7.91 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Event, Emitter, WaitUntilEvent } from './event';
2import { Disposable } from './disposable';
3import { ContributionProvider } from './contribution-provider';
5 * A command is a unique identifier of a function
6 * which can be executed by a user via a keyboard shortcut,
7 * a menu action or directly.
8 */
9export interface Command {
10 /**
11 * A unique identifier of this command.
12 */
13 id: string;
14 /**
15 * A label of this command.
16 */
17 label?: string;
18 originalLabel?: string;
19 /**
20 * An icon class of this command.
21 */
22 iconClass?: string;
23 /**
24 * A category of this command.
25 */
26 category?: string;
27 originalCategory?: string;
29export declare namespace Command {
30 function is(arg: unknown): arg is Command;
31 /** Utility function to easily translate commands */
32 function toLocalizedCommand(command: Command, nlsLabelKey?: string, nlsCategoryKey?: string): Command;
33 function toDefaultLocalizedCommand(command: Command): Command;
34 /** Comparator function for when sorting commands */
35 function compareCommands(a: Command, b: Command): number;
36 /**
37 * Determine if two commands are equal.
38 *
39 * @param a the first command for comparison.
40 * @param b the second command for comparison.
41 */
42 function equals(a: Command, b: Command): boolean;
45 * A command handler is an implementation of a command.
46 *
47 * A command can have multiple handlers
48 * but they should be active in different contexts,
49 * otherwise first active will be executed.
50 */
51export interface CommandHandler {
52 /**
53 * Execute this handler.
54 *
55 * Don't call it directly, use `CommandService.executeCommand` instead.
56 */
57 execute(...args: any[]): any;
58 /**
59 * Test whether this handler is enabled (active).
60 */
61 isEnabled?(...args: any[]): boolean;
62 /**
63 * Test whether menu items for this handler should be visible.
64 */
65 isVisible?(...args: any[]): boolean;
66 /**
67 * Test whether menu items for this handler should be toggled.
68 */
69 isToggled?(...args: any[]): boolean;
71export declare const CommandContribution: unique symbol;
73 * The command contribution should be implemented to register custom commands and handler.
74 */
75export interface CommandContribution {
76 /**
77 * Register commands and handlers.
78 */
79 registerCommands(commands: CommandRegistry): void;
81export interface CommandEvent {
82 commandId: string;
83 args: any[];
85export interface WillExecuteCommandEvent extends WaitUntilEvent, CommandEvent {
87export declare const commandServicePath = "/services/commands";
88export declare const CommandService: unique symbol;
90 * The command service should be used to execute commands.
91 */
92export interface CommandService {
93 /**
94 * Execute the active handler for the given command and arguments.
95 *
96 * Reject if a command cannot be executed.
97 */
98 executeCommand<T>(command: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<T | undefined>;
99 /**
100 * An event is emitted when a command is about to be executed.
101 *
102 * It can be used to install or activate a command handler.
103 */
104 readonly onWillExecuteCommand: Event<WillExecuteCommandEvent>;
105 /**
106 * An event is emitted when a command was executed.
107 */
108 readonly onDidExecuteCommand: Event<CommandEvent>;
111 * The command registry manages commands and handlers.
112 */
113export declare class CommandRegistry implements CommandService {
114 protected readonly contributionProvider: ContributionProvider<CommandContribution>;
115 protected readonly _commands: {
116 [id: string]: Command;
117 };
118 protected readonly _handlers: {
119 [id: string]: CommandHandler[];
120 };
121 protected readonly toUnregisterCommands: Map<string, Disposable>;
122 protected _recent: string[];
123 protected readonly onWillExecuteCommandEmitter: Emitter<WillExecuteCommandEvent>;
124 readonly onWillExecuteCommand: Event<WillExecuteCommandEvent>;
125 protected readonly onDidExecuteCommandEmitter: Emitter<CommandEvent>;
126 readonly onDidExecuteCommand: Event<CommandEvent>;
127 protected readonly onCommandsChangedEmitter: Emitter<void>;
128 readonly onCommandsChanged: Event<void>;
129 constructor(contributionProvider: ContributionProvider<CommandContribution>);
130 onStart(): void;
131 getAllCommands(): IterableIterator<Readonly<Command & {
132 handlers: CommandHandler[];
133 }>>;
134 /**
135 * Register the given command and handler if present.
136 *
137 * Throw if a command is already registered for the given command identifier.
138 */
139 registerCommand(command: Command, handler?: CommandHandler): Disposable;
140 protected doRegisterCommand(command: Command): Disposable;
141 /**
142 * Unregister command from the registry
143 *
144 * @param command
145 */
146 unregisterCommand(command: Command): void;
147 /**
148 * Unregister command from the registry
149 *
150 * @param id
151 */
152 unregisterCommand(id: string): void;
153 /**
154 * Register the given handler for the given command identifier.
155 *
156 * If there is already a handler for the given command
157 * then the given handler is registered as more specific, and
158 * has higher priority during enablement, visibility and toggle state evaluations.
159 */
160 registerHandler(commandId: string, handler: CommandHandler): Disposable;
161 protected fireDidChange: () => Promise<void>;
162 protected doFireDidChange(): void;
163 /**
164 * Test whether there is an active handler for the given command.
165 */
166 isEnabled(command: string, ...args: any[]): boolean;
167 /**
168 * Test whether there is a visible handler for the given command.
169 */
170 isVisible(command: string, ...args: any[]): boolean;
171 /**
172 * Test whether there is a toggled handler for the given command.
173 */
174 isToggled(command: string, ...args: any[]): boolean;
175 /**
176 * Execute the active handler for the given command and arguments.
177 *
178 * Reject if a command cannot be executed.
179 */
180 executeCommand<T>(commandId: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<T | undefined>;
181 protected fireWillExecuteCommand(commandId: string, args?: any[]): Promise<void>;
182 /**
183 * Get a visible handler for the given command or `undefined`.
184 */
185 getVisibleHandler(commandId: string, ...args: any[]): CommandHandler | undefined;
186 /**
187 * Get an active handler for the given command or `undefined`.
188 */
189 getActiveHandler(commandId: string, ...args: any[]): CommandHandler | undefined;
190 /**
191 * Get a toggled handler for the given command or `undefined`.
192 */
193 getToggledHandler(commandId: string, ...args: any[]): CommandHandler | undefined;
194 /**
195 * Returns with all handlers for the given command. If the command does not have any handlers,
196 * or the command is not registered, returns an empty array.
197 */
198 getAllHandlers(commandId: string): CommandHandler[];
199 /**
200 * Get all registered commands.
201 */
202 get commands(): Command[];
203 /**
204 * Get a command for the given command identifier.
205 */
206 getCommand(id: string): Command | undefined;
207 /**
208 * Get all registered commands identifiers.
209 */
210 get commandIds(): string[];
211 /**
212 * Get the list of recently used commands.
213 */
214 get recent(): Command[];
215 /**
216 * Set the list of recently used commands.
217 * @param commands the list of recently used commands.
218 */
219 set recent(commands: Command[]);
220 /**
221 * Adds a command to recently used list.
222 * Prioritizes commands that were recently executed to be most recent.
223 *
224 * @param recent a recent command, or array of recent commands.
225 */
226 addRecentCommand(recent: Command | Command[]): void;
227 /**
228 * Clear the list of recently used commands.
229 */
230 clearCommandHistory(): void;
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