === 'number') {
461 return MODIFIERS.find(key => key.keyCode === arg) !== undefined;
462 }
463 return MODIFIERS.find(key => key.code === arg) !== undefined;
464 }
465 Key.isModifier = isModifier;
466 function equals(key, keyCode) {
467 return !!keyCode.key && key.keyCode === keyCode.key.keyCode;
468 }
469 Key.equals = equals;
470 Key.BACKSPACE = { code: 'Backspace', keyCode: 8, easyString: 'backspace' };
471 Key.TAB = { code: 'Tab', keyCode: 9, easyString: 'tab' };
472 Key.ENTER = { code: 'Enter', keyCode: 13, easyString: 'enter' };
473 Key.ESCAPE = { code: 'Escape', keyCode: 27, easyString: 'escape' };
474 Key.SPACE = { code: 'Space', keyCode: 32, easyString: 'space' };
475 Key.PAGE_UP = { code: 'PageUp', keyCode: 33, easyString: 'pageup' };
476 Key.PAGE_DOWN = { code: 'PageDown', keyCode: 34, easyString: 'pagedown' };
477 Key.END = { code: 'End', keyCode: 35, easyString: 'end' };
478 Key.HOME = { code: 'Home', keyCode: 36, easyString: 'home' };
479 Key.ARROW_LEFT = { code: 'ArrowLeft', keyCode: 37, easyString: 'left' };
480 Key.ARROW_UP = { code: 'ArrowUp', keyCode: 38, easyString: 'up' };
481 Key.ARROW_RIGHT = { code: 'ArrowRight', keyCode: 39, easyString: 'right' };
482 Key.ARROW_DOWN = { code: 'ArrowDown', keyCode: 40, easyString: 'down' };
483 Key.INSERT = { code: 'Insert', keyCode: 45, easyString: 'insert' };
484 Key.DELETE = { code: 'Delete', keyCode: 46, easyString: 'delete' };
485 Key.SHIFT_LEFT = { code: 'ShiftLeft', keyCode: 16, easyString: 'shift' };
486 Key.SHIFT_RIGHT = { code: 'ShiftRight', keyCode: 16, easyString: 'shift' };
487 Key.CONTROL_LEFT = { code: 'ControlLeft', keyCode: 17, easyString: 'ctrl' };
488 Key.CONTROL_RIGHT = { code: 'ControlRight', keyCode: 17, easyString: 'ctrl' };
489 Key.ALT_LEFT = { code: 'AltLeft', keyCode: 18, easyString: 'alt' };
490 Key.ALT_RIGHT = { code: 'AltRight', keyCode: 18, easyString: 'alt' };
491 Key.CAPS_LOCK = { code: 'CapsLock', keyCode: 20, easyString: 'capslock' };
492 Key.OS_LEFT = { code: 'OSLeft', keyCode: 91, easyString: 'super' };
493 Key.OS_RIGHT = { code: 'OSRight', keyCode: 92, easyString: 'super' };
494 Key.DIGIT0 = { code: 'Digit0', keyCode: 48, easyString: '0' };
495 Key.DIGIT1 = { code: 'Digit1', keyCode: 49, easyString: '1' };
496 Key.DIGIT2 = { code: 'Digit2', keyCode: 50, easyString: '2' };
497 Key.DIGIT3 = { code: 'Digit3', keyCode: 51, easyString: '3' };
498 Key.DIGIT4 = { code: 'Digit4', keyCode: 52, easyString: '4' };
499 Key.DIGIT5 = { code: 'Digit5', keyCode: 53, easyString: '5' };
500 Key.DIGIT6 = { code: 'Digit6', keyCode: 54, easyString: '6' };
501 Key.DIGIT7 = { code: 'Digit7', keyCode: 55, easyString: '7' };
502 Key.DIGIT8 = { code: 'Digit8', keyCode: 56, easyString: '8' };
503 Key.DIGIT9 = { code: 'Digit9', keyCode: 57, easyString: '9' };
504 Key.KEY_A = { code: 'KeyA', keyCode: 65, easyString: 'a' };
505 Key.KEY_B = { code: 'KeyB', keyCode: 66, easyString: 'b' };
506 Key.KEY_C = { code: 'KeyC', keyCode: 67, easyString: 'c' };
507 Key.KEY_D = { code: 'KeyD', keyCode: 68, easyString: 'd' };
508 Key.KEY_E = { code: 'KeyE', keyCode: 69, easyString: 'e' };
509 Key.KEY_F = { code: 'KeyF', keyCode: 70, easyString: 'f' };
510 Key.KEY_G = { code: 'KeyG', keyCode: 71, easyString: 'g' };
511 Key.KEY_H = { code: 'KeyH', keyCode: 72, easyString: 'h' };
512 Key.KEY_I = { code: 'KeyI', keyCode: 73, easyString: 'i' };
513 Key.KEY_J = { code: 'KeyJ', keyCode: 74, easyString: 'j' };
514 Key.KEY_K = { code: 'KeyK', keyCode: 75, easyString: 'k' };
515 Key.KEY_L = { code: 'KeyL', keyCode: 76, easyString: 'l' };
516 Key.KEY_M = { code: 'KeyM', keyCode: 77, easyString: 'm' };
517 Key.KEY_N = { code: 'KeyN', keyCode: 78, easyString: 'n' };
