3.81 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1export declare type Mutable<T> = {
2 -readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P];
4export declare type MaybeNull<T> = {
5 [P in keyof T]: T[P] | null;
7export declare type MaybeUndefined<T> = {
8 [P in keyof T]: T[P] | undefined;
11 * Creates a shallow copy with all ownkeys of the original object that are `null` made `undefined`
12 */
13export declare function nullToUndefined<T>(nullable: MaybeNull<T>): MaybeUndefined<T>;
14export declare type Deferred<T> = {
15 [P in keyof T]: Promise<T[P]>;
17export declare type RecursivePartial<T> = {
18 [P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends Array<infer I> ? Array<RecursivePartial<I>> : RecursivePartial<T[P]>;
20export declare type MaybeArray<T> = T | T[];
21export declare type MaybePromise<T> = T | PromiseLike<T>;
22export interface Prioritizeable<T> {
23 readonly priority: number;
24 readonly value: T;
26export declare namespace Prioritizeable {
27 type GetPriority<T> = (value: T) => MaybePromise<number>;
28 type GetPrioritySync<T> = (value: T) => number;
29 function toPrioritizeable<T>(rawValue: MaybePromise<T>, getPriority: GetPriority<T>): Promise<Prioritizeable<T>>;
30 function toPrioritizeable<T>(rawValue: MaybePromise<T>[], getPriority: GetPriority<T>): Promise<Prioritizeable<T>[]>;
31 function toPrioritizeableSync<T>(rawValue: T[], getPriority: GetPrioritySync<T>): Prioritizeable<T>[];
32 function prioritizeAllSync<T>(values: T[], getPriority: GetPrioritySync<T>): Prioritizeable<T>[];
33 function prioritizeAll<T>(values: MaybePromise<T>[], getPriority: GetPriority<T>): Promise<Prioritizeable<T>[]>;
34 function isValid<T>(p: Prioritizeable<T>): boolean;
35 function compare<T>(p: Prioritizeable<T>, p2: Prioritizeable<T>): number;
37export declare namespace ArrayUtils {
38 interface Head<T> extends Array<T> {
39 head(): T;
40 }
41 interface Tail<T> extends Array<T> {
42 tail(): T;
43 }
44 interface Children<T> extends Array<T> {
45 children(): Tail<T>;
46 }
47 const TailImpl: {
48 tail<T>(this: T[]): T;
49 };
50 const HeadAndChildrenImpl: {
51 head<T>(this: T[]): T;
52 children<T_1>(this: T_1[]): Tail<T_1>;
53 };
54 interface HeadAndTail<T> extends Head<T>, Tail<T>, Children<T> {
55 }
56 function asTail<T>(array: Array<T>): Tail<T>;
57 function asHeadAndTail<T>(array: Array<T>): HeadAndTail<T>;
58 enum Sort {
59 LeftBeforeRight = -1,
60 RightBeforeLeft = 1,
61 Equal = 0
62 }
63 /**
64 * Performs a binary search algorithm over a sorted collection. Useful for cases
65 * when we need to perform a binary search over something that isn't actually an
66 * array, and converting data to an array would defeat the use of binary search
67 * in the first place.
68 *
69 * @param length The collection length.
70 * @param compareToKey A function that takes an index of an element in the
71 * collection and returns zero if the value at this index is equal to the
72 * search key, a negative number if the value precedes the search key in the
73 * sorting order, or a positive number if the search key precedes the value.
74 * @return A non-negative index of an element, if found. If not found, the
75 * result is -(n+1) (or ~n, using bitwise notation), where n is the index
76 * where the key should be inserted to maintain the sorting order.
77 */
78 function binarySearch2(length: number, compareToKey: (index: number) => number): number;
79 /**
80 * @returns New array with all falsy values removed. The original array IS NOT modified.
81 */
82 function coalesce<T>(array: ReadonlyArray<T | undefined | null>): T[];
85 * Throws when called and statically makes sure that all variants of a type were consumed.
86 */
87export declare function unreachable(_never: never, message?: string): never;
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