12.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2// *****************************************************************************
3// Copyright (C) 2017 TypeFox and others.
5// This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
6// terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
7// http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
9// This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
10// Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
11// Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
12// with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at
13// https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.
15// SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
16// *****************************************************************************
17Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
18const chai = require("chai");
19const uri_1 = require("./uri");
20const expect = chai.expect;
21describe('uri', () => {
22 describe('#getAllLocations', () => {
23 it('of /foo/bar/file.txt', () => {
24 expect(new uri_1.default('/foo/bar/file.txt').allLocations.map(x => x.toString()))
25 .deep.equals([
26 new uri_1.default('/foo/bar/file.txt').toString(),
27 new uri_1.default('/foo/bar').toString(),
28 new uri_1.default('/foo').toString(),
29 new uri_1.default('/').toString()
30 ]);
31 });
32 it('of foo', () => {
33 expect(new uri_1.default('foo').allLocations.map(x => x.toString()))
34 .deep.equals([
35 new uri_1.default('foo').toString(),
36 new uri_1.default('/').toString()
37 ]);
38 });
39 it('of foo:bar.txt', () => {
40 expect(new uri_1.default().withScheme('foo').withPath('bar.txt').allLocations.map(x => x.toString()))
41 .deep.equals([
42 'foo:bar.txt'
43 ]);
44 });
45 it('of foo:bar/foobar.txt', () => {
46 expect(new uri_1.default().withScheme('foo').withPath('bar/foobar.txt').allLocations.map(x => x.toString()))
47 .deep.equals([
48 new uri_1.default().withScheme('foo').withPath('bar/foobar.txt').toString(),
49 new uri_1.default().withScheme('foo').withPath('bar').toString()
50 ]);
51 });
52 });
53 describe('#getParent', () => {
54 it('of file:///foo/bar.txt', () => {
55 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///foo/bar.txt').parent.toString()).equals('file:///foo');
56 });
57 it('of file:///foo/', () => {
58 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///foo/').parent.toString()).equals('file:///foo');
59 });
60 it('of file:///foo', () => {
61 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///foo').parent.toString()).equals('file:///');
62 });
63 it('of file:///', () => {
64 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///').parent.toString()).equals('file:///');
65 });
66 it('of file://', () => {
67 expect(new uri_1.default('file://').parent.toString()).equals('file:///');
68 });
69 });
70 describe('#lastSegment', () => {
71 it('of file:///foo/bar.txt', () => {
72 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///foo/bar.txt').path.base).equals('bar.txt');
73 });
74 it('of file:///foo', () => {
75 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///foo').path.base).equals('foo');
76 });
77 it('of file:///', () => {
78 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///').path.base).equals('');
79 });
80 it('of file://', () => {
81 expect(new uri_1.default('file://').path.base).equals('');
82 });
83 });
84 describe('#appendPath', () => {
85 it("'' to file:///foo", () => {
86 const uri = new uri_1.default('file:///foo');
87 expect(uri.resolve('').toString()).to.be.equal(uri.toString());
88 });
89 it('bar to file:///foo', () => {
90 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///foo').resolve('bar').toString()).to.be.equal('file:///foo/bar');
91 });
92 it('bar/baz to file:///foo', () => {
93 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///foo').resolve('bar/baz').toString()).to.be.equal('file:///foo/bar/baz');
94 });
95 it("'' to file:///", () => {
96 const uri = new uri_1.default('file:///');
97 expect(uri.resolve('').toString()).to.be.equal(uri.toString());
98 });
99 it('bar to file:///', () => {
100 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///').resolve('bar').toString()).to.be.equal('file:///bar');
101 });
102 it('bar/baz to file:///', () => {
103 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///').resolve('bar/baz').toString()).to.be.equal('file:///bar/baz');
104 });
105 });
106 describe('#path', () => {
107 it('Should return with the FS path from the URI.', () => {
108 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///foo/bar/baz.txt').path.toString()).equals('/foo/bar/baz.txt');
109 });
110 it('Should not return the encoded path', () => {
111 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///foo 3/bar 4/baz 4.txt').path.toString()).equals('/foo 3/bar 4/baz 4.txt');
112 });
113 });
114 describe('#withFragment', () => {
115 it('Should replace the fragment.', () => {
116 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///foo/bar/baz.txt#345345').withFragment('foo').toString()).equals('file:///foo/bar/baz.txt#foo');
117 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///foo/bar/baz.txt?foo=2#345345').withFragment('foo').toString(true)).equals('file:///foo/bar/baz.txt?foo=2#foo');
118 });
119 it('Should remove the fragment.', () => {
120 expect(new uri_1.default('file:///foo/bar/baz.txt#345345').withFragment('').toString()).equals('file:///foo/bar/baz.txt');
121 });
122 });
123 describe('#toString()', () => {
124 it('should produce the non encoded string', () => {
125 function check(uri) {
126 expect(new uri_1.default(uri).toString(true)).equals(uri);
127 }