518 Key.KEY_O = { code: 'KeyO', keyCode: 79, easyString: 'o' };
519 Key.KEY_P = { code: 'KeyP', keyCode: 80, easyString: 'p' };
520 Key.KEY_Q = { code: 'KeyQ', keyCode: 81, easyString: 'q' };
521 Key.KEY_R = { code: 'KeyR', keyCode: 82, easyString: 'r' };
522 Key.KEY_S = { code: 'KeyS', keyCode: 83, easyString: 's' };
523 Key.KEY_T = { code: 'KeyT', keyCode: 84, easyString: 't' };
524 Key.KEY_U = { code: 'KeyU', keyCode: 85, easyString: 'u' };
525 Key.KEY_V = { code: 'KeyV', keyCode: 86, easyString: 'v' };
526 Key.KEY_W = { code: 'KeyW', keyCode: 87, easyString: 'w' };
527 Key.KEY_X = { code: 'KeyX', keyCode: 88, easyString: 'x' };
528 Key.KEY_Y = { code: 'KeyY', keyCode: 89, easyString: 'y' };
529 Key.KEY_Z = { code: 'KeyZ', keyCode: 90, easyString: 'z' };
530 Key.MULTIPLY = { code: 'NumpadMultiply', keyCode: 106, easyString: 'multiply' };
531 Key.ADD = { code: 'NumpadAdd', keyCode: 107, easyString: 'add' };
532 Key.DECIMAL = { code: 'NumpadDecimal', keyCode: 108, easyString: 'decimal' };
533 Key.SUBTRACT = { code: 'NumpadSubtract', keyCode: 109, easyString: 'subtract' };
534 Key.DIVIDE = { code: 'NumpadDivide', keyCode: 111, easyString: 'divide' };
535 Key.F1 = { code: 'F1', keyCode: 112, easyString: 'f1' };
536 Key.F2 = { code: 'F2', keyCode: 113, easyString: 'f2' };
537 Key.F3 = { code: 'F3', keyCode: 114, easyString: 'f3' };
538 Key.F4 = { code: 'F4', keyCode: 115, easyString: 'f4' };
539 Key.F5 = { code: 'F5', keyCode: 116, easyString: 'f5' };
540 Key.F6 = { code: 'F6', keyCode: 117, easyString: 'f6' };
541 Key.F7 = { code: 'F7', keyCode: 118, easyString: 'f7' };
542 Key.F8 = { code: 'F8', keyCode: 119, easyString: 'f8' };
543 Key.F9 = { code: 'F9', keyCode: 120, easyString: 'f9' };
544 Key.F10 = { code: 'F10', keyCode: 121, easyString: 'f10' };
545 Key.F11 = { code: 'F11', keyCode: 122, easyString: 'f11' };
546 Key.F12 = { code: 'F12', keyCode: 123, easyString: 'f12' };
547 Key.F13 = { code: 'F13', keyCode: 124, easyString: 'f13' };
548 Key.F14 = { code: 'F14', keyCode: 125, easyString: 'f14' };
549 Key.F15 = { code: 'F15', keyCode: 126, easyString: 'f15' };
550 Key.F16 = { code: 'F16', keyCode: 127, easyString: 'f16' };
551 Key.F17 = { code: 'F17', keyCode: 128, easyString: 'f17' };
552 Key.F18 = { code: 'F18', keyCode: 129, easyString: 'f18' };
553 Key.F19 = { code: 'F19', keyCode: 130, easyString: 'f19' };
554 Key.F20 = { code: 'F20', keyCode: 131, easyString: 'f20' };
555 Key.F21 = { code: 'F21', keyCode: 132, easyString: 'f21' };
556 Key.F22 = { code: 'F22', keyCode: 133, easyString: 'f22' };
557 Key.F23 = { code: 'F23', keyCode: 134, easyString: 'f23' };
558 Key.F24 = { code: 'F24', keyCode: 135, easyString: 'f24' };
559 Key.NUM_LOCK = { code: 'NumLock', keyCode: 144, easyString: 'numlock' };
560 Key.SEMICOLON = { code: 'Semicolon', keyCode: 186, easyString: ';' };
561 Key.EQUAL = { code: 'Equal', keyCode: 187, easyString: '=' };
562 Key.COMMA = { code: 'Comma', keyCode: 188, easyString: ',' };
563 Key.MINUS = { code: 'Minus', keyCode: 189, easyString: '-' };
564 Key.PERIOD = { code: 'Period', keyCode: 190, easyString: '.' };
565 Key.SLASH = { code: 'Slash', keyCode: 191, easyString: '/' };
566 Key.BACKQUOTE = { code: 'Backquote', keyCode: 192, easyString: '`' };
567 Key.INTL_RO = { code: 'IntlRo', keyCode: 193, easyString: 'intlro' };
568 Key.BRACKET_LEFT = { code: 'BracketLeft', keyCode: 219, easyString: '[' };
569 Key.BACKSLASH = { code: 'Backslash', keyCode: 220, easyString: '\\' };
570 Key.BRACKET_RIGHT = { code: 'BracketRight', keyCode: 221, easyString: ']' };
571 Key.QUOTE = { code: 'Quote', keyCode: 222, easyString: '\'' };
572 Key.INTL_BACKSLASH = { code: 'IntlBackslash', keyCode: 229, easyString: 'intlbackslash' };
573 Key.INTL_YEN = { code: 'IntlYen', keyCode: 255, easyString: 'intlyen' };
574 Key.MAX_KEY_CODE = Key.INTL_YEN.keyCode;
575})(Key = exports.Key || (exports.Key = {}));
576/* -------------------- Initialize the static key mappings -------------------- */
577(() => {
578 // Set the default key mappings from the constants in the Key namespace
579 Object.keys(Key).map(prop => Reflect.get(Key, prop)).filter(key => Key.isKey(key)).forEach(key => {
580 CODE_TO_KEY[key.code] = key;
581 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[key.keyCode] = key;
582 EASY_TO_KEY[key.easyString] = key;
583 });
584 // Set additional key mappings
585 CODE_TO_KEY['Numpad0'] = Key.DIGIT0;
586 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[96] = Key.DIGIT0;
587 CODE_TO_KEY['Numpad1'] = Key.DIGIT1;
588 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[97] = Key.DIGIT1;
589 CODE_TO_KEY['Numpad2'] = Key.DIGIT2;
590 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[98] = Key.DIGIT2;
591 CODE_TO_KEY['Numpad3'] = Key.DIGIT3;
592 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[99] = Key.DIGIT3;
593 CODE_TO_KEY['Numpad4'] = Key.DIGIT4;
594 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[100] = Key.DIGIT4;
595 CODE_TO_KEY['Numpad5'] = Key.DIGIT5;
596 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[101] = Key.DIGIT5;
597 CODE_TO_KEY['Numpad6'] = Key.DIGIT6;
598 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[102] = Key.DIGIT6;
599 CODE_TO_KEY['Numpad7'] = Key.DIGIT7;
600 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[103] = Key.DIGIT7;
601 CODE_TO_KEY['Numpad8'] = Key.DIGIT8;
602 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[104] = Key.DIGIT8;
603 CODE_TO_KEY['Numpad9'] = Key.DIGIT9;
604 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[105] = Key.DIGIT9;
605 CODE_TO_KEY['NumpadEnter'] = Key.ENTER;
606 CODE_TO_KEY['NumpadEqual'] = Key.EQUAL;
607 CODE_TO_KEY['MetaLeft'] = Key.OS_LEFT; // Chrome, Safari
608 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[224] = Key.OS_LEFT; // Firefox on Mac
609 CODE_TO_KEY['MetaRight'] = Key.OS_RIGHT; // Chrome, Safari
610 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[93] = Key.OS_RIGHT; // Chrome, Safari, Edge
611 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[225] = Key.ALT_RIGHT; // Linux
612 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[110] = Key.DECIMAL; // Mac, Windows
613 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[59] = Key.SEMICOLON; // Firefox
614 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[61] = Key.EQUAL; // Firefox
615 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[173] = Key.MINUS; // Firefox
616 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[226] = Key.BACKSLASH; // Chrome, Edge on Windows
617 KEY_CODE_TO_KEY[60] = Key.BACKSLASH; // Firefox on Linux
618 // Set the modifier keys
621var KeysOrKeyCodes;
622(function (KeysOrKeyCodes) {
623 KeysOrKeyCodes.toKeyCode = (keyOrKeyCode) => keyOrKeyCode instanceof KeyCode ? keyOrKeyCode : KeyCode.createKeyCode({ first: keyOrKeyCode });
624 KeysOrKeyCodes.toKeyCodes = (keysOrKeyCodes) => {
625 if (keysOrKeyCodes instanceof KeyCode) {
626 return [keysOrKeyCodes];
627 }
628 else if (Array.isArray(keysOrKeyCodes)) {
629 return keysOrKeyCodes.slice().map(KeysOrKeyCodes.toKeyCode);
630 }
631 return [KeysOrKeyCodes.toKeyCode(keysOrKeyCodes)];
632 };
633})(KeysOrKeyCodes = exports.KeysOrKeyCodes || (exports.KeysOrKeyCodes = {}));
634//# sourceMappingURL=keys.js.map
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