128 check('file:///X?test=32');
129 check('file:///X?test=32#345');
130 check('file:///X test/ddd?test=32#345');
131 });
132 });
133 describe('#Uri.with...()', () => {
134 it('produce proper URIs', () => {
135 const uri = new uri_1.default('').withScheme('file').withPath('/foo/bar.txt').withQuery('x=12').withFragment('baz');
136 expect(uri.toString(true)).equals('file:///foo/bar.txt?x=12#baz');
137 expect(uri.withScheme('http').toString(true)).equals('http:/foo/bar.txt?x=12#baz');
138 expect(uri.withoutQuery().toString(true)).equals('file:///foo/bar.txt#baz');
139 expect(uri.withoutFragment().toString(true)).equals(uri.withFragment('').toString(true));
140 expect(uri.withPath('hubba-bubba').toString(true)).equals('file:///hubba-bubba?x=12#baz');
141 });
142 });
143 describe('#relative()', () => {
144 it('drive letters should be in lowercase', () => {
145 const uri = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia');
146 const path = uri.relative(new uri_1.default(uri.resolve('node_modules/typescript/lib').toString()));
147 expect(String(path)).equals('node_modules/typescript/lib');
148 });
149 });
150 describe('#isEqualOrParent()', () => {
151 it('should return `true` for `uris` which are equal', () => {
152 const a = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
153 const b = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
154 expect(a.isEqualOrParent(b)).equals(true);
155 });
156 it('should return `false` for `uris` which are not equal', () => {
157 const a = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
158 const b = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/b.ts');
159 expect(a.isEqualOrParent(b)).equals(false);
160 });
161 it('should return `false` for `uris` which are not the same scheme', () => {
162 const a = new uri_1.default('a:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
163 const b = new uri_1.default('b:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
164 expect(a.isEqualOrParent(b)).equals(false);
165 });
166 it('should return `true` for `uris` that are not case-sensitive equal, with case-sensitivity `off`', () => {
167 const a = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
168 const b = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/A.ts');
169 expect(a.isEqualOrParent(b, false)).equals(true);
170 });
171 it('should return `false` for `uris` that are not case-sensitive equal, with case-sensitivity `on`', () => {
172 const a = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
173 const b = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/A.ts');
174 expect(a.isEqualOrParent(b, true)).equals(false);
175 });
176 it('should return `true` for parent paths', () => {
177 const a = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/'); // parent uri.
178 const b = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo');
179 expect(a.isEqualOrParent(b)).equals(true);
180 });
181 it('should return `false` for non-parent paths', () => {
182 const a = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/a/'); // non-parent uri.
183 const b = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo');
184 expect(a.isEqualOrParent(b)).equals(false);
185 });
186 });
187 describe('#isEqual', () => {
188 it('should return `true` for `uris` which are equal', () => {
189 const a = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
190 const b = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
191 expect(a.isEqual(b)).equals(true);
192 });
193 it('should return `false` for `uris` which are not equal', () => {
194 const a = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
195 const b = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/b.ts');
196 expect(a.isEqual(b)).equals(false);
197 });
198 it('should return `true` for `uris` that are not case-sensitive equal, with case-sensitivity `off`', () => {
199 const a = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
200 const b = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/A.ts');
201 expect(a.isEqual(b, false)).equals(true);
202 });
203 it('should return `false` for `uris` that are not case-sensitive equal, with case-sensitivity `on`', () => {
204 const a = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
205 const b = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo/A.ts');
206 expect(a.isEqual(b, true)).equals(false);
207 });
208 it('should return `false` for parent paths', () => {
209 const a = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/'); // parent uri.
210 const b = new uri_1.default('file:///C:/projects/theia/foo');
211 expect(a.isEqual(b)).equals(false);
212 });
213 it('should return `false` for different schemes', () => {
214 const a = new uri_1.default('a:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
215 const b = new uri_1.default('b:///C:/projects/theia/foo/a.ts');
216 expect(a.isEqual(b)).equals(false);
217 });
218 });
219 describe('#resolveToAbsolute', () => {
220 function checkResolution(original, segments, expected) {
221 it(`should resolve ${original.toString()} and ${segments.map(segment => segment.toString()).join(', ')} to ${expected}`, () => {
222 const start = new uri_1.default(original);
223 const result = start.resolveToAbsolute(...segments);
224 expect(result === null || result === void 0 ? void 0 : result.toString()).equals(expected);
225 });
226 }
227 checkResolution('file:///home/hello/', ['some-segment'], 'file:///home/hello/some-segment');
228 checkResolution('file:///home/hello', ['/this/is-already/absolute'], 'file:///this/is-already/absolute');
229 });
231//# sourceMappingURL=uri.spec.js.map
